The Alpha's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (13 page)

BOOK: The Alpha's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Shifter Romance
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Night cast him a toothy grin. Then he padded over and bit him on the neck, hard.

Dane’s face contorted painfully. He let out a rather ghastly, overloud scream. He began to thrash around on the bed for a few minutes before he finally laid still.

Once again, in human form, Night stepped forward and looked him over. “Looks like it took rather well, my friend. Don’t be surprised if you begin to thrash a bit more after a while. But for now, I will leave you to your slumber. Enjoy your transformation, friend. You only get to have it once, after all. See you in a few days.”

Even though no other part of him moved, Dane was able to manage a slight smile as he watched his maker go. This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, to be sure.



Five-year-old Hope Nightsky gave her best friend John a skeptical look as they both contemplated the hidden elevator that could take them down to the forest floor far below. Neither of them had ever been allowed to go there without an adult, and today was no an exception.

“You know we can’t do it, John,” she admonished him. “It’s very dangerous down there for a young werewolf. We could be killed—or worse.”

“But aren’t you a super-wolf?” he scoffed. “I’ll bet you could take on anything we found down there.”

“It doesn’t matter what kind of wolf I am if some bear eats my head off,” she pointed out.

“Please, I really don’t want to go out there alone,” the boy pleaded.

“Then don’t,” she replied stubbornly. “I don’t even want to find out what my father would do if we disobeyed and went down without an escort. He’s warmed my backside for far lesser crimes as it is.”

“I think you’re just afraid to go,” John smirked, knowing just which of her buttons to push.

“Am not!” she gasped irritably.

“Are so!” he countered.

“Here now, what’s going on over here?” asked James Nightsky as he happened upon the two arguing children. “How come the two of you aren’t in the glass house?”

“The glass house is for babies,” John replied.

“Oh, really, and you don’t think that you’re a baby?” he smirked.

“Of course I’m not,” he growled. “You know that wolf children mature faster than humans.”

“Yes, but you’re still half-human, technically.”

“I’m almost as big as Hope,” he complained. “We saw a human child our size and I asked. That kid was already twelve years old.”

“I agree, both of you are comparable to twelve-year-olds,” said Night. “Certainly not babies anymore. But, you’re still children. You shouldn’t be lurking around by the elevator where you might be tempted to break a very important rule.”

“We’re not tempted, sir,” he lied. “We were simply standing here to look over the rails.”

“That’s good, John, because if you did go down alone and managed to survive, I’d have to think up a severe reprimand, and I’d really rather not do so,” he said. “I believe it is much easier to simply just follow the rules for the good of the colony, than to risk causing harm to yourself or to the other wolves who would have to be sent out to find you. Don’t you agree?”

“Yes, sir,” he said, catching the smirk on Hope’s face as he did so. “You don’t need to be worried about us. We never step out of line, as well you know.”

“Very good, let’s keep it that way,” Night said. “But, since I’m headed out anyway, how would you two like to come down to the forest floor with me for the day? That’s one way to combat any such notions to go it alone, don’t you think?”

“You’d take us with you, sir?” he asked, growing excited.

“Of course I would,” he laughed. “You’re not babies, after all.”

“Then let’s go!” he said with a huge grin.

“What about you, Hope?” Night laughed. “Would you like to go?”

“Yes, I believe I would,” she agreed with a smile. “It should be an interesting learning experience to say the least. Will we be going to the lake?”

“Yes, I believe we can fit it in,” he said.

“Good,” she said with a smile as she took one of his hands and John took the other. “It sounds wonderful.”

The three of them stepped into the unusual elevator together and watched it unfold and stretch as it took them down about 600 feet. When they stepped out, the elevator sped upwards and they could see no trace of it once it went back up into the treetops again.

Although the children thought nothing of this, it still amazed Night even now. He thanked his lucky stars each day that Julian Hunter, an Alpha wolf living in New York City, had sent Rick to him. That werewolf was constantly innovating new ideas. Not only had he managed to bring werewolves into the twenty-first century, he was beginning to think he’d brought them into the twenty-second.

Rick had outdone himself with the many innovations he had implemented, both in the treehouse where the hidden werewolf colony thrived, and down in the small resort that Night was running on the side, using it as a cover for what was really going on at Wolfhaven. For five years humans had remained ignorant of their activities, in part because only sympathizing humans were invited to visit the resort, and only two or three weeks at a time, leaving the week of the full moon for the werewolves alone.

Very few of the humans who came there actually knew the truth. And, for the most part, Night had chosen to make those who did find out into wolves and keep them here so they could not share what they had discovered with others. Ten such men were now a security team for him. They lived at the resort and made certain no humans snooped anywhere they shouldn’t, making it even more unlikely the truth would be discovered.

The leader of this team, who was known only as Mr. Dane, was a harsher taskmaster than Night would have been himself. But his harshness was something that was needed if they wished to keep their people safe. He hadn’t been forced to kill anybody as yet, but Night didn’t doubt that the man could make anyone who knew too much disappear if the need arose. He just hoped that it never would come to that.

“Here we are, kids, the lake is just beyond that copse of trees.”

“Yay!” the kids shouted, and they ran out happily and began to splash around. A large bear ambled out of the woods not too far from where they were, and they both froze as Night stepped out behind them. He made a series of grunts and growls in the creature’s direction, and it merely grunted a couple times in return. Two small cubs lumbered out as well, much to John and Hope’s delight.

“Can we play with them?” Hope wanted to know.

“Yes, the mother has given her permission,” Night replied.

“You know how to speak to bears, father?” she asked with surprise.

“Only just a little,” he said. “But you must always remember that bears are wild. Not all of them will be willing to picnic with a werewolf.”

“I understand,” she said then. Smiling at the mother bear, she tried a few grunts of her own. The amused female pressed a cold nose to her own, leaving her father speechless as he watched.

“I have never seen that before,” he said dryly. “Perhaps I’ve underestimated just how suited to the forest floor you actually are. I’ll be bringing you out with me much more often after this.”

“And me as well?” John wanted to know.

“As you wish,” Night replied. They spent the rest of the day playing with the bears.


“Oh, now, Night,” Chastity laughed at his words later that night. “I’m sure John never would have gotten her to go.”

“Still, I don’t like that the boy was trying to convince her at all,” he said with a sigh. “I know young males tend to be restless, of course, but I really don’t like the idea that he’d try so hard to get Hope to disobey. He may bear watching, if that’s the sort of antics he’s going to get up to.”

“But you said he seemed to calm down once you promised to take him outside upon occasion,” Chastity pointed out. “Maybe it will be enough.”

“Perhaps for now,” Night agreed. “But some of the younger children will soon be big enough to wish for such outings as well. I’m beginning to think we need to form some sort of a school, and take the kids down there to attend it. You know that Tess’s older children also must be wishing to go down.”

“Well, as long as you don’t hire Katie as the teacher, I’m sure anyone else will do,” Chastity smirked.

“Why would I do that?” he asked with a horrified frown. “She hasn’t even been allowed back into the pack since she threw a fit just after our wedding night. Even her father hasn’t come calling for well over three months now, and then only infrequently. It was probably because Julian did me a favor and sent ten wolves to Dawson to help him with the work in the mines.”

“Well, I’m just glad Katie decided to stop pursuing you,” Chastity growled. “She would not have fared well otherwise, let me tell you.”

“Are you in such a mood because you’re as big as a house, my dear?” Night smirked as he pet her belly with a loving hand. “Not to worry, if you follow your usual trend, our third child will be out of there in just three weeks, once the moon is full.”

“That’s such a comforting thought,” she grumbled.

Night chuckled and wrapped her in his arms. “Julie’s sure to wake soon, sweetheart. Do you want me to feed her some ground meat before I bring her to you?”

“Would you, please?” she asked tiredly. “You’re such a wonderful father, Night. Oh, and Hope should be home pretty soon as well.”

“You look tired,” he told her. “Why don’t you take a nap and I’ll deal with our daughters for now?”

“Yes, I think I’ll do that,” she agreed.


Night was worried about Chastity when she didn’t wake after a few hours. He and his daughters had eaten dinner and then he had told them a few bedtime stories, and still his wife did not emerge from their bedroom to join them.

Stepping in, he placed a hand on her forehead and felt the cold sheen of sweat on her slightly heated brow. “Are you unwell, love?”

“I have a wicked headache,” she whispered. “I’m hoping to shake it before morning, though.”

“Don’t worry about it too much, sweetheart,” he said. “If you need to stay in bed, there are plenty of people around to help. Just get some rest.”

“You know, I really think this baby must be a boy,” Chastity said then. “I just feel totally different this time. Maybe I should see if Boris could change my supplements a little to ease my stomach. I’ve felt a bit nauseated all day.”

“You’re not having labor pains?”

“No, not that I’ve noticed,” she replied. “I should just call Boris and see if he’ll have a look at me. I’d feel a lot better knowing everything was okay.”

“I’ll call him right now,” Night said. He went and did it immediately, then waited for the man to arrive before leading him to their room.

“Hey, doc, what’s up?” Chastity said with a face between a smirk and a grimace.

“Not feeling good today?” Boris asked as he felt Chastity’s forehead. “You’re a bit warm. Have you tried taking some White Birch tea?”

“I’ve tried that, and peppermint, and even took some actual store-bought stuff besides. I’m feeling achy and nauseated, and really I think it’s more likely to be a flu than anything to do with the baby,” said Chastity. “Though I did wonder if changing some of the ingredients in my supplements would do the trick.”

“She thinks she feels different because this baby is a boy,” said Night with a wink.

“No, don’t tease her, Night. She may very well be right,” Boris said. “Many women have noticed a marked difference in the way they feel when having one gender to the other. But, I don’t think the drink being changed is going to help with this problem. I’ll give you something to alleviate these symptoms. I want you to take it every four hours in a tea or infused into some other drink. It should have you feeling better in a couple of days.”

“Thanks, Boris,” said Chastity as she snuggled back down into the blankets. “Night, be a dear and make the first dose when he returns?”

“Of course I will, love,” he agreed. “You just rest easy.”

“Thanks, you two,” she said tiredly as she drifted back off to sleep.

Night and Boris stepped into the other room.

“This baby sure seems to be taking a lot out of her,” said Night worriedly.

“I wouldn’t be too concerned, Night,” Boris replied. “Every child is different, as you know. I think maybe an increase in some key nutrients might be in order for the last few weeks. I’ll bring along the instructions and herbs for that as well. See you soon.”

Once Boris had delivered all the items and explained their uses, Night busied himself with making Chastity a nice, hot cup of tea. He sweetened it to perfection and brought it in, stopping to cast her a loving gaze before waking her. Her curly blond locks had fallen into her face, but he could still see the uncomfortable frown that marred her usually smiling countenance.

“Chastity?” he said softly as he set her cup on the dresser. “Honey, drink this tea. It’s got all kinds of goodies to make you feel better.”

Bleary-eyed, his wife dutifully sat up and downed her drink. By the time it was gone, she was pink-cheeked and her smile had returned.

“Wow!” she said. “That stuff has some pretty powerful ingredients. I’m almost feeling like getting up and doing some dishes.”

“Yeah, I’d say that’s fairly potent, then,” Night chuckled. “But you probably ought to save that for tomorrow while you’re watching the girls. You know that I have to spend time at the resort.”

“Yes, I remember,” she agreed. “I only hope things go the way that you want them to.”

“I’m hoping the very same thing.”


A few hours later, Chastity’s made it very apparent to Night that she was feeling much better. He woke to the feel of her nibbling on his ear, and smiled broadly as he turned to face her. Wordlessly, she climbed on top of his torso and wiggled her hips, making Night chuckle.

“Feeling much better, I see,” he said with a grin. “Would you like me to help you out with some of that friskiness you seem to have acquired?”

BOOK: The Alpha's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Shifter Romance
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