Tegan's Return (The Ultimate Power Series #2) (4 page)

BOOK: Tegan's Return (The Ultimate Power Series #2)
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 Pamphrock is quiet for a long minute. “You know, this might sound strange, but in a way you remind me of Rebecca.” He pulls open a drawer and retrieves a photograph. He slides it across the desk to me. I pick it up.

 “This is the most recent picture I have of my daughter,” says Pamphrock.

 I look down at the photo. She's a pretty girl, with long blond hair, tanned skin and big brown eyes. She looks absolutely nothing like me, in fact, we're polar opposites. I don't know how Pamphrock could think I remind him of his little girl.

 “Memorise her face. I'd let you keep the picture with you, but I can't risk it if Cristescu finds you with it and realises what you're up to.”

 “Alright then,” I reply, committing Rebecca's features to memory. I hand the picture back to Pamphrock, who's currently staring at Finn.

 “I would like to speak with Finn alone now for a moment, if you don't mind Miss Stolle.”

 “Sure, I'll wait outside,” I say, rising from my seat and leaving the room, closing the door behind me. About five minutes later Finn emerges with a face like thunder.

 “What was that all about?” I ask, as we walk back to his car.

 “Pamphrock was just reminding me of the consequences if you happen to betray us.” Finn answers, then turns to me. “You better not screw this up, Tegan.”

 “Hey, I'll do the best that I can.” I tell him irritably. “By the way, where is Rebecca's mother? I thought I'd be meeting her too, since so much responsibility is being placed on me.”

 Finn glances in my direction. “As far as I know she's not on the scene. Pamphrock's got a lot of kids with a lot of different women. Rebecca is his youngest, that's probably why the vampires targeted her. She's where Pamphrock's most vulnerable.”

 When we're in the car, Finn takes an envelope from his pocket and drops it onto my lap. I peer inside and my eyes widen. It contains five grand in clean, crisp notes.

 “You'll get the rest once we've gotten Rebecca back safely,” he says, before driving me back to his house. He hands me the front door key and tells me he's got some errands to run and will be back in the evening. I go inside and decide to have a long soak in the tub. I spend an hour in the bath reading a novel, but I get out just before my skin has the chance to turn into a prune. I wrap myself in clean towels and try to decide what I'm going to wear to Crimson tonight. In the end I decide on a tight black pencil skirt, a cream lace top, fifties tights with a stripe down the back of the leg and some black heels.

 At around six Finn gets home. I'm in the living room watching television when he carries in a bag with Mexican takeaway. He hands me a fancy cardboard ticket for the Christmas party at Crimson.

 “How did you get your hands on this?” I ask, because I'm sure it wouldn't be an easy task for a slayer to get a ticket to an exclusive vampire event.

 “I have my ways,” is all he says, before he dishes out the dinner and we eat in comfortable silence.

 Later on I go upstairs to get ready. My hands are almost shaking as I put on some black eye-liner, mascara and red lipstick. I have no idea what's going to happen tonight. For all I know I could die at the hands of a hungry vampire. From what Finn told me about the party, the place is going to be jam packed with vamps from all over the city. I dress quickly and head downstairs. Finn lets out a low whistle when he sees me.

 “It's a damn shame you're going to Crimson tonight,” he says, his voice slightly husky.

 “Where will you be?” I ask, I'm jittery and nervous now that the time has come for me to see Ethan again.

 “Don't worry, I'll be nearby. I've put my number into your phone on speed dial, so all you've got to do is hit a button if anything goes wrong and I'll be there in a flash.”

 I swallow down a big gulp of saliva. “Okay then.”

 I pick up my coat and hand bag, double checking that I have everything I need, even though I've already checked three times at this stage. I'm so unbelievable anxious. I stand in front of the mirror in Finn's hallway, taking in my unusually glamorous appearance. It seems that I've subconsciously made an effort to look my best, and it irks me to think that the mere prospect of seeing Ethan has me acting like one of those ridiculous, desperate girl clichés.

 A minute later I hear the taxi driver beep his horn to let me know he's arrived. I say goodbye to Finn, who assures me that I'm going to do just fine, and then I step out into the cold December night.

Chapter Four

People Are Strange


I sit fidgeting in the taxi as it brings me closer and closer to Crimson. When I finally arrive I eye the long queue of people waiting to get in. I pay the driver, put on my coat, sling my bag over my shoulder and across my body and go to join the well-dressed bunch who are eagerly waiting to get to the party that's going on inside. I wonder how eager they'd be if they knew that there are going to be vampires drifting among them, most likely targeting them out as prey.

 I've got a small flick knife in my bag, just in case anything happens to go awry. It takes about twenty minutes for me to get to the door, and the relief I feel when I see that Lucas isn't around slides off my body in waves. I want to get inside and have a look around first before any of the vamps notice I'm here, see if I can find any clues as to Rebecca's whereabouts. And my dad's.

 I hand my ticket to the girl at the door and then go to leave my coat in the cloakroom, where a dark haired man who is quite obviously a vampire hands me a small numbered slip. I shove it into my bag and walk away quickly, before he has the chance to smell me.

 There are lots of sparkly Christmas decorations around the place, but beneath that there's still Crimson's trademark Gothic look. The dance floor is teeming with bodies, some people wear tinsel around their necks or in their hair, perhaps to get into the festive spirit. The DJ is that same girl from the very first night I'd come here two years ago, seeing her gives me a distinct case of
. At the moment she's playing
Pinball Wizard
by The Who.

 I step up to the bar and order a white wine spritzer. There are several attendants on duty since it's so packed tonight. I actually recognise Judy, her hair has grown long and she doesn't have a nose ring anymore. I see her glance at me for a moment, perhaps wondering if she knows me from somewhere. But my hair is different and I'm not as thin as I had been before, so she probably can't remember who I am. Which is a good thing, because I'm not ready for anybody to know I'm here just yet. She dismisses me and turns away to serve her next customer.

 In the distance I can see the VIP section high above the dance floor, and it's absolutely jam packed with vampires. I can't take my eyes off of the beautiful but deadly creatures, as they sip on flutes of champagne and laugh and watch the unsuspecting humans dancing and getting drunk below them. I wonder how hungry they are.

 I'm completely mesmerised by them, because they are so entirely different from the humans present. You probably wouldn't notice it if you didn't know what to look out for. They have these eyes that seem to shine and glitter as they take in their surroundings. They look at every person and thing around them with a level of deep intensity, as though they can sense so much more of the world than humans can. It almost makes me jealous. Then I remember that they need to parasite blood to survive, make people addicted to their bite, perhaps not killing them out right but definitely killing them slowly, and I shiver. It's quite insidious when you think about it.

 I want to find some way to get closer to the VIP section, so that I can study the vampires in more detail. I don't know how I'm going to get any information about Rebecca without speaking to them. Super hearing would come in handy at a time like this, that way I could listen in to their conversations to see if any of them mention a kidnapped little girl being held prisoner.

 I knock back the last of my drink, place the glass down on a nearby table and then I enter the dance floor. Slowly, I make my way through the pulsating crowds, bodies brush off mine as I pass them by. When I've gotten about midway through the distance between the dance floor and the VIP section, I glance up again at the celebrating vampires. It's at this very moment that my eyes lock on something familiar. A head of golden blond hair. Then I see his face, handsome and beautiful as ever. Ethan.

 I stand glued to the spot, unable to tear my gaze away from him, my eyes drinking him in. Tonight he's wearing a crisp dark shirt, and he's standing beside another vampire who is clearly reciting some important information to him. Both of their heads are close as they speak, while others laugh and smile and get drunk around them.

 I take in every detail of Ethan's form. It seems like it's been decades since I last laid eyes on him. His tall, lean frame, and his olive toned skin. The music is loud in my ears, and there's the tiniest moment of silence as one song ends and leads into the next. It's within this moment that Ethan's gaze shifts away from the man he's speaking to. His eyes flit to the side and then down, as if he's sensing something. Or someone. I gulp.

 Then his eyes flash to mine, and the moment seems to last for an eternity. Confusion and disbelief colour his expression, then something else takes shape. Determination. He says something to the man he'd been speaking with and then he begins to descend the stairs, down and away from the VIP section and directly towards me. I stand utterly still in the centre of the crowded dance floor, not able to move an inch.

 The next song begins to play,
People Are Strange
by The Doors. Jim Morrison's deep voice fills my ears as Ethan gets closer and closer, closing the distance spread out between the two of us as if it were an endless ocean. I listen to the spooky melody of the song, and the lyrics float over my brain. Then the beat of the song picks up and Ethan is standing before me. The people around us don't move into our space, as though sensing that Ethan is not someone you would want to brush up against.

 His eyes lock on mine. He is less than a foot away from me, and I stand transfixed by him. He visibly takes in a long, deep breath and then lets it out. There is no expression on his face, and I don't know whether to stay or to run and hide. I can't tell if he's glad to see me or not, and it's agonising. He steps closer, and places his cool hand on my bare arm, his blue grey eyes study me closely, taking in every single detail, just like I had been with him. He bends down and leans into me, so that his lips are right above my ear. He reaches up and takes a lock of my short, black hair in his fingers.

 I can feel his soft breath drift over my skin when he speaks right into my ear, so that I can hear him over the music. Funnily enough, his proximity has caused me to forget everything else around me, the sounds, the people, right in this moment there is only him.

 “I remember the start of the First World War, when women began wearing their hair like this,” he says, still smoothing the strand between his fingers. “In the beginning it was for practicality, then it became a social statement. I always admired how it showcases the neck.” His fingers let go of my hair to softly stroke down my skin, from my ear to my shoulder blade, then around to cup the back of my neck.

 I swallow, and it takes me a minute to find my voice. “It m-must have made things less messy when it came to feeding time.”

 Well there I go, ruining the moment. Ethan doesn't seem bothered by what I've said. He looks at me and smiles deeply, and the expression makes him even more beautiful that it's almost hard to look directly at him.

 “I had hoped you would return someday, though I never imagined it would actually come to pass,” he says, speaking close to my ear again.

 The song ends and
November Rain
by Guns ‘n' Roses comes on. I almost grin, what an opportune moment for a slow set. Ethan's arms slip around my waist and pull me in close to him, our bodies flush against one another. I rest my head on his chest as we sway to the music. His fingers move back and forth over my lower back. I tremble. Ethan must notice, because he holds me tighter against him then. I can almost hear him humming the tune to himself. The song ends too soon, and we part still looking at each other.

 Someone appears beside Ethan, a tall, slim woman. She's got long, silky honey blond hair, and her eyes are almost the same colour. Her skin is bronze and flawless. A vampire, definitely a vampire. She puts her hand delicately on Ethan's arm, all the while her eyes remain focused on me, like I'm some sort of intriguing mystery.

 “Ethan darling, who is this precious girl you've been dancing with?” she asks, her voice sweet and delicate, but I can sense a strength behind it.

 Ethan turns to the woman, and it appears that he hadn't realised she was there until she'd started speaking.

 “Eliza,” he says, “this is Tegan, she's an old friend.” I smile at how he introduces me, since it's exactly the same thing Finn said about me to his neighbour Maria.

 “Tegan,” says Eliza, trying out the sound of my name. “Is she a witch? She doesn't smell
like a human.”

 Uh oh. Ethan's eyes meet mine for the barest fraction of a second. “No, not a witch, a human, but a very distant descendant of the magic users.” Okay, I'll take that excuse. At least Ethan's keeping my secret and not telling this Eliza lady about me. Surely that's a good sign. For my own survival if nothing else.

 “Ah, so that explains why she smells
,” says Eliza, her gaze wandering over me curiously. “Why don't you come and join us upstairs, Tegan?” She's smiling now, but there's no warmth in it whatsoever.

 I look to Ethan, but his face is indecipherable. I guess going up to the VIP section will allow me a better chance to listen in to the vampires' conversations.

 “Alright then,” I answer. Ethan holds out his arm to me, and I link mine through it. I think I catch Eliza scowl briefly before a smile replaces it milliseconds later. I squeeze Ethan's arm and look up at him as we leave the dance floor. I try to ask a question with my eyes,
is it safe for me to go up here?
His nod is almost imperceptible, but it puts my mind at ease somewhat.

 Once we get up the stairs I peer about, taking in my new surroundings. I don't think I've ever been among this many vampires before. It causes my temperature to run a little cold. They glance at me as I walk by with Ethan, Eliza leading the way ahead of us. I hadn't realised how large this section was when I'd viewed it from downstairs. There's a main area and a bar where most of the vampires are partying, I even notice a few humans among them. Blood donors perhaps. Then there's a long hallway that leads to various secluded areas for private groups. We enter one of them.

 I recognise Lucas and Delilah instantly. Lucas is sitting on a chair with a human girl on his lap. I don't realise it's Amanda until she turns around and I can see her face. Her hair is no longer blue, now it's bright pink. Delilah is sitting beside them, chatting with an older woman with short dark hair. There's a table in the centre of the room with lots of vampires sitting around it, and at the head of it sits a vampire who seems to demand attention simply from his very presence. He looks around forty, with hair and eyes the same colour as Eliza's. They must be related in some way.

 Lucas sees me then, and his eyes gleam in amusement. He whispers something in Amanda's ear and then she looks at me too.

 “Tegan!” she exclaims, jumping up from Lucas' lap. I let go of Ethan's arm and go to her, giving her a big hug. But when I look at her eyes it seems like there's something missing, something not quite right. Then I see the bite marks on her neck and arms, some of the scars are older than others. Oh God, he really has turned her into his blood whore. The problem is, she seems so unbelievably happy about it. I look over Amanda's shoulder to see Delilah watching our exchange, her arms crossed stubbornly over her chest.

 “You came home,” says Amanda, dragging me over to sit with her on a couch close to Lucas.

 I stroke some of her pink hair out of her face and look at her straight on, trying to figure out how this could have happened. I know she'd been smitten with Lucas' attentions, but I never thought she was the kind of girl to allow herself to be used. To become no better than a fridge full of blood. She seems so out of it that I have to wonder if she even realises that Lucas is a vampire. Perhaps he's been wiping her memory every time he feeds from her. I glance over at him and he stares right back at me, satisfied. Like he's happy to have broken my poor fragile friend.

 I try to put enough hate into my eyes, to communicate with him silently that he's not going to get away with this. For a second he actually looks startled by my aggression, but he shrugs it off quickly and glances away, starting up a conversation with Delilah.

 I focus my attention back on Amanda, my hands cupping her face now. She grins back at me, quite obviously clueless as to the fact that she's in a room full of vampires. Oh yeah, I'm definitely going to make Lucas pay for this. I caused Antonia to kill herself when it seemed like there was no way on earth for me to exact my revenge on such a powerful vampire. Next to her, Lucas should be a piece of cake.

 “Amanda, are you okay?” I ask, despite it being obvious that she is definitely
anywhere near okay.

 She continues to grin and answers, “Of course I'm okay, in fact, I've never felt better.”

 I sense someone watching me, and look across the room where Ethan is now sitting with Eliza. She's right up close to him, her arm draped over his. He seems tense though, and I continue to shoot daggers at him with my eyes, to show him that I am not at all happy with how he allowed Lucas to do this to Amanda.

 The vampire sitting at the head of the table begins to speak, “Well, what have we got here?” he asks, taking in the sight of me holding onto Amanda for dear life.

BOOK: Tegan's Return (The Ultimate Power Series #2)
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