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Authors: Christine Warren

The Bargaining (11 page)

BOOK: The Bargaining
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Christine Warren


Since her early days of hiding the luridly covered paperbacks under her pillows so her parents wouldn't catch her reading past her bedtime, Christine Warren has suffered an addiction to romance novels. After penning everything from poems to short stories to screenplays, she discovered her real calling in erotic romance and happily penned her first ebook about a sexy Russian vampire and a woman with too many friends.

Christine spends most of her time thinking about sex-which is really no different from what she's always done-but now she puts those thoughts into her computer screen and hopes her audience enjoys reading them as much as she enjoys writing them! She loves to hear from readers, who can email her through the website,, or directly at
[email protected]


* * * * *

Read on for a tantalizing glimpse of



by Jill Noelle


Available Now from Loose Id



“Lovely,” Michel whispered. “Come here.”

Gabriella tentatively placed her hand in his outstretched palm, and then gasped as he jerked her forward, bringing her up flush against his chest. She tipped her head back, searching his face for some clue as to how she should react. She met his steely gaze and shivered as he lowered his head and brushed her lips with the softest of kisses.

“Tonight, you are mine,” he told her, his breath hot against her cheek. “All mine.”

“Yes,” she replied on a sigh, wrapping her arms around his neck. She arched forward and rubbed her breasts against his chest.

With a low growl, he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed, gently depositing her in the middle of the soft mattress. Gabriella scooted back, resting against the mound of down-filled pillows. Through lowered lashes, she watched him remove his shirt. She devoured him with her eyes, her breath catching just like it always did when faced with his finely toned beauty.

Unashamed, she let her gaze roam down over his firm abdomen, biting her lip to stifle a sigh of pleasure when he slipped his thumbs into the waistband of his pants and slid them down over his hips.


His voice seemed to come from far away.


“Look at me.”

“I am looking at you,” she said. Hell, she couldn't
looking at him. He was magnificent. From his broad, tanned shoulders to his well-shaped calves, he appeared more god-like than human. Her fingers itched to touch him, to explore the texture of his skin and gauge his response.


With a sigh, she raised her gaze and met his eyes. “Yes, Michel?”

“Roll over.”

She frowned. “Roll over? Why?”

He sprang forward, looming over her, bracing his weight with his arms on either side of her shoulders, his face just inches from her own. Gabriella shrank back, heart pounding.

“You said you wanted this. You said you were mine, correct?”

She nodded.

“Then, when I tell you to do something,” he said, his tone low and harsh, “you will obey me immediately or suffer the consequences. Is that understood?”

Swallowing hard, Gabriella nodded again. “Yes, Michel, of course.”

“Now. Roll. Over.”

He pulled back just enough to give her room to comply, and she immediately flipped onto her stomach. A shiver raced down her spine as she realized her disadvantage. Unable to see him, unable to anticipate his next move, she felt strangely vulnerable and suddenly uncertain.


“Be quiet. Do not speak unless I give you permission to do so.”

“I --”

. A sharp sting blossomed across her backside and she flinched, even as a tremor of excitement made her wriggle her ass in a purposely provocative gesture.

“Ah, Brie, my sweet little slut, you liked that, did you?”

God, yes.
She turned her face into the pillow and moaned. She more than liked it. Everything within her seemed to come alive at his touch. Even his words -- “my sweet little slut” -- brought a rush of joy. She frowned, wondering at her response. Was she? A slut, a whore to want this, to need this, like other people needed food or air to survive?

Michel's hand rested lightly on her ass, and she lifted against it, wordlessly answering his question.

He chuckled softly, and then she felt him move away and the bed lift as he stood up. She did not turn her head, but she couldn't stop herself from straining her ears, listening intently for any clue to his intentions. As the moments ticked past, her tension increased, heightened even more by the knowledge that she was so exposed.

“Lights off.”

The room fell into darkness, lit only by a bank of candles strategically placed on the bedside table.

“Music on.”

A sultry jazz tune filled the air.


Gabriella smiled, her heart lifting, her uncertainty gone. Yes, she may have an unusual longing to be dominated, to be used in any way that might please him, but she also needed to know she was cherished. In pulling out all the stops to add romance and ambiance to the moment, Michel had told her more about his feelings for her than any words could convey.

Finally, he rejoined her on the bed, straddling her upper thighs. The heat of his skin made her squirm, but she stilled quickly when she felt him, long and hard, pressed against her buttocks. The thought of his cock resting there, in the crack of her ass, made her mouth go dry, and she closed her eyes, once again battling a rush of desire.

Images of him taking her, thrusting into her from behind, his hands gripping her hips as he pounded against her, filled her mind. Lost in an erotic dream, she lifted her hips off the bed, shifting until his cock slid lower, brushing against her pussy.

Michel met her movements and pushed forward. The head of his cock slipped inside, and Gabriella gasped and went still.

For a moment, time hung suspended, and Gabriella twisted her fingers into the pillowcase, screwing her eyes shut as she listened to the sound of his harsh breathing coming from above and behind her.

Again, he moved; only this time, he drew back, and cool air caressed her heated flesh as he climbed off of her and knelt on the bed.

“Get up on your knees, Gabriella.”

She struggled to make her quivering muscles obey his command and scrambled upward, drawing her legs up underneath her as she came into a sitting position.

“Now lean forward and hold on to the bars of the headboard.”

She reached out, wrapping her fingers around the cool metal bars, shifting her lower body forward until her ass rose in the air. Her breasts swung slowly, her nipples grazing the pillows. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, breathlessly waiting for his next move.

He ran a hand down her back, slowly caressing her from her shoulders to her ass. Then he lifted his hand and brought it down, hard. Gabriella uttered a startled cry, but did not jerk away.

“You are perfection personified,” he said, caressing her tenderly once more. “It's rare to find a woman who is both intelligent and beautiful, and yet holds within her the soul of a slut.”

He cupped her breast, rolling her hard nipple between his thumb and finger. Gabriella pressed into his touch, her entire body vibrating with need.

“I recognize your intelligence, Brie, but it's your soul I'm interested in tonight.”

He pinched her nipple, and Gabriella opened her mouth, gasping for breath.

“Will you give me your soul, Brie?”

“Yes,” she said, arching her back and throwing back her head. “Yes, Michel.”

He grasped her hair, pulling her to face him. His features were hard, softened only by the candles' warm glow.

“Are you certain? Do you know what I'll ask of you?”

She licked her lips. “Ask anything of me. I will do anything, be anything you wish. I belong to you, body and soul.”

Still maintaining his grip on her hair, Michel rose to his knees, bringing his long, thick cock within a breath of her face. He took the shaft in his fist and brought the head to her mouth. “Suck me.”

Gabriella parted her lips, and he pressed forward. She took him in, caressing him with her tongue, moaning against him as she rocked her hips in motion with her bobbing head.

“Ah, yes, baby.” Michel moved deeper with each new thrust. “Suck my cock, my lovely little slut. Suck it hard.”

Gabriella struggled to draw air in through her nose as she frantically worked her mouth up and down his shaft. The head of his cock brushed the back of her throat and she gagged reflexively, her eyes tearing.

“Slow down,” Michel told her, withdrawing and brushing her hair back, his touch now light and soothing. “Take your time, and breathe.”

Resting her cheek against his thigh, Gabriella drew in a few ragged breaths. She could feel him trembling, sensed his careful control and the power she held over him, despite their positions. Slowly, she explored his cock with her lips and mouth, focusing on his reaction to every flick of tongue or scrape of teeth. She grew bolder, picking up the pace and drawing him deeper. His labored breathing echoed in her ears, and she moaned against his hard flesh as his trembling increased.

“No.” Michel suddenly pulled back.

Gabriella reluctantly released him and looked up, frowning her confusion. She licked her lips and shook her hair out of her face.

“I don't want to come in your mouth,” Michel said, moving around behind her until she felt him brush against her ass and thighs. “At least, not this time.

“Spread your legs for me, Brie. Let me see your sweet, wet pussy.”

A hand thrust between her thighs as she widened her stance, moving her knees farther apart. A long finger stroked her swollen folds, and sparks of desire shot through her like flashes of lightning portending a storm. Gabriella circled her hips and moaned.

“You're so wet,” he said, “so hot and ready for my cock. Do you want me, Brie? Would you like me to fuck your hot little snatch?”

Gabriella wanted to scream, but when she opened her mouth to reply, she barely managed a small groan.

Michel removed his hand, and then she felt the head of his cock poised at the opening of her pussy.

“Tell me,” he said. “Tell me what you want.”


* * * * *

What people are saying about


Ms. Noelle has done a wonderful job creating a sprawling story in so few words. Indeed, the undercurrents of passion and mystery will cause a slight tingle down your spine. Additionally, Michel’s friend Beau will leave you breathless. This reviewer hopes to see his story soon.

-- Shannon,
Fallen Angel Reviews


is a sexy, scrumptious tale, replete with action, sex, and interesting characters. Michel is an enticing man, experienced and knowledgeable. Gabriella comes to him with little experience, and the set-up provides for lots of hot moments… At fewer than 100 pages, this is a fast-paced story, ideal for reading in a single sitting.

-- Barb Chan,
Just Erotic Romance Reviews


is a well-written and intrigue-filled erotic romance that kept me reading from the first page!  I highly recommend it.

-- Kim,
Coffee Time Romance


BOOK: The Bargaining
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