Read Texas Men Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #General Fiction

Texas Men (7 page)

BOOK: Texas Men
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ara felt something cold encircle her wrist and came instantly awake, knowing exactly what the ornery cowboy had just done.

“’Bout time you woke up,” he said, smiling down at her. He sat next to her on the edge of the bed. Naked. “I’ve been playing with your pussy for ten minutes, and you snored all the way through it.”

Tara turned her head toward the window. Sunlight peeked through the parting of the curtains. “It’s morning? And I do not snore.”

“How do you know?”

She yawned and reached to cover her mouth, only to come up short. “Cody…”

“Now, Tara, you had such a good time last night, I thought I’d give it a try.”

Tara turned her head to find the metal cuff on one wrist and, on the other wrist, a length of material, neatly braided and tied. A deep cobalt-blue braid. “You cut up one of my nightgowns?”

“I’ll get you another.”

The spread of her legs was unnaturally wide, and she didn’t need to pull against the tethers to know he’d taken her idea and run wild with it.

“Now, how much fun can this be for you if I can’t participate?”

“The fun’s in seeing how far you’ll let me go before you start begging.”

“I don’t beg.”

“Like you don’t snore?” A wicked grin inched across his face.

Tara pretended irritation, wrinkling her nose at him, but she relaxed against her ties, eager to see what he had planned.

“You do know you’re the only woman I don’t wear a condom with, right?”

“You promised me that. I believe you.”

“Just wanted you to know you never have to worry.”

“Are you trying to make me nervous?”

Cody reached to the floor beside the bed and pulled up pillows they’d tossed because they’d gotten in the way. He held one between two hands. “I need a little cooperation.”

“You’re the one who tied me up. Can’t backpedal now.”

He snaked an arm beneath her hips and shoved the pillow under her butt and then scooted her feet upward until the makeshift ropes tightened. “Guess that’s all the give they’ve got. I’ll make do.”

Make do? With her pussy in the air, her knees spread wide, she figured he had plenty of access for whatever wickedness he had up his invisible sleeve.

He’d bathed. His skin glittered with moisture he’d haphazardly swiped with a towel. He smelled of her floral soap.

“I think I like this,” he said softly, coming to the end of the bed and eyeing her open legs. He climbed onto the bed, his slow crawl and the predatory gleam in his eye awakening a heavy, pulsing throb at her center. “You’re completely open. Vulnerable. Trust me still?” he murmured.

Tara swallowed hard, her breaths coming faster, shallower. Her thighs tensed as he skimmed knuckles along the top of one thigh.

He leaned over the bed again and picked up something else from the floor, which he cupped in his hand, hiding it from her.

“What do you have there, Cody?”

“Close your eyes.”

“Aren’t you tired of playing games?”

“You played. Now it’s my turn. Close your eyes, or I’m going to go eat breakfast while you think a bit.”

No way was he leaving her like this, aroused, her legs sprawled open with nothing sliding into the pussy he’d already primed for his pleasure. She shut her eyes, frowning so he’d know she wasn’t completely in his thrall.

A low hum started, and she moaned. He’d found her stash of toys. The ones she used when he wasn’t there to fill her.

Something cool was rubbed beneath her pussy, smoothed downward by the tip of a rough finger pressing until it glided over her sensitive back entrance.

A sharp inhalation was her only complaint. When the smooth, round tip of the vibrator hummed against her asshole, she forced herself to relax, knowing resistance wouldn’t deter him and would only cause her discomfort.

The dildo slid inside, gliding in and out in gently shallow forays as he eased the tension in the muscles that clamped around the slender column.

Tara’s belly quivered; her thighs moved restlessly, opening wider as she curved her bottom upward to beg for more. A flick of the switch increased the speed of the vibrations, and moisture trickled from her cunt, her lips spasming with wet little “kisses” as he thrust the toy deeper in her ass.

He held it there, increasing the speed again, his hand cupped against her entrance to keep her body from ejecting it.

“Ever wondered what it would be like to have two cocks coming in you hard?”

She shook her head, pressing her lips together so she wouldn’t blurt the truth.

“Truth is, I don’t like the idea of sharing you. Giving that to you. But we can pretend, can’t we?”

His hands slipped under her ass and lifted her higher. His thighs snuggled closer to hers, and his cock fell heavy atop her mound. “Let’s see how well you like it.”

Tara grabbed the slender tethers and held on tight as Cody backed his hips up, sliding his cock slowly down her slit.

When the tip of his cock nudged her entrance, he pushed forward, sliding easily through moist tissue that rippled all along his thick shaft.

The first thrust pushed the dildo deeper inside, and Tara admitted to herself she felt relief. Christ, she was so full. The hum purred deep inside her body, and she knew he had to feel the vibrations, too.

He slipped away the braid binding one wrist. “Touch your clit.”

She shook her head. She’d shoot off like a rocket if she did. “No. Too quick.”

“Then play with your breasts. I want to watch you touch yourself.”

Eyes still squeezed shut, she clutched a breast, plumping it up for his pleasure.

The pace of his steady thrusts increased. Burning heat and tension filled both her entrances, vibrating upward to curl tight inside her womb until her whole body quivered and shook with her escalating pleasure.

As he stroked harder, Cody’s breaths grew labored. His fingers dug into her buttocks in a bruising grip that only heightened her excitement.

Not able to stand it a moment longer, she opened her eyes.

Cody’s blazing gaze bored into hers, his lips drawn into thin lines against his teeth. His jaw was taut, his skin reddened and glistening now with a fine sheen of sweat.

And so goddamn beautiful he made her heart ache. He was any woman’s wet dream. How the hell did she have any hope of holding on to him?

Cody slowed his thrusts and dropped his gaze.

She followed that heated look, watching as he drove between her folds, each inch disappearing between her reddened lips and then pulling out with thin threads of the creamy white arousal he churned up, coating his slick cock.

His gaze came back up, catching her watching his strokes. “Can’t hold back any longer,” he ground out.

“Never asked you to.”

Pulling out until her pussy sucked only on the blunt crown, he powered forward, stabbing deep into her, so deep she felt the thud against her cervix. He drew out again and thrust hard at her center, repeating the motions, coming faster and faster, jolting against the dildo still tucked deep inside her.

Overwhelmed by the steady pounding, the vibrations deep inside her body, and the powerful picture he made as he hammered her, Tara’s body jerked, her back arching, her head digging into the mattress. Her release washed over her, lifting her on an upward swell, setting her soaring higher. A thin, keening wail pierced the air.

Cody didn’t slow. His thrusts grew more erratic, sharper, harder—until he flung back his head and groaned. “Ahhhhh…”

The little jiggles he made as he shook off the cum spurting inside her made her smile. When he grew still, his eyes opened, greeting her gaze with a rueful grin. “I won’t be able to walk for a week.”

“That’s supposed to be my complaint. I’m the one who took the pounding.”

“You did, didn’t you?”

“Gonna untie me?”

He groaned again and raked her inner walls with short thrusts. “Can’t let me savor it a minute longer?”

“Cody, I want to wrap myself around you.”

His eyes darkened. “Need a cuddle after all that work?”

“I earned it.” She pouted. “I let you have your wicked way.”

With his cock still clutched deep inside her pulsating channel, he bent over her, giving her a long, hot kiss that had them both gasping when he lifted his head.

“Spend the day with me,” she whispered, knowing she was clinging but unable to let go. Not yet.

“Still want me around?” he whispered, his lips sliding along the edge of her jaw.

“I have more nightgowns for you to shred up.”

Mouths an inch apart, Tara savored the grin that wrinkled the sides of his blue eyes. She lifted her hand and combed her fingers through his damp hair and then gently tugged him closer.

Their kiss was a shimmer-soft caress of lips. Sweet, lingering.

“I have to confess, I love this part, too,” he whispered.

“Not a very manly thing to admit. Most men are ready to roll off and sleep.”

“I don’t want to miss a thing.”

At that moment, his spent cock slipped from her pussy.

Tara groaned and then gave a little laugh. “I really, really need that vibrator to go.”

“Sorry.” He came up quickly on his haunches and eased the vibrator from her ass.

Embarrassed, she turned her head aside. With a soft click, the hum stopped.

“Be right back,” he said, climbing off the bed and heading to the bathroom, still clutching the dildo.

“I can manage that….” she called after him, but the door was already shut.

Lying with her body still spread-eagle, fluid oozing from her pussy, Tara tugged at her remaining tethers and chain, hoping to free herself before he came back out, but to no avail. “Must have been a damn boy scout,” she muttered, giving up.

The sound of running water lasted for endless minutes, and then the door opened. He strode inside, a washcloth in his hand.

“You can untie me now,” she said, scowling.

“What would be the fun in that?” He washed her efficiently, careful not to abrade the tender, sensitized flesh between her legs. “Better?” he asked, his gaze lifting from her sex.

With her face flushed with embarrassment, she nodded.

“See? That wasn’t so hard.”

“I could have managed myself.”

“But you would have deprived me of the pleasure. I’m the one who got you this way.”

“Feeling pretty proud of yourself?”

“Yeah. I am.” He traced a finger along the edge of one furled lip. “Did you like it?”

Again, emotion rose up to choke her. She nodded quickly.

Standing at the end of the bed, he bent and placed his hands on either side of her hips and stroked out his tongue to caress her swollen labia. He inhaled—taking a deep, slow breath. “Love that smell. It’s like bread baking in the oven.”

Tara couldn’t help the snort of laughter that shook her body. “Do you use that line with every woman?”

“’Course not,” he said grinning up at her. “It’s not exactly the smoothest line, is it?”

Tara rattled her remaining manacled hand. “The key?”

“Gettin’ to it. Promise.”

A sound like the rasp of footsteps on sand came from outside the window.

Cody’s head canted, a frown drawing his brows together. “You expectin’ company?” he whispered.

“Hell, no. Untie me now.”

“Fuck, where’d I see that key?”

“I left it on the dresser.”

The doorbell rang.

Cody and Tara shared an alarmed glance. He stripped the ties from her feet and then lunged at the dresser, swiping up the key before hurrying back to the bed.

A fist pounding on the front door echoed through the house.

” Tara shouted, jerking her hand away as soon as Cody unlocked the cuff.

He tossed her yellow robe at her, and she shrugged it on, already running for the front door.

She arrived breathless, ran her fingers through her hair, and pasted on a smile before opening the door.

Joe Chavez and Logan Ross stood on her stoop, their faces set in unyielding lines.

“Deputies? Is anything wrong?” she asked, eyeing them warily through the screen door. They were dressed in scruffy T-shirts and frayed jeans, cowboy hats shading their faces.

“Ma’am, we’re here about a missing person,” Joe said, his expression intimidatingly stern.

“A missing person? Who?” she asked, wondering why they’d be looking here.

Joe grabbed the edge of her screen door and opened it. “May we come in?” he asked, already stepping over her threshold.

Tara backed up, at a loss for words as they both charged inside. “But no one’s here,” she sputtered.

“Cody Westhofen missed an appointment this morning,” Joe said over his shoulder as he peered into her kitchen and then headed directly down the hall, Logan at his back.

“Wait!” she said, following on their heels. “Why do you think he’s missing?”

“His truck’s still parked at the Honkytonk, and after the ruckus you two caused last night, we thought we’d better check it out.”

“Ruckus? I’m telling you, he’s not missing.”

Joe didn’t seem to hear her, reaching her door and swinging it open with a flourish. He halted in his tracks, a low whistle blowing through his lips.

Both men blocked the door, so Tara had to peer around them into the room. What she saw made her jaw drop and her face heat with mortification.

Cody lay spread-eagle on her mattress, still naked, his sex stirring between his legs, his feet bound by shiny blue braids and one hand secured by the silver cuff. He turned his head toward the men who stood chuckling softly in the doorway.

“Hey, Cody,” Logan said. “Need rescuing?”

“Sorry I didn’t make our date, boys. As you can see, I’m a little tied up at the moment.”

Tara shot him a blistering glare and then elbowed her way past the men to throw a blanket over Cody’s naked body. By the way the two deputy’s eyes gleamed with amusement, there was no way in hell they’d keep this to themselves. “I’m going to kill you,” Tara hissed at Cody.

“Sure everything’s all right here?” Logan asked. “Meaghan seemed to think blood might have been spilled, the way Tara stomped off last night.”

“No blood spilled,” Cody drawled. “All my parts are still intact.”

BOOK: Texas Men
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