Tempted by My Billionaire’s Doctor 2: A BBW Medical Humiliating Backdoor First Time Menage (Detested and Inspected) (3 page)

BOOK: Tempted by My Billionaire’s Doctor 2: A BBW Medical Humiliating Backdoor First Time Menage (Detested and Inspected)
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“Virginia, how should I know what goes through the head of someone of her ilk?”

Virginia turned to Dr. Fox, seated across the table.

“You wouldn’t know anything about it, would you Dr. Fox?”

His eyes stayed glued to his plate, to the salad his fork pushed around to no particular destination.

“No, ma’am,” he said. “Wouldn’t know about such things.”

Virginia put her arm around me and patted my back.

“The poor dear looks like she’s seen the devil,” she said.

She turned back to Captain Barclay.

“Like the devil had his way with her.”

I looked up.

Her eyes were slits. Fury emanated from her like lava from a volcano.

Captain Barclay dropped his fork. It hit his plate with a crash.

“Virginia, I don’t know what—“

She leaned toward him and snapped a slap across his face. Her nails left red, angry furrows in his pudgy cheek.

Captain Barclay fell back in his chair. In shock. Dr. Fox quietly set his fork on his plate. He studiously stared at his plate.

Virginia rose from her chair and stood next to Captain Barclay.

What was happening?

Her smaller size seemed to grow. She sucked the air out of the room, out of Captain Barclay. He looked up in terror.

“You vulgar, hedonistic, unholy beast!”

She raised her hand to strike him again.

He threw his arms up as if fearing a beating from a woman half his size.

“My father was right about you. He said you were a
colossal mistake. An undisciplined brute. The crudest sort of character. You are the lowest, Howard.”

Captain Barclay held his hands out, like a beggar seeking alms.

“Virginia, what do you mean? Where is this coming from?”

“You take me for a fool? You repulsive, immoral bastard.”

Captain Barclay didn’t say a word. He froze. The animal in the woods. The bullet whizzing through the air, an instant before it lodged in his heart.

Virginia struck him again, leaving red, ragged trails on his other cheek.

“I heard it, Howard! You left the intercom broadcasting. Everyone on the goddamn ship probably heard it!”

“No Virginia. She seduced us. Dr. Fox, tell her!”

Dr. Fox didn’t move.

Virginia’s wrath whirled on him.

“Oliver Fox,” she said, “I will have your physician’s license! You will never work in this field again!”

She heard it all. She knew. My shame.

“Howard, you defiled this poor girl! Your son’s future finance! You’ve brought shame and agony to her! To our family!”

“Dear, let’s talk about this lat—“

“Quiet! Not another word! Howard, get off my yacht this instant! I banish you! Never slither your foul being into my presence again.”

“Honey, you don’t mean—“

“Shut your mouth!”

She cracked him again. A red trail lit up on his lip.

“Consider yourself divorced! You will get nothing, Howard! Not a goddamn cent! And if you give me so much as a voicemail of trouble, I’ll have both of your sorry asses in prison. Where you can be treated just as you treated this poor girl!”

She fought for me. For me. I collapsed into Ashton’s arms. Tears flooded free. Choking sobs wracked my chest. His strong arms held me tight. A furious, dazed look in his eyes.

Virginia marched to the intercom by the door and clicked it on. “Get the helo fired up. Howard and Dr. Fox are leaving the Singular this instant. They will require none of their belongings. In fact, I want all of their belongings tossed over board!”

The intercom crackled.


“Do it now Goddamit! Or you’ll be swimming too!”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The speaker sizzled and went silent.

Captain Barclay was a shell. His enormous frame looked smaller than his wife’s by half.


“No! Nothing! Out! Both of you!”

Dr. Fox scrambled out of his seat and toward the door like a cattle prod was shoved up his ass. Captain Barclay stumbled out of his seat in a daze. He lumbered toward the door, his head in his hands. He turned back and looked at me.

Through blurred tears, my eyes met his.

I flipped him the bird. And smiled.

“Fuck you, Mr. Barclay.”

Ashton hugged me tight. He snarled at his father.

“If I ever see you again, I’ll fucking kill you.”

Captain Barclay stumbled back, like the first blow had already struck.

Virginia came behind my chair and laid a hand on my shoulder.

“I’m so sorry, dear,” she said. “I had no idea such a monster slept in my own bed. I’m so sorry.”

Captain Barclay lurched through the doorway and disappeared. From the ship. From my life.

I never saw him again.

Many years later, I sat with Virginia next to the upper deck pool on the Singular. Where it all began. Charlie, the youngest of my three boys with Ashton, jumped off my knee and leaped into the pool to join his father and brothers.

She leaned in and whispered.

“I recently heard an update on my ex.”

No mention of Howard had come up in years. I didn’t know what to say. Those memories were still too confusing to sort through.

“He’s penniless. A bum on the streets of San Francisco.”

I wasn’t sure I still hated him. But I was sure I didn’t wish him pennies from heaven.

“Let’s never speak of him again,” I said.

“Agreed,” she said.

And we never did.


Spanked by My Gyno Doctor 1


* * * * *

I shouldn’t be responding this way. This was a medical exam, but it was the furthest I’d gone with any boy.

And Dr. Malone was all man.

He stroked inside me, rubbing my clit at the same time. My hips dipped and rolled like they somehow knew a dance I’d never been taught.

“Yes, doctor,” I said. My voice was all breath and heat.

I didn’t mean for this to happen. I should’ve been embarrassed. A big part of me was. Not the bigger part.

“Ms. Harris, I’d like to test your muscle tone,” Dr. Malone said. “Clinch your pelvic muscles hard, ten times. I’ll count.”

“One,” he said and shoved his finger deeper. His thumb anchored to my clit, circling and rubbing.

I squeezed his finger and almost came. No way I could get through nine more without leaving his hand a hot, wet mess.

I opened my eyes a crack and saw Tina. Her breasts rested on my arm, nearly spilling out of her low cut tank top. I wanted her nipples in my mouth, under my tongue.

Oh god. Save me. It was so wrong to feel this way. It was immoral or something.

Tina smiled at me and licked her lips. Her eyes smoldered with a curious fire.

Dr. Malone’s thumb circled my clit and his finger pushed again.

“Two,” he said and I squeezed again.

And this time, I did come.

The room exploded into hot stars of aching orgasm. I never orgasmed like this. My fingers didn’t know the secret.

He counted another number and my insides clenched again. This time on their own. Slow, hard pulses squeezed through me. Every contraction an exquisite agony. Sweat rolled off my belly. My breath came in gasps.

After an eternity of counting and coming, my eyes rolled back down out of my head. His finger pulled out of me. Tina was above me. That curious flame in her eyes an inferno.

She gulped.

“Did I tell you to trust me, or what?”

It was hard to form words, to connect my brain to my body.

“You were right,” I said. “It was nothing like I imagined.”

I licked some moisture into my dry lips. The ones on my mouth. The ones on my pussy were drenched.

Fuck. That was intense. That was the hardest I’d ever come by a light year. Fuck a country mile.

My inside muscles clenched again and an echo of pleasure rippled through me.

I never knew.

I totally never knew what I was missing out on. Why was I so afraid? It was nothing to be scared of. Women did this all the time.

It really was no big deal.

“Ms. Harris, I do not appreciate your over-zealous response to my futile attempts at a professional examination. Do you always come so hard without regard to other people?”

I lay there numb and in shock.

“It’s thoughtless. Do I walk over to your french fry station and ejaculate on it?”

What was happening? Oh god.

“I’m going to have to punish you,” he said.

He turned to Tina.

“Help me flip her over,” he said. “She requires a hard spanking.”

* * * * *

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About the Author

Hospital administrator by day, author with a wild imagination and a very smutty pen at night, Kinsey Grey writes steamy stories with a medical theme.

If you like hot very naughty doctors and nurses who don't mind crossing ethical and sexual boundaries then you will love her sizzling stories of love and lust.

Check her out on Amazon.

BOOK: Tempted by My Billionaire’s Doctor 2: A BBW Medical Humiliating Backdoor First Time Menage (Detested and Inspected)
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