The Billionaire's Runaway Bride (9 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Runaway Bride
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“We really appreciate that we are not sitting in this” pointing to a window, as everybody had nodded in agreement as the storm had raged noisily outside.

Inclining his head with a small crooked smile he had told them they were welcome.

“We are up very early, being the last day…so I think that I will retire for the night, so I would like to say thank you as I am sure that we will be gone before you get up”

Alexos had given a small humorous chuckle “Why Grace…of course I will be up, what kind of a host would I be not to see my guests off?”

Giving him a harder look she had forced a smile onto her lips “Well in that case…I will see you tomorrow” before looking at the others “I will see you all at five” the group groaning but nodding in agreement.

Moving from the room, she had felt relief having made it through the night, retreating thankfully into her room.

Looking at the bath within the luxurious en-suite she had groaned softly, finally giving in to the temptation, running it deep and adding some of the expensive bubble bath. Smiling at the sight of the foaming bath she had sank into the warmth with a soft sigh of pure pleasure. It had been weeks since she had enjoyed such a luxury and after half an hour of soaking she had dried off, feeling contentment through to her very bones. Humming happily her long hair had then been dried, Grace using some of the many new brushes to style it, chuckling to herself at the desire to do this. Pulling on her fitted crop top and small bed shorts she had moved from the bathroom looking forward to sinking into the soft sheets, her mind remembering the last time she had stayed at the villa, smiling softly at the memory as it had resurfaced.

The slight movement in the corner of the room had made her jump in fright, her hands covering her mouth to hold back the scream at seeing the man sitting so relaxed in the armchair.

“Alexos!” his name falling from her lips as shock had thudded into every part of her.

“Hello Grace” he drawled softly, his eyes watching her carefully “I thought you and I should have a talk”

Grace had wrapped her arms around herself, so aware that she wore so little, the crop top stopping above her navel her toned flat belly visible. With a voice which shook alarmingly she had tried to stand taller, to seem surer than she was.

“We have nothing to talk about Alexos…I appreciate your hospitality for my team” stopping as her eyes had narrowed “I locked that door…how did you get in here?”

Standing, he had moved closer, alarm bells ringing throughout her.

“I own this house Grace. I have keys for every room”

Raising her chin defiantly she had resolutely stood her ground “Please leave…as I said we have nothing to talk about and I have an early start”

Shaking his head he had continued to move towards her, Grace’s bravado starting to slip as she had moved backwards away from him.

“I disagree. You didn’t want to talk about things in front of your team…I understand that, but believe me we ARE going to talk”

His eyes were no longer gentle, no longer full of humour, but ice-cold full of hostility.

“You left me to explain to my whole family and all the friends I introduced you to, that the woman I was going to marry had eloped, married some nobody and moved to the UK”

With a gasp her hands balled, she had leapt to Daryle’s defence.

“He is not some nobody…he is the best man I have ever known”

With a raised eyebrow Alexos had stopped a frown coming to his handsome face. “And yet you are no longer married to this ‘best man’” his tone full of contempt “What happened Grace did you get a better offer, ditch that poor man too?”

Glaring back she had bitten out “You don’t understand” he had moved forward bridging the remaining distance between them.

“You are damn right I don’t understand” Grace feeling the way her heart was beating so fast in her chest, the alarm showing in her large eyes.

“You agreed to my, for a better word ‘wooing’ you. We and our families had an agreement and in that you agreed to effectively be my wife”

Looking up into his face she had once more felt the tremors of awareness, the strange flip-flopping within her stomach tinged with fear as he had glared down at her.

“I phoned you…I explained it to you, we had not officially made any announcement Alexos”

With a derisory laugh he had grabbed her by the upper arms.

“Everybody knew Grace, my father, your parents and my friends. I had finally met the woman I was going to marry…and then you eloped. You used me, you used everybody”

Shaking her head ferociously she had moaned softly “No…it wasn’t like that” eyes full of panic. “Let me go” desperately trying to pull herself from him.

He however, had pulled her in harder, one hand moving around her waist pinning her to him as the other had held the back of her head, his fingers tangled in the silky hair. In a calmer, more controlled voice he had leant his head down to smell her hair.

“You still smell of flowers Grace” his tone suddenly sensual as she had tried to pull herself from him.

“Let me go Alexos…this is not funny” a quiver of panic on her voice. Pulling back to look down at her his mouth had been set, his eyes once more hard “You are right. There was nothing funny about it Grace. Nothing”

For a second she had stared back at him, her voice now raspy “What do you want Alexos?” Seeing as a small smile had spread across his handsome features.

“Well what I most wanted was a wife, a sweet innocent wife…but I guess that wasn’t to be, so I suppose I can settle for the next best thing…the slightly used, second hand bride” Grace giving a small shocked moan, her eyes widening.

“Do you know what I most regretted Grace…the one thing I wished I had done differently?” his breath against her neck sending tremors throughout her as she had shaken her head not able to speak. “I regretted not taking you in that hotel…not being the first man to enjoy you…that was my biggest regret”

She had felt the pain fill her at this, knowing that all he had ever wanted was her body, that he had only ever seen her as a sexual partner and a means to produce his children; sure that she had made the right choice all those years ago.

Whimpering softly she had tried to move her head to avoid his mouth as it had descended to hers, his hand holding her head to him as she had groaned. His kiss was hard, punishing, his hands cruelly holding her prisoner against his strong hard body. She had fought him with everything in her, before losing the will to fight any more, her body stilling against him.

As she had leant in to him, his head had lifted slightly the anger in his eyes gone, something else filling the darkness before once more taking her mouth, this time so gentle, his tongue sliding within the softness of hers, caressing her, Grace shuddering as her whole body had exploded. Her arms had flown around his neck, Alexos groaning as he had raised her against him and lifted her from her feet, her whole body plastered against his.

Moving, he had kissed down her neck, grabbing the crop top before pulling it over her head with one easy motion Grace dropping her head to allow his tongue to continue its passage down the long milky column of her throat. She had always felt this way, was totally unable to hold back from him as the yearning for this man had sent molten hot liquid to pool deep within her belly, her hands pulling at him with almost frantic need.

As he had fallen, his weight pinning her to the bed, his voice had been husky, the sound sending all new tremors throughout her.

“God I want you…I always have” Grace pulling at his shirt as she had nodded, her mouth had rained soft kisses against the side of his face.

“Yes oh yes” the voice begging him had seemed as though it had come from somebody else. Not the ordered prim scientist but a wanton woman desperate for satisfaction. Pulling his head back, his eyes had dropped to admire the large breasts, the nipples raised with excitement, a small growl of appreciation leaving him as his mouth had dropped to the first, her back arching as she had cried out fingers entwining in his hair. His tongue had lapped at the raised pink nipples as his teeth had nipped at her, Grace writhing uncontrollably under him as his thumb had rubbed the other, quivers of ecstasy coursing through her.

Taking her small hand in his he had held it to the straining bulge of him, a primitive heat of satisfaction filling her. Tugging at his belt, Alexos had moved to give her room, his own hands and mouth maintaining their assault on all of her senses, as with a small sound of victory she had freed the leather, pulling the button quickly off and unzipping him, her small hand sliding into the heat within. As the back of her hand had brushed against the straining hardness, his musky scent had filled her nose, Alexos groaned his body jumping slightly at this smallest of touches, Grace feeling her head reel with the need for him.

Allowing her fingers to wrap around the shaft, inexperienced fingers had slid along him, a growl now leaving him as his own hand had moved under her bed shorts, pushing legs apart as his fingers had slid against the heat of her. Grace had gasped loudly as the sensations had swamped her, his fingers caressing the wet heat of her so unaware as she had whimpered and wriggled under him before his mouth had once more returned to take hers, whispering against her mouth.

“God Grace… I want you so much” she moaning softly, encouraging him as he had pulled back a wide smile on his handsome face. Pulling the shorts down her legs as he rose, he had paused, his eyes travelling down her body, his look full of heat and appreciation as Grace had lain still for his scrutiny. Her head had screamed to move, to push him away, instinctively knowing that he would go, but her body had buzzed with the need to have him back, watching under half-closed lids as he had pulled his clothes off.

Standing watching her, she had finally seen him naked, her eyes opening with fear seeing the size of him while her whole body yearned for his return. Moving back alongside, his mouth had again sought hers, his fingers gently seeking out the centre of her ensuring that she was ready, a small sound of satisfaction leaving his lips as she had been so hot and wet for him.

“I need you” his voice had been strained, hoarse as he had positioned himself between her open legs, Grace nodding and pulling at his head wanting him back. Running his arm around her small waist and pulling her hips up he had pushed into her, slowly reverently feeling as her muscles had stretched to accommodate him. Pausing she could feel the sweat break out on his shoulder as he had taken his time, her fingers curling around his arm at the extreme pleasure filling her, groaning as she had wanted more. With another growl he had slid deeper, too deep Grace crying out as the small membrane within had torn, the flash of pain making her eyes fly open, her hands pushing at him wanting him to stop.

Pausing once more she had heard him call her name, his voice full of confusion and need before his mouth had once more taken hers silencing her. As he had continued pushing, his body had moved in small gentle rocking motions as she had stiffened the shock of pain receding as his body had caressed her own, until once more she had relaxed, the sensations again so wonderful her arms moving around him, pulling him to her.

With great patience he had slid further into her tight body, fighting the urge to release so deep, his breath coming out in short pants until his whole length filled her small body. Shuddering and stilling for a few seconds he had kissed her mouth, that wonderful mouth which trembled to his touch before once more moving, his body rhythmically thrusting over her, hearing the groans and sighs as she had lost control, her fingers pulling at him, hips rising up to meet him.

Grace was out of her mind. She had never imagined that it could be so intense, his body now moving faster and deeper within her, the motion causing her whole being to come alive in a manner which was so new, so wonderful. With a loud gasp she had felt the waves rising, her whole being building to what she did not know, until the waves had reached a crescendo, breaking over her as heat had radiated from her very core, running down every part of her as she had climaxed below him, crying his name, carried along on the most wonderful sensations.

As she had exploded below him, Alexos had grunted allowing himself to push harder into her small body, feeling the last remnants of control he had held so tightly onto disappear as her muscles had spasmed against him spilling deep within her as he had joined her cries, his breathing as ragged as hers.

Finally the tremors had faded and Alexos had collapsed heavily over Grace, she wrapping her arms around his shoulders as the strangest contentment had filled her to her very core. When he had finally found the strength, he had raised himself to look down at her. Both still fought so hard to bring their breathing under control, his eyes so full of questions before with a tortured moan he had rolled from her, his arm moving to cover his eyes.

Lying still she had not known what to do, what to say, the silence between them stretching out, until he had rolled onto his side leaning on one arm to look down on her, anger deep within his eyes that she could not understand.

“You were a virgin?”

Grace feeling the flush rush to her cheeks, her eyes closing softly with shame before warily looking back at him, nodding softly

“How is that possible? You were married. Five years married!”

Savaging her lips she had shivered, moving under the sheets, her eyes averted from his wonderful body as he laid so naked over the bed those wonderful dark eyes looking at her with confusion.

“I…I…we never consummated the marriage” she had whispered seeing surprise on his wonderful face.

“You eloped to be with the man you loved….those were your exact words to me six years ago”

Grace had looked back in shock that he would remember the exact wording.

“How would two people so in love not consummate a marriage? I would have struggled not to consummate our marriage before the end of the reception”

Blushing once more she had felt the tears start to fill her large eyes, her lips starting to tremble “I…I had my reasons Alexos…I swear I never meant to upset you or your family”

BOOK: The Billionaire's Runaway Bride
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