Read Tempting Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 4) Online

Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal Romance

Tempting Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 4) (7 page)

BOOK: Tempting Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 4)
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She felt his warm breath sawing from his lungs and languidly turned toward it. Her body tingled as aftershocks hit her, and she trembled, the only thing holding her upright was his power.

“Fucking beautiful. I can’t wait to feel all that pulsing around my cock.” His face was only inches from hers, his breath mingled with hers, and she saw the stark need blazing in his mesmerizing eyes. He looked fierce, wild… pained and so damned strong and powerful. She wanted him, but she didn’t know him, or trust him. Thankfully, she’d gained a tiny bit of sanity with her release. The heat was still there, but not the madness of being so close to climax, yet being denied.

“Release me.” The words came out shakier than she would have liked. Her body was in a state she’d never felt. The climax was strong, but she still needed more.

His smile was tighter than before, and she finally understood the term wolfish; that was the only way to describe the look on his face. He liked that she denied him, no matter how tormented it had left him. Then she wondered if it was the challenge, the chase? He groaned while slowly moving back from her. She saw that the tendons on his neck were strained from holding back. He wanted her, could have her, but allowed her to deny him… Her body was released from his hold as she wondered at his behavior. She felt shaky standing on her own and was surprised to realize how fully she’d allowed his power to support her. A part of her had trusted that he wouldn’t let her go. Her beast whimpered. What was really going on? Was she more animal than she’d ever understood?

“We need to get out of this house. If I don’t get some fresh air, I’m not going to be able to stop from having you, no matter how much I want you to want it, demand it.” He blew out a breath. “Run with me.”

Her stomach flipped with a response that was, again, more animalistic. The thought of running with him in her beast form was… exciting. She frowned, confused by him, by everything. She needed answers to her questions, especially as to why she wasn’t worried he’d hurt her. She completely dismissed that possibility and that wasn’t right. He could easily harm her; instead he pleasured her and wanted to run with her?

Chapter 6


Earth Realm


Conn had no sooner gotten the words out when he heard them. He was on a razor’s edge, falling into the blade itself. He wanted to take her, to rip off his painfully tight jeans, shred her snug pants, and bury himself deep. He knew it would be like nothing he’d ever experienced, yet he knew if he did, he’d be systematically fucking himself over. She’d hold it against him, but damn, it was becoming worth the chance.

Bastian and Jax were right behind the three rabid she-wolves that barreled into the room, throwing telekinetic power with all their strength. He blocked it, but it was not without effort. They were strong, just like his mate. She’d surprised him, and he loved every new thing he learned about her. Especially when she’d challenged him, no, demanded he finish what he’d started. She had fire and strength, exactly what he’d hoped for in a mate. Fuck. She was so damn hot taking her pleasure, moaning and letting go so beautifully for him. So far there was nothing he didn’t like about his female.

He deflected the blasts as his brothers moved around. His female went to them, side to side, back to back. He was still so painfully hard, but he respected the hell out of them for the effort they made to protect their own.

“Enough!” He didn’t need to shout, he only needed to infuse his voice with enough command that their wolves submitted before they truly understood what was happening. They couldn’t fight his power, and he almost felt bad for using it against the brave little she-wolves.

“Who the hell are you, and what did you do to my sister?” the tallest one demanded, fury radiating from her in waves while he blocked her from using her power.

Before Conn could answer, Jax mused, “So little red riding hood has sisters. Nice.” Conn felt tingles in his mind and grinned wide. His little mate had other abilities, and she’d waited for backup before using them. He had mental blocks she’d never get through until they physically touched and their mind links started forming.

He looked to see if their telepathic bond was there. Sirena said Lykos and the Ailouros, the felines, tended to have early forming mental links that came from scent. He’d seen it happen before.

They were in such close proximity he could see the budding thread in his mind and grinned before using it to speak telepathically to her.
You can be in my mind when you let me touch you.
His grin turned decidedly wicked when she gasped and her gorgeous eyes widened. There was so much she didn’t know. They needed to talk, and he needed out of the confined space where all he smelled was her wet pussy. Fuck.

The females were snarling and snapping, but he hadn’t been listening. They were on edge, unsure, and needed things explained, but not from him, not when he couldn’t focus on anything but his mate.

Jax chuckled. “Well, I can smell how hard she got off, and your attitude is evidence enough that you weren’t so lucky.”

Conn used his power and pushed his brother out of the room and slammed the door shut behind him. Confused females focused from him to his mate, likely speaking in the family mental link while Bastian stood with his hands on his hips, amusement lighting his dark eyes. Conn drew a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. It didn’t clear his head, just brought more of her scent into his lungs. He was a second from taking her in front of her sisters and not giving a shit.

“Bastian, will you take the sisters and tell them what the hell’s going on. I need some time with my mate.”

Amidst feminine screeching, Bastian teleported the females away. He watched his mate tense and fear fill her gaze. She hadn’t spelled the house, and there was no metal infused in the walls to prevent Immortals from porting in or out at will. In the old home, there might have been a little lead in the paint, but Bastian’s race was one with enhanced teleportation skills; that would not have stopped him.


I know. I’m out,
Jax mentally responded.

“What just happened? How did you talk in my mind, and what did you do with my sisters?” his female demanded. He heard the fear and outrage in her voice.

“They’ll be fine; he won’t harm them. Bastian and Jax will explain what’s happening. Right now I need to get out of here.” He couldn’t touch her to teleport her and wouldn’t if he could. He’d heard his brothers explain the sexual agony of teleporting a mate during the frenzy. Apparently the bodies blended, and the experience was more than intense.

He opened the front door and walked into the fresh night air. She hesitated only a second and followed him out. He knew she would come, if only to find her sisters, but he only cared about clearing his lungs. He took deep breaths; his cock was killing him. “Give me a second,” he said, lifting his hand when she faced him to talk. Her eyes flashed, and he heard her teeth grinding.

“Take me to my sisters!” she demanded.

“I know you can mentally speak to them, so you know they’re fine. Likely sick from the teleport, but unharmed.” He saw that he was right, and she relaxed.

“It was teleporting that made them ill?” she confirmed.

“Yes, they’ll be fine. We’re Guardians. Our duty is to protect the inhabitants of the Realms not torture them for fun.” Her perfect dark brows furrowed prettily, and he found yet another thing to be enamored of. “It seems there’s a lot you don’t know, princess. I need to go for a run. Run with me.” He set his voice low, cajoling.

Her breath caught, and he saw excitement light her eyes. She wanted to run; her beast wanted to meet his as much as his wanted to meet hers. “Just know, if your beast touches mine, it’s the same, the frenzy starts.” He would not have her blaming him if that happened.

“How were you in my mind?” she asked, tense.

“I found the budding mental link that we have as mates.” He paused. “I can’t hear your thoughts, princess. I can only talk to you.” She didn’t seem to relax all that much. Was probably worried he was lying. “Can you hear your sisters’ random thoughts?” He saw her eyes narrow, assessing how he’d spoken to her. “Look for the link, and you’ll see that’s what I used. See that you can use it too.” He watched her as she stared off.

Her mental voice was as shocked as the look on her beautiful face.


We’re connected.

Yes, you are my mate. We’ll be even more bound when you accept me,
he whispered through the link and watched her lids lower.

He nearly groaned when she licked her lips. There was an innate innocence about her that he couldn’t deny, and it was getting to him. “Tell me your name, princess.”

He watched her closely. She was deciding whether to lie. How many more siblings did she have? Were her parents in Earth as well?

“Dacia,” she said as his brain started functioning again. He liked the sound of it on her lips, would like the sound of his name from her lips more.

“My name is Conn. Now, Dacia, tell me, are your parents on their way too?” That would explain her family undertones being an unfamiliar scent from any of the other Lykos clans on Tetartos.

Again she was silent, contemplating. He loved the intelligence in her eyes and the fact that she thought through whether to lie or not, whether her answers would betray any secrets she was trying to keep. She may even be discussing it with her siblings. He wouldn’t get her thoughts until they touched. He should probably explain everything that would happen in the mating, but he was too focused on her features.

Later, he would explain, once he had a few answers of his own and knew he wasn’t going to be hit with an army of hidden Lykos in Earth Realm. He took another few calming, cleansing breaths of the cool night air and felt the first few drops of rain touch his face.

“My parents won’t be here.” Something in the way she said it told him more than she probably intended.

“Are more siblings going to show up soon?” he asked, cocking a brow.

She narrowed her eyes, and he fucking loved it. “No. I need to run as well, and you can explain to me where my sisters are and what you have planned for us.” She started off down the sidewalk. “This way.” She had such a serious demeanor. Irritation, anger and arousal were the main emotions he’d seen; he wondered if she’d be playful or cautious and calculated in her wolf form too.

Her words came across less bossy, more demanding, a ruler to her subjects. He couldn’t help the grin that slid into place, but the sway of tight ass completely derailed him. He ran a hand over his face and nearly groaned as his cock pulsed aggressively against his zipper.

Chapter 7


Elizabeth’s Compound, Tetartos Realm


With Cyril and Kane both dead, Elizabeth was in full control. She smirked at how easy it was once Cyril died. Centuries of being at the bastard’s mercy, as he used her powers for his own ridiculous cause, ended. She could care less about experiments to find a way around the mating curse. She had much bigger plans. Once Cyril died and Kane thinned the ranks of any who would oppose his short reign, she had made her move. He was easily disposed of. Elizabeth slinked one bare leg over the carnage of yet another mutilated warrior who’d displeased her. Cyril and Kane’s most trusted warriors lay broken and violated at her feet where they belonged.

A hellhound at her heels, she made her way back toward her suite.

“Take the bodies out of the tunnels. The scent offends me.” She slid her fingers down her lacy dress and watched her second’s eyes heat. Reve nodded, ever obedient at the moment, but she never doubted he could turn on her. She planned to keep him on a short leash; the male was one of only a few Kairos she had. His ability was one she needed. She frowned, wishing she were able to teleport as only Gods, Guardians and Kairos could. The Kairos were, of course, confined to Tetartos Realm like all Immortals, but they could still move inside the Realm with ease. She needed them, or at least one, in case the other Immortals or Guardians ever found her. With Cyril gone, she was the most hated Immortal in the Realm, and her capture would be a death sentence. She may never trust the Kairos that helped her take over, but she would keep him. They’d shared plenty of entertainments already. She grinned at him and saw how much she tempted him. His eyes flashed with hunger and something darker that she’d never realized existed in the male. Oh, yes, he enjoyed the same things she did. Interesting that he’d hidden it, in all the centuries during Cyril’s rule after Apollo’s palace had fallen. All the Immortals were exiled, and those loyal to Apollo followed Cyril in the God’s absence; they’d known the others would never accept them after the things they’d done.

“Come to me when the task is finished.” She purred at Reve.

“Yes, Mistress.” She liked the sound of her new title.

She stretched her arms over her head, and the lace abraded her nipples. She enjoyed the tease as her arms fell, and she took another tunnel. Reve wasn’t the most powerful of her warriors, but he could be enjoyable enough, especially if they participated in some foreplay while questioning the males chained to her wall. She was taking her time with the last remaining supporters of Kane. She wished she’d have done the same with the bastard, but she’d gotten too carried away in the moment.

Kane had always thought he was superior. They were of the same race, Aletheia. Interrogators, whose main gift was taking blood memories. She had always been more intelligent, with stronger abilities; he just underestimated her.

His blood had uncovered interesting things. It was amusing that he’d thought she cared about Cyril’s experiments in trying to get mates for the Immortals. That she’d care about some silly hidden Mageia breeding facility. Yes, she would have enjoyed torturing his sister, but she had no use for the children Cyril had bred there. They could have been treats offered to her warriors, morsels of perverse enjoyment. That was the only pity she saw in losing them. Those creatures didn’t affect her goals in the slightest.

BOOK: Tempting Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 4)
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