Read The Bad Boys of Eden Online

Authors: Avery Aster,Opal Carew,Mari Carr,Cathryn Fox,Eliza Gayle,Steena Holmes,Adriana Hunter,Roni Loren,Sharon Page,Daire St. Denis

The Bad Boys of Eden (145 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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“You haven’t.”

Xavier puts his arm around me and walks me to the outdoor bar near the pool. He takes a beer with a slice of lime in it. I sip a margarita—less lethal than the drinks named for Eden. I’m not going anywhere near the one called ‘Original Sin.’ I think I’d end up asleep, not sinning.

But there is still was one mystery I want to solve about Xavier Malone. “Xavier, your tattoo reads ‘Endless Fight,’ doesn’t it?” I gaze into his dark blue eyes. They look almost black since the sky is dark now, and only the hanging lights around the pool illuminate us.

“It does,” he says.

“Do you really feel you are in an endless fight?”

He takes a swallow of his beer, then he meets my gaze, his eyes soft and full of sadness. “Ryder and I got tattoos to remind us of our pasts. My life has been like an endless fight. First with the assholes my mom dated, then in the octagon, then as a businessman—though I didn’t know I’d be fighting in that arena until long after I got the tattoo.” He takes another drink. “But I had one other fight. A big one. A fight with my heart. I kept telling myself I had to stop loving you when you and Ryder got married. But it was a fight I couldn’t win.”

“I’m so sorry.” I keep saying it, but I don’t know what else to say. “You’re an amazing guy. Gorgeous, and noble, and so—so good.”

“But I got beaten by Ryder for your heart.” Then he grins. “And I’m going to lose you again right now. Ryder’s here.”

I turn around and I can’t help but give Ryder a huge, glowing smile.

Xavier gives me a last squeeze. “I can see how much you love him. I’m happy for you both, Tessa.”

Then he’s walking away, drinking his beer, and Ryder is at my side. I lean into Ryder, resting against the solidity of his chest. He smells so good—of soap, the ocean and a slightly musky, seductive scent that is all Ryder.

Ryder and I walk down to the beach. I let him lead and he takes me to a small beach I’ve never been to before. It’s deserted except for us. When we reach the water’s edge, I squeal with delight. It’s Eden just as I remember it—a trillion stars in the sky, rolling waves, beauty and peace.

“I saw you talking to Xavier. What about?”

“I asked him about his tattoo. What he meant by ‘Endless Fight.’ I know what yours means—you chose it because you survived hell.”

“That’s close but it’s not exactly the reason, Tessa. It was a reminder to me that I might not have survived. I might have died. It was a reminder that I had to ensure I fought for my survival. Even when all I wanted to do was forget what happened…forget it forever.”

He looks in such pain. I touch his arm. “What do you mean?”

“I thought about killing myself. But I didn’t do it.”

“Thank God,” I breathe. Then I ask, “How did you find the strength to not do it? Was it your family?”

“No. They didn’t know how to handle me. Xavier talked me out of it. He made me see I’d be letting that bastard win. So I dedicated myself to getting strong, to learning how to fight, so one day I would win.”

“And you did win.” I wrap my arms around his muscular neck and kiss him. “You destroyed a monster.”

Ryder’s strong hands rest gently on my arms. His lips part and his tongue plays with mine. When he breaks the kiss, he gives the most erotic groan. “Sharing you with Xavier was fun, Tessa. I thought about doing that tonight, but I want you for myself. I can’t share you anymore.”

“That’s okay,” I whisper. “I want to focus totally on you, Ryder.”

I stand on tiptoe and put my lips to his again. His arms wrap around my waist. We kiss endlessly, as waves wash over our feet and more stars come out to twinkle in the night sky. Ryder draws me down, then he falls onto his back on the sand at the edge of the water. He pulls me on top of him.

With water splashing over us, we struggle out of our clothes. There’s no one around.

I have to bite my lip. Tears want to come again. Tears because I ache so much for Ryder and for what he has struggled with since he was twelve.

I want my love to erase his pain.

His hard cock presses between my legs.

“Damn,” he mutters. “Forgot the condom in my shorts.”

“We don’t need one,” I say. Reaching down, I wrap my hand around his shaft. I liked the dungeon and being tied up, but I don’t need any of that right now. This is all I need: making love with Ryder on a perfect night in paradise.

He lifts his hips and his cock slides deeply in me.

On top of him, I can be in charge. I get to kiss his full, beautiful lips. I get to kiss his eyelashes in a flirty, tender gesture. Run my fingers over his soft, stubble of blond hair. Bite his jaw playfully and nip his earlobes—

Then he lifts his hips, thrusting deep in me, and I become his slave. With his thumb, he finds my clit, and he lets me rub against his thumb while I pump on him.

It’s sooo good.

I’m so much in love.

His gaze holds mine as his cock goes so deep he almost touches my womb. “I was fucked up about sex for a long time, Tessa. Making love to you made sex special for me. Perfect for me.”

I cup his face. “It’s always been perfect for me, with you.”

There’s such determination on his face as he drives into me. And it is…perfect. Pleasure builds and builds and then I rush to the peak wildly, riding hard. I clutch Ryder’s shoulders and grind my clit against his hand and I burst. Shatter. Explode.

God, oh God.

“I love you, Tessa.”

Thrashing in my climax, I barely hear Ryder’s tender words. He cups my face, holds me steady so he can kiss me, then he comes too. I feel his body tense. I feel his hips surge up to me.

He kisses me with a hot, open-mouthed kiss as he rides out his orgasm, coming deep in me.

I collapse on him. “You were right,” I whisper beside his ear. “This is perfect. This is finally our happy ending.”

“I should have told you the truth a long time ago. I should have been ready to fight for our love from the beginning.”

“You did it when you were ready, Ryder.”

“I needed you to make me strong enough,” he says. And he kisses me again.

* * *

An arbor of vivid pink flowers sits atop an outcrop of rock. The lagoon and ocean are in the background, sparkling like a blanket of diamonds. But the two most gorgeous things I see are Ryder in a tux, waiting for me at the arbor where we will be married, and Jakey in an adorable suit, bearing the rings which are pinned to a satin pillow.

Xavier stands beside Ryder, looking elegant and stunning in his tuxedo.

My friend, Serena, stands on the other side. Along with Carlotta. I didn’t know Ryder had arranged for Serena and Carlotta to be here, and I’m thrilled. They are my bridesmaids and both look beautiful in flower-patterned sundresses.

Since this is my second walk down the aisle to the same man, I’m wearing a pink and blue sundress as I wanted a more casual and relaxed wedding. Though Eden’s Master, Mr. Vardalos sent a special bouquet for me—a bevy of perfect, pale pink roses.

Ryder grins as he sees me. Brides are supposed to glow but to me, Ryder is the one glowing. He looks so happy.

I hold Jakey’s hand and together my son and I walk to the man we want so much to have in our lives.

When I reach him, Ryder leans forward and he kisses me.

The minister clears his throat. He gives us a fatherly look of restraint, then a smile.

Ryder moves back, looking sheepish.

The first time we were married, it was in church and it rained. This morning, I’m getting married in paradise, bathed in sunshine, surrounded by the scent of flowers.

Ryder and I decided to repeat our traditional vows. We keep it short, and in mere minutes, Ryder is mine all over again.

When he said, “I do,” I think there was a tear in the eye of my tough fighter.

I take a quick look to take aim before I let Ryder sweep me into a kiss and I let the bouquet fly. I hear a masculine cry of “Hell” and I know I aimed right.

When Ryder sets me back on my feet, I see Xavier holding my bouquet, frowning.

The next hour is a whirlwind. Photographs. Hugging my mother and Jakey. Hugging Xavier. Then we’re whisked to the elaborate wedding breakfast set out by the pool.

While Ryder talks to friends, I realize Vardalos is standing at the back of the party, near a grove of bushes. I approach him. I don’t get too close. He obviously does not want people to look at him.

“Thank you, Mr. Vardalos. This was the most perfect wedding I could imagine.”

“You are very welcome. And you must call me Theo. I apologize—I must return to the castle. Urgent business. But remember, Ms. Tate, the island always gives you what you need.”

He turns and pushes the foliage out of his way, then hurries up the path.

I think of what he said. It’s the strangest thing…. Ryder needed closure, he needed to find his monster and defeat it. That has brought him peace.

If Ryder hadn’t brought me to Eden, would Stanton have made his move and taken Jakey? Maybe eventually.

I shiver, sensing something in the air. A kind of power, like sparks of electricity.

The island gave Ryder peace. It gave me my husband back, and it gave both Ryder and I our son, safe and sound.

“Thank you, Eden,” I whisper.

The air around me shimmers, just briefly, and returns to normal. I think the island might have said, “You’re welcome.”

“Tessa?” Ryder comes up to me. “What are you doing over here?”

“I saw Mr. Vardalos and thanked him for the wonderful wedding.”

Ryder grins. “You threw the bouquet to Xav deliberately.”

A smile plays on my lips. “I did.”

“Good. I’m sorry he ended up broken-hearted. But I hope he’ll find someone.”

“I think he will,” I answer. “Eden now knows what he needs.”

Ryder stares at me as if I’m crazy. Then he sweeps me into another kiss. As we break apart, we keep our arms wrapped around each other and both watch Jakey, who is playing with Mom. They are using wands to blow huge bubbles. When we go home, I intend to heal things between Ryder and his parents as best as I can.

I came to Eden hoping for a decadent sensual adventure.

I found that and so much more.

And two months later, back in Westingham, I know for sure the island has given us another gift.

In the master bathroom of our house, I set the pregnancy test on the counter of the bathroom. I plan to go and find Ryder, but the bathroom door opens just then and he walks in.

I hold up the test. “Guess what?” I ask.

“Are you pregnant?”

As I nod, he lifts me into a hug. He laughs with sheer joy, making me laugh too. Then he looks at me seriously. “After the baby, I’m going to take a break from fighting, Tessa. Look after Jakey and the baby, and let you finish college.”

My heart is bursting with joy. “Thank you.” I know that with Ryder in my life, I can do anything.

We fought for happiness. We fought to save Jakey. And I am so very happy that Ryder fought for me.

# # #

Thank you for reading
Fight for Me
, the first book in the Yardley College Alumni Series!

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Fight for You
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About Sharon Page

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Sharon Page graduated with a degree in Industrial Design (School of Engineering) and worked for years, by day, in the structural engineering field. By night, her secret identity was “Romance Author”.

After selling her first book in 2004, Sharon has indie and traditionally published over 25 novels and novellas. Her books have won many awards including two RT Bookreviews Reviewers Choice Awards, two National Readers Choice Awards, the Colorado Award of Romance, and the Golden Quill. Sharon was nominated by RT Bookreviews in 2013 for Career Achievement in Erotic Romance.

Sharon is married, with two children, and now writes almost full time..

More Books by Sharon Page—Available now

New Adult Romance

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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