Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2)
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It was beginning to get dark by the time they made it back to the villas and Cam stood with her by her door, once again not wanting to let her go. He wanted to taste her again. He wanted that to the point of distraction. The thoughts swirling around in his brain had tormented him the entire walk back.

They stood there quietly, neither one knowing what was happening between them…just knowing that something was.

Cam’s eyes went to her mouth as the memory of her laughing hit him like a punch to the throat, knocking the air from his lungs and squeezing at his insides. It was a sound that had reverberated through his entire body and he wanted to hear it again.

“I…thank you for today,” she whispered, watching him from behind her incredibly long lashes, and he could hear her heart beating erratically against her ribcage. “I really needed that.”

“It was nice to hear you laugh,” he replied, his eyes not leaving her mouth. Jesus, who in the hell was he kidding…it had been sublime. It had been the most amazing sound that he had ever heard!

“Well…goodnight then,” she husked.

Cam met her eyes and was almost knocked to his knees by the look of desire he saw reflected in them. There was just no denying it. It was there. Strong and heady.

,” he growled before pulling her into his arms and crushing his mouth to hers. He felt her arms wrap around his neck instantly as she responded to him full force and he knew there was no going back now. They were past the point of no return.

He swept her up in his arms and carried her through the door. “Bedroom,” he rasped against her mouth and saw her point towards the stairs.

He made a mad dash up the stairs and into her bedroom, kicking the door closed behind him with a sound crash.

He walked over to the bed and laid her down, his mouth not leaving hers for a millisecond. He wouldn’t have been able to break away if the damn house was on fire around them. She felt too damned good, not to mention that little thing of her tasting like Heaven.

His hands traveled down her body to the snap of the shorts she wore and he quickly undid them and slid them down, his hands traveling over her heated flesh with care, basking in the wondrous feel of it against his calloused fingers.

He felt her kick off her runners and groaned when she pulled his t-shirt up, her fingers skimming along his flesh and causing his muscles to ripple and shudder at the sweet contact.

He left her lips for only the moment it took to remove the shirt and toss it across the room. He removed his jeans and lay down beside her, pulling off her tank top as he did. The feel of her glorious skin against his was like an electric shot straight through his chest. This felt so damned right. God help him, but this felt like

His mouth reluctantly left hers and painstakingly traveled down her jaw to the hollow of her throat as his hands skimmed over her body, wanting desperately to touch every single part of her. It was as if his hands were sliding along silk and he felt a shiver of intense desire roll up his spine. He suddenly realized that he needed her…

Victoria allowed herself to get lost in the pure sensation of this amazing man as he made her body sing with his mouth…and his hands. Oh, Lord, she thought with a shaky breath. His
Strong, firm, yet gentle as they skimmed along her body, heating her flesh and causing an ache deep in the recesses of her very soul.

She shivered when his tongue darted out and traced a sensual line along her throat to the hollow before continuing downward on its incredible journey. Leaving a trail of white-hot heat in it’s wake.

She had never wanted anyone more than she wanted this man. She knew that this was completely and utterly insane, but she found that she couldn’t have cared in the least. She really
him. She really
him. And doubts be damned!

“Camden,” she somehow managed to choke out as another deep ache hit her at her core, practically stealing the breath from her lungs. She needed him so damned much.

Cam kissed her breast, his mouth taking the aching peak into his mouth and suckling greedily. She gasped as her body nearly sprung up from the bed as desire washed over her in a wild rush. Her hands plunged into his thick hair and she pulled him closer, feeling as if her heart were about to explode right there in her chest.

“Please, Camden,” she whimpered, begging to have him take her already. It was as if her very existence depended on it and she couldn’t wait a moment longer.

“I’m right here with you, baby,” he husked back, stationing himself between her more than willing thighs. She could feel him pressing up against her and moved, trying desperately to join them, but Camden shook his head, his gaze locking with hers as his hand slid between them and his fingers explored her silky folds, wet with her desire. “Victoria, I want you so much that I physically ache,” he whispered, a small grin touching his lips, but his eyes were serious…intense. “I don’t know what this is exactly, but this isn’t…this
be just a one-night deal. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”

Victoria stared at him silently a moment, her heart seizing painfully in her chest as she tried to comprehend what he was saying as his fingers caressed her at her core and a tiny part of her wanted to slap his hand away so that she could concentrate on the words coming from him, but this felt too good. Too

She might only be half Were, but that small part of her brain that was still sort of functioning at the moment, understood what he was saying to her. She knew about the mating call. Her father had explained it to her many times when she was a child. He had told her stories of how no matter what other supernatural beings had felt about her parent’s union, he knew from the moment he had first set eyes on her mother, that she was his mate. That she was his destiny.

And it hit her hard in that instant that this must be what she had been feeling with this man from the start.
was why from the moment that she had caught his gaze on the plane he had set her body on edge. She knew that no matter where this might lead, if they did this, they would always be bonded to each other in some way. They would always be able to sense the other no matter where the other went. Was she ready for that? She chewed at her bottom lip a moment before she realized that no matter how much she could try to fight it…this felt right.

“I know, Camden. But, I also know that no matter what happens between us…I want this.”

He groaned deep in his chest a moment before he moved his body and slid into her, and she knew in that instant that this was meant to be. She knew it without a single doubt in her mind. He could walk away tomorrow and she still wouldn’t regret it for a second. Even if she spent the rest of her life alone.

Camden felt an intense electric jolt hit him hard as soon as he slid inside her. His body actually vibrating from the impact of it all and he knew in that moment in time that this woman was
. And God help him, he couldn’t have been happier. Who would have thought?

He moved his hips, slowly at first, but with a growing intensity, setting the pace, and she quickly mimicked his movements to perfection. His lips meshed with hers, swallowing her cries of encouragement, and his movements quickened to an almost frenetic pace. It was raw, filled with need…

She was tight and warm and slick, and his arms shook as he tried to fight off the climax that was threatening to suck the very life out of him in one powerful whoosh. He had never experienced anything like this before. It was freaking earth-shattering. Who the hell could have known?

He felt her body begin to quiver then tighten up as she broke away from his hungry mouth and cried out his name, her orgasm slamming through her and triggering his with a mighty roar. He stiffened as his body trembled above hers, shuddering with the most powerful release he had ever experienced before.

He collapsed onto his side and pulled her against him, silently glorying in the tiny shivers that were still hitting his skin and electrifying it. Dear God, he thought with a grin tugging at his lips, he was so damned lost that there was no hope of ever coming back from this. His wolf howled in delight and he knew that he had found his mate.

Victoria snuggled up against Camden’s steely chest, basking in the simple pleasure of just being there as his amazing scent wrapped itself around her. Warm and comforting.

She felt as if every nerve ending in her body was alive and humming and she couldn’t help the smile that curved her mouth. For the first time in a very,
long time, she felt completely content.

Cam lifted his head and looked down at her. “You’re smiling,” he observed with a grin of his own.

She couldn’t stop it from spreading to the point that her face actually ached. It had been so very long since she felt this happy. She nodded against his chest, feeling the heat rush to her cheeks.

“Jesus, Sweetheart,” he husked, his voice low and honest. “You have no idea what that does to me.”

BOOK: Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2)
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