Read Temporarily Yours (A Shillings Agency Novel) (Entangled Brazen) Online

Authors: Diane Alberts

Tags: #fake fiance, #jen mclaughlin, #force proximity, #erotic, #military, #marriage of convenience, #contemporary romance

Temporarily Yours (A Shillings Agency Novel) (Entangled Brazen) (4 page)

BOOK: Temporarily Yours (A Shillings Agency Novel) (Entangled Brazen)
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Something flashed in her eyes. Something that he liked. “Any way?”

She called to him like a siren without even trying. Leaning so close that their noses practically touched, he held onto her gaze and traced a finger down her cheek.

“Any way. Anywhere. Anytime.”

Chapter Four

Wow. He wasn’t afraid to put it all out there.

Coming from a family with military men herself, she’d known a heck of a lot of service men over her years, and none of them had acted so carefree and seductive. They’d been harsh. Serious. Not like Cooper. He was so delightful that she wanted nothing more than to let him have his way with her.

He was so handsome. She couldn’t resist thinking how explosive they could be together. Numerous times. Numerous ways. On the bed, kneeling in front of the couch, bent over the kitchen table, maybe even on the airplane…

No. She was
joining the mile-high club.

Giving herself a slight shake, she picked up her drink and gulped it down. “So you want me to use you, huh?”

He eyed her as he took a sip of his cocktail. As he moved the cup away from his mouth, he licked the moisture off his lips. She couldn’t look away. He said, “Are you talking about asking me questions, or using me in a different way? Either way, the answer is

She was tempted to do both. This had short-term written all over it, and that’s how she liked her relationships. Short and sweet. “I think we’ll start with questions for now.”

He shrugged a shoulder. “Suit yourself.”

She studied him. “How old are you?”

“Twenty-nine. I graduated college from University of Maine and then a few years later joined the Marines at my father’s urging. You?”

“Twenty-seven.” She pointed a finger at him. “But this is about you. Not me. Are your parents still married?”

“Yes, very happily so.”

“Was your father in the military, too?”

“Yes, he was a career officer, and he hasn’t stopped reminding me of that since I decided not to reenlist.” Twisting his lips sardonically, he raised his glass to her. “The captain didn’t approve of his only son deciding the military wasn’t for him. After being under his thumb all my life, the military wasn’t much of a challenge.”

She nodded. “Why did you decide to get out of the Marines?”

He tensed. “I don’t want to talk about that. Anything but that.”

“Okay.” She might be dying to know what brought the hardness to his voice, but she knew when to back off. “What does your father think of your new job?”

He scoffed. “He thinks I’m wasting my time. He owns a company for former military operatives. A private security detail. And he wanted me—”

“To run it.” The puzzle that was Cooper rapidly came together. He didn’t seem like the type to accept things being handed to him. And he didn’t strike her as kind of guy who would take the easy way out. She appreciated that in a man. “I’m guessing you’re not interested?”

“Nope.” He tossed back the remains of his drink and set the glass down. Clearly he didn’t like the topic. “I’m not taking the position because I’m his son and a shoo-in. That’s not fair to anyone. If I take a job, it’s because I’ve proven myself to be the best candidate. No other reason.”

So, she’d been right. Kayla took a sip of her drink and sat back. “What’s your biggest fear?”

“Failure.” He tightened his fists and looked down at his lap. “In particular, failure that will result in a loss of life.”

She studied his lowered head, reached out and rested her hand on his knee. “Did you lose someone in the war that was close to you? A squad member, perhaps?”

He chuckled and tugged on a piece of her hair, making her stomach tighten. Such a simple gesture, but its effects were staggering. “You’re persistent, I’ll give you that. But this topic is closed, sweetheart.”

“Fine.” She withdrew her hand. “Then give me the biggest fear besides the one I’m not allowed to ask about?”

He leaned in closer. “It’s a good fear. Humiliating, even. But it’ll cost you.”

“What’s the price?”

“A kiss,” he whispered.

Ha. She would’ve done that for nothing. “People will see.”

“It’s not like we haven’t done that already. Besides, no one’s watching us.” He gestured at the other passengers. He was right. Most of them were sleeping or reading. No one was even remotely interested in the two of them. “Just one little kiss…”

Reaching out, she touched his hair. It was as soft as it looked, even though she’d first thought he had to use a whole can of hairspray to get it to fall so perfectly into place. No, he seemed to be naturally lucky with his hair. His face. His body.
, really.

She sighed, as if he was asking a lot of her. Let him stew on that. “Fine.”

Grabbing on to his shoulders, she melded her lips against his, kissing him with all of the pent up frustration and need coursing through her veins.

For the next few days, she’d have to be the Kayla Moriarity that her whole family thought she was. The girl they all thought hadn’t grown up yet. Tonight, on the plane with Cooper, would be all about
. The real her.

He trailed his fingers lightly over her shoulder. When his hands closed around her sides, his grip so close to her breasts, she arched her back in invitation. He seemed to get the hint. He lifted the blanket up over their shoulders and then closed his palms over her completely.

They broke apart when someone coughed. He slid his hands away from her, and the blanket fell back to their laps. Kayla scanned the passengers, looking for any signs that they knew the two people in the back row were
this close
to getting it on.

No one was watching. Unbelievable.

She took a shaky breath and met his eyes. The way they blazed back at her almost broke her resolve to not strip naked here and now. “I think I more than earned your secret, didn’t I?”

“Hot damn.” He dropped his head back against the plane seat. Dragging his hand down his face, he shot her a disgruntled look and adjusted his position on the seat. She totally wanted to peek under the blanket and see how hard he was right now. “My secret is I’m terrified of public speaking. When I get up in front of a crowd of people, or someone hands me a microphone, I panic. And I’m not talking about babbling like a fool or anything. I just stand there. Not moving. Not talking. Nothing.”

She hadn’t expected that. To think he was scared of anything seemed ludicrous, but of
The man had a natural charm that drew her in—certainly it worked on other people. “Seriously?”

He nodded. “One time at a Marine Corps Ball, they decided I should give a speech for the commander. I have a feeling my buddies had something to do with that, though they denied it.” He twisted his lips, his cheeks turning a little bit red. “One second, I’m sipping my drink and flirting with my date, the next they’re announcing my name and calling me up to the stage. I didn’t make a single intelligible peep, and I might have trembled under the spotlight, too. It was horrible. Needless to say, I went home alone that night.”

“Oh, man.” She covered her mouth with her hands to hide her grin. “That’s just wrong. I would’ve still gone home with you.”

He looked at her in surprise. “You would have?”

She nodded. “Totally. I like seeing weakness in men. It makes them more approachable.”

He gently ran his fingers through her curls, and tingles shot through her body. He seemed to like touching her hair, and she liked him playing with it. “I also suck at dancing. I tend to avoid it with a cold, bad-boy demeanor, but the truth is I’m horrible at it. Sometimes, I wish I could dance.”

“If there was room on this plane, I could help you with that. I happen to be an excellent dancer. My mom enrolled us in classes as kids.”

“Too bad we won’t see each other again. I’d take you up on that offer.”

She frowned and looked out the window. “Maybe I could show you after the flight lands? A quickie in the parking lot?”

His lips curved upwards and he dropped her hair. “I think your definition of quickie differs from mine.”

She met his eyes. “Are you so sure about that?”

“Kayla…” The smile faded away, and he cupped her cheek. “We could keep this easy or.” His hand tightened on her. “We can make this a night to remember. Your choice.”

Her heart sped up, and she looked away from him. “How long have you been single?”

“I refuse to be in a relationship when I deploy, and I’ve been deploying every year. So, suffice it to say I’ve been single for some time now. What about you?”

“I haven’t had, or wanted, a boyfriend in a ridiculously long time.”

“How long?

“Since college.” She fidgeted with her skirt some more, not looking up at him. “I’ve had a few meaningless encounters—friends with benefits—but no real relationships. But it’s by choice.”

“Why is that?”

“I really don’t believe in the institute of marriage being the thing that makes a woman whole. My old-fashioned family seems to think the only way I can be happy is if I have a man holding me up. Why should I encourage their limited views of the world by settling down with a guy who fits the part? You know, I saw so many childhood friends marry the first guy who came along just to have that ‘special day.’ But
day is
special day. I’m happy on my own.” She looked out the window. There was another reason she wasn’t being honest about. She might as well give him the whole answer since she’d told him everything else about herself minus her freaking bra size. “Plus, there’s the whole issue of love.”

He shifted his weight. “Meaning?”

“Well, I haven’t fallen in love yet—not like everyone else I know has. Not even close.” She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin defiantly. “I’m beginning to wonder if I ever will, thus the reason I’m focusing more on myself at this point in my life. I don’t think I’m a good fit with the emotion. It requires too much blind trust and warm gushy feelings, while I prefer logic and cold calculations.”

“Yeah, that much is true. It’s hard to let go like that.” He snorted. “But you don’t actually not believe in love, right? I mean, you know it’s real.”

“It’s not that I don’t believe in it, per se. It’s just that I haven’t been given a reason to think it’ll happen to me, is all.” She shrugged and tried to come up with a way to express exactly what she meant. “I’ve seen people fall in love, and I’ve seen people change for love. But
haven’t done it.
haven’t felt it. Maybe it’s real, but it’s just not real for

He shook his head. “I find it hard to believe a woman like you will never find love. You’re kind, funny, and charming. Basically, you’re the perfect catch.” He reached out and covered her hand with his, squeezing gently. “If there’s no hope for you, then how do the rest of us stand a chance in hell at a happy ending?”

“Who said I’m not happy now? It’s not like I’m on a one-way ride to miserable Spinsterville.” Her lips quirked at the corners.

He laughed. “Touché. Besides, I doubt a woman as amazing as you could ever find a man who deserved you. He doesn’t exist.”

“Oh really?”

“Really.” His dimple flashed and Kayla melted. “You’re incomparable.”

While she wasn’t unhappy with her life, she was certainly happier now that she’d met him. Without thinking, she wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and brought his mouth to hers, kissing him gently. That was such a sweet thing to say that she couldn’t resist him anymore. Yeah, it pretty much sealed the deal in her eyes.

She was going home with him tonight.

Chapter Five

Cooper closed his hands around Kayla’s waist. This was the second time she kissed him all on her own, and each time the desire inside of him grew closer to boiling over. He was pushing his restraint to the max, but he couldn’t resist her. She might be warm and welcoming now, but once her feet were on solid ground again, she would return to her senses.

Once she wasn’t afraid of dying.

But if he could make her come apart in his arms one time before they parted, he’d be happy. He slid his hand under the blanket again, his fingers trailing over the soft skin of her upper thigh.

She gasped when his palm made contact with her bare leg, but he kept his lips pressed against hers. Her legs parted under the blanket, and he slid his fingers higher, brushing against the soft satin of her panties. Something inside of him demanded he show her how good he could make her feel before she walked away from him forever.

Something to remember him by.

He didn’t have much time to waste—it wasn’t a particularly long flight from Maine to North Carolina—but if he was right, she would be ready. Slipping his fingers inside her panties, he felt her dampen his fingers instantly. He deepened his kiss and thrust his fingers deep inside her, thanking God for the dim lights, distracted passengers, and the blanket.

But still…he had to make it less obvious what he was doing.

He broke off and whispered in her ear, “Don’t you move or make any noise. I’m going to make you come, but you can’t make a sound. Got it?”

She nodded frantically, her breath coming out fast and soft.

He reached into the seat pocket with his free hand and opened up a SkyMall magazine on his lap, staring down at it as his fingers worked over her. “Close your eyes,” Cooper whispered, his focus on the seat in front of him. “Pretend you’re asleep.”

She slammed her eyes shut and bit down on her lip, her pussy clenching down all around him as he rubbed his thumb against her clit. She was so tight and hot and wet…

He held back a groan when she squirmed, her body restlessly begging him for more. He moved his thumb over her clit even harder, making sure to keep pressure there, while thrusting inside of her with his fingers. Harder. Faster.

Fuck, she was going to kill him with those tiny little breaths she kept letting out.

She rocked her hips as he moved within her, and he lifted a knee under the blanket to hide her frantic movements. He could tell by the way her tight pussy was clenching down on his fingers that she was close. So fucking close. And damn if he wasn’t close to ruining his damn pants, too, just from touching her.

He wished more than anything that they weren’t on an airplane right now.

If only they were in a hotel room where she could scream his name without holding back. Where he could make her beg for his touch. Where he could do more.

“Come for me,” he whispered, thrusting harder and pressing his thumb more insistently against her.

“C-Cooper,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.

He glanced around, making sure no one heard, then returned his attention to her flushed face. She looked so damn erotic right now, on the precipice of orgasm. She bit down harder on her lip, and he wished more than ever that his cock could be buried inside her when she came.

“Yes. That’s it,” he whispered, scraping his thumb against her sensitive clit. She pumped her hips one last time, and then her body went tense, her pussy squeezing down on him as she exploded. He didn’t let up on her once she relaxed, instead he brushed his thumb over her clit and wiggled his fingers again.

She tensed again, her cheeks even more red, and this time he withdrew his hand from between her legs. She collapsed against her seat, breathing heavily. Satisfaction poured through his veins.

The fasten seatbelts sign came on with a ding. Kayla’s eyes went wide, and he saw a mixture of awe and embarrassment in her expression. “Oh my God.”

He offered her an easy grin, even though his blood was pounding in his head and his cock was so fucking hard it hurt to move. “Now buckle up. We’re about to land, if I’m not mistaken.”

She tugged down her skirt and fastened her seatbelt with shaking fingers, and he busied himself with adjusting his khakis to allow room for his painful erection. Jesus Christ, he’d never been so turned on in his life.

And yet…even he was a little shocked at what they’d just done. Hell, he didn’t go around fucking women in public. Granted, he didn’t actually fuck her, but

He’d made her come—on an airplane, of all places.

What had gotten into him? And why couldn’t he wait to get his hands on her again? On the plane, in the airport, in a hotel. He didn’t care where or when, but he needed more. She intoxicated him in every way.

He drew in a deep breath and looked at her, prepared for anything from tears to anger. Instead, she held up one of her crazy little wipes at him, her eyes on his hands, as calm as can be. “Here. For your hand.”

He let out a short laugh then swallowed it down. He’d expected her to panic about landing or about, oh, he didn’t know, fucking
in front of a whole plane, and she handed him a sanitary wipe? The woman was unbelievable. “Seriously?”

She turned beet red. “Sure, why not?”

He took the wipe from her and cleaned his fingers, his thoughts scattered. “You have something for any situation in that thing, don’t you?”

“Pretty much.” She shrugged and dropped her gaze. Then peeked back up at him from behind her hair. “I like to be prepared. Oh, and thanks, by the way. For all the distracting.” She flushed even more. “You went above and beyond the call of duty. So…yeah. Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it,” he said dryly.

The way she clutched her hands together tightly told him all he needed to know about her. She might pretend that it wasn’t a huge issue to her, but she was clearly nervous as hell. Their eyes met, but instead of calming him down…she fueled him on.

She might think this was the end of their time together, but if he had anything to say about it…it was only the beginning.

Well, that had certainly been a plane ride like no other.

Ever since Cooper had made her come with his fingers and a few whispered words, she’d been at a loss for what to say. He seemed to accept this without question, though. In fact, he’d been holding her hand and comforting her as they descended.

Who was this man, and what planet did he come from? In her experience, men like Cooper weren’t real. They existed purely in the pages of romance novels and chick flicks.

But here he was. In the flesh. Driving her crazy with need.

What was she supposed to do with him now?

The plane jostled as it touched ground, and he fisted his hand in his lap. “Looks like we made it alive. No fiery crashes, and no watery grave.”

“Thank God.” She sat up straight and cleared her throat. “Thank you, again, for…well, everything.” And for the mind-blowing orgasm.
for the orgasm.

His lips quirked, almost as if he’d read her mind. “You’re welcome.”

The attendant’s voice came over the speaker, welcoming them to North Carolina. Cooper looked at Kayla. She stared back. After a moment, she broke the silence. “What now?”

“Now we wait to get off.” He looked over his shoulder and tapped his foot impatiently.

She snorted. “I thought I already did.”

A chuckle escaped him. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

“All right, everyone,” the flight attendant said from the front of the plane, her eyes skimming over all of the passengers. Kayla couldn’t help but wonder if she
what they had been up to in that back row. “Please watch your step on the jet bridge as you exit the plane.”

Kayla stood up clumsily, cursing her legs for feeling so damned weak and shaky. “We made it in one piece.”

“Indeed we did. After you.” Cooper motioned her forward, waiting for her to clear the aisle. Then he grabbed his carry-on out of the overhead bin and followed her. “So, did you rent a car, or are your parents picking you up?”

Kayla looked over her shoulder at him. “No car for me. I’m catching the shuttle to a nearby hotel, where I’ll be staying for the next few days. I’ll call my mom to pick me up in the morning, when they’re awake. She wanted to come tonight, but I decided to take a night to recover from the flight before I got swept up in the wedding madness.”

He scratched the back of his head, looking utterly adorable with his tussled hair and sleepy eyes. Damn, but not many men could pull off that look. She was staring so hard as she walked, she tripped over a child’s seat that was waiting to be picked up in the jet bridge.

“Watch it!” he called, just as she stumbled forward.

She righted herself quickly, trying to hide her embarrassment. “I’m okay.”

He caught him fighting back a grin. “Good. That car seat came out of nowhere, huh?”

After that, they walked the rest of the way up the jet bridge in silence until they reached the gate. “Do you have baggage to pick up?” she asked.

“No, this is all I brought.” he said, gesturing to his bag. “But I’ll go with you to the baggage carousel if you want. If not, that’s okay, too.”

Oh, she wanted, all right. The question was, did he? He hadn’t said a word about continuing what they’d started on the plane somewhere else yet. But he hadn’t walked away yet, either.

So that meant something, right?

“Sure, come on.” She took a step, then remembered something he’d said to her earlier. “Wait, you said you would see me after the flight. If you didn’t have baggage to collect, then why did you say you’d see me again? Did you lie to me?”

“No.” He shifted on his feet. “I would’ve come to check on you.”

“Even though you didn’t need any luggage?”

He met her eyes. “Yep. I would’ve made sure you were all right before I left. I don’t make empty promises. If I say I’ll see you later, I’ll see you later.”

“Oh.” Her heart melted even more. He was oh-so-dangerous to her well-being with all his heroic thoughts and his magical orgasm-inducing fingers. She might as well climb out of her underwear and straddle him now, because that’s how tonight was going to end if they didn’t part ways soon. “I see.”

He fell into step beside her. “After we’re done here, I need to grab the keys for my rental. Want to come with me? I can drop you off at your hotel.”

That sounded promising. “Okay.”

She couldn’t wait to bring him back to a hotel for one hell of a night.

BOOK: Temporarily Yours (A Shillings Agency Novel) (Entangled Brazen)
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