The Billionaire's Challenging Beauty (Bold, Alaskan Men Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Challenging Beauty (Bold, Alaskan Men Book 2)
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Her cell phone rang, but Tyla ignored it, not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment. 

For a long time, she just laid there, trying to adjust her thinking, to banish Saeger from her thoughts. 

Unfortunately, it was harder than she would have thought possible.  Getting ready for work that night, she pulled on one of Matt’s old shirts, unconcerned that it was too big for her.  She tied the ends around her waist and rolled up the sleeves, then walked back across the street for her shift.

That night, she wasn’t aware of the strange looks she received.  She served drinks, took orders, relayed the orders to the kitchen or to Tucker who was working the bar that night, then did it all again for the next table.  Over and over again, she got drinks and food, placed them in front of the customers, but by the end of the night, she couldn’t remember a single thing.

“You okay?” Tucker asked, when she was pulling her coat on and preparing to leave. 

Tyla wasn’t really sure what to say.  Was she okay?  Not really.  But the concerned look in the man’s eyes told her that he wasn’t going to let her go if she wasn’t okay.  “I’m fine,” she told him, and pasted a bright smile on her face.  “Just tired.”

A moment later, she walked out of the bar and walked across the street.  She didn’t even bother to turn on any lights in her apartment.  She locked the door, dumped her backpack down by the front door, slipped off her shoes and her jeans then fell into bed.  Pulling the extra pillow close, she hugged the lumpy thing and pretended that she was holding Saeger instead.  And pretended that she wasn’t crying herself to sleep over a man who didn’t care.  Didn’t want her. 

Chapter 3


“What did you do to hurt Tyla?” Tucker demanded the following morning. 

Saeger rubbed his face, trying to figure out what was going on.  Tucker was standing outside his doorway and the sun was barely over the horizon.  “What time is it?” he asked.

Tucker pushed past his friend and walked into the man’s house.  When he was in the kitchen, he shook his head.  “No coffee brewing and you just got up.”  Looking over at Saeger, Tucker’s concern increased.  He flipped open his phone and dialed a number. 

“Saeger needs help.” 

Tucker didn’t even glance at Saeger when he disagreed.  “I’m fine!  I don’t need anyone’s help!”

Tucker ignored him, moved over to one of the cabinets and pulled down the coffee, dumping a load of coffee grounds into the basket.  He made it extra strong today, knowing that the crew would be arriving any moment. 

When the coffee was finally brewing, he turned back to face Saeger, hands braced wide on the marble countertop.  “So are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

Saeger rolled his eyes, not sure what his friend was talking about, but he felt like hell, hadn’t slept all night because he’d been too busy fantasizing about holding Tyla in his arms, and now he was disgusted with himself all over again for touching her and the thoughts he’d had last night.  “I’m going to shower.  Help yourself to coffee when it’s ready.”  And he was gone.

Saeger vaguely heard the doorbell ring twice, but he didn’t hurry through his shower.  He was too busy alternately beating himself up for kissing Tyla, then shaking his head in wonder at how incredible she’d felt in his arms. 

He wasn’t fooled either.  She’d kissed him back.  No doubt about that.  But he’d made a promise and messing with Matt’s baby sister would violate that promise.  Saeger and his friends had done a lot of bad things as kids.  He wasn’t going back to that life, to the lies and deceit he’d played out on the rough streets of his youth.  He wasn’t some stupid street punk who took what he needed and didn’t give a damn about the consequences.  Those were the old days. 

He cared now.  He cared a hell of a lot about Tyla.  Not to mention, Matt was defending this country.  The man had asked one thing of Saeger.  One thing only!  And now Saeger was messing it up! 

What kind of a friend did that?  And to a man like Matt! 

He slammed the shower off, hoping like hell that his friends were gone so he could continue to self-castigate himself for his actions yesterday. 

But even as he walked out of his bedroom, pulling another sweater over his head, he knew that, not only had Tucker not left him alone, but Knox and Creek would be sitting in his kitchen as well.

Sure enough, all three of them were there, each with a large cup of coffee in his hand.  “Don’t you guys have anything better to do?” he demanded as he poured his own cup of coffee.

Knox shook his head. “Not until we figure out what’s wrong with you.”

Saeger sighed, feeling worse and worse.  He considered just ignoring them, but he couldn’t do that.  First of all, they wouldn’t leave until they understood what was wrong with him.  And secondly, he owed them an explanation.  “I lost it yesterday with Tyla,” he finally admitted to the heavy silence behind him. 

Tucker tilted his head slightly.  “When you say ‘lost it’, what exactly does that mean?”

Accepting that he’d have to spell it all out to them, he turned around and explained, knowing that he would have to deal with whatever punishment these guys would mete out to him.  “I kissed her.”

The three men just stared, not sure what to say. 

When they all just continued to wait for more information, he smacked his coffee mug onto the marble counter so hard, it was a miracle that it didn’t shatter.  “I kissed her!” he exclaimed, almost shouting it since they didn’t seem to understand the import of his words.  “Don’t you get it?” He braced his arms apart on the counter and sighed, his head falling in defeat. 

Creek’s shoulders went up and down.  “Okay, so you finally kissed her.  Tell us what’s wrong.”

Saeger’s head popped up with that one word.  “Finally?”

The three men, almost in unison, rolled their eyes.  “You and Tyla have been dancing around each other since she came back to town.  The attraction is there and it is mutual.  It’s about time that you did something about it.  So you kissed her.  What else?”

Saeger didn’t understand.  “What else?”

Knox stepped forward, irritated that his friend wasn’t spelling it out.  “Somehow, you hurt Tyla.  She wasn’t herself last night so tell us what you did to hurt her feelings.”

Saeger shrugged his shoulders, clueless.  “I kissed her.  Then apologized and walked away.”

The three men finally understood, and stared at their friend as if he were the biggest idiot in the world. 

Creek shook his head, closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them again, glaring at Saeger.  “Let me get this straight.  You have wanted to be with Tyla for months now.  You both have been driving each other crazy, you finally kiss her and then you…” he paused, because he still couldn’t believe it, “you
?” he asked, emphasizing that last word. 

Tucker smacked his palm against his forehead and Knox’s mouth fell open slightly before he said, “Seriously?”

Saeger shrugged once again.  “I was wrong.  I shouldn’t have kissed her.”

In unison, all three said, “Yes!  You should have!”

Tucker put his coffee cup on the counter then fisted his hands against his hips.  “What’s more, you shouldn’t have stopped!  You should have finally taken her to bed and not let her out until you both either decided to marry each other or decided you hated each other.”

Saeger was stunned.  “What the hell are you talking about?” he demanded.  Marriage?  Hell no!  And Tyla hating him?  Uh…that was even worse!

Knox braced his arms out wide on the countertop.  “First of all, why in the world would you finally kiss Tyla and then apologize?”

“Stupid, man!” Tucker agreed. 

Creek rubbed his forehead.  “Women really don’t like it when men regret kissing them.”

Saeger leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling.  “Don’t you get it?” he demanded, and looked at all three of his best friends.  “I should be protecting her from men like me!   Not kissing her!”

“You damn well should be kissing her!” Tucker interjected, just as vehemently. 

“And a whole lot more,” Knox agreed.

Saeger was furious.  “Are you saying that you guys are okay with someone having sex with Tyla?” The idea made him want to bash his fist into something.

Knox sighed heavily as if he were extremely put upon by that question.  “Not anyone, idiot!  You!  You should have sex with Tyla!”

“Lots of sex!” Creek agreed.  “And then put a ring on the woman’s finger and have lots of babies!”

Saeger couldn’t believe this.  He wasn’t made out for marriage and these three men should know that!  “That’s your plan!” he growled in Creek’s direction.  “The way you and Violet are always alone lately, the two of you will have enough kids for the rest of us.”

Knox and Tucker chuckled, obviously agreeing.  Creek didn’t give a damn.  He actually seemed proud of his activities with his almost-wife. And the idea of having kids also seemed to be enticing to the other man. 

“Well, I still think you should marry the woman,” Tucker added. 

Saeger was stunned.  “No!  No marriage.  No wedding,” he stated emphatically, his hand slicing through the air.  “I’m definitely not ready to get married.”  He glared at Knox and Tucker, furious that they would even suggest something so outrageous.  “If you guys are so ready to settle down, go ahead and find a woman, but don’t put that hell on me.”

The three men laughed, but it was Creek who spoke up first.  “Are you seriously going to tell me that you don’t have strong feelings for Tyla?”

Oh hell yes!  Strong feelings of lust!  Inappropriate lust, he reminded himself.  But that wasn’t what these men were talking about.  He glared right back at the three of them.  “No!  I don’t.”

“You’re lying,” Tucker said. 

“Yep,” Knox agreed, looking at his friend with barely veiled amusement.  “You’re a goner.”

Saeger was finished with this conversation.  “Go to hell, all of you.”  He started to turn away, determined to get to work. 

Knox stepped up, willing to be the martyr in this conversation if it would help his friend see the writing on the wall.  “Okay, so if you don’t want her, mind if I ask her out to dinner?”

Tucker and Creek had anticipated Saeger’s reaction and stepped in to grab Saeger on either side of him as he spun around, ready to attack Knox for the suggestion. 

Knox only chuckled.  “I thought as much.”

Saeger fought against the two men’s hold, more than ready to battle Knox for suggesting that he even go near Tyla.  “Don’t you dare touch her!” he growled, pushing and shoving to get Tucker and Creek off of him. 

Creek shoved him back.  “Exactly!”

Tucker blocked Saeger’s pathway to Knox.  “He doesn’t want to go out with Tyla, you ass!  He was only proving our point!  But if you don’t figure out what you want from Tyla, someone else is going to step in and sweep her off of her feet.”  All three of them glared at Saeger who was panting with jealous fury. 

Creek moved closer, putting a hand on Saeger’s shoulder.  “Women like Tyla don’t come around very often.  If someone else is going to figure out what a gem she is, then you can’t beat them to a pulp for recognizing what you’re being too stupid to acknowledge.”

Saeger was still glaring at Knox, but with those words, he looked at Tucker, then at Creek.  Even Knox was nodding his head. 

Creek used a soothing voice as he said, “Either decide that you want Tyla, or let her go.  She deserves to be happy.  Either with you, or clear the path for some other guy to make her happy.”

Saeger turned all of his fury on Creek after that, but Tucker laid a hand on his shoulder.  “Be fair to Tyla.  We’ve all seen how crazy she is for you.  But if you don’t want her, then back off and let her be happy with someone else.”

Knox moved in, knowing that the danger was gone now.  “But if you want her, you’re going to have to be nice to her after you apologized for kissing her.”  All three men shook their heads, making similar sounds of disgust.  “If that isn’t the biggest idiot move, then I don’t know what is.”  He chuckled as he slapped Saeger on the back.  “It sure is going to be fun watching you dig yourself out of this hole!”

The other two agreed and the three of them moved off, walking out of the house.  “She’s pretty,” Knox called out when they were at the doorway.  “Don’t leave her unprotected because someone unethical, like me, might just come along and try and turn her head from your idiot mug.”

Tucker and Creek shoved a chuckling Knox out of the house just as Saeger started moving towards the door, murder once again in his eyes. 

When Saeger was alone, he stared out the windows of his house as he contemplated what his friends had said.  Well, Tucker and Creek were friends.  Knox… that man was on thin ice right now. 

But maybe they were right.  Would he be able to sit back and watch when another man came in and asked Tyla out?  What would he do then? 

Well, besides kill the man and hide the body. 

He wasn’t sure he was completely kidding with that thought.  With that realization, he accepted that he’d have to do something about his feelings towards Tyla. 

Yes, she’d kissed him yesterday.  And yes, he suspected that she might have feelings for him.  But he wasn’t sure.  He might have just surprised Tyla with the kiss yesterday.  He’d been pretty furious about her prank.

Okay, so not genuinely furious.  It had actually been pretty funny.  But he’d been determined to relay his annoyance with her.  Which had resulted in him grabbing her and tossing her over his shoulder. 

The thought of kissing her hadn’t even entered his mind when he’d grabbed her.  But o h man! 

Hmm… if he were being perfectly honest with himself, he’d have to admit that tossing her over his shoulder had only been an excuse to touch her.  But once she was in his arms, and she’d wiggled against him… that had driven his sanity to the breaking point.  Which was why he’d carried her into the woods.  And once they were alone, he couldn’t have held back from kissing those laughing lips, silencing her with that drugging kiss. 

Damn, his body was already hard and aching just thinking about how hot she’d been in his arms, how perfect she’d felt.  Every part of her fit against him exactly as it should. 

And he wanted to feel that again. 

But not so out of control this time.  He would take things slowly.  He’d kiss her tenderly, like a gentleman should.  She deserved reverence and caring.  Tyla was too good and sweet for his hard-driving lust.  He’d have to hold back, show her that he wasn’t such an animal next time.  He’d have to give her time to adjust to his passion for her. 

That shouldn’t be too hard, he told himself.  He’d never felt like that before with a woman.  And Tyla was more delicate than the other women in his past.  He’d just have to remember that when he was holding her the next time. 

BOOK: The Billionaire's Challenging Beauty (Bold, Alaskan Men Book 2)
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