Read The Available Wife Online

Authors: Carla Pennington

The Available Wife (16 page)

BOOK: The Available Wife
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“Can you at least tell me what hospital you’re taking him to?” I asked.

“Noooooo,” Kingston moaned again before grabbing his shoulder. This time it looked like he was in serious pain.

He was out of luck. When the driver appeared from the side of the ambulance to close the door, he advised the other EMT what hospital they were going to.

Suddenly, my thoughts quickly jumped to Meagan. After Kingston told her to wait in the car, I just knew she would be running up to him at any moment once she saw him on the stretcher. I scanned the parking lot, but surprisingly didn’t see anyone’s car except for Jalisa’s.
That’s right, bitch. You better hide

“I’ll see you at the hospital, baby,” I said despite Kingston’s disapproval.

As I watched the ambulance pull off, the two female officers approached me.

“Ma’am, we need to take your statement,” one of them said.

When I glanced inside the police car, Jalisa was in the back seat sobbing. Then suddenly our eyes locked. She shook her head at me then went on a complete rampage. She even screamed things at me that I couldn’t hear because the window was rolled up.
I wonder if that bitch can do a photo shoot from prison
, I thought.

“What do you need to know?” I asked the officer.

I spent nearly ten minutes telling them what happened. As they pulled off, I could make out the words that were spewing from Jalisa’s lips. “You’re gonna get yours, bitch!”

“Yeah, that’s what they all say,” I spewed back.


I drove around in Jalisa’s car for nearly three hours. I wanted to go to the hospital to see Kingston, but decided against it. I figured he may’ve been in surgery and would need some time to recuperate. Not only did I not want to put any extra strain on him, but I also needed him to be nice and calm by the time I got there.

Johnathan and Nathan quickly popped in my head once I killed the idea of going to the hospital. I hadn’t had any real time with them since the drama in my life quadrupled, and I wanted to see my boys. No, I needed to see my boys. They were the only ones who brought simplicity in my life. I knew I was going to have a drag out fight with Germaine when I showed my face at the house, but I was ready to face him.

When I pulled into the driveway, Tyrell’s F150 was parked there as well. I wondered what the hell he was doing at my house, but figured Germaine was more than likely telling him about Kingston. They’d become just like two gossiping bitches lately. After parking the car, I walked to the front door.

“Shit!” I yelled out after realizing that I didn’t have my keys.

It didn’t matter though because not even five seconds later, Germaine yanked the door open. I assumed he must’ve seen me pull up. He looked like a maniac as he clutched my arm and pulled me inside the house and into the living room.

“Get your fucking hands off me!” I yelled at him. I tried to get away, but his hold was too strong. “Let me go!” I screamed just before spitting in his face.

At that moment, Germaine stopped then slapped the shit out of me.

“What the hell did you do to Jalisa?” he barked at me when I fell back on the sofa.

I noticed Tyrell standing on the other side of the room with his arms folded across his chest. He was quiet. I’m sure he already knew the answer.

“Fuck Jalisa!” I yelled then clutched my throbbing face.

“She called me and told me everything!” Germaine continued.

“She used her one phone call to call you?” I questioned.

“Does it fucking matter?” Germaine asked.

Suddenly, I started wondering where my boys were. I knew he wouldn’t be acting in such a way if they were home. “Where’s Johnathan and…”

Germaine cut me off. “They’re not here! Now, answer the fucking question!”

“I’m not answering a damn thing! Fuck you and fuck her!” I yelled after jumping up in his face.

Germaine shoved me back onto the sofa before turning to Tyrell as if he could make me speak. Moments later, Tyrell walked toward me like his buff ass was going to intimidate me.

“Niquole, what happened at your label? What did that nigga say?” he asked after unfolding his arms.

I didn’t speak a word or flinch. My lips were sealed.

“How the fuck can you defend a nigga who raped you?” Germaine barked.

“The same fucking way you tried to defend Hummer when he tried to rape me!” I rolled my neck.

Germaine didn’t have a comeback so Tyrell intervened.

“What did he tell you about the rape, Niquole?” Tyrell spoke in a soft tone.

“All I know is that Germaine and Hummer raped his sister.”

“I didn’t rape his fucking sister!” Germaine screamed.

“You may as well have. You held her down while your friend did it,” I shot back.

Before I knew it, Germaine lunged at me. He lifted me off the sofa by my neck, dragged me to the wall and pinned me against it. His eyes were filled with anger and betrayal as he choked me and banged my head against the wall.

“If I go to fucking jail, you’re going, too!” he screamed at me.

Tyrell rushed over to him and pried himself between us causing Germaine to release his hold. As I fought for air, Germaine raced upstairs, leaving Tyrell to lecture me.

Tyrell shook his head. “I told Germaine that he should’ve gotten rid of you a long time ago when he used to tell me about all the shit you did.”

“Fuck you, fat bastard! I hope Kingston kills your ass, too!” As soon as I lashed at him, the bastard backhanded me.

Tyrell smiled. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.”

I stayed on the floor. Now, I was afraid because if he had the means of getting rid of evidence, he probably had the means of getting rid of bodies. He stood over me like a prison guard, causing me to keep my mouth shut.

For about five minutes, we listened to Germaine rustle around upstairs. I wondered what he was doing. When he finally appeared, I watched him bounce down the stairs carrying two of my suitcases.

“Get the fuck out!” he yelled after dropping the bags on the floor.

I couldn’t believe my ears. I scurried to my feet. “This is my damn house,” I reminded him.” If anyone is leaving, it’s going to be you and that goon ass friend of yours!”

Germaine turned to Tyrell who immediately grabbed me then tossed my ass out the front door. My suitcases followed.

Germaine stood in the doorway. “You can have your fucking divorce. I’m taking the boys since you don’t seem to give a shit about them anyway.”

“You’re not…” I tried to say.

“Shut the hell up! You better keep your damn mouth shut about anything dealing with that fucking rape. Tyrell is gonna get Jalisa off for that bullshit ass charge against your
you will
retract your statement.”

I frowned. “Retract it for what? She shot him!”

Germaine pointed at me like a strict teacher. “She was defending your ass and you know it.”

“That bitch sold me out. She deserves whatever she gets.”

“Let me say this to you and I want you to hear me loud and clear. If any of this shit falls back on me, you better watch your fucking back, Nikki,” Germaine threatened.

I stood speechless. He was about to slam the door but stopped. What more could he possibly have to say to me?

“By the way, I figured
must’ve been the passcode to your computer after Jalisa told me about you and him. I also figured out how you came up with Kingquole as your record label name. That was seriously foul.”

I snapped my neck. “And?”

A wicked smile cut across his face. “Well, maybe you should’ve changed that code on your
bank account. But don’t worry I’m sure your conniving ass has some other money stashed away.”

After that statement, he slammed the door. I ran to the door and began kicking, screaming and banging. This went one for nearly five minutes. “You better give me my damn money back, you sorry son-of-a-bitch! That’s not your money, Germaine!”

When I realized I wasn’t getting inside and he wasn’t coming back out, I stopped. Germaine may’ve thought he’d won the battle, but I would definitely be back. I was just about to retrieve my bags when I heard Tyrell and Germaine talking. That’s when I pressed my ear to the door to listen. Once I heard Tyrell tell Germaine not to worry about anything and that Kingston wouldn’t make it through the night, my eyes increased. Once I found out what the fuck was going on with my money, Kingston had to be warned.


I immediately rushed over to the nearest Wachovia to see if it was true. I swerved into the bank’s parking lot like a drunk driver causing a few pedestrians to stare at me. However, I could care less. I was on a mission. After hopping out of the car, I rushed inside.

“Welcome to Wachovia. How may I help you today?” the metro-sexual looking white guy at the lobby desk asked. For a man he was way too skinny.

“I need to find out why you assholes allowed my money to be taken from my account without my permission.”

His helpful smile slowly disappeared as he looked around at the other customers. “Don’t look at them. I’m the one who needs help!” I snapped.

“Ummm...all of the Financial Specialists are busy.”

“I don’t have time to wait. Can’t you look into the system?” I looked at his sign. “Are you Matthew?”

He shook his head. “Yes.”

“Well, it says that you’re the bank manager so now I know you can help.”

“Let me try and find out what’s going on,” he replied in an uneasy tone. “Do you have your account number and ID?”

After slapping my ID on the desk, I told him the account number. I then tapped my nails impatiently on the desk as the guy typed my information into the computer and skimmed over his screen.

“Ms. Wright, I’m showing a transfer from one account to another that was done yesterday.”

“A transfer?”

“Yes, Ma’am, There was a transfer of nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars from your Money Market account to your joint account.”

My knees damn near gave out when I realized that I’d obviously linked my secret account to the joint account that Germaine had access to.
Damn, how could I be so stupid

“What? So, you’re telling me that Money Market account is completely empty?”

“Yes, I’m afraid so.”

I instantly felt sick. “Transfer it back,” I demanded.

“I can’t do that Ms. Wright,” he informed.

“Why the hell not?”

“Because the funds were withdrawn this morning by a Germaine Evans. We have here in the notes that although you all don’t share the same last name, he’s your husband.”

I gave him a look of disbelief. “Who in the hell authorized the funds to be withdrawn?”

I beat my fists against the desk. “How could you let him take my fucking money? Why didn’t anyone call me? How could you all let him transfer and withdraw almost a million dollars without proper authorization?”

“Well, the transfer was done online. As long as the password to get into the account was correct, that transaction didn’t need authorization. The money was sent to a joint account, with no restrictions against it. It wasn’t set up to where we needed both of you to withdraw funds.”

“You assholes! That was my fucking money! That was the money for my new life!”

Sure I still had money tied up in the label with my artists, I even had money in another bank, but it was the principle of the situation. It was
fucking hard earned money and Germaine had taken it. “So, you people just let him walk out of here with that amount of money? How did he get it, in cash?”

“Of course not. I wasn’t the one who actually did the transaction, but I’m sure he received a cashier’s check.”

“I still don’t understand how something like this can happen. I want a stop payment to be issued on that check now!”

The white guy seemed nervous. Like the information he was about to give would piss me off even more. “I can’t do that Ms. Wright.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s the bank’s policy to only issue a stop payment if the actual check was lost or stolen.”

“Hell, it was stolen! He stole my money!” I screamed.

It seemed as though the entire bank stood still. All eyes were on me as one of the security guards walked over to see what the commotion was all about.

“Ma’am, is there a problem?”

I turned to the salt and pepper haired guard who had his hand resting safely on his gun.

“You’re damn right there’s a problem! You bastards let my husband take my fucking money!”

“Ma’am, can you please calm down and let’s see if we can get someone to help you,” the guard replied.

I pointed to the frail white guy. “This guy has already helped me! He told me that my fucking money is gone!”

The guard frowned. “Ma’am, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave if you don’t calm down.”

“I want my fucking money!” I stomped.

Suddenly, the burly security guard grabbed my elbow and escorted me out of the bank. “Where is your car, ma’am?”

By that time, I was in tears. But they weren’t tears of sadness. They were tears of pure anger. “It’s over there,” I pointed.

He walked me to my car then helped me inside. “You have a good day, Ma’am and be careful,” the guard said like he really gave a damn.

I cried for nearly ten minutes as I thought about Germaine taking my damn money. Then I decided to call him. After grabbing the phone from my purse, I instantly dialed Germaine’s number. It went to voicemail after a couple of rings of course.

“You muthafucka! You better give me my damn money back! You didn’t earn any of that shit!” was the first message I left. “You know this shit ain’t right, you son-of-a-bitch! If I don’t have my fucking money back by tomorrow, I’m going to the fucking police and tell them everything! I’ll have Tyrell’s bitch ass investigated and both of you weak, punk asses will go to jail!” was the second message. On my third call, the phone went straight to voicemail which meant that bastard had turned his shit off.

“That’s okay, you son-of-a-bitch! Kingston is gonna get you!”

I backed out of the parking lot like a professional driver and headed straight to Memorial Hermann Hospital. When I arrived, I had a hard time trying to locate Kingston’s room because I didn’t have his last name, but I did tell the receptionist he’d been shot. She pecked at her computer keys and informed me that three gunshot victims had been admitted; a minor, a woman and a man. I was lucky. After giving me Kingston’s room number, I rode the elevator up to his floor.

Anxious to see him, I hurried to his room with a quick stride. When I arrived, he was laying on his side facing the window.

“Hey, baby,” I spoke softly.

Kingston slowly turned onto his side and frowned as soon as he saw me. I walked over to the bed. I could tell that he was a little groggy probably due to pain killers. He seemed a little weak, but was responsive. I pulled a chair on the side of the bed and sat down.

“Baby, I need to tell you something. Germaine and Tyrell are plotting to get rid of you.”

He didn’t respond. He seemed to be ignoring me. I hoped like hell the news would piss him off.

“Baby, did you hear me? They want to kill you. You have to get to them first. I’ll even pay you to do it.”

Still, no response.

“Baby, I know you really didn’t want to rape me, but I understand why you did it.”

He gave me an awkward look then turned onto his back. “You need to get your crazy ass out of here. It’s your fault that I’m here in the first place.”

Finally he spoke. “I’m sorry about what Jalisa did to you. I don’t want you to be mad at me. Let me make it up to you.”

He flinched when I eased my hand under the covers and rubbed his thigh. “What the fuck are you doing, Niquole?” he asked.

“You love it when I rub your thigh with my soft hands. You told me that.”

“Niquole, get your fucking hands off of me!”

I ignored him and continued rubbing his thigh inching closer and closer to his shaft. “Let me show you how much you mean to me and how sorry I am,” I said.

Kingston tried to swat my hand away. “Niquole, move!”

“Baby, you don’t mean that. That’s the medication making you talk like that. Just lay back and let me please you.”

“Bitch, stop!”

He twisted and turned when I placed my lips on the tip of his dick. I was getting a little pissed because he wouldn’t get hard. That had never happened before.

“What’s wrong? It’s never taken this long before.” I continued to lick and suck on his softness, but nothing happened. “That’s okay, baby. I know what will work.”

I stood up and grabbed his hand. Kingston fought back with all the strength he could conjure up to stop me from putting his hand down my pants.

“It’s okay. You can touch me down there.”

Suddenly, Kingston yanked his hand away and gave me a disturbed look.

“Okay, you don’t want that? I know what I can do.”

When I tried to climb on top of him, he pushed me off. “Bitch, you’re crazy!”

“I’m just trying to make you realize that you love me.”

As I was about to attempt to climb on top of him again, a nurse entered the room.

“Yes, Mr. Braxton?” she addressed Kingston.

I stared at him and noticed that he was pressing the call button on the remote.

“I don’t want any more visitors.” He turned to me with anger in his eyes. “And this one needs to leave.”

I assumed he was referring to me by the serious look on his face.

“Ma’am, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave,” the nurse addressed me.

Furious, I grabbed my purse and walked toward the door. However before leaving, I turned back to Kingston and gave him a sorrowful look. When he frowned and rolled his eyes at me, it was at that moment that I realized he really didn’t love me. I was reliving my past all over again; my mother’s boyfriends, Mr. Hughes and A.J. Were my mother and Jalisa really right all along? Was I always trying to make a man love me once again? What was I doing wrong for them not to love me?

“Ma’am?” the nurse spoke.

“Bitch, I’m leaving.”

I stared at her for a few seconds then hurried out the door. On my way to the elevator, I bumped a few nurses and visitors. I didn’t care. I needed to get out of that hospital. I boarded the elevator and pressed the main floor button then cried profusely as the elevator made it’s way down.

When the elevator stopped on the main floor, I raced through the front doors and to my car. I knew I probably should’ve gone to my hotel, but for some strange reason, I drove straight to my mother’s house. I’m sure she was gonna have plenty to say, but as furious as I was she could bring her drama. I was ready.


“What do you want, Nikki?” she asked after opening the door.

“Aren’t you going to let me in?” I questioned when I realized that she wasn’t. At that moment, my mother glanced over her shoulder then back at me. I wondered what she was hiding. It was probably her man. “What are you…” I stopped and gave her a puzzled look when I heard my son.

“Johnathan!” I yelled right before forcing the door open. There was no way my mother’s weak ass was gonna stop me from seeing my kids. “You weren’t gonna tell me they were here?” I growled at her then lifted Nathan from the couch.

“Germaine told me everything that you’ve done,” she said before grabbing the cordless phone and pressing three numbers. “You will not touch these boys!”

“They’re my fucking sons!” I yelled at her.

“Yes, operator, I have an intruder,” she spoke into the phone.

I couldn’t believe this bitch had called 9-1-1 on me. After relaying her message, she hung up.

“How could you do this to me? I’m your daughter!”

“You haven’t been my fucking daughter since your father left. All these years, you were pissed off at me because of him. It’s time that you know the true story. I kicked your father out because I found out he had another kid; same age as you.”

My heart sank. “Stop lying!”

“I kept that secret because I knew you wouldn’t understand since the two of you were so close.”

“Shut up!”

“You see your sister all the time, Nikki.”

“What in the hell are you talking about?” I asked with an overly curious look on my face. “Niquole,” my mother paused like she was about to relay some heart wrenching news, “Jalisa is your sister. She doesn’t know either.”

I nearly dropped Nathan. Jalisa? My sister? How in the hell could she keep something like this from me? I nearly vomited as I thought back to our night with Mr. Hughes when we were in high school.

“Are you fucking serious? How could you keep something like that away from me? You should’ve told me! You don’t know what the hell Jalisa and I have been through together!” When I walked over to her and pried Johnathan from her leg, he started crying.

“You wouldn’t have understood, Nikki and neither would Jalisa. When your father told me that he knew for all those years that Jalisa was his daughter, I lost it. I couldn’t forgive him for that and I damn sure wasn’t gonna forget. He had to go.”

I didn’t know what to feel or say. All I could do was stand there and stare at her with a blank look on my face. I had to get out of there before I did something crazy. I started toward, the door, but she stepped in front of me.

“I can’t let you take these boys.”

“What in the hell do you mean by that?” I asked with a serious look on my face. “My children are going with me and you’re not gonna do a damn thing about it!” Johnathan started crying even more. When I walked around her nearly dragging him in the process, her ass stepped in front of me again. “You need to move out of my way! All these years, you’ve been fucking lying to me!”

“You wouldn’t have understood.”

“How in the hell do you know that? You didn’t even try to make me understand!”

“You need help, Nikki.”

“I don’t need any fucking help! I probably wouldn’t be the way that I am if I knew the fucking truth!”

“You need to talk to someone. I can’t let you take these boys. I’m going to do everything in my power to help Germaine get full custody of them even if that means digging up your past indiscretions.”

I was at a loss for words. With my track record, I didn’t stand a chance.

“Why is everyone always taking up for Germaine? He’s not innocent! He’s not fucking innocent!”

“Give me Nathan, Nikki, and you better leave before the police arrive.”

I gave her a flabbergasted look then stared at my bundle of joy that was in my arms. I couldn’t hold back the tears as he cooed in my face. They were no longer tears of anger. They were tears of sadness. I held him tight, kissed his cheek then slowly handed him off to my mother. When I pulled Johnathan into my arms, he was a little resistant.

BOOK: The Available Wife
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