Read The Boy Next Door Online

Authors: Katy Baker

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Coming of Age, #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #New Adult & College

The Boy Next Door (5 page)

BOOK: The Boy Next Door
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Determination welled up inside Melissa. When her parents had first hired Rory to look after things while they were on a business trip in Dubai, she’d always planned to be the one in charge. Yet somehow her ambition had been lost along the way, swept away by the power of Rory’s presence. But now she was determined to regain the upper hand.

“Right. In that case it’s time to start showing him who’s in charge of this little affair. Any ideas?”

Sarah’s blue eyes sparkled with mischief. “Plenty. Let’s get plotting.”

And that had been that. Together they had come up with a plan, one that would have Rory Thompson eating out of Melissa’s hand. So he wanted mindless sex did he? Well, she’d give him that. And blow his mind in the process.

The shrill ringing of the doorbell jolted Melissa from her thoughts. She flew downstairs, took a moment to check her appearance in the hall mirror, then threw the door open.

Rory Thomson lounged on the porch, wavy hair falling over his face, T-shirt pulled tight over his pectorals. His eyes widened as he took in her baby-doll nightdress.

, she thought.

Rory swallowed. “Um. Hi.”


Silence stretched between them. Melissa stared into Rory’s deep brown eyes, her heart beginning to thunder against her ribs and a warm ache beginning to swell in her groin. God, he was so gorgeous. How was she supposed to keep her resolve when he looked like that?

“So. The leak?” Rory asked at last.

Melissa jumped, gathering her thoughts. “Yes. The leak. This way.”

She spun on her heel, strode up the stairs and into her bathroom. Once there she leaned against the wall, one hand on her hip in the alluring way she and Sarah had practiced.

Rory followed her in and she was rewarded by his gaze flicking up and down her body before settling on her face. He licked his lips.

“Where’s the leak coming from?” His voice sounded strained.

Melissa pointed at the basin. “There. I think a pipe might be cracked.”

Rory continued to stare. After a moment he seemed to remember himself.

“Oh. Right. I’d better take a look.” He unslung the bag of tools he’d brought, dropped it to the floor then turned to bend over the basin.

Melissa shifted to get a better view as Rory’s tight ass pulled the fabric of his jeans taut.

He shook his head, making his hair bounce on his shoulders. “I can’t see anything. Are you sure it’s leaking, Melissa?”

“I’m sure. Perhaps you need to look a little closer.”

As Rory leaned further, Melissa steeled her courage and stepped close, pressing herself against him and moving her hands around to caress his thighs.

He stiffened. “What are you doing?”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

He went very still as she shifted her hands higher, touching the soft bulge of his cock under the fabric of his jeans.

“Melissa, wait—”

“Shh,” she cut in.

She gently ran her hands across the bulge and smiled as it began to harden beneath her touch. Rory braced his hands on the basin, his breathing deepening as he became aroused. After a moment, he spun to face her, looking down with a hungry expression in those deep eyes of his. He was so close that his warm, moist breath gently stirred the hairs on top of Melissa’s head.

“There’s no leak is there?” His voice was deep, gruff.

Melissa slowly shook her head, staring up at him through her eyelashes.

A frown pinched the skin between his eyebrows. “I don’t like playing games, Melissa.”

She stepped closer, feeling suddenly brazen, and pressed her breasts against the hardness of his chest and reached one hand down to lazily stroke his stiffening cock. “You’ll like this one.”

With a moan, Rory’s eyes slid closed and his shaft stretched, pulling his jeans tight across his groin. He bent his head and his mouth descended on Melissa’s, his lips warm as they moved against hers, his tongue insistent as it pushed her lips apart and forced its way into her mouth.

Rory’s strong arms circled her, crushing her to him and Melissa closed her eyes as a delicious wave of tingling arousal lit her body. She returned his kiss, surrendering to the fire building inside.

It felt so good to be in Rory’s arms. So real.

None of that!
she told herself.
Remember the plan.

She broke their kiss and batted her eyelids at him, leaning so that her weight pushed against his chest. “I knew you didn’t want me to stop.”

“Melissa, are you sure this is what you want? I thought you didn’t—”

“Don’t speak.”

She pressed a finger to his lips, took his hand and led him into the bedroom. Rory followed meekly. Everything was laid out exactly as Melissa had planned: the fluffy pillows, the pristine white sheets—and her special purchases which she’d carefully hidden behind the pillows.

Boldly, she set her palms on Rory’s chest and pushed him down onto the bed, emboldened by how easily he did what she wanted. She followed him down, crouching over him as he lay back, sinking into the plush duvet. She watched him for a moment then pressed her lips to his and kissed him hungrily. He responded, working his mouth hard against hers, his hands moving up to sweep across her back.

Despite herself, Melissa moaned at his touch, her pussy turning hot and wet with desire. God, she wanted him. She wanted him to fuck her right now. She wanted him to flip her over, bury his cock in her aching pussy and pound her until she screamed.

The yearning was so overwhelming that for a second all other thoughts were driven from her mind. But she ruthlessly pushed her arousal aside and took hold of her wayward desires. She would not let herself be swept away by him. Not again. Tonight was about her taking control, about clawing back her self-esteem and showing him that he had no power over her.

Melissa grabbed the white fabric of Rory’s T-shirt and yanked it over his head. Obediently, Rory raised his arms, allowing Melissa to toss it aside. With a small intake of breath, Melissa’s eyes wandered over Rory’s naked torso. In the soft lamplight his skin seemed to gleam bronze and tiny shadows gathered in the contours of the muscles on his chest and biceps. He was so much bigger than her, so powerful and strong. If he chose, he could master her easily but he watched with a wide-eyed, trusting look and lay there submissively as she fumbled with his belt, undid his pants and pulled them off.

His bulging cock stood straight up from the curly nest of hair at his groin, as thick and hard as an iron bar. Melissa almost lost herself at the sight of it. How she yearned to impale herself on that throbbing member. How she longed for the ripples of bliss that enormous cock could give her. How she ached to feel the heat of Rory inside, their bodies joined together in juddering ecstasy.

Instead, she pulled in a deep breath and said, “Do you trust me, Rory?”

He’d asked her the same the first time he’d fucked her and Melissa wondered if he remembered. He raised himself on his elbows, his eyes roving over her face as if searching for her motive.

“Of course I do,” he said at last. “Do you really need to ask?”

The sincerity in his voice shocked Melissa. His tone was so trusting, so full of warmth that for a moment she was flustered. Perhaps he really did trust her. After all, he did what she asked so easily. What did that mean? Had she misread Rory’s feelings?

To cover her confusion, Melissa hopped onto the bed by Rory’s side and clicked into the seductive routine she and Sarah had discussed. “Then surrender, Rory. I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

“Of course I’ll enjoy it,” he said, as though the statement was obvious. “It’s you, Melissa. How could I not enjoy being with you?”

That warmth again. That look in his eyes. Yes, there was lust but something else as well. Melissa found herself staring at him, lips parted, as her breath quickened. Was he manipulating her? Was he trying to gain control? She was no longer sure. Time to stop thinking. Time to act.

Ever so gently, she touched Rory’s chest, delighting in how his skin shivered in response. She trailed her fingers in lazy circles, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from his lips. Slowly, she moved her hands up his body, tracing her fingertips along the line of his collarbone and shoulders. As she reached his biceps she pushed his arms over his head until his hands rested by the headboard.

A thrill of anticipation quickened her pulse as she reached behind the fluffy pillows to where she’d placed her special purchases. Two shining silver handcuffs were revealed, one end of each attached to the metal bars of the headboard.

Melissa opened the cuffs and quickly snapped them around Rory’s wrists, binding him in place with arms stretched overhead.

“What are you doing?” Rory asked as he realized what she’d done. He tugged at the cuffs, making them rattle along the headboard but they held firm.

“Hush,” Melissa said, leaning over and laying tiny kisses along his jaw line. “You said you trust me, remember? Just lie back and enjoy it.”

He became quiet, like a trusting lamb. A heady sense of power flooded through Melissa, making her dizzy. Rory was hers. And she could do what she wanted to him.

She took hold of his chin and turned his head to one side. Brushing the wavy hair from his ear she took the lobe between her teeth and gently nibbled. Rory shifted, a sigh escaping him. Melissa ran the tip of her tongue around the rim of Rory’s ear and back again, then sucked the lobe and nibbled a little harder than before.

Rory shivered as she placed her lips in tiny, sensual kisses along his cheekbones and jaw. He tipped his head back, exposing his throat and Melissa saw the pulse beating under his smooth, bronze skin.

Melissa leaned over and pressed her chest to his, feeling his heart beat against her rib cage. It was thumping rapidly and heat flooded through his skin as though he was on fire. In answer, warmth suffused Melissa’s own body, unable to stop herself responding to him.

With a soft moan, Melissa closed her eyes and bent her head to Rory’s skin, inhaling deep breaths of his intoxicating male scent. It swept her away, swept her to sunny beaches and crashing waves. She loved that smell. His smell.

She pulled back her lips and nipped the soft skin of Rory’s throat, not enough to bruise but just hard enough to make him gasp. His chest heaved, his hard pectorals catching the lamplight as Melissa bit him again, lower down where his neck met his shoulders. As Rory gasped and writhed, his rigid cock stretched with need and Melissa reveled in the effect she was having on him. This dominance felt good. Really good. And she knew by the low moans escaping Rory’s lips that he enjoyed it too.

She alternated between licking and biting his neck, first one side then the other and then trailing her tongue up to circle Rory’s ear. Her own arousal built. God, how she loved the sensation of Rory’s smooth skin under her lips, enjoyed the sight of his gorgeous body bound and pliant under her command.

She grabbed his chin firmly between her fingers and pulled his head around to face her. Almost violently she pressed her lips to Rory’s and kissed him with a passion that sent fire burning through her system and he returned the kiss with equal vigor.

Life seemed to flow into Melissa from Rory’s kiss, making her feel so vital and energized she was sure her heart would burst. Nothing mattered. Nothing except this moment. She longed to curl up in Rory’s arms and kiss him forever.

But suddenly a memory surfaced. Rory saying, “Only a bit of fun.” And then Sarah’s voice exclaiming, “We’re young aren’t we? Why not have a bit of fun while we can?”

With a jolt, Melissa realized she was losing herself again, allowing herself to be swept away by Rory’s presence. And that was not the plan.

She broke their kiss. Rory tried to follow her but his restraints held him fast, no matter how he rattled and pulled at them.

“Kiss me, Melissa,” he commanded hoarsely.

For a moment, Melissa almost obeyed. How could she resist that husky, lust-filled command? But she stopped herself and let a slow, saucy smile flicker across her lips instead.

“I don’t think so,” she said sweetly. “I’m in charge here, remember?”

He didn’t reply but his eyes held her as she placed her hands on his shoulders and roughly shoved him down onto the soft white duvet.

She scooted backward, running her hands slowly down Rory’s torso to his hips and onto his thighs. His engorged cock quivered, the shiny head swollen with need but she was careful not to touch it, no matter how much she wanted to.

“Oh god, Melissa,” Rory whispered. “You’re driving me crazy. You’re such a damned tease.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” she replied.

Placing her feet on the thick carpet, she stood at the foot of the bed between Rory’s feet where he had a great view. She ran her hands down her own body, pressing the baby-doll nightdress onto her skin so her nipples stretched the fabric. Rory’s lips parted as her hands reached her thighs and slid between her legs. Melissa made sure to moan with pleasure as Sarah had instructed. Rory groaned, straining against the handcuffs as if wanting to jump up and grab her. The muscles in his biceps bulged, the veins sticking out as he strained but to no avail. The handcuffs held him fast.

Melissa wagged an admonishing finger at him. “Behave yourself. If you want something you have to ask nicely.”

Rory swallowed and ran the tip of his tongue around his lips. “Take off your nightdress, Melissa.”

She raised an eyebrow. “So you’d like to see what’s under here?”

“Yes,” he gasped. “Please.”

Slowly Melissa shrugged the nightdress down over one shoulder, baring a few inches of creamy skin. “More?”

Rory nodded, unable to speak.

Melissa wiggled and let the nightdress fall down her shoulders to gather around her waist. Her breasts were freed and Rory gasped as his eyes alighted on her rosebud nipples standing erect. His eyes slid over her body, taking in every inch with a hunger-filled gaze. His hips lifted slightly as though trying to reach her with that erect, needy cock of his. He wanted her. Badly.

A hard, almost painful ache lit in her pussy, reminding Melissa how much she wanted him too. Wetness dripped between her legs as her eyes roved over him spread-eagled on the bed, engorged member sticking straight up like an iron rod, inviting her to impale herself on it.

BOOK: The Boy Next Door
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