Read Talson Temptations 1: Talson's Wait Online

Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #mf

Talson Temptations 1: Talson's Wait (5 page)

BOOK: Talson Temptations 1: Talson's Wait
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“Yes Sir.”

He eased up on her hair and soothed her scalp. “That’s right. Do what I tell you. Don’t question it.”

“No Sir.”

“Now spread your legs. Let me see that shiny cunt.”

He’d never talked to her like that before. So raw, so fierce. Trembling with excitement, she gave him what he wanted.

“So pretty,” he murmured and bent lower, so close she could feel his breath over her folds.

Then he spread her lips and sucked hard on her clit.

The sensation jolted her, and she would have buckled if he hadn’t gripped her hips.

“No, don’t move.”

“Y-Yes Sir.”

He licked her clit, pushing his tongue along the slick length of her pussy. He dipped inside her and made a low noise in the back of his throat. He kneaded her ass, pulling her cheeks apart and stroking the crease between. Then he pulled away and sat back. With his thighs spread, she could focus on nothing but his cock stabbing into the air.

“Make me come,” he commanded. “Give me what you should have a few hours ago. I want your mouth over me again.”

Disappointed she wouldn’t feel him inside her, she crawled onto the bed and knelt between his legs. She glanced up at him and set her lips on the crown of his penis, her desire doubling as she watched him watching her. She slowly eased her lips around him, sliding over his tip and down, as far as she could comfortably go. He was so big, and so close to exploding.

She tasted the liquid pooling at his tip, felt the hard veins of his cock, and knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Heady that she could make him so excited so quickly, she ran her hands up his thighs, watching as his eyes grew lighter and lighter, his chest rising and falling with greater speed.

Then she closed her eyes and gave herself up to the bliss of the moment. Lightly stroking him with her tongue, she continued to suck him, increasing the pressure of her mouth until he was moaning her name like a prayer. Her hands stroked his thighs, creeping closer and closer to his firm sac.

Her fingers grazed the hard globes and a small jet of cream filled her mouth. He was so close, she thought, completely lost to the pleasure. She glanced up and saw the rapture racking him, saw his face tight, frozen with desire, and knew she’d never seen anything more erotic.

The thought stirred her, and she increased the tempo on his shaft. Cupping his scrotum, she sucked harder and scraped him gently with her teeth.

His hands tangled in her hair. With a surrendering moan, she bore down. Not used to his size, she gagged a few times when he urged her for more.

“Take me to the back of your throat,” he rasped. “Breathe through your nose. That’s it,” he encouraged as she gradually took him deeper, pushing past reflex to take him all the way inside.

“Fuck, that’s sweet. Seeing my cock between those lips. Yeah, here it comes. Swallow me, Jamie.” He thrust one last time and emptied himself down her throat.

The orgasm shook him, washing through her as well, but Roarke wasn’t content to finish in her mouth once and be done. Still semi-hard, he lifted her off him and pushed her onto her back.

Lying there in the sudden silence broken only by their heavy breathing, she squirmed, conscious of the weight of his stare. Her full breasts became heavy, her nipples tight with arousal. He took one globe in his callused palm, bringing a tingling heat to her flesh that electrified her.

“Soft,” he murmured, then rubbed her nipple until she wanted to climb all over him. “Just like your sweet mouth. You feel good, all these curves, that fire. But I wonder how you’ll feel surrounding me with that pussy. And let’s not forget that ass.” He rubbed his erection against her belly. “I’m not even close to being through with you.”

Oh boy. Had she messed with the wrong man.

“You kept me at a distance for an entire year. You had the audacity to try to smuggle an Otra offworld using a Talson freighter.” He lowered his voice and his eyes glittered. With passion or anger, she couldn’t tell. She didn’t think he could either. “And then you hit me.” He sounded incredulous. “You hit me and tied me up. But that’s wasn’t all you did, was it?”

She flushed and glanced away.

“Was it?” He turned her face back to look into her eyes.

Tired of being silent, she frowned. “Fine. I took some pleasure for myself. What are you going to do about it? Beat me?”

Strangely, she had no fear he might. Roarke had caught her red-handed. He could do anything and everything to her, and she had no recourse but to endure. She wasn’t prepared for the sudden warmth of his smile. That bright flash of silver in his eyes that took over the darkness before fading back to black.

“You don’t even know you’re doing it, do you?”

He settled closer to her and shoved her thighs apart. The insistent part of him touched the entrance to her sex, and he pushed inside, so thick he stuffed her full. He didn’t stop until he seated the entire length of himself inside her.

“Oh God.” She arched when he pumped his hips, lost to the feel of him joined to her.

“That’s it. Accept me.”

A burst of energy passed through her, lighting up her senses, both physical and mental. Doorways in her mind suddenly opened, allowing Roarke entry into her private thoughts and feelings.

“Fuck, you’re even sexier up close,” he whispered and thrust in and out of her, his tempo growing faster as he fucked her with a hunger he couldn’t hide. “So warm for me. So wet.” He kissed her before she could blink, and she slid into the seductive taste of a man used to being obeyed.

“Open your eyes and keep them open.”

She wasn’t aware she’d closed them and blinked, staring up at Roarke as he pounded inside her with an animalistic intensity.

“That’s right. Watch me fuck you. Watch me

Helpless to resist, she saw, heard, and felt every thrust, every push and pull of his heavy cock as he penetrated her pussy, her mind, her heart. She felt him inside her in places he couldn’t possibly have been. She should have denied him, should have fought to be free, but after this, she could never be with another man without thinking of Roarke.

“I’m the only man for you, Jamie. Just me.” He ground into her, touching what felt like her womb. She needed to come, to let go of the coil of need and love and want binding her so tight she couldn’t breathe.

He moaned, as caught up in their joining as Jamie. “Now come with me. All over me. Milk my cock, honey. Take what’s yours. Accept it.” He surged particularly hard, rubbing against her engorged clit as he moved.

The tension gripping her finally broke and he covered her mouth as she screamed. Pleasure invaded every cell in her body. He ended the kiss and gave her several more. And then he found his release. He stilled and shuddered, his hips moving as he ground into her impossibly deep.

He swore, shaking from the aftermath she could feel pulsing within her. “Yes, oh yes. Fuck me. So good,” he moaned and continued to pump.

She couldn’t be sure, but Jamie thought he might still be coming. The longest orgasm she’d ever heard of, but then, she knew little about the Otra except what the tabloids said.

Nearly a minute passed before Roarke relaxed, his body still joined to hers. He leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers.

Never had she felt so close to another, and she couldn’t explain why sex with him felt more like loving than a physical act.

Roarke kissed her, soothing the frayed nerve endings still sparking her slowly recovering body. “Shh. That’s it. Easy, honey. We’re good, yeah?”

“Yes Sir,” she responded, one minute awake, the next drifting in a haze of exhausted pleasure. She closed her eyes and felt his arm curl around her when he withdrew.

She smiled and fell asleep, convinced that nothing he could do to her would ever take away this feeling of contentment.

She was wrong.

Chapter Five


They slept, finally. Between Roarke’s blow to the head and the adrenaline rush that had hit him when she’d run, he’d needed it. He felt almost well rested when the porter’s announcement of breakfast came through a speaker. They’d slept the night through.

He glanced down at his arm around Jamie, his body tucked around hers. The bed was much too small to accommodate someone of his size, but it made touching her that much more necessary.

He groaned and leaned up on one elbow, questions about his mysterious
nagging now more than ever. She’d given herself so freely, despite his orders. He would have sensed it if she’d come to him out of duty. But Jamie felt anything but dutiful about him. Christ, he’d come inside her with no thought to birth control or disease. He knew he was immune to anything she might have had. But she had no idea about him. What did it say about her she hadn’t demanded he use protection? He wished he knew how she felt about him; it was high time he found out.

He nudged her awake.

“Hmm?” she asked groggily, blinking cloudy eyes that reminded him of fine, aged whiskey. She licked her lips.

“Oh, love, you don’t know what you invite,” he murmured, aware he wanted her again. He’d come in her mouth, and finally in the heaven of her pussy. But he still craved her ass. To own and worship every part of her until she no longer thought of them as separate beings, but as one.

Forcing himself to take his time, he used the lavatory and returned to bed. Then he prodded her to move. “Wake up, Jamie. I need some answers, sweetheart.”

She wakened and stumbled out of bed for the lav. He heard the water running, as well as the sound of a shower. But the woman hadn’t uttered one word. He grinned. His Jamie wasn’t a morning person.

She returned sparkling clean, her hair and body slightly damp. He opened the covers and waited for her to join him again.

With a sigh, she snuggled up to him in bed before turning to face him. In doing so she gave him a perfect view of her profile. The strong, slender nose, the high cheekbones, the elegantly arched brows set over wide eyes. A face he could look at forever and never get bored, and all framed by masses of wine-red hair that looked like a sea of silk.

Under his regard, she blushed and bit her lower lip, but did nothing to cover herself. Her nipples hardened and her belly quivered, and Roarke knew she sensed both the physical and psychic attraction that bound them together. He felt her nervousness and the arousal she tried to ignore, even as her gaze caressed his face and chest with loving attention.

She coughed and cleared her throat. “What do you want to know?”

“Let’s start with you. I don’t care about Gregory.” Her eyes widened. “I want to know why you had to indenture yourself in the first place. How did someone as competent as you find yourself in debtor’s hell? And don’t lie to me. Not now.”
Not after I’ve given you so much of myself. More than I ever thought I had to give.
The Otra genetics inside him, the part he’d never known existed, must have lain dormant all this time. But now he sensed a world around him he could feel with that other part of him he couldn’t describe but knew. A sixth sense; a gift from a woman in love who had no idea what she’d done.

Jamie sighed. “I don’t really want to share this, but I have a feeling if I don’t, you’ll know.”

“You’re right.” He didn’t smile or tease. This was too important to him.

“You might as well know I come from bad stock.” She paused as if to gauge his reaction. When he gave her none, she continued. “My mother used to whore herself for money, and my father would gamble it away as fast as she earned it. What she failed to hide, he found and used on booze, drugs, the next game, you name it. How the two of them managed to produce three children between them is beyond me, considering how much they hate each other. But they did, and we—my sisters and I—can’t stand them.”

“Can’t blame you.” He thought of his own family—his three full-blooded brothers and himself, the half-human—all of whom had known love all their lives.

She shrugged, but he could tell the discussion embarrassed her. “My sisters are good people. One is a doctor, if you can believe that. She’s really smart.”

“So are you,” he said wryly. “I’ve never seen anyone adapt to different jobs as quickly and efficiently as you do.”

“Thanks.” She smiled and the warmth in her gaze stirred him once more. He didn’t know what it was about her, but he couldn’t not think of sex around the woman. It didn’t help he knew how she tasted, or how well she gloved him when he sank inside her. Hell, he wanted to fuck her all over again. He tried to focus. “So how did you arrive on the Block?”

“Well, with Tara in med school and my other sister Susanna in transport—”

“Space trade?”

“No, Earthbound. Water. She runs a small ocean freighter that moves commercially.”


“So, someone had to put Tara through school and stake Susanna for her boat. Between the three of us, I find money where there’s little to be found. I mean, my sisters worked hard, but I was the one who managed our funds and brought in the extra income we needed to not just survive, but plan for the future.”

He could only imagine the expenses she’d had to pay. Medical school tuition had become astronomically high. And an ocean freighter could cost upward of a quarter million in currency. “How did you do it?”

“I found odd jobs, nothing illegal. It’s a knack, really. I just know what will give me the best payout. Had a few investments that paid big. I was good at day trading after I’d earned enough to buy in.” She snorted. “Nothing you assigned me for Talson Shipping was anything I hadn’t done before.” Her smile faded. “I was almost out of debt—Susanna’s ship paid, Tara’s schooling through, when my parents found us again.”

“What did they do?” He didn’t like the worry and stress coursing through her. Uncomfortable sensing emotions not his own, he was even more disturbed that she’d been hurt. He had the insane urge to find her parents and—

She put a hand on his chest. “It’s okay, Roarke. That part of my life is over.”

Strangely calmed, he blinked and clasped her hand over his heart. “Tell me the rest.”

“My sisters and I had moved away from home years ago. I hadn’t seen my mother or father since I turned sixteen. Then, on the day of Tara’s graduation, they appeared. Smiling, hugging, ranting about what big girls we’d grown to be.” She huffed. “Like I’d fall for that. But Tara and Susanna were younger when Mom and Dad left. They never knew them for the bad things they’d done.”

BOOK: Talson Temptations 1: Talson's Wait
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