The Aristocrat's Lady (Love Inspired Historical) (23 page)

BOOK: The Aristocrat's Lady (Love Inspired Historical)
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Devlin could have sworn she could see him at that moment. Her eyes clearly showed the thoughts running through her head, from doubt to surprise to joy! He had known those eyes, seeing or not, would be windows into her soul.

She surprised him by throwing her arms around his neck in a hold much stronger than someone who had been abed a week should have been capable of. It did not, however, stop him from returning the embrace.

“Jared, could it be so?” She whispered the question directly into his ear. “I should be so afraid you will be sorry someday when it becomes too much to bear. That would hurt me more than refusing you.”

“Then do not think of it, sweetheart. Has your family ever complained about you being a burden? Of course they have not, their love is unconditional. Can you let yourself believe that I am capable of that kind of love?
Even more than that…I believe our love is a miracle. It is a miraculous love that will survive any hardship. It has been given to us by the miracle maker Himself.”

She sighed so poignantly into his ear that it spoke volumes.

He slowly loosened her arms from around his neck, and with his hand guiding her chin, he lowered his lips to hers in the most intimate, loving kiss either of them had ever felt. He knew he would always need to express his emotions to her in ways that she could not see. He saw a lifetime ahead of a love only God could have given them.

Nicole drew away first, her forehead resting against his in her shyness. “I believe I shall pray for many more terrace miracles in our lives, Lord Devlin. It seems all of our firsts have occurred on one. And having found my soul mate tonight on
one, I do believe that with such miracles we can weather any storm. Perhaps it
God’s expected end all along.”

Nicole wrapped her arms around Devlin’s neck and put her head on his shoulder as he carried her inside. She smiled as she realized that though her vision was impaired, she could
see a future ahead filled with laughter, love and God’s promises.


Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed the story of Devlin and Nicole. They have become personal friends of mine, and characters who I hope have spoken to you and inspired you.

As you may have surmised, one of my favorite passages in Scripture is Jeremiah 29:11-12. I have relied on its strength through some of my own struggles, and I wanted it to permeate the story, especially in regards to Nicole. She began to claim verse 11 after the accident that left her virtually blind, but without the context of the verses that followed, she saw only a glimpse of God’s goodness. Verse 11 told her that He had a plan for her life and she held on to it like a lifeline. But she was convinced that God had only
plan. Oddly enough, it wasn’t until Devlin’s own revelation that she received the full blessing of verse 12—not only a plan, but a future filled with hope. I know I want God planning my future!

There were so many precious insights God gave me as I wrote this story, and I pray that you found something to touch your heart, as well. If so, I pray that God receives all of the glory. I hope, too, that you began a love for the Regency era that will last a lifetime.

Thank you for taking the time to read
The Aristocrat’s Lady
. I would love to hear from you. Visit my website at and drop me a note.

God bless you,

Mary Moore

Questions for Discussion
  1. Did you become emotionally involved in any one character’s story? Why?
  2. Regency London, while elegant and romantic, had strict codes of conduct. Devlin and Nicole flouted Society by becoming friends of different genders. But in the end, their love was stronger for being the best of friends first. Do you believe people today take seriously the importance of marrying their best friend?
  3. Nicole believed God had only one plan for her life, because the one time she deviated from that, she was hurt again. Have you ever restricted God by doing whatever was easiest?
  4. Nicole’s inner fears of rejection also played a large part in her decision not to tell Devlin the truth. Has the fear of rejection ever played a part in your decisions? How?
  5. Devlin’s grandmother devoted her life to protecting and caring for him, especially in terms of praying for his salvation. Is there someone you have been praying for many years to trust in Jesus? Talk about the process and where it stands now.
  6. Devlin also had a special bond with his grandmother that influenced him his entire life. Can you think of someone who played that role in your life? How?
  7. Nicole didn’t want London Society to know she is blind, because of her own insecurities. How does hiding our insecurities often make them worse? How does this affect God’s ability to work in our lives?
  8. Forgiveness was required of both Nicole and Devlin—hers for hiding the truth and his for his treatment of her when he discovered it. Have you had an experience with a lack of forgiveness either on your part or someone else’s?
  9. Nicole believed wholeheartedly in her heavenly Father, but she often felt she was of limited use or little worth. Don’t we all feel that way at times? Relate an example from your own life.
  10. Toby had to defend Nicole at great risk to his own safety. Have you faced a time in your life where you risked public unpopularity to defend a friend or your beliefs?
  11. Nicole had very strong convictions in an almost Godless society. Have your convictions ever made you stand out?
  12. List some key themes in the story and discuss.
  13. Nicole and Devlin had a happy ending, despite the fact that she did not get her sight back. Have you experienced a time when you thought if God would just fix “this one thing,” life would be perfect? How did the situation actually turn out?


ISBN: 978-1-4592-1284-8


Copyright © 2011 by Mary Patricia Moore

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BOOK: The Aristocrat's Lady (Love Inspired Historical)
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