Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1)
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“Make sure you hug your mom too, okay?”

“I will.”

As soon as I release him they take off, trying to shove one another to the side to win the race. I turn back to Sam and see her brushing the leaves off herself.

“You ready for a break yet?” I ask, taking a seat on one of the massive stumps in the ground next to the fishpond.

“Never. I’m going to miss them when they’re gone. I’m going to miss you all.”

“You don’t have to. You could come with Mom and Dad.”

She watches me, her expression soft. It looks like she’s about to say something but then thinks better of it. She takes a seat next to me and changes the subject. “Grace told me about her decision this morning before the kids were up.” My jaw automatically locks as I try to ward off the pain. “How do you feel about it?” she asks quietly, already knowing the answer.

“I fucking hate it but it seems I don’t have a choice so…” I trail off with a shrug when what I really want to do is beat the shit out of something.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers, putting a hand on my shoulder. “But you know Grace. She could never turn her back on someone if they needed help. She’s too good of a person for that, and it’s one of the reasons you love her. Why we all love her.”

Maybe, but not when it comes to risking her life. I’m trying to accept her decision but knowing it’s a choice that could potentially take her from me is making it damn difficult. I decide to steer the subject back to her, not wanting to talk about it. “Tell me about this Grant.”

Her eyes fall to the ground. “Not much to tell. He’s a guy I met a few months back and we hit it off.” Her simple shrug doesn’t fool me.

“Dad doesn’t seem to like him much. He thinks he treats you bad.”

She scoffs. “Well you know how Dad can be. His perception can be skewed at times.”

“Yeah, sometimes, but usually he’s a pretty good judge of character.” Her eyes remain on the ground as silence fills the air. “Sam, look at me.”

Her chin lifts defensively. “What do you want me to say, Sawyer?”

“I want to know that he’s wrong and this guy is good to you. Tell me you wouldn’t be with someone that didn’t treat you right.”

“I wouldn’t be.” I watch her carefully. She’s not doing a very good job of convincing me and she knows it. “Look, things may not always be perfect but I like him, okay? He makes me feel good about myself. With him I’m not following in other people’s footsteps.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“It means, for the first time in my life I’m being seen as me—Samantha Evans. Not Sawyer Evans’s youngest sister—the less attractive and least talented of the bunch.”

I rear back in shock. “Who the hell ever said that?”

“Everyone thinks it. They always have.”

“The hell they do! No one thinks that. We’re all a good-lookin’ and talented bunch. Everyone fucking knows that.”

She stares at me, a long moment of silence stretching between us before she bursts out laughing. “God you’re so arrogant,” she says, but can’t hide her smile, which is what I was hoping for.

“I’m serious, Sam. No one thinks that. If anything, you’re the best out of us all, and I want you to consider moving with Mom and Dad. Come to Sunset Bay. You can work with Grace at the bakery or better yet…you could be our nanny so I can get my woman alone whenever I want.”

She shakes her head; a small smile still on her face but it’s dimmer. “I don’t know, Sawyer. I think maybe it’s time for me to be on my own. Be my own person. You left long ago and Jesse a few years back. Maybe this is my time.” She shrugs, looking really sad. “It will be hard at the beginning, but I need to grow up at some point and be my own person.”

“Since when are you not your own person? Just because you’re close to family doesn’t mean you aren’t independent.” Her eyes fall to the ground again, and I notice her visibly swallow. “Just think about coming. We’d love to have you closer and you know the kids would, too.”

“I’ll think about it,” she says vaguely. “Anyway, you don’t need to worry about me. You have your own beautiful family to worry about.”

“I’ll always worry about you. You’re my baby sister. Nothing or no one will ever change that.”

Her head snaps up in surprise, tears in her eyes, and it makes me feel like shit.

Does she really not know this?

She throws her arms around my neck, hiding her face in my shoulder. “I love you, Sawyer. You’re the best big brother a sister could have.”

I pull her in close. “I love you, too. I’m always here for you, Sam. Whenever you need me, I’ll be there. No matter where that is.”

“Grace and the kids are lucky to have you.”

She’s wrong. I’m the lucky one, and I vow to make sure nothing takes them away from me.



fter talking with Sam, I decided I needed to meet this guy myself before I leave. I’m not convinced my dad is wrong about him and I need to make sure she’s going to be okay when I’m gone. Especially since my parents are coming to help with the kids. It’s the last thing I want to worry about when I get home, when all of my focus will be on Grace.

I enter the swanky office building and head toward the receptionist. A guy in a suit is bent over the desk whispering in the chick’s ear, making her giggle. The sound of it makes me cringe. When she makes eye contact she quickly stands, her eyes flaring with interest as she sticks her chest out. Fake tits spill out of her suit jacket, making it look like she’s not even wearing a shirt under it. It’s clear to see where the asshole in front of me was staring.

“Can I help you?” she asks, her voice as annoying as her laugh. Or maybe it’s just the bad mood I’ve been in since last night.

“I’m looking for Grant Fleming.”

The guy in front of me tenses then turns around. A sick feeling forms in my gut at the way he sizes me up, his head barely coming to my chin. He crosses his arms arrogantly. “I’m Grant.”

My bad mood just got a whole lot worse. “I’m Sawyer Evans, Sam’s brother.”

The bitch has the decency to look ashamed, her head dropping in embarrassment, but the dickhead in front of me doesn’t. He remains standing tall with his chest puffed out, but can’t hide the flash I saw in his eyes. It wasn’t remorse, though I’m not sure what it was.

“Ah yes, of course. The brother who’s in town visiting, which is why I haven’t been able to see her over the past few days.”

My eyes narrow at his response. “Yeah, she’s been a little busy catching up with her family, especially her niece and nephew.”

“So she said. Unfortunately, she never told me you were stopping by.”

“She doesn’t know. I was in the area and figured I would stop by to meet the guy in my sister’s life.”

“I see.”

Actually, he doesn’t, but he’s about to find out.

“Heidi, hold my calls please.”

“Yes, Mr. Fleming,” she obeys.

“Follow me.” He leads me down a long hallway, passing by a few offices before entering in the last door on the left. Of course it seems he has the most elaborate space of the bunch.

Not surprising.

He props his hip against the large oak desk, his stance relaxed when I can clearly see he’s feeling anything but. “Samantha told me you were in the navy.”

The way he refers to my sister as
pisses me off, because I know for a fact she hates to be called that.

“Used to be,” I reply, wondering why he’s bringing it up. I have a feeling it isn’t to thank me for my service like most people would.

“She’s spoken quite a bit about you.” He doesn’t elaborate what she’s said and I’m sure it’s to purposely get under my skin. This motherfucker and his head games are getting old fast. I get the urge to knock him on his ass. I’ve only been in his presence for two minutes and I can see why my dad hates him. He’s a prick, and definitely not someone I can see my sister with.

“I’ll bet she has.
and I are close. My whole family is, but I’m sure you know that.”

“Actually, I wouldn’t have guessed.” His response and smug smirk have me closing the door to his office and moving a little closer.

“Let’s cut the shit, Grant, and get to why I’m here. My dad doesn’t like you and after being in your presence for only a few minutes, I can see why. He’s worried about my sister and now so am I.”

“Yes, I already know your father doesn’t like me, and to be honest, I don’t really care. All I care about is what

My fists clench at my sides. Every second that I’m near this asshole shreds a little more of my composure. “You should care about what we think because I’m not someone you want to fuck with, Fleming.”

He doesn’t heed my warning. “Look, if you’re so concerned why don’t you just ask your sister about us? She’ll tell you.”

“I did and I don’t believe her. She’s not the same girl I’ve always known and I think that’s your fault. So I’m going to make this as clear as possible for you. My parents plan on moving to South Carolina and we want her to come. It’d be wise of you not to interfere with that.”

His eyes narrow but his smirk remains. “Well I’m sorry to disappoint you but that’s not going to happen. Samantha has already made her choice and that’s me. Nothing is going to change that. What goes on between us is
business and no one else’s. Now I can appreciate your concern being her big brother and all but you don’t need to worry about her. She’s in very good hands.” The little wink he adds shatters my control.

Grabbing the back of his neck with a swift hand, I slam his face down onto the desk. A howl of pain explodes from him followed by blood spraying out of his nose. As he struggles to get free, I grind his face even harder into the oak and lean in close.

“Now that’s where you’re wrong, Grant. My sister is my business and always will be. So you listen closely, motherfucker. If I find out you made her shed one goddamn tear I will come back here and rip you apart, limb from limb. Then I will hide every piece of your fucking body so no one will ever find you. Do you understand me?”

When the only response I get is painful breaths, I lift his head only enough to slam it back down on the wood, drawing another howl from him.

“Answer me, asshole. Do you understand?”

“Yes! I understand.”

Flipping him over, I smile down at the mess of his once perfect face. “Good. Make sure you don’t forget, you won’t like the consequences otherwise.” I let the threat hang in the air for a moment before giving him a few hard slaps in the face. “Glad we had this talk, Grant. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

Pushing away from him, I walk out of his office, feeling a little lighter since I got to take out some of my aggression. I don’t bother looking in the receptionist’s direction as I leave, knowing I won’t be able to keep my mouth shut. The whore isn’t worth my time.

When I arrive home I head right over to the guesthouse, wanting to wash away the blood that splattered on me before seeing anyone. But as I step inside I see Grace folding towels and cleaning up. That tightness in my chest comes back with a vengeance when I can tell she’s been crying.

“Hey,” she greets me softly.

“Hey, baby.”

“Where’ve you been?” she asks, moving toward me. Her eyes drop to my chest and narrow. “What on earth is on your shirt?” She gasps when she realizes what it is. “Is that blood? Are you bleeding?”

“Yeah. I mean no. Yes, it’s blood; no, it’s not mine.” I reach down, taking my shirt off, then move to the kitchen to wash my hands and up my forearms.

“What happened?”

“Went and paid a visit to good ol’ Grant. My dad’s right, the guy is an asshole.” I shut off the water and begin drying my hands.

“Oh lord, Sawyer, please tell me you didn’t kill him.”

I turn around to see her hands on either side of her face, looking panicked. “Calm down, Cupcake. I didn’t kill anyone, as tempting as it was. I just made myself clear where Sam is concerned.”

“So your dad’s right about him, huh?” She shifts nervously, looking unsure, and I fucking hate it.

With a breath I lift her up and place her on the counter in front of me before stepping in-between her legs. “Yeah, baby. He’s a first class asshole, but I’m pretty sure my message was loud and clear. At least it better have been. Let’s hope Mom and Dad will be able to convince her to come with them.” My hand goes to her cheek, my thumb stroking her soft skin.

She encircles my wrist and leans into my touch, her sad eyes telling me everything she’s not. “I love you,” she whispers. Slightly turning her face, she kisses the palm of my hand.

I drop my forehead on hers, my eyes squeezing shut at the pain lancing through me. “I love you too, Cupcake.”

“Are we okay?”

My eyes snap open, and I stare into her warm, heartbroken eyes. “I’m trying, Grace. It’s hard but I’m fucking trying. Just know we’re okay. We’re always okay.” She wraps her arms tightly around my neck. I pull her in close and kiss the side of her head, the sweet smell of her hair penetrating my senses. “We’ll get through this.”

She leans back, tears spilling down her cheeks. “I just need you. As long as I have you, I can get through anythin’.”

“You have me. Always.” I take her lips; losing myself in a sweetness I crave every day, one I need to survive and one I refuse to live without.



fter dropping the kids off at school Monday morning, Sawyer and I sit across from Dr. Schaefer in her office as she fills us in on how the procedure will happen and the post care. My fingers have been linked with his the entire time, as I feel both nervous and guilty, knowing he’d rather be any place but here. Even if he has come to respect my decision, I know he doesn’t like it.

“Any questions so far?” she asks after she finishes explaining.

Before I can speak up Sawyer does. “To be honest, Doctor, I don’t really give a shit how the procedure is done or how often you do it. All I care about is that my wife comes out of it in the same shape she went in. I want to know she will make a full recovery because I refuse to accept anything else. And trust me, you don’t want to deal with me or the repercussion if she doesn’t.”

BOOK: Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1)
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