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Authors: Erica Lucke Dean

Suddenly Sorceress (10 page)

BOOK: Suddenly Sorceress
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don’t think I like him
even like this. The little shit peed on my shoe.” Chloe scowled at the dog by her feet. “Ivie, are you listening to me? These are Jimmy Choos!” She shook her foot as she dragged Matt behind her, using my last pair of new pantyhose as a leash. “And I think he has fleas.”

I pressed my lips into a hard line. “Let’s hope he still has them after.”

We both laughed at that.

“Here.” Chloe handed me the makeshift leash and stepped back again.

My concentration shifted to the dog. I worded the spell to make him new again, like the boots, but stopped myself. Did I really want Matt like new? Absolutely not. I wanted Matt back to his old miserable self. I couldn’t afford to have him turn into a baby. I reworded everything in my head while Chloe forced the cat into my arms.

“Ready?” she asked.

“Ready.” I drew in a long breath and let my eyes flutter shut as the words flowed out of me.


“From man to beast in error changed,

this spell I now undo.

Your situation rearranged,

and change you back to you.”


“Nothing happened,” Chloe said.

“Was I glowing?” I opened one eye to peek at her. “Did you see sparks?”

She shook her head. “Nothing. Not a flicker. I don’t understand. That was a way better spell than the one you used for the boots.”

I dropped the cat and pressed my face into my hands. “What am I going to do? I’m going to get the gas chamber.”

“I don’t think they use the gas chamber in Georgia. I’m pretty sure it’s lethal injection.”

My eyes snapped up to meet hers. “You’re not helping.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll keep trying, but I don’t know anything about magic. What about the hot magician?”

I glowered at her, using my best intimidating stare. “I don’t want to talk about him.”

“You can’t really afford to be picky at this point. Matt is still a dog, and”—she looked down at him curled up on the floor—“as cute as the little jerk may be in this form, you can’t leave him like this forever.
might actually miss him eventually.”

She was right. Someone
miss him and she’d already gone to the police.

“Believe me, Chloe, there is absolutely nothing Jackson Blake can do to help me.”

Chloe watched Matt and packed a bag for me while I took a quick shower and changed into the fresh clothes she’d brought me. I wasn’t sure where we were going, but thanks to my stellar idea of giving her address to the police, we couldn’t go back to her place. I’d seen enough movies to know I couldn’t use my credit cards. Those could be traced. I was practically a fugitive.

Like Harrison Ford.

Since Matt wasn’t dead, they had no real evidence. But I couldn’t prove he was alive, either. I would gladly drag him by my pantyhose straight to the police station and say, “Here he is, officer, my scoundrel of an ex-fiancé.” I’d be locked up for sure—in a padded cell. Maybe I

With my eyes closed, I tipped my head back to rinse out the shampoo, imagining the red washing down the drain with the suds. If only I could wash that dog right out of my hair, too.

I twisted the knob until the water only dripped from the showerhead and pushed open the curtain. Even through the fogged glass, I plainly saw the harlot red that had overtaken my hair. And it had grown… again. Hair doesn’t grow that fast, yet mine had.

I’d never thought I was beautiful, but I liked the way I looked. I wasn’t so sure anymore.

I swiped my hand across the mirror and blinked back tears. Not a single dark strand remained. I could no longer disappear in a crowd. My hair practically glowed. And for clarification—the carpet definitely matched the drapes.

I look like Ronald McDonald’s slutty younger sister.
“Would you like a happy ending with that value meal?”

“Are you okay?” Chloe shouted through the door. “You’ve been in there for a long time.”

“I’m fine.” I wiped my cheeks with the backs of my hands. “Be right out.”

Scrubbing my hair with a towel, I hoped the red would rub off. I knew it wouldn’t, but I could hope, couldn’t I? As I wrapped the towel around my head like a turban, my thoughts drifted back to Jack. Why did I have to have sex with a total stranger?

Jackson Blake is nothing to me.

I would tell myself that over and over until I believed it. I needed to concentrate on what I was doing, and what I needed to do was get dressed. Except my clothes didn’t fit. Well, my jeans slipped on with ease, but my bra was tight.
tight. As if it had shrunk in the wash or I’d gone up a whole cup size.

My entire life was coming unraveled like a cheap sweater. Every time I did magic—I stared at my new breasts and my new hair—took me one step closer to transforming into a Victoria’s Secret model. Everything had turned upside down. I looked more like Ginger than myself. Matt would surely find me stunning.

How ironic.

After several minutes of struggling, I gave up trying to strap myself into the lacy deathtrap. Frowning at the fitted red shirt Chloe had brought me, I pulled Jack’s loose Henley over my head instead. It still smelled like him—
like us
—and I sucked in a lungful of his intoxicating spicy scent. My eyes closed as I stuffed my feet into a pair of comfortable sneakers. I was in deep trouble. With one last lingering look at my reflection, I flew out of the bathroom and down the stairs.

“What happened to the shirt I gave you?” Chloe scowled and pressed her hands onto her hips. “And why aren’t you wearing a bra? Did your boobs—”

I shook my head. “Don’t ask.”

“Whatever. Take him; I think I might be allergic.” She rolled her eyes as Matt barked at her. She shoved the pantyhose leash into my hand. “And next time he needs to potty, you’re taking him. I don’t need to see

“Grab the cat,” I urged, tugging Matt’s makeshift leash as I dragged him toward the door.

Chloe gaped at me. “Oh no, we can’t take Matt
the cat in my car. I have leather seats. Do you know what cat claws do to leather seats?”

“You can’t expect me to leave him here.”

Chloe stared at me in that way that made me feel as if I was back in high school.

“Ugh, fine. Pour him a big bowl of food and fill his water. He’ll be good for a day or two.” I hoped so anyway.

She didn’t move. She stood there, hands on her hips and one eyebrow arched up in defiance.

?” I swallowed the impulse to turn her highlights green. “Take Matt. I’ll feed the cat.” As I handed her the pantyhose and turned to dart into the kitchen, the doorbell rang, freezing me. My eyes locked with Chloe’s. “The police?” I was on the verge of hyperventilating.

Chloe didn’t look nearly as terrified as she should have been. In fact, she looked contrite. “I don’t think it’s the police.” Her smile wavered. “But don’t get mad, okay?”

“Why would I get mad?” I asked, trying to slow my thundering heart.

“Well…” She twirled a lock of hair. “I
have called your phone while you were in the shower.”

My mouth fell open as I dragged in a jagged breath. “You

“I asked the magician to bring back your stuff.” She shrugged. “Honestly, he sounded pretty happy to do it. Don’t turn him into a rabbit or anything. At least, not until I’ve had a chance to really check him out.”

Before I could stop her, Chloe pulled open the front door to reveal a reserved, penitent Jackson Blake. He stood with my clothes and my cell phone in his outstretched hands, bowing his head in what could only be surrender.

My mouth opened then closed again. He’d obviously showered and changed but didn’t look as though he’d slept any better than I had.

“I’m so sorry, Ivie. I know I’m a total asshole, and I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t forgive me, but please forgive me.” Sincerity dripped from his lips like honey.

“Why should I forgive you? How do I know you’re not just trying to make sure I don’t turn you into something nasty like… like… a
white rabbit
? Then you’d have to live in your stupid hat.”

“I deserve that, I do.” Jack glanced at Chloe, and I swear I saw her wink at him. “Please let me make it up to you.” He lifted his pleading eyes to mine, like a little boy trying to charm his way out of trouble.

I stomped over and snatched my clothes from his hands. Matt’s grandmother’s ring dropped to the wood floor with a pronounced
. I scooped it up and debated putting it back on. Matt growled at me from his spot at Chloe’s feet, so I stuck my tongue out at him and jammed the ring onto the third finger of my right hand.
Take that!

“Can you please get in here before the entire neighborhood hears your conversation?” Chloe grabbed the front of Jack’s shirt, dragging him inside before slamming the door. “I’m getting a serious headache from all the barking.”

Matt yapped once at Chloe then went back to snarling at Jack.

Chloe elbowed Jack. “He really doesn’t like you.”

“He, umm… I’m sure he’s not happy about what happened in the kitchen last night,” I said, feeling a blush spread from my face down my chest. “You know how Matt feels about his kitchen.”

Chloe crouched down to speak to the dog. “Serves you right after what you’ve done.” Then she stood to address me. “Too bad we can’t dose him with Valium or something.”

“You could give him a Benadryl. If you have any,” Jack said with a shrug. “That would calm him down.”

“Oh, good idea.” Chloe turned to me. “Benadryl?”

“Upstairs medicine cabinet.” I waved toward the stairs but never took my eyes from Jack’s.

“Perfect! I’ll drug the dog. You feed the cat.” Chloe dragged Matt up the stairs behind her.

“Don’t give him more than one,” Jack yelled as she disappeared into the upstairs hallway. He tilted his head, scrutinizing me with an odd expression.


“Your hair. It’s even redder. And you’re still…” He gave me a thorough once-over, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. “You’re wearing my shirt.” He ran his hand over his face and mumbled something I couldn’t make out.

“What did you say?” I glared at him.

A slow smile spread across his face. “God, you’re so...”

A leftover surge of heat burst in me. I seized the front of his blue button-down with both hands, yanking him toward me until our lips connected almost violently.

Jack’s arms slid around me, pressing me against him as he kissed his way down my neck. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

Teetering on the edge of my senses, I shoved him away and crossed my arms. “Were you thinking about how you tricked me out of my clothes in the woods? Or perhaps how you had sex with me under false pretenses?”

Jack held out his hands like a shield. “Hey, you’re the one who initiated—” He flinched as I threw hate balls at him with my eyes. “That’s not—I’m doing this all wrong.” Jack scrubbed his hands over his face and avoided eye contact as if I were a dangerous predator. “Look, I know what I did was terrible, but I really do like you and I want to help.”

“Well, I don’t have time for
kind of help. I need to feed my cat. Then I have someplace to be.”

As if he knew I was talking about him, Karma chose that moment to flit down the stairs and march over to rub against Jack’s legs with a cheerful meow.

My mouth fell open. “Traitor.” I stomped into the kitchen, with Jack and the cat close on my heels, and pulled the large bag of cat food out of the pantry.

“Ivie, please, I’m begging here.” He placed his large hands on my shoulders, making my skin pebble with goose bumps.

.” His name came out as a groan.

He spun me around, tipping my face up until I had no choice but to stare into his eyes. “I know you don’t believe me, but I’m really not that guy. I don’t drag defenseless women into the woods to take advantage of them, and I don’t have sex with girls I don’t care about. But with you... rational thought went straight out the window.”

His breathing picked up as he glanced at the refrigerator, the scene of our most recent crime. With one flash of his damn sexy crooked grin, my panties were wet. The bag of cat food slipped from my fingers, spilling all over the tile.

Smashing my lips against his, I backed him into the white marble island, fumbling with the button on his jeans.

“This doesn’t change anything,” I said before he bit down on my bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth.

“Mmmhmmm,” he purred as his tongue found mine.

My senses were on high alert as his hands slid under the Henley, inching up toward my breasts. He paused when he realized I wasn’t wearing a bra, and his face broke into a wide smile.

smile at me.” I forced a scowl. “I’m furious at you.”

“I deserve it.” His face morphed into a serious expression as he teased my nipples, making me writhe against him.

“Let’s just be clear about one thing. This”—I waved a hand between us—“is simply a by-product of the magic. It has
to do with—” I gasped as his hand slid to my waist to push my jeans down my thighs then made its way to the wetness between them.

“Right, nothing.” He nodded, kissing a trail down my neck.

“I don’t want you. I just want your…

He chuckled. “My cock?”

“Exactly.” My hand snaked into the front of his jeans and wrapped around his length.

“Well, you’re in luck.” He thrust into my hand. “My cock happens to be happy to comply.” He hitched my leg over his hip and slipped a finger into me as his mouth found its way back to mine.

“Ivie,” Chloe called from upstairs, “I can’t find the—”

BOOK: Suddenly Sorceress
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