Read The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel) Online

Authors: Denise Avery

Tags: #plus size romance, #bbw romance, #bbw erotica, #plus size erotica, #bbw erotic romance, #bbw bdsm, #billionaire bdsm, #bbw billionaire, #full length erotica

The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel) (20 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel)
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The sudden penetration pushed Claire over the
edge, and she came like a fountain against Sam’s thrusting dick. He
leveled himself above her, pushing as far into her as he could. Sam
brought his lips to her neck, the roughness of his beard foreign to
her. The scratchiness of his face, the suppleness of his lips, and
the all-encompassing pleasure that was radiating through her from
her pussy outwards was almost too much to handle. Claire was
transported by the rhythmic thrusting of Sam’s enormous dick, and
Sam, with his face screwed up in a silent howl of bliss, seemed to
be enjoying himself just fine.

Claire’s back rubbed against the carpet, and
she thought she could hear the floorboards beneath cracking under
the pressure of their vigorous fucking. Sam pounded into her body,
and she felt his dick up against her core, her ribcage. It felt as
though he might go right through her! She looked up into his
enraptured face, nearly seeing double as the ecstasy of his
glorious fucking flooded her senses. Her lips found his, and as
their mouths met, Sam’s dick found the place within Claire that
she’d needed touched in just such a way.

They came together as Claire let out a sharp
cry. Sam’s cum burst into Claire’s body, and she rode the intense
and fervent thrusts of his hips like a pro. She tightened her grip
on him, drawing every last drop of cum from his cock. She was
filled, flooded, and spent by the surge of semen that was running
into her body. She was insatiable, eager to have this part of Sam
inside of her. She knew, in that moment, that he was the one she
had been waiting for all along. The one that, in filling her, made
her feel fulfilled.

Sam fell heavily against Claire, his chest
soaked with sweat. They lay together, absolutely exhausted by the
fervor of their fucking. Claire could feel Sam’s heart beating
wildly against her chest, and she wished that they could stay that
way forever, connected in that most intimate way, two parts making
a whole, entwined.

Claire ran her fingers through Sam’s deep
brown hair, smiling drowsily, “I take it that’s an invitation to
stay a while, right?”

“That’s an invitation to stay forever,” Sam
corrected her, grinning adorably, “If you’d like to, that is.”

“Are you sure, Sam?” Claire asked, “I’ve
heard the word ‘forever’ a few times before and not been too happy
with the results.”

“Claire, listen to me,” Sam said, “Do I seem
like the sort of man who uses words he doesn’t mean?”

“No,” Claire said, “You don’t.”

“So, let me say this,” Sam said, “I’m fairly
certain that you’re the woman I’ll love for the rest of my life.
It’d be wonderful if you’d stick around for a while so we could
find out.”

Claire looked deeply into Sam’s eyes, took a
deep breath, and said, “You bet your sweet ass.”

They broke into peals of delighted laughter
and wrapped their arms around each other. It was a long shot, a
chance meeting like this developing into something that could last.
They both knew the odds that were stacked against them. But in the
moment, neither could give a damn in the world what the odds were.
They’d found each other, they were in love with the moment, and
thought neither of them could say for sure just then, they were
deeply in love with each other. And a love like that is worth
taking a chance on every single time it reveals itself.


The golden hour had descended upon the
landscape, coating the woods and valleys of Montana in a glowing,
ethereal light. The rolling hillsides and pristine ponds were
breathtakingly beautiful, captured for a moment in all their glory.
Claire lifted her camera and snapped shot after shot of the
gorgeous view. She’d parked her ATV momentarily to enjoy the scenic
overlook of her home, and couldn’t pass up this fantastic photo
opportunity. Perhaps all photographers are a bit opportunistic, she
thought to herself, I can live with that.

Of course, these photos wouldn’t show up in
any galleries or museums. Pretty lakes and trees were hardly
groundbreaking work. But between abstract portraits of fallen
political rebels and the like (stuff that actually got noticed in
the art world), Claire like to take it easy. Photography, for her,
had become another way to process the world. Sometimes, the photos
she took and presented were saying something about her worldview or
situation. Other times, like this, she took photos merely to stop
and appreciate the world around her for a moment. A photo could be
any number of things—a statement, an oath, a work of art. But
sometimes, a photo was just a photo.

As she climbed back onto her vehicle, Claire
chuckled, remembering how seriously she had taken the art of
photography back when she was an undergraduate. Back then, there
had been no room for fucking around with the art form. It was a
big, bad world, the art world, and one had to eat or be eaten. She
used to be so concerned with getting ahead that she could never
relax enough to make any work that was genuine or at all
interesting. Now, as a slightly older artist, she knew that good
art wasn’t competitive, not necessarily.

In the years since she had graduated college,
Claire’s career had taken many strange turns. There was, of course,
quite a lot of attention on her at first thanks to Parker’s
efforts. Her photos had gone up in galleries at which they had no
right being displayed. This early exposure could have crippled her
career, if Parker hadn’t made such a big stink about getting them
all taken down that art gossips got curious. Soon, the story of
their affair got people talking about Claire, the girl who had not
only wrangled but bested one of the most well known art collectors
on the block. Claire had gotten a reputation that spared her
immature photos, making room for better work down the line.

Now, as she coasted through her thirties,
Claire understood that things had played out the way they did for a
reason, when she was young. The epic months in which she not only
married a billionaire but also divorced him after stumbling upon
the true love of her life in the middle of the woods... that was an
insane time. Too exciting for even the most far-fetched fantasy.
She’d learned more about herself, her body and her mind, than she
ever could have imagined. But the most important thing she learned,
the thing that often goes unsaid to young girls, is that she could
count on herself.

Claire had learned that she didn’t need a
man’s love or protection to feel worthy. Parker’s attention and
supposed devotion didn’t mean nearly as much as her own found
confidence in herself. She was grateful to him for forcing her to
make the toughest decisions of her life, grateful that she’d been
forced to eject herself from a deceptively enticing situation in
favor of a setup that was actually good for her.

She didn’t know where Parker was, those days.
After they had parted so dramatically after their honeymoon, the
only way she’d heard from him was through lawyers. Not wanting to
wade through the nonsense of alimony and a pre-nup, Parker had
offered to give her 10 million dollars as a settlement. She happily
took the money as payment for the wasted months of her life and her
bruised pride over his treatment of her. Sure, she didn’t need him,
but she wasn’t about to say no to a couple million dollars just on
principle! That would be insane.

She’d taken that money and used it as an
enormous nest egg investment for her and Sam. As she pulled up in
front of the cabin on her ATV, she scanned the property and
couldn’t help but smile, thinking of their life together. They’d
completely refurbished the cabin, which had been Sam’s inheritance
from his family. The structure itself was the same, but it had been
weather proofed and improved upon so that it was sure to remain
standing for generations to come. They’d outfitted it with all
kinds of eco-friendly additions, and now it was truly a marvel to
behold out there in the woods.

They’d also added a second structure which
matched the first aesthetically. The two cabins were connected by a
glass-encased passageway, and were, for all intents and purposes,
one home. Sam and Claire hadn’t really needed any additional space
on their own, but once kids became a topic of discussion, they had
decided to expand the structure. It was a good thing they’d decided
to—the three children they ended up bringing into the world
certainly needed a lot of room to run around. Sometimes an entire
mountainside didn’t compare to a good play room in the house.

Claire swung her leg over the side of the ATV
and unloaded the bursting bags of produce she had picked up at the
CoOp at the bottom of the mountain. After spending a single week in
Montana, Claire had known that she would never move back to a city
again. She remembered New York—the grime and filth of it. Sure, the
city had plenty to offer in terms of entertainment, excitement, and
what have you, but it wasn’t worth it to her anymore. It wasn’t
worth it to destroy your body by walking around on concrete and
breathing in exhaust all day. And as far as entertainment was
concerned, she got plenty of that from the everyday lives of her
wonderful family. They were something of a circus troupe, and she
wouldn’t have them any other way, but they were definitely a hand
full. Claire was still required to be city bound sometimes for
work, but she much preferred to be tucked away on the mountain with
her man and her kids, snug as a family of bugs together in their
little cabin. Who would have thought that the NYC girl would ever
become a lady lumberjack? Stranger things have happened.

As she trudged up to the cabin with her
groceries, Claire saw Sam coming around from the back of the
complex. He rushed to relieve her of her load and plant a warm,
lingering kiss on her mouth. Claire had always heard that marriage
was the worst thing in the world for one’s sex life, but whoever
said that just wasn’t doing marriage properly. Claire and Sam had
gotten married very shortly after she had shown up on his doorstep,
more or less. It had been ten years now, and the time had flown

Still, the spark that had first compelled
them to try out the crazy scenario in which she move in with him
out of the blue was still alive and kicking. Their sex life hadn’t
faded into oblivion once they’d tied the knot, or even once they
had their kids. Rather, they had matured together, gotten to know
every crease and wrinkle on each other’s bodies. They enjoyed the
kind of intimacy that is only possible once you’ve gotten to know
someone body and soul, from the top of their head to the soles of
their feet. That was the kind of love Claire and Sam shared.

“Welcome home,” Sam said warmly, “Thanks for
getting all this.”

“I love making the trip down,” Claire said,
slipping her arm around her husband’s waist, “Tearing through the
woods on the ATV and all. It always reminds me of when you found me
all those years ago.”

“I wish you could have seen yourself,” Sam
laughed, “Completely underdressed, terrified, utterly lost, and in
a tree!”

“Give me a break,” Claire said, “I’d just
ditched my honeymoon to set off into the woods like a maniac. So I
was a little disheveled... Big deal.”

“You know I’m just teasing, honey,” Sam said,
opening the front door of the cabin for Claire, “You looked like an
angel, even then. A dirty angel, but an angel nonetheless.”

“Would you have still picked me up if you
knew that we were headed for this?” Claire asked, “You know...
Domestic bliss and all that?”

“That’s the only thing that could have made
me drive you home faster,” Sam said, “I was already gunning it
because I was hoping to get you in the sack.”

“Shhh!” Claire hissed, looking around to see
if any of their children were afoot. They always seemed to pop up
just as Sam started putting the moves on Claire.

“Oh, relax,” Sam said, setting down the
groceries, “I sent them down to the lake to go kayaking.”

“You did, did you?” Claire said, beginning to
catch onto Sam’s meaning.

He smiled at her with that look in his eye
that had only ever meant one thing, since the first time they’d
met. He was ready to get it on. Claire felt the familiar flutter in
her stomach as lust for her husband began to kick in. Sam had aged
in that remarkable way that rugged men do. He’d become even more
chiseled as the years had gone by, not a scrap of extra body fat to
be found on him. His beard and temples were beginning to show signs
of gray, but of course it made him look distinguished rather than
old. Claire grinned, remembering how young they had both been when
they met. Now, he was thirty-five and a father. Not old, by
anyone’s standards, but mature enough to be completely comfortable
in his body... And Claire’s.

Sam advanced toward Claire, backing her up
until she was leaning back against the kitchen island. She pushed
out her chest a bit, letting Sam take stock of her tits, which were
as ample as ever. She may have birthed and breast fed three
children, but Claire was still a knockout. Never having been
skinny, her curves had rounded out even more since her youth. She
was a buxom lady, that much was for certain, and had a new softness
since becoming a mother. Sam worshiped her body even more after
she’d gotten pregnant. The miracle of bearing a child was
intoxicating for him, and as much as he’d always respected Claire’s
body as something sacred, it was different once the kids had come
along... But in the best of all possible ways!

Sam pressed himself against Claire, and she
could feel that he was already hard as a rock. They’d never wasted
any time being coy with each other. When they were ready to fuck,
there was an urgency to their desire that couldn’t be contained,
not even for a moment. Claire looked up into her husband’s hungry
eyes and knew that it wasn’t dinner that he had in mind.

Claire leaned forward and kissed Sam deeply,
slipping her tongue into his mouth. He wrapped his arms around her
back and hoisted her up into the air, planting her firmly onto the
island. Without removing any of her clothes, Sam stroked at her
pussy. Through the thick denim, she could still feel his powerful
fingers rubbing against her clit. The sensation of skin against
fabric against skin always drove her insane, and she had to fight
to keep from crying out. She ran her fingers through Sam’s thick
brown hair as he rubbed her toward orgasm.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel)
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