Read Targeted (FBI Heat) Online

Authors: Marissa Garner

Targeted (FBI Heat) (28 page)

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The others shook their heads.

“No problem. We’ll work on that later. Then what happened?”

“They tell us to sleep on the mattresses on the floor, but we are too angry.” He glanced at his companions. “After they lock us in a room, we talk. We do not trust Loco.” Pedro drew a deep breath. “When it is dark, they open the door, let us out of the room. The blue van comes. There are only three women. Five are missing. My Maria is gone.”

Heartfelt thanks to my family and friends for their support and encouragement, especially during the dark times. Cheers and hugs for my awesome editor, Alex Logan, for allowing me to write about some outside-the-box topics and for continuing to teach me the finer points of publishing. High fives to the entire Forever team for pulling it all together into a real book that readers could actually buy. I would also like to thank the men and women of the FBI for their service to our country and for answering many of my questions as I wrote this series. And of course, sincere gratitude to my readers for whom I wrote this story in the first place. Thank you all!

I’m Marissa Garner. I’m a wife, writer, chocoholic, and animal lover, not necessarily in that order. As a little girl, I cut pictures of people out of my mother’s magazines and turned them into characters in my simple stories. Now I write edgy romantic thrillers, steamy contemporary romance, and sexy paranormal romantic suspense. My stories will titillate your mind as well as your libido. I live in sunny Southern California with my husband, but enjoy traveling from Athens to Anchorage to Acapulco and many locations in between.



Facebook: MarissaGarnerAuthor

Twitter: @M_Garner_Author

Don’t miss any of the titles in the FBI Heat series.



Available September 2016
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2016 by Marissa Garner
Excerpt from
copyright © 2015 by Marissa Garner
Cover design by Brian Lemus
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First Edition: June 2016

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ISBN 978-1-4555-3396-1 (ebook edition)
ISBN 978-1-4555-3395-4 (print on demand edition)


BOOK: Targeted (FBI Heat)
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