Taken (Dark Grove Plantation) (3 page)

BOOK: Taken (Dark Grove Plantation)
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“You lost the moment you agreed to this bet,”
e had said.  She swallowed hard
as uneasiness filled her.  She had a feeling he was right.

But she had no time to sort through her tangled thoughts.  Brandon hit her with the force of a freight train, throwing his body against hers so that her back hit the wall.  All of the air rushed out of her at the impact, and she gasped.  But the pressure of his strong chest against hers ensured that her breathing remained shallow, making her feel light-headed.  To her dismay, her pulse quickened and her pussy pulsed at the feeling of being trapped, overpowered.

Having found his weakness, she dug her nails into his upper arms.  If she didn’t have the strength to throw him off, then she wou
ld use every dirty trick she knew
to win her freedom; she wasn’t giving in so easily.

“Shit, woman!”
  He drew away from her.  Taking advantage of her opening, she brought her hand back and
en cracked it across his face.  N
hard, but it would humiliate him like it did her subs.  Only they enjoyed it.
  Brandon was none too pleased.

Before she even had time to react, he let out a low, furious growl.  Taking her by the shoulders, he spun her around and shoved her, pinning her front against the wall this time.  She tried to find purchase against the wall, pressing her palms into it in an attempt to push a
way, but his large hands grabbed
her small wrists, trapping them on either side of her head as effectively as steel cuffs.

Still, she couldn’t help struggling in his grip.

“You don’t even know how much trouble you’re in,” he said in her ear, his warm breath rippling across her neck.  This
time, she couldn’t suppress the shudder that ran through her, and she knew that it was more from pleasure than from fear.  Or perhaps it wa
s the fear that made it pleasur

Not relieving the pressure on her wrists, he slowly slid her hands up the wall until they were pressed together above her head. All of her senses seemed to come alive, and the sensation of the polished wood under her skin was suddenly the most delicious thing she had ever felt.
  He ran his fingertips over her nails.

“We’re going to have to get
rid of these claws, kitten

he said idly.

Then Brandon’s grip shifted, and another little thrill of fear la
ced through her excitement.  Now he was hol
ing both her wrists in one hand, his powerful grip easily restraining her, making her struggles futile.
  And she knew that they were futile.  But she found that that very though
only made her nipples
pebble and her clit pulse.  A p
art of her mind was shocked by her reaction, almost angry at herself, but for the most part she was focused on the pleasurable sensations coursing through her as Brandon manhandled her, forced her as no man had dared do before.

Then indignation
flooded back to the fore as she felt cool air hit her ass.  Brandon had pulled up her tight skirt, exposing her.  She knew what he planned, and she refused to let it happen.  He was going to punish her.

“Don’t you dare,” she hissed, giving another fruitless tug of her arms, twisting in his grip.

“Apologize now, and I won’t,” he said softly, his tone unmerciful.

“No!”  She said staunchly
, unable to keep a hint of fear from her voice

  She didn’t think she could handle it, to be humiliated like that, to be punished. 

But Brandon didn’t give her a choice.
  She heard the resounding crack echo around the room just before she felt it.  Ella had never fully appreciated it before, but spanking hurt like a bitch.
  Although she tried
her best to muffle it, a
cry of pain escaped through her clenched teeth. 
But worse than the pain was the embarrassment at being corrected by a man, at being
taught by him as though she were
a fool.
In a desperate attempt to get back at him, she kicked back awkwardly.  Although she didn’
t have the
room to get a good momentum going, she knew from his cursing that her high heel had connected solidly with his shin.

But this time he didn’t reel back, didn’t release her.
  She only had a moment to feel a satisfied glow at her retribution before his large palm came down on her again, harder t
his time, h
itting the sensitive flesh where her ass met her upper thighs.  This time her cry was
sharp and loud; there was no way
she could have held it back.
  Tears formed at the corners of her eyes, but sh
e determinedly blinked them away

“Apologize,” he growled.

“No.”  But her protest was weak; she didn’t know if she could take another blow like that.

,” he said, as though it was of no consequence to him.

His hand cracked down on her thighs in quick succession, first the right and then the left.  As the hits landed, he said over the sound of her pain.  “Apologize.”

Ella couldn’t stop the tears from spilling this time.  She knew that she couldn’t take anymore.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“For what?”

He was going to make her admit it?  She couldn’t.  She wouldn’t.


“I’m giving you three seconds,” he said threateningly.

“I’m sorry for hitting you,” she gasped out in a rush. 
“And for kicking you.”
  Her cheeks
burned cri
son at her capitulation, horrified at how meek she sounded.  But the idea that Brandon had taken her in hand made her undeniably horny, despite the pain that sti
l radiated in her ass.

“Now, will you let me go?”  She couldn’t help the pleading lilt that laced her tone.
  But she just grew wetter at the sound of it.

at her.
  “You think I’m giving up so easily?  I still haven’t won.”  He leaned forward to whisper in her ear.  “I still haven’t made you come.”

He suddenly dug his fingernails into her thigh, drawing them harshly upward over her ass.  She hissed in pain as he pressed into the bruising areas where he had struck her.  But again she found that the pain was intensely arousing, and her nipples became almost painfully hard against the wall.  She writhed
struggling to stimulate them against the wood.

Brandon chuckled at her.  “Horny, are we?”  He asked, amused.

Ella s
hook her head weakly, trying to deny it. She didn’t want to lose.  Gathering every ounce of willpower that she had, she stilled, concentrating on forcing back her lust, on cooling the heat between her thighs.

But then Brandon kicked at her ankle, forcing her legs apart.  She shivered as he exposed her, opening her for him.  Then his fingers were on her clit, and she found that she didn’t want to resist anymore.
  She moaned and dropped her head back as he swirled his fingers around it, teasing.  But he didn’t grant her the release she craved. 
Drawing his fingers back, the traced the line of her soft folds, gathering up the wetness ther
  She whined and tried to rock
her hips against him, but s
he was pressed so tightly agains
t the wall that her efforts were futile.

She gasped as his touch continued tracing backwards, tickling the sensitive patch of skin between her pussy and her ass.  She couldn’t hold back a delighted cry.  She was so close to coming, so close…

Then he was at her dark entrance, probing.  Giving her no time to ready herself, he pressed into her, her juices providing the lubrication he needed to slide in painlessly.  The
violation, the utter dominance of the act, was what tipped her over the edge.  She felt pinned on his finger, trapped by it so that she was held completely immobile.  She whined, her whole body trembling as she held completely still for that moment before ecstasy crashed down on her.  He pumped in, out, touching her in her most secret area as though he had every right.  Her entire body shook as her orgasm ripped through her, sending little tingles from her ass throughout her entire body, spreading to her fingertips.  She jerked in his grasp, but his strong hand held her wrists to the wall firmly.  The feeling of being restrained only made her orgasm all the more intense.  Her muscles contracted and her clit throbbed, not needing to be touched to bring her completion.

He held her there for a moment as she came down, keeping her locked in place.  Then he finally, slowly
slid out of her, causing little pleasurable aftershocks to run through her.  As soon as he released her hands, she collapsed back against him, her legs giving way.  It was one of the most powerful orgasms she had ever experienced.  Wrapping a strong arm around her waist, Brandon helped her
down onto the couch in the corner of the room.  He
laid her down on it and placed
her head in his lap.  She stared up at him as he stroked her hair, her eyes wide and disbelieving.  How had he done that to her?  How could she have completely lost control in just a few minutes?  He grinned wolfishly down at her, and her cheeks colored in embarrassment.

“Enjoy that, kitten?”

Ella thought about denying it, but that would be stupid; she clearly had enjoyed herself.  “Maybe,” she couldn’t bring herself to concede more than that.

He only grinned wider.  “I have to warn you that I won’t permit you to lie to me tonight.”

“Whatever,” she huffed, her backbone starting to return.

His hand fisted in her hair, and he tugged hard, demanding her attention.  “Did I seduce you so thoroughly that all your senses have left you?”  He asked.  “You lost the bet.  It’s time for you to pay up.”

  How had he done that to her?
  Again, she felt that flush of embarrassment, but she was shocked to find that it made her sex stir back to life.  It seemed that she was turned on by humiliation.  And she wasn’t at all sure that she was okay with that.
  Being with him was so discomfiting; he had turned her world upside down in the space of an hour.
She shifted uneasily in his grip.

“I don’t know…”  She said haltingly.

His brows drew down and his expression turned forbidding.
  “You are not getting out of this, kitten,” he promised her.  “Now, are you going to walk out of her
with me, or am I going to have to drag you kicking and screaming?”

Ella gasped.  That was the last thing that she wanted, for everyone to know that Brandon was Domming her.  “Bastard,” she grumbled as she grudgingly got to her feet.

he hissed in pain as he pinched her ass hard.  She glared back at him over her shoulder.

“I won’t tolerate insults,” he told her coldly.  “In
, I think it’s better if you don’t speak without my express permission.”

Ella’s mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. 
  She finally sputtered.

There was a slight, stinging pain across her cheek as he slapped her ge
across the face
, reinforcing his control over
her.  He said nothing, but he gave her a hard stare, letting her know that she would suffer further punishment if she dared defy him again.

She tried to return his stare, but after a few seconds she felt compelled to drop her gaze.

Damn him,
she thought resentfully even as a little thrill ran through her.  What would he do to her tonight?  The orgasm that he had just given her was incre
dible.  What would it be like when
they had sex?

Shouldn’t that be “if,” not “when?” 
She asked herself, chagrined at her eagerness.

“Come,” he ordered her for the second time this evening.  Only this time he took her hand, not giving her the option to resist him.
  This time, she flushed with pleasure rather than anger, the feeling of her small hand in his large one reminding her of how powerful he was, of how he had shoved her up against the wall as
forced her to come for him…

She couldn’t suppress a sigh, frustrated with

Thankfully, they encountered no one on the long walk down the corridor, and they were able to leave without incident.
  They rode to Brandon’s house in silence, Ella pursing her lips to stop the flood of questions from coming out.

Where are we going?  What will you do to me?  Are you planning to kill me? 
Well, the last thought was a bit laughable, but the thought of Brandon’s smile if she voiced it aloud made it difficult for her to hold it in.  She was surprised to find that she wanted to make him laugh, to connect with him on more than a sexual level. 
Looking back, she couldn’
t deny that
she ha
enjoyed their banter, the
power-play as erotic tension crackled between them. 
God, this man was messing with her head.

BOOK: Taken (Dark Grove Plantation)
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