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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Sullivan (Leopard's Spots 7) (7 page)

BOOK: Sullivan (Leopard's Spots 7)
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Sully understood the command instinctively. He lapped at the hot skin he’d been sucking on, then he bit—not too deep, though he wanted to. He wanted to sink his teeth fully into Bobby, to pin him down like that and fuck him raw. But his human side was afraid of hurting Bobby too much. Bobby was mewling and undulating beneath him, was still holding him firmly in place, so Sully knew he enjoyed the bite. It was enough for now, tasting Bobby’s blood on his tongue, sucking it into him as he licked the wound.

Bobby shuddered violently and yelped as he shoved a hand down between them. “In me, in me, hurry,” he chanted, doing something that kept bringing his knuckles against Sully’s stomach.

Sully left off biting, lapping at the spot one more time before rising up. Bobby huffed and cursed as he struggled with his jeans. Despite his nerves, Sully batted Bobby’s hands aside and proceeded to strip the jeans down past his knees. He was a little scandalised that Bobby didn’t have any underwear on, but mostly he was relieved.

Bobby began squirming. “Boots, get ‘em off.”

“Yeah,” Sully agreed, wanting Bobby totally bared for him. He slid down until he was kneeling beside his bed. He unlaced Bobby’s boots and quickly removed them along with Bobby’s jeans and socks. “Shirt,” he ordered as he stood.

Bobby nodded and sat up enough to tug his T-shirt off. He propped himself up on his elbows and made his pecs bounce.

Sully laughed and reached for one dark brown nipple. Bobby’s chest was smooth, not a trace of hair. Sully pinched the spike of flesh and Bobby moaned, dropping his head back.

“Feel good?” Sully asked, pinching harder.

“Oh, yeah. Do ’em both,” Bobby ordered, collapsing onto his back. Sully took a few seconds to note the deeply etched musculature of Bobby’s abs, the lack of treasure trail—and the thick thatch of fur around his cock. “You wax everything but this?” He pulled some of Bobby’s pubes.

“Yeah—ouch!” Bobby swiped at his hand but Sully was already moving on, reaching for the thick, uncircumcised dick leaking pre-cum.

“Man, you’ve got a nice one,” Sully muttered. He shot a glance up at Bobby, saw him watching closely. Sully sniffed, taking in the scent of Bobby’s arousal. The musky odour of man and need sent a flash of want through him. He raised Bobby’s cock up and looked at the string of liquid trailing from it. “I’ve never done this,” he warned right before he stroked down, pulling the foreskin back. He bent and licked the pre-cum from the wide slit and shuddered.

“Fuck, Sully. Suck it or fuck it, something!” Bobby bent his legs, planting his heels by his ass and thrusting. “Come on!”

Since that last bit came out more like a whine than an order, Sully gave in and slurped the fat tip into his mouth.

Bobby shouted and grabbed his hair. Then he let go of Sully and slapped at the bed before fisting the blankets in his hands.

Sully took that to mean he was doing an okay job, and he sucked harder, taking Bobby in deeper. He gagged a little and backed off, then dove back down, determined to take as much of Bobby as possible.

Except Bobby had other plans, because he growled, more wolf than man then, and Sully found himself wrestling Bobby across the bed once he was pulled off Bobby’s cock.

Someone was getting fucked, he thought. Aggression rose in him, man and beast wanting to top. He clawed at Bobby as Bobby snarled, his canines elongated and frightening.

That fear spurred Sully’s leopard into high gear. His fingers burned again and he saw the dark tips of claws breaking through the skin.

Before he could panic and wonder if he was shifting completely, he was tackled and pinned. Bobby growled and the wild look in his eyes inflamed Sully’s need. He yowled back and bucked, catching Bobby by surprise and unseating him. Bobby’s cock bounced as he was tossed, then Sully came down on him. He hooked an arm beneath one of Bobby’s legs and used his other arm to brace himself on Bobby’s chest, holding Bobby down. The crown of his cock settled perfectly against the hot folds of Bobby’s sphincter. They froze, staring into each other’s eyes.

Bobby took a deep breath. He gripped Sully’s biceps and dug his nails into the tender skin there. “You won. Do it.”

Part of Sully hadn’t truly been aware that it’d been a competition, but the cat in him had known it. He’d wanted to take Bobby, needed to, on some primeval level he was afraid to examine too closely.

But even so, he knew he couldn’t just shove his cock into Bobby’s ass. Even though they were shifters, there’d have to be something to ease his way. Sully thought about his favourite porn video. Did he dare?

“Do—” Bobby began. Sully pressed harder on his chest to silence him. Bobby puffed out a curse then clamped his lips together. Sully quirked his lips at him then eased the pressure off slowly, watching Bobby, making sure he wasn’t going to try anything.

Bobby shook his head, as if knowing Sully’s thought. Sully pushed up and hooked his other arm around Bobby’s leg. He raised it up to his shoulder, delighting in the way Bobby’s lips parted on a gasp, the startled expression and pinkening of his cheeks as Sully brought him to his mouth.

Sully used his thumbs to part Bobby’s ass cheeks, then he moaned as the tangy scent of Bobby’s body reached him. He almost closed his eyes, kept them open just enough to see. He tipped his chin down and dragged his tongue from beneath Bobby’s nuts to his asshole.

That first taste of Bobby pulled Sully’s leopard right to the surface. He mewled and growled as he spread Bobby wider and licked him repeatedly. Bobby cursed and panted, and banged his heels against Sully’s shoulders. Sully loved the weight of Bobby’s balls on his nose as he ate Bobby’s ass enthusiastically. He wanted to know how it’d feel to have someone rim him like this, with the pure enjoyment he was getting from doing it.

Sully stiffened his tongue and pushed it into the loosening hole. Bobby’s shout had to have been heard throughout the apartment complex. Sully’s ears rang but he didn’t care because Bobby’s taste was richer here, addictive as his pucker squeezed Sully’s tongue.

Sully scraped his teeth over the furled skin while at the same time he tongued the inner rim. He could do this, just stay here and eat Bobby out, forever.

Bobby was going to die, just flat out
if he didn’t get more than Sully’s tongue in his ass immediately. Once Bobby had got over the shock of his wolf’s willingness to accept being topped by Sully and his cat—and that had truly almost knocked Bobby on his ass—he’d been more than eager for Sully’s cock. Desperate, that was what he was. Bobby dug his nails deeper into Sully’s arms, knowing he was drawing blood. Shifter fucking could be rough, usually was. Someone always bled, at least in Bobby’s experience.

This time it was going to be him and Sully, both of them bleeding. As an alpha, Bobby had never had a lover who’d dared to mark him. But Sully had. And Bobby’s wolf had loved it even as he’d yearned to mark Sully in return. He would, soon.

Sully speared him with his tongue and Bobby howled. He’d been constantly surprised by Sully. First Sully had taken him on, and if Bobby hadn’t fought back too hard, well, he’d still fought back. Then Sully had started rimming him. Bobby would never have thought a virgin would do such a thing. Perhaps because of the strength of the attraction between them?

Bobby ceased fretting over it and just let himself feel. Sully worshipped his ass with tongue and teeth, lips and murmured words Bobby could feel enter him from Sully’s mouth.

Bobby keened, a sound he’d never made before but had driven past his former lovers’ lips many times. Sully rumbled happily, then added a finger to his prodding, pushing it into Bobby’s hole unhesitatingly.

Bobby clawed at Sully’s arms, at his shoulders, trying to get him to fuck him. “Enough!” he finally found enough strength to shout. If Sully didn’t take him, then Bobby was going to put his strength to good use and toss Sully over onto his back and—

“I’ll tell you when it’s enough,” Sully snapped, nipping Bobby’s balls. Bobby shouted and thrashed as Sully pulled at the tender skin. It wasn’t painful, exactly, but it wasn’t all pleasurable, either. Just when he thought he was going to come up and punch Sully for tormenting him, Sully jerked Bobby’s hips down and, with one forceful thrust, pushed the crown of his cock into Bobby’s ass.

Bobby would deny he shrieked as pain raced through his rectum. He wasn’t stretched enough, wasn’t ready after all, but he’d be damned if he backed down now. He shook and bit his lips to keep from hollering again. Sully grunted and thrust deeper and Bobby gave up, yelling as Sully filled him up.

Then Sully dropped down onto him and immediately bit him again. The pain in his ass was nothing compared to the ecstasy-pain in his shoulder where Sully’s teeth sank deep.

Bobby arched his back, his neck, any part of him he could as he scratched down the length of Sully’s back.

Sully growled and began fucking him—no slow, get-used-to-it strokes, just solid, full-length pushes into Bobby’s ass over and over. Bobby canted his hips and Sully’s fat crown rubbed over his prostate. If Bobby thought he’d shrieked earlier, it was nothing compared to the sound he loosed as his balls drew tight. Jesus, no wonder his past partners had gone wild when he fucked them—it felt unbelievably good!

Bobby could feel each sucking pull of Sully’s lips against his skin even though Sully was powering into him, slamming his hips against Bobby’s ass with each thrust. It seemed like Bobby was hyper-aware of Sully, of every spot where they touched, inside and out.

Sully’s pleasure vibrated through him, Bobby would have sworn he could feel it, then Sully began a series of shorter thrusts, keeping his cock to stimulating Bobby’s prostate, and Bobby couldn’t think at all.

Sully pulled Bobby’s hair, forcing his head back more and exposing his neck as much as was surely possible. Bobby’s wolf howled and so did he as Sully licked up from the bite to his jaw, then nipped him sharply. Bobby reciprocated by snarling and grabbing Sully’s hair, jerking his head to one side. He reared up and without warning, finally marked Sully as he’d needed to.

Sully yelped as Bobby bit that tender, sweet skin, as his teeth went deep and blood pooled on his tongue. Bobby’s brain went on vibrate, turning into a frenetic grey humming as he sucked and marked Sully. A desperation and possessiveness he couldn’t fight rushed into him and he dragged his claws up Sully’s back to his shoulders, more marks, more proof of belonging to Bobby.

Sully dug his thumb into the bite he’d left on Bobby and Bobby’s cock swelled, his balls drew even tighter. When Sully fisted his length, Bobby didn’t even last one stroke, the cum shooting from his slit so forcefully it felt as if he’d taken a punch to the gut.

Bobby left off biting and tossed his head back as he gasped, pleasure suffusing his body.

Sully cursed and pushed in deeper than he’d gone before, or so it felt to Bobby, who bellowed as he took the fucking.

“Mine,” Sully snarled, then he hammered into Bobby, three times, four, before stilling and pumping his load of spunk into Bobby’s ass. Bobby felt each jet of semen as if it scorched him inside. He wanted to shift, to run and howl and sing to the moon that he’d—

No! Oh, no, no, no!

Bobby needed to get away. He needed to think. For a man who’d been thoroughly fucked, he wasn’t feeling the least bit restive. Instead, he was on the verge of freaking out, and he was pretty sure Sully didn’t have a clue as to what had just happened other than they’d fucked.

But Bobby did—now, once it was already done—and he just didn’t know if he could handle it.

“Get up, I gotta go,” he said as soon as Sully’s breathing resumed. He’d thought Sully was going to hold his breath until he passed out.

Sully lifted up and gave him a confused look. “What? I thought there were supposed to be more rounds to this.”

“Gotta go,” was all Bobby could utter, panic pinching his throat shut. He pushed at Sully and didn’t hold back. He wished he had, because it hurt like a bitch to have Sully’s cock tear out of his ass like that.

My own fault. All of this. Too fucking busy being horny to fucking think!

“Bobby? Did I do something wrong?” Sully asked, sounding so very young it made Bobby’s chest hurt.

Bobby wasn’t a total ass. He didn’t want Sully to feel bad because Bobby was freaking out. After he pulled his pants on, Bobby glanced at him. “Nah. Just not the kind of guy who likes to cuddle, and I got a place to run. Wounds to doctor. You do too.” He winked at Sully and pointed to the bite Bobby had left on him. “Scratched you up pretty good, too. Go hop in the shower. I’ll go home and lick my wounds.” And with that, Bobby winked again and strode quickly—he did not run, at least not physically—out the door. “See ya around,” he called out, then he left while he still could.

He didn’t know if it was possible to stay away from one’s mate, but he was damn sure going to try.

Chapter Five

“What the heck, man?”

Sully pried open one eye and found Mando standing in the bedroom doorway scowling at him. After a quick check to make sure he’d pulled the sheet over his lower half, Sully turned his attention back to Mando. “What the heck, what?” Mando came in and waved a hand in front of his face. “Dude, it smells like ass and sex—”

“Mando!” Sully shouted, sitting up and shaking a finger at the teenager. “Watch your mouth.”

Mando shook his finger right back. “Don’t even lecture me, buddy, when I know what I smell and I don’t see any of the condoms missing from the stack I laid out for you. I thought you were smarter than that!” Mando stalked over while Sully was still trying to figure out something to say. Mando gasped and paled, stumbling to a stop by the bed. “Oh my God!

Shit. Did he rape you, Sully? Oh my God, I’m sorry. You’re all torn up and—”

“No,” Sully bit out, angered at first, then concerned because Mando looked like he was seeing a ghost, which gave Sully a really bad feeling about what might have happened in Mando’s past. “No,” Sully said quieter, watching Mando while pulling the sheet up to his neck. “It wasn’t that, not at all, and I…” Heat rushed through Sully, hardening his cock. “I fucked him, anyway. Turns out we both like it really rough.” He was going to melt into a puddle of mortification. That was all there was to it.

BOOK: Sullivan (Leopard's Spots 7)
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