The Bad Boy Wants Me: A Bad Boy Romance (7 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boy Wants Me: A Bad Boy Romance
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Chapter Twelve


hurriedly pull my arms through the sleeves of the bathrobe, pull the edges together, and tie a knot at the front as I run to the door. I know my face must be flushed and strange, but there is nothing else I can do but face Britney. Taking a deep breath, I unlock the door and Britney almost falls into the room.

She looks at me accusingly. ‘What are you doing in here?’

‘I … I … er … got wet. Your brother said I could dry off in here.’

That sounded so lame I cringe inwardly, but she is too distraught to notice. She sniffs loudly and comes further into the room. ‘Where’s Cash now?’ she asks tearfully.

I stare at her anxiously. ‘I don’t know. He must be back at the party. Are you OK?’

‘Yeah. I think I had too much to drink.’

How could that be? She had two glasses of fruit punch.

‘I want to go home,’ she says.


‘I want to go back home.’

‘Now?’ I ask in disbelief.

‘Yes,’ she almost sobs.

I open my hands out in confusion. Ever since she knew about this party she has not stopped talking about meeting Taylor Swift, and now she wants to go back without meeting her. ‘But what about Taylor? She’s got a gift for you and all.’

Huge drops of tears roll down her face. I stare at them in amazement.

‘It doesn’t matter,’ she sobs.

‘Britney, what is the matter?’

‘I just want to go home, OK?’ she wails.

I hold my hands up. ‘OK, OK. Just wait here. I’ll go find Victor and tell him to bring the car around.’

‘No, I’m coming with you,’ she says quickly.

‘Come on then,’ I say.

She comes close to me and takes my hand. Hers feels small, hot and damp. I touch her forehead with the back of my hand. She seems to be running a fever. I frown. How strange. She was fine when we arrived. I lead her through the party-goers. 

We walk quickly, but I can’t help my eyes from scanning the crowd looking for Cash. Unexpectedly my eyes meet Octavia’s. She is watching me with a strange expression. She knows. She knows about me and Cash. I let my eyes slide away quickly and pull Britney towards the front door.

A hand curls around my wrist. I look up into Cash’s eyes. They are bright. He has changed into a dry T-shirt and black jeans and is looking sexy as hell. I feel myself go hot with the memory of what we did only minutes ago.

‘Britney is not feeling very well,’ I tell him. His eyes move from my face to hers. His brow knits.

‘What’s wrong, Sparkles?’ he asks.

‘Nothing. I think I just drank too much.’

‘How much?’

She shrugs sulkily. ‘I can’t remember now.’

His eyes narrow and his voice sounds concerned. ‘It’s OK. Tori will get you home safely and I’ll call you tomorrow.’

‘Can you tell Taylor that I desperately wanted to meet her, but I wasn’t feeling very well so I had to go home?’ she asks in a small voice.

‘Of course I will,’ Cash soothes, but his eyes are watchful and disturbed.

For an instant I’m aware of undercurrents. I look again at Britney and suddenly I see it. She’s not a spoilt rich girl. She is somehow terribly damaged. I’m not really her PA. I’m kind of guarding her.

‘Is Victor bringing the car around?’

‘No, he’s parked at the side so we’re just going to walk there.’

‘Come on, I’ll walk you both to the car,’ he says and gets on the other side of her. Together we walk towards the car in silence. Each of us lost in our own thoughts.

Victor is sitting in a group with the other chauffeurs eating a piece of roasted meat using his fingers. When he sees us he drops the meat onto a big plate full of bones, and wiping his hands on a napkin, rises. He walks towards the car and holds open the back door. Britney looks up at her brother.

‘Bye,’ she says unhappily.

‘You’ll be fine in the morning,’ he says.

‘See you around,’ he says to me.

‘Yeah,’ I say awkwardly.

We get into the car and Victor pulls away. I look at Britney and she is lying back with her eyes closed. I assume she doesn’t want to talk so I turn away and stare at the dark countryside.

‘There’s something wrong with me,’ Britney says suddenly, her voice sounding very childlike.

I face her. In the light from the streetlamps her eyes look big and frightened.

‘Is your head spinning?’ I ask.

She nods.

‘There’s nothing wrong with you, Brit. You’ve just had too much to drink. When we get home, we’ll get a big glass of water and two aspirins into you and I promise you, you’ll wake up completely fine again.’

‘It’s not the alcohol,’ she says softly. ‘There’s something missing in me.’


‘I’m not like other people. I don’t feel like I’m whole. I feel empty all the time and nothing I do will fill it.’

I stare at her, speechless. What do I say to that?

‘Have you ever lost something really important?’ she asks me sadly.

‘Uh … no, not really.’

‘That’s what it feels like. As if I have lost something really important.’

‘I … I’m sorry.’

She lets out a thin wail that makes the hair at the back of my neck rise and I cover my mouth with my hand.

‘Help me, Tori,’ she whines.

For a second I stay frozen with my hand clasped over my mouth, and then something inside me gives, and all the petty resentment I have ever felt about her dissipates into nothing.

‘Come here,’ I say and hold open my hands. Like a small hurt child, she scrambles into my arms. I hold her thin body and rock it slowly, as if I am her mother.

‘Shhh … Shh … Shh,’ I croon again and again as she sobs her heart out.

With some shock I realize that I have misjudged her badly. I thought she was an appearance obsessed, shallow rich kid who spent all her days on selfish pursuits. But in fact she is suffering some deep pain and there is nothing I can say to her to make it better. Her suffering seems so profound.

I pull tissues out of the box at the back of the headrest and pass them to her. Her sobs finally subside just as we get into London. She straightens and moves away from me. When I look at her puffy, reddened face I don’t feel as if there are only two years separating us. Suddenly she seems to be years younger than me. She blows her nose noisily and sniffs.

‘We’re nearly home,’ I tell her.

She looks outside the window, nods tiredly, and falls into a morose silence. The car comes to a stop and I open the car door and get out. The air is cool. Victor opens Britney’s door and, to my surprise, he scoops her up in his arms and proceeds to carry her to the door. I shut the car door and run ahead to put the key in the front door and throw it open for him. He takes her all the way up the stairs and to her bedroom. I follow behind anxiously. He lays her in her bed and turns to me.

‘You can take over now?’

‘Yes,’ I say quickly.

‘Right I’ll be off. Goodnight.’

‘Goodnight,’ I say, and he goes out and closes the door.

I look at Britney and she has curled up into a ball on her bed. I walk over and sit beside her.

‘Shall I help you get into bed?’ I ask softly.

She makes a strangled noise but it is so low I have to get on my haunches to try and catch her words. ‘Do you want me to get you a couple of aspirins?’

‘No,’ she chokes.

‘I’ll just go and get a glass of water, OK?’

She reaches out a hand and grasps a chunk of my bathrobe. ‘Don’t go,’ she whispers.

‘OK, I won’t,’ I say reassuringly.

She looks up at me, absurdly grateful for that small concession.

‘Do you want to come on the bed?’ Her voice small and pleading, her face is full of childlike trust. How on earth is this girl going to survive in the big wide world?

‘All right.’ I take off her shoes and put them on the floor. Then I pull the duvet over her and lie on top of it beside her.

‘I’m here,’ I say. She snuggles up to me. Her body is hot. For a while I lie on my back, frozen and stiff, staring at the ceiling and not knowing what to do next, but then it feels right to offer her comfort. So I turn towards her, and lying on my side, gently stroke her hair.

‘Go to sleep, Britney,’ I say softly.

Eventually her breathing becomes even and deep. Very gently I prise her claw like grip on my bathrobe and slowly edge out of her bed. I stand over her and experience shame and guilt.

Lord, what a judgmental bitch I’ve been.

I never gave the poor girl a chance. I took one look at her designer clothes and things and her obsession with her physical appearance, and just judged. It never even crossed my mind that it might be a symptom of a deeper suffering.

My attitude this entire time has been condescending, tolerating her with the kind of politeness that barely concealed my impatience, but all this time she has looked at me as if I’m someone she can trust and call a friend. Her complete innocence touches me and I suddenly feel strong sense of protectiveness. She becomes the little sister I never had and always wanted when I was a little girl.

Looking down at her softly breathing figure I vow to find a way to help her. There must be something I can do. I tell myself that before I leave this house I will get to the bottom of her pain.

Bending down I whisper in her ear, ‘Sleep little Brit.’

She mumbles in her sleep.

Tiptoeing out, I close the door softly and go to my room. I enter my bathroom and switch on the light. In the harsh light I examine myself in the mirror and suddenly I feel quite detached from everything that has happened. As if it all happened to someone else. As if Cash eating me out and the time with Britney in the car didn’t happen to me. I cover my eyes with my hands.

‘Wow! What a night it’s been.’

I think of myself pressed up against the wall, one leg thrown over Cash’s shoulder while he ate me like a starving man and how the whole world had fallen away then. Even now thinking about it makes my sex throb. I look up at myself in the mirror again.  At my pink cheeks, my wild eyes, and feel a shaft of fear. This is not at all going according to plan

‘Maybe it’ll be all right,’ I try to reassure myself. ‘Maybe this is the way it is meant to be.’

Avoiding my eyes I remove my make-up, brush my teeth, and use the toilet. My hair has died into a rat’s nest, so I brush the tangles out and braid it into one long plait down my back. Back in my room I slip on a pair of panties, pull a super-large T-shirt over my head, and sit on my bed. I open my drawer and take out Monstrosity and begin to write in it.

Dear Monstrosity,

Despite my best efforts, sadly, I have lost another battle. A big one. It is now one in the morning so I won’t go into the disgraceful and humiliating details of my defeat at his hands right now, but in the interest of truthfulness, three painful observations must be made:

    It was an easy victory for the unscrupulous one, and …
    The enemy being mad, devoid of reason, and cruel will almost certainly rub my nose in it and mock me at every chance he gets.
    I am too weak to resist the enemy and it is clear now that the war will be lost. It may even be tomorrow!

On a brighter note, I think I found a friend in an unexpected place. I will tell you all about her tomorrow.

Goodnight, dear Monstrosity.

I lock my diary, put it back into my drawer, switch off my bedside lamp, and lie on the top of the duvet. The room is full of moonlight. It’s a hot night and I’m glad for the cool breezes that blow in through the open windows. The night must have exhausted me far more than I realized, because I fall asleep very quickly.

Chapter Thirteen


am jerked awake suddenly.

A hard body is pressing against me. Seized by an unthinking panic, my immediate reaction is to kick and scream as loud as I can. I only have time to open my mouth before a large hand clamps down over it. In the silvery glow of the moon my fearful eyes collide with Cash’s beautiful ones. They seem bizarrely bright and as translucent as emeralds.

He places his index finger against his lips. ‘Shhh …’ he says, and as he sees realization come into my eyes he takes his hand away from my mouth.

‘You scared the shit out of me. What the hell are you doing here?’ I whisper fiercely.

‘Finishing what I started,’ he replies coolly.

‘So you just decided to jump me in my bed like some freaking prowler?’

‘Sorry,’ he says sounding not the least bit sorry. ‘But my cock couldn’t rest for thinking he missed out on all the action earlier.’

His shoulders are naked, the skin gleaming like burnished gold. My heart is still pounding like a drum, but the fear and panic have disappeared like a puff of hot breath on a cold night. As the exact nature of the situation hits my sleepy brain, my body tightens with excitement. Oh. My. God.
He came for me. He came for me.
Cash is in my bedroom. On my bed. I can hardly believe it. My most amazing most secret girlish fantasy has come true.

I gaze into his gorgeous eyes and all the logical, rational objections of why I shouldn’t fall away. I know I’m just another girl who is willing to get fucked by him, and maybe I will regret it. Maybe I will get hurt, maybe he will break my heart or scar me forever. Or maybe …

You know what?

Cancel all that bullshit internal dialogue. 

I’m here. He’s here. He wants me. I want him. Call it plan B. Call it whatever you want. Who cares? I’ve waited this long. So what if he’s all the terrible things he is? Let me have my one night with him so I can put this endless longing and craving behind me, and carry on my merry way. I deserve this.

‘What the hell is he waiting for then?’

With wide eyes I watch him lift himself away from my body. Completely naked and his dick as hard as a rock and already sheathed, he kneels astride my thighs like some kind of avenging angel. The strong muscles of his thighs look bunched and powerful, and the golden hairs shine silver in the moonlight. It sends a thrill through my body just to look at him.

With one hand he pulls my upper body off the bed, and with his other he yanks my T-shirt smoothly over my head.

‘Your tits are fucking perfect,’ he growls, feasting his eyes hungrily on them.

He grabs my wrists roughly and holds them above my head.

For a few seconds more he stares down at the picture I make, my body stretched out, and my hands held high above my head. Then he swoops down and takes a nipple in his mouth.

I draw in a harsh breath.

He licks it gently, and when I moan he flicks his tongue back and forth over the hard tip. I arch into his mouth and he soaks it with saliva. Oh Jesus. He has no idea how many years I have waited to feel that. My breathing becomes heavy and erratic and my body starts to burn with need as he continues sucking. I move my head from side to side. I want to moan. I want to groan. I need to make some kind of sound, but I clench my teeth to keep myself silent.

Watching me through half-hooded lids, he bites down on my nipple.

My eyes fly open and an involuntary shocked gasp is torn from my throat.

With his gaze fixed on me he continues sucking until the needle sharp pain mingles with pleasure and takes on a different hue. It begins to ache and throb for more. I know I can’t stay silent for long.

I look at him with pleading eyes. ‘I’m going to make a sound and someone will hear.’ My voice is hoarse, unrecognizable.

‘I’ve got it covered, Wildcat,’ he says, and lifting his thighs away from my body he drags my panties down my legs. Balling them in his fist he stuffs them into my mouth. I cannot imagine what I must look like, my hands held together at the wrist high above my head and my mouth filled with my own panties, but something primal and possessive glitters in his eyes as he looks down at me.

‘Hold your position. I want to see your body submit’ he orders, as he lets go of my wrists.

Like a wild animal he licks my stuffed mouth, my face, my neck, my nipples, my belly button until my body feels as if it is on fire. Finally, he opens my thighs and lets his finger brush along my heated crack.

‘You’re dripping, Wildcat,’ he says, and swipes his tongue along the slick gash.

My hips writhe upward and my hands claw at the sheets while he expertly and mind-blowingly does what no one else has ever done to me: rolls my clit in his fingers.  Then he places both his palms under the cheeks of my ass and lifts me up. He places his thumbs in the creases between my thighs and my body. Holding me as if I am half-a-coconut he worms his tongue into me.

The sensation is insane, but he follows it with something that supersedes everything else. He locks his hot wet mouth on my clit and sucks it real hard, making me throw my head back in pure ecstasy as my whole body begins to heave.

I wriggle and grind my sex into his face as he tightens his hold and inserts two fingers into me. I start purring like a frigging cat. The sucking just goes on and on while his fingers pump into me until my back arches, my teeth clench together, and my pussy gushes uncontrollably into his mouth. It fascinates and shocks me when I collapse back on the bed to realize that my hands are still obediently held over my head.

‘It’s time to feed pussy,’ he growls, and before I can even form any kind of coherent thought, he lays his hands on either side of me and drives his hips forward, impaling me completely.

I scream at the speed with which he drives his long, incredibly thick cock into me. Once buried deep inside me he goes completely still. Our eyes catch. Mine are widened and shocked and his are excited and glazed.

‘You’re so fucking tight,’ he snarls.

As my sex adjusts and tightens around the invading shaft, I revel in the sensation of being stuffed so full of Cash. It is like nothing I have known before. It is far, far better than any of my girlish dreams or even my most forbidden fantasies.

I am panting so harshly my body is heaving.

‘Relax,’ he orders, his big hands caressing and sending beautiful heat into my skin.

‘Go on. Don’t stop,’ I say, but it comes out as muffled, meaningless sounds.

‘Wrap your legs around me,’ he commands.

I obey, my hips lifting off the mattress.

With his eyes locked on mine he tears into me so hard it makes me cry out. He withdraws and when he is about halfway out he slams back in. I groan. He finds a steady pace. Pounding me so powerfully, the flesh of my entire body jiggles. It feels as if the whole bed is jumping and bouncing. Mewls of pleasure are escaping my mouth as I thrust my clit onto his hardness. Incredibly my entire body starts tightening once again as if I am about to climax! I dig my heel into his ass and cry out his name as my body shakes and spasms with release.

‘Go on, Wildcat. Cum all over my hard dick,’ he snarls, his eyes fevered as he pushes faster and faster into me.

The sensations exploding inside are intense and uncontrollable as his pelvis slaps my clit relentlessly. I feel my eyes roll back and my senses slip away. Gasping with pleasure I cling to him with my legs as my world breaks apart. The contractions go on and on until I lose muscle co-ordination.

My body convulses and vaguely I sense that I am being held, arched, and open, even as he continues ramming into me. Even after my orgasm has subsided, he keeps my exhausted body in the same position so I can feel the full thrust of his hardness against me.  Then it’s his turn: he tips his head back and, with a low guttural roar, rams into me one last time and lets go.

My mind is still spinning from the intensity of my climax and my pussy is trembling when he lowers my hips to the bed. I do something I have never done. I moan in protest and claw at his hips to keep him locked onto my body so his cock doesn’t slip out. Resting on his elbows he pulls the saliva soaked knickers from my mouth.

‘I thought I was pretty impressive,’ he murmurs into my ear.

OMG! Cash’s cock is still inside me. ‘Really? I’ve seen more action at basket-weaving classes.’

He laughs quietly. The sound low and washing over me like waves. ‘Damn girl, you’re hard to please. You came so hard it felt like someone detonated a bomb in your pussy.’

‘I need a bath,’ I say, and start rolling away from him.

He grasps my shoulder, rolls me onto my back, and smirks cheekily. ‘Don’t bother. I’m the type of dirty that doesn’t wash off, Wildcat.’

I stare up into his eyes. ‘I can’t believe I had sex with you.’

‘If it’s any consolation you didn’t stand a fucking chance. From the moment I saw you, I knew I wasn’t stopping until you were mine.’

A warm thrill tingles through my spine and my heart thuds loudly against my ribs and I can’t think of a single comeback, so I just roll my eyes and pretend like I don’t care.

He springs off the bed, takes the condom off, and starts pulling his jeans on. I watch him with disbelief. That’s it. He’s leaving just like that. All kinds of crazy thoughts and scenarios run through my head at the speed of light.

In that instant I decide that yes, he’s had my body, but I’ll never let him see how crazy mad I am about him. He’ll never know that his casual rejection hurts like the stab of a knife. He wants to go, fine, I’ll just say, bye, and turn over as if he means as little to me as I do to him.

At least in this way I will leave his father’s house with my pride intact. He will never know I stalked him for years or that my appearance in this house is not a random act of fate.

But as I make my plans he turns to me, holds his hand out, and says, ‘Come on.’

BOOK: The Bad Boy Wants Me: A Bad Boy Romance
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