The Alpha's Willing Captive (Historical Paranormal Werebear Steamy Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: The Alpha's Willing Captive (Historical Paranormal Werebear Steamy Romance)
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I’m Nikki Wild, and I live in Southern California with my cat, my loving husband, and a genuine creeping fear of bad wine. I’ve been writing independently for three years now, and I’m in love with my readers every bit as much as I’m in love with my words! Every story I release brings me joy and pleasure, and knowing I’m able to spread a bit of that happiness to others makes every day of my life just a little bit better.


Thank you for giving me the chance to live my dreams. Thank you for giving me the chance to be an author. I owe everything to you, dear reader, and I hope in repayment, I can excite your senses and make your every night just a little bit better.

– Nikki Wild


Did you enjoy The Werewolves Innocent Queen? You’ll love “SERVING THE WEREBEAR”

Here’s a little taste:




This darkly romantic short story features a sophisticated shifter with dominant passions, and the woman who learns the difference between fairy tales and her own twisted fantasy…


Rafe's amber eyes twinkled as he ran the length along his hands.


"Silver," he said, "it's pure silver.  And it does nothing to me… Do you see that? Yet another fairy tale humans still tell themselves to imagine they are safe.  Silver can not hurt me."


He grinned, showing me his pearly white teeth, sharp and hungry. "But it will probably hurt you. You would like that, wouldn’t you?"


“Yes, sir,” I whispered.


To be perfectly honest, I was expecting a filthy cave… Even in my wildest fantasies, I didn’t imagine finding myself at the door of the most incredible mansion I had ever seen in my life.


But once I thought about it, it made sense. 


Rafe Lowell wouldn’t live in a cave.  He was much too refined and well-bred for that. The rest of the shifters at the club may be rough and un-civilized, but Rafe wouldn’t let himself stoop to that level.  What little humanity he retained was of the highest breeding


That was why I was here, of course. I would’t have come home with any of the
customers. Humans and shifters don’t mix. It’s a rule I survived by for a long time…


But Rafe was something different.


"I'm so glad you are here."


His voice thrilled through me, sending tingles down my spine.  This was why I was here too.  Because shifters, as dangerous and unpredictable as they were, turned me on like nothing else.  "I'm glad too," I answered, trying not to squirm on the leather sofa.  I knew his senses were more acute.  He had to be able to smell my desire.


I swallowed hard and ducked my head as his strange amber eyes raked over my body.  I couldn't tell if he liked what he saw or not.  Certainly I had done my best.  My dark locks were piled high up on my head, setting off the swoop of my long neck.  I knew I looked my best, appetizing even.  Appealing to shifters was part of my job description. I had worked at the club long enough to figure I knew exactly what I was in for tonight. Although I will admit, Rafe had me nervous.


It's the unpredictable ones you have to watch.


I shifted on the sofa again, and felt the squeak of the leather underneath my thighs.  I wiggled slightly, very aware of the fact that I wasn't wearing panties.  I wondered if Rafe could tell. The thought of him sensing my nakedness was accompanied by a sudden downward surge of desire. 


And then I saw his nose twitch and a slight ripple of his taut, bunching muscles and then I was certain he knew


A normal shifter would have let his animal take over.  Desire should have made it impossible to resist the scent of my slickening pussy.  I closed my eyes, expecting him to leap upon me.


But Rafe Lowell was not an ordinary werebear.


Instead, he finished mixing our drinks and came back from around the mahogany bar.  I had never met anyone who had a bar in his house before, but then again, I had never met anyone, human or shifter, like Rafe before.


Rafe placed his foot on the sofa next to me and leaned his elbow on his knee. "Selena, correct?" He extended the rocks glass to me.  His hand was massive and I caught the sight of a thickly muscled wrist under his crisp white dress shirt.


"Correct," I smiled winningly. 


"You were named for the moon?"


I blushed slightly under his penetrating gaze, but I had to stick to my story. "That's right."


"It's pretty."


"Thank you."


"But it's not your real name."


I looked at him sharply. 


He reached out a long finger and tugged lightly on an escaped lock.  "But I give you credit.  It suits you more than 'Lindsay.'"


I swallowed to hear my real name.  No one had called me that in years.  Not since I left the country and moved to a city with a large population of wolf and bear shifters. I’d changed my name to fit in, but that wasn’t the only reason…


"You thought it would make you feel powerful when you were with my kind, didn't you?"


I still wasn't speaking, but it was like he was pulling my thoughts out of my brain and lazily examining them in the firelight.  I shifted again.  Was this part of his game?


"You of course know that we no longer depend on the phases of the moon for our shifts.  Some humans still believe those fairy tales, but they aren't true. We overcame that handicap centuries ago." He bent forward, and the air around him seemed to vibrate as he spoke, his voice deepening into a low, menacing growl. "We...evolved," he snarled.


And then his face was no longer human. His stunning, chiseled features swam and blurred in front of me, the beast within his flesh showing its nature as his amber eyes turned upward. He bared a mouth full of sharp, angry teeth, the bear maw curved upward, changing once again until I was staring at his grinning human face once more.


Fear was flashing in my veins and my mouth was flooding with the bright, coppery taste of terror. Shifters rarely showed their form around anyone who wasn’t among their kind. Sure, we’d all seen the videos of transformations floating around on the internet, but to see it up close… To see how much control Rafe had over the process…


He growled a low, bass sound, so low that I felt it more than heard it.  I felt my limbs relax and I was suffused with the feeling of immense relaxation as he held me in his gaze.  It didn't make sense.  At any moment I knew he could shift back, bringing his bear form from beneath his calm appearance. All I could do was smile.  I felt myself move in spite of myself, grasping his proffered drink and lifting it to my lips.


"Cheers, Selena," he growled, his human voice still hoarse from his change. He pulled up and clinked our glasses together, extending the rocks glass to me and clinking it together.


The amber liquid tasted like moss and earth and burned like lava as it slid down my throat.  "Cheers," I coughed, trying to suppress the watering of my eyes while clearing my head of the powerful spell I was under.  I felt drunk with desire.  I had never wanted anything more than I wanted to be under this beast's power.


"Did you have any more questions?"


I felt my heart flutter,
here it comes.


"One night, yes?"


Rafe leaned down further and I shied away involuntarily.  I wasn't naked...yet...but his gaze made me feel that way nonetheless.


"Our agreement is for one night, yes.  One night where you are completely mine, and you must do whatever I say."


"And after that?"


His amber eyes darkened slightly.  I couldn't tell if it was a trick of the light. "Let's not jump the gun here. This is a trial run to see if this suits both of our needs, Selena.  Tomorrow we will reassess."


I swallowed again. "And all I have to do...."


"All you have to do," he interrupted, his voice low "is do exactly what I say."


I took a small sip of the burning liquid, hoping the motion would mask the burning color in my cheeks.  Why had I agreed to come here?


It was because Rafe had asked for me. 


Rafe Lowell was not like our other clients.  He had no need to frequent The Cave in the first place. Certainly he wasn’t lacking for options outside of our little forbidden world.  I had never seen a man who looked like Rafe in person.  His dark hair fell into his eyes in a way that was both careless and studied, like he had bent it to his will just like he was now bending me.  His finely structured face was perfectly balanced between rugged and refined.  He looked like he would be equally at home in a boardroom and a log cabin. There was nothing this man was lacking, and if he did lack it, he had the unlimited funds to purchase it immediately.


Just like he was now purchasing me.


I needed the money, it was true, but I also was curious.  The other girls said Rafe was different.  That his tastes ran darker than our normal requests.  That he was looking for someone to share his secrets...


And that was what had brought me to his mansion. That is why he asked for me. He could see the darkness inside me as clear as polished glass…


He stood back up from where he was leaning, drawing himself up to his full height.  I imagined he had to be close to six foot four.  I could fit neatly under his chin, and I am one of the tallest girls I know. But beyond his height, there was the power in every motion he made.  It was evident in the way his shoulders bunched under his tailored suit. I imagined him naked in front of me and blushed.


That was coming soon.


And I couldn't wait.


If ever there was a man who looked like he knew his way around dark desires, it was Rafe.


"Whatever you say..." I echoed, arching a suggestive eyebrow.  "I think I can handle that." I licked my lips slowly and suggestively, giving him the start of the show.  I was going to prove I was worth my price.


I wasn't going to tell him I would have done it for free.


He nodded and extended his hand. My own hand disappeared into his vise-like grip.


"I want you to go upstairs now, Selena.  Third door from the left." He held me in his gaze for a moment and I felt some of my confidence falter.


I nodded, shaking like a leaf.  He was massive, he looked like he could use me as a toy. Somehow I hadn't realized how big he was until I stood here face to face with him.  I had to tip my chin upward to meet his eyes.


"What do you want me to do once I get there?"


He tipped my chin upwards. It was the first time he had touched my skin aside from our formal handshake and his fingers sent bolts of electricity directly to my core.  I felt my stomach clench and then drop and then a sudden wetness surged in between my legs.  I squirmed, knowing for certain that he was aware of what his touch had just done to me.

BOOK: The Alpha's Willing Captive (Historical Paranormal Werebear Steamy Romance)
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