Read Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 7) Online

Authors: Jessie Donovan

Tags: #Fiction / Romance / Paranormal

Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 7) (12 page)

BOOK: Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 7)
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Rafe grunted. “I caught you, so now you’re mine.”

He kept her wrist locked but maneuvered to crouch over her.

If Nikki really wanted to, she could extend a talon and slice his leg. But as her heart pounded and heat flooded her body at Rafe’s closeness, Nikki didn’t actually want to escape. She wanted him to carry out his suggestion.

In the next second, Rafe released her wrist, picked her up by the waist, and laid her top half down on the table. Nikki’s sensitive breasts crushed against the hard surface. While the pressure against her nipples felt good, she would love it more if the hard surface was Rafe’s chest.

Rafe merely stood behind her, caressing up and down her back. Each stroke shot straight between her legs, making her wetter.

Without thinking, she widened her legs in invitation. She was wearing a nightshirt with no underwear. All Rafe had to do was take out his cock and thrust.

Yet as each second passed, she wondered if he would see his threat through. Maybe he was still too sore.

Just as she was about to turn her head and say something, Rafe’s hard dick brushed against her folds. Nikki cried out and Rafe murmured, “Sometimes the anticipation of something makes it that much better.”

She had a feeling his words held a double meaning, but in the next second, he plunged into her, and she forgot about everything else.


Rafe paused when he was inside Nikki’s pussy to the hilt. The sight of her disheveled hair, her tossed-up nightshirt, and her arse sticking up from the table was one he wanted to remember for a long time to come.

Then the little minx wiggled. Gripping the back of her neck, he lightly squeezed. “Someone’s impatient.”

She did it again as she met his gaze with a smile. Damn, she was so fucking beautiful when she smiled.

“Rafe,” she said. “Your grip on my neck is fairly pointless as I can slip away if I wanted to.” She circled her lower body and he bit back a groan. “Are you ever going to carry out your promise to take me on this table?”

Running his hand from her neck to her shoulder, and then down her back, he stopped to squeeze her hip. He merely stared, wanting to catch Nikki off guard.

Just as she opened her mouth to say something else, he retreated and moved forward again. He repeated the process; this time, the table inched forward with his thrust.


As he moved his hips back and forth, increasing his pace, he murmured, “Say my name again.”

She paused, and he moved even harder. Nikki groaned out, “Rafe.”


Taking hold of her hips, he angled her better and kept up his fast pace. Nikki’s little moans and murmurs only made him more determined. He wanted to ruin her for all other men.

The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room and drove Rafe harder. The pressure was building at the base of his spine, but he clenched his jaw. This was their first time together since the end of the frenzy, and he wanted Nikki to come first.

Keeping her hips lifted with one hand, he moved the other to the front of her body. He lightly brushed her clit before pressing firmly. Nikki screamed. As her pussy clenched and released his dick, Rafe let go and came hard. Much like during the mate-claim frenzy, Nikki cried out again, and her spasms continued for nearly a minute.

When she’d wrung the last drop from his cock, Rafe met Nikki’s satisfied gaze. Her dark brown eyes did something to his heart.

He wanted to greet her every morning this way—a little work followed by delicious “good morning” sex.

The thought of him and Nikki having a routine sent a wave of longing through his body, and he wanted nothing more than to hold her close.

Pulling out, he gently lifted her off the table and hugged her against his chest.

He placed his hand over her heart. It beat rapidly, much like his own. Then, gingerly, he moved his hand to cover her lower belly to acknowledge their child.

Nikki tensed. Holding his breath, Rafe waited to see what his dragonwoman would do.

After a few seconds, she sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder. “It still hasn’t sunk in, you know. The whole being pregnant thing.”

“If you start feeling ill, I’ll take care of you.”

She met his gaze. “Rafe, I can take care of myself.”

“Of course you can. It’s one of the things I admire about you. However, I’m not about to be an arsehole and laugh as you vomit all over the toilet.”

He waited to see if she’d protest yet again. But she merely melted completely against his body. He kissed her forehead as she murmured, “Leave it to you to take vomiting and turn it into something almost romantic.”

“It’s more for my benefit than yours. We’re sharing the bathroom, after all.”

She lightly slapped his arm wrapped around her middle. “And there goes the romantic aspect.”

Chuckling, he nuzzled the side of her head. “You’re the one who doesn’t want to be treated differently. I have to go to selfish reasons to keep up my end of the bargain.” He lowered his voice. “But it’s really all for you, Nikola Gray.”

“Okay, you being nice to me is a little weird.” Irritation flared, but before he could give a retort, Nikki continued, “But, in a strange way, I like knowing you’ll be there to help me.”

“Good. Because I need you to help me too. You’re bloody brilliant with arranging things with your clan and together we’ll sort out the Glenlough problem in no time.”

“I still can’t believe you’re keeping your word about all that. Dragon-shifter males can become quite Neanderthal when it comes to mates and babies.”

“So, are you saying human males are better?”

She frowned. “Not exactly.”

He grinned. “I think you are. I will have to lord that over the dragonmen at my first opportunity.”

Nikki stepped away and he let her. Putting a hand on her hip, she said, “Do you want to get yourself killed? Because father of my child or not, I’m not going to stop them from clutching you in their talons in dragon form and dropping you into one of the lakes. If you hit a rock, it’ll split your head in two.”

“But without me, you won’t have anyone to champion you doing anything but sitting and growing a baby. Admit it, you need me alive.”

Sighing, she rolled her eyes. “I guess you are more valuable to me alive than in a coma somewhere.”

Rather than reply, he reached out and pulled her to him. Tickling her side, she shrieked with laughter. “Stop it, Rafe.”

“Admit you need me, and I’ll stop.”

Nikki resisted, and he used both hands for his attack. Finally, she said breathlessly, “All right, all right. You’re the best partner for this mission, okay? Now stop tickling me!”

Ceasing his actions, Rafe gave her a quick, gentle kiss. “Right, then with that settled, I suppose we should reach out to your bastard boss.”

“Hey, my bastard boss is about to become your brother-in-law. Maybe I’ll mention to Jane how you and he need some male bonding time.”

“Don’t even tease me about that.”

Nikki giggled, and he couldn’t help but smile at the sound. Sometimes he needed reminding that Nikki was still a young dragonwoman; she needed more than war and conflict in her life.

And Rafe wanted to be the one to give it to her.

Before he could think too much on that thought, Nikki’s voice filled the room. “Regardless of what you think, we need to tell Kai. The sooner we do, the sooner we can convince him and Bram to let us go to Ireland.”

“Agreed. But I really think you need a shower.”

She cocked an eyebrow. “Are you saying I stink?”

Nuzzling her neck, he murmured, “Always thinking the worst of me, I see.” He nipped her neck and continued, “I want you to take a shower with me, Nikki. That way I can soap up your body before rubbing you down. Maybe I’ll even pay extra attention to the area between your legs.”

Her breath hitched and satisfaction coursed through his body.

Clearing her throat, Nikki answered, “I suppose it would save water to shower together.” He growled, but amusement danced in her eyes. “To truly save time, we should soap each other up.”

Nikki slipped away and ran up the stairs. Rafe raced after her. For that, he was going to make sure he washed between her legs very slowly, until she begged for more.

Chapter Ten

An hour later, Nikki’s mind kept wandering to her shower with Rafe. Taking time to enjoy all the lean, hard muscles of his body had been brilliant. It was hard to believe he was merely human.

Wait, that wasn’t right. Rafe wasn’t “merely” anything.

The male in question’s voice filled her ear. “If you don’t stop smiling, Kai and Jane will question you incessantly until you give up the details. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t want them in my bloody business.”

She smiled. “It won’t bother me, but I’d rather not have to break up a fight between you and Kai.”

“I’d win,” Rafe stated.

Shaking her head, she tugged him the last few feet to Kai’s door and knocked. Jane opened the door with a grin. After looking at them, she motioned inside. “Come, come. The sooner you tell us what’s so important, the sooner I can badger you for details.” Jane looked at Nikki. “I hope Rafe hasn’t been acting like an arse.”

Nikki beat Rafe to the punch. “No, although his arse is quite nice.”

Rafe pushed gently against her back. “Stop nattering on about my arse with my sister.”

Raising her brows, Nikki met Rafe’s gaze. “But it’s so much fun.”

Rafe glared, and Jane laughed before saying, “Good to see you two teasing instead of always fighting.”

What Jane didn’t say aloud was conveyed with her eyes:
You two seem to be getting along, but how well?

Nikki’s dragon spoke up.
Just tell her he is ours. Life will be simpler.

Whoa, dragon. Slow down. Rafe and I are getting along, but I still barely know him.

Then hurry up and talk to Kai. Going on a mission with Rafe will give us time to get to know him. Then you can bloody agree with me about claiming him as our mate.

At the word “mate” Nikki blinked.
If it were up to you, we’d be mated already. But I need time, dragon. You know what happened with our mother. I won’t risk it.

Just don’t take too long or someone else might steal him away.

Before she could think of how to reply to that, Kai’s voice boomed down the hall. “Hurry up. I have plenty to do and can’t wait around all day.”

Grabbing Rafe’s hand, Nikki tugged him down the hallway. Since she’d been to Kai’s home office a million times before, she turned into the correct room. Kai sat at his desk, a computer in front of him. Since he rarely sat down to do anything, Nikki was glad he stood up. The last thing she needed was to be nervous or display any weakness. Kai would never let her leave then.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Kai’s eyes darted to their hands and then back to Nikki’s gaze. “Tell me what’s so important I had to interrupt my day off with my mate.”

Jane walked to Kai’s side and leaned against him. “Don’t be grumpy. She’s carrying your niece or nephew, remember.”

Nikki really wished Sid would’ve told everyone of her original plans. Even if she was currently more open to the idea of keeping her baby than before, every time someone mentioned it, it would be that much harder to tell them she was giving it up.

we do
, her dragon stated.
I want to keep her.

Bloody hell, her beast was siding with Rafe now about both keeping the baby and the gender.

Ignoring her dragon, Nikki stood tall as she said to Kai, “Rafe received some important intel.”

She looked to Rafe and he continued, “Simon Bourne is looking to attack and take down Clan Glenlough.”

“The Irish clan?” Kai asked.

Rafe nodded as he retrieved a flash drive from his pocket. “I have a man undercover and through sheer luck, he was able to stash a listening device on one of those invited to the meeting. I have the recording for you here.” He held out the drive and Kai took it. “It seems the alliance between Stonefire and Lochguard has been noticed. Bourne is thinking twice about our clans and switching his focus to ones perceived as easier targets.”

“So,” Nikki jumped in, “he wants to attack Glenlough. As far as we know, they don’t have any alliances with the other two clans in Ireland. That makes them a much easier target.”

Kai looked at Nikki to Rafe and back again. “And? You’re still keeping something from me.”

Rafe answered, “Bram’s brother, Bennett, is currently staying with Glenlough because of his mate’s mother. Through him, we can reach out to Killian. Nikki and I want to be the ones to lead this operation.”

Kai raised his brows. “What about Simon Bourne? That’s the entire reason you’re allowed to stay here, Hartley.”

“Not true,” Rafe answered. “My orders are to make Bourne a priority, but also to help take down the dragon hunters in general. This falls under that purview. It may even persuade the DDA and army to give me more time to capture Bourne.”

Kai’s gaze moved to Nikki. “Are you even fit to do this?”

Squaring her shoulders, Nikki raised her chin. “By the time everything is in place and we leave, both Rafe and I will be rested and ready for duty.”

“You may not feel the same in a few weeks time,” Kai pointed out.

She growled out, “I’ve completed missions with fevers, sprained ankles, and even a broken finger. Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I’ll break.”

Kai moved to meet Rafe’s eyes. “Do you approve of this?”

Nikki took a step forward, but Rafe squeezed her hand still in his. “Of course. Nikki is one of the best Protectors on Stonefire.”

Her dragon chimed in.
See? He keeps his vow. We should keep him.

We’ll see how he does in the field before drawing any concrete conclusions.

Kai’s voice interrupted her beast’s reply. “I’ll run it by Bram, but otherwise, fine, as long as you can present me with a reasonable plan. But you’ll be taking Aaron and a few other Protectors with you if Bennett can get us in touch with Killian.”

Jane jumped in. “What about me? I should go. It would make a fantastic story.”

BOOK: Surrendering to the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 7)
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