The Darkness Within Him: The Untwisted series (13 page)

BOOK: The Darkness Within Him: The Untwisted series
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I felt his hand tangling under my hair, unfastening the collar, but once again, he took me completely by surprise, because as that hand was busy at the back of my neck I felt something begin to prod gently at the entrance to my vagina.
What the heck?
It wasn’t his fingers; it was wider than that, and made of a strange material, cool and slick against my damp, throbbing flesh.

The ball-gag, complete with copious amounts of saliva –
 – fell free from my mouth onto the bed. Nicholas’ hand slid to my shoulder, gently tugging me back onto the object between my legs so it buried itself inside me in one smooth movement.

,’ I moaned softly at the pleasurable intrusion, then, as I felt a tickling on my upper legs, I realised it must be the handle of the flogger that he was pushing inside me. It was surprisingly thick, but I could not concentrate on its dimensions as Nicholas began to move it in a circular motion inside me, occasionally brushing my clitoris with the pad of his thumb.

…’ I murmured. I didn’t mean to speak out loud but as the adrenalin rush from earlier began to pass, the sensations in my body were almost too much to take.

Even though I had broken his “no talking” rule, I heard a low chuckle from Nicholas. Apparently, his earlier anger had subsided and he seemed more like the Nicholas I knew again, which helped me to relax.

‘Oh I intend for us to, Rebecca. In fact, I’m going to fuck you so fast and hard you won’t know if you’re coming or going. But you will be coming, I promise you that,’ he muttered darkly. ‘That’s why I’m getting you nice and wet with this, although I have to say you already seem rather lubricated. You appear to have enjoyed your flogging; perhaps you and I are more alike than I first thought.’

Oh boy. My insides clenched at the thought of him taking me fast and hard, and I very nearly came around the damn flogger handle, wishing Nicholas would replace it with himself instead.

Having eased the flogger out of me, Nicholas spent several minutes rubbing his hands across my back and my behind, almost as if massaging me, then turned me to face him. ‘Lie down on the bed. Bend your knees up and place your feet on the edge of the mattress,’ he instructed me. I knew I wasn’t supposed to, but I risked a glance at him and saw his strong features were glowing. A grimace crossed his face as he caught my gaze so I quickly lowered it again and positioned myself on the bed as he had asked.

Unravelling the chains that were wound around each bedpost – how had I not seen those earlier? – he silently attached a soft leather cuff around each of my ankles. I followed the path of the chains with my gaze and saw they ran from my ankles up over a bar across the top of the four-poster bed before falling to the other side where Nicholas stood, holding the loose ends.

A dark smile played on his face as he slowly and deliberately lowered his right arm, pulling the chain, which shocked me by raising my left leg off the bed so it was at a right angle to the rest of my body. I gasped in surprise as he quickly followed suit with the other chain so I was lying flat on my back with my legs straight up in the air.

Apparently, I was the puppet and he was my master. How very apt.

I could hear rattling as he fastened the chains off. He then placed his hands between my knees and opened my legs just as if he were opening a pair of curtains. The chain slid across the bar at the top and I was now lying with my legs splayed and my lower back slightly raised off the mattress. I had never felt more exposed or vulnerable.

‘What a beautiful view I have from here,’ Nicholas murmured, his eyes taking in the skin of my legs and my sex, no doubt parted, wet and in full view for him.

How embarrassing. I flushed and closed my eyes.

!’ A sharp blow from the flogger across the back of my thigh had me opening my eyes wide and looking up in surprise; that one had really hurt.

‘Don’t close your eyes, Rebecca, and don’t look embarrassed,’ he admonished me firmly. ‘You are beautiful. Be proud.’ Easy for him to say; he’s not the one giving a grand display on the bed, I thought sourly.

He flicked the flogger lightly across my belly in sweeping motions, causing my muscles to clench. From the look of amusement on his face, it must have done funny things to my down below area too. These strokes were soft and teasing, nothing like the ones to my backside earlier, and I found myself almost craving the next sweep.

Having teased the flesh of my midsection Nicholas suddenly delivered a flick of the flogger to my right breast and I felt the nipple tighten harder under the delicious contact.

‘Ahhhh ….’

‘Do you like that?’ he murmured and I blushed. Why did it feel so wrong to admit it?

‘Yes, sir,’ I replied softly, not embarrassed by having to use the stupid title for him any more.

‘I thought so.’ Lazily, he brought the flogger down on my left breast with similar results. ‘You are full of surprises, Rebecca,’ he observed, managing to strike both breasts simultaneously with another gentle blow.

Back at ya, I thought wryly, but then all thoughts were lost as he flicked my nipples again and I arched my back off the bed, feeling the delicious onset of an approaching orgasm.

I was left feeling utterly bereft when Nicholas stopped with his attentions but I quickly realised his intentions as he took hold of my hips and remained standing between my legs.

‘You may look at me now,’ he instructed softly, and I raised my eyes to his for the first time. I watched as he gripped my hips and pulled me onto his straining erection in one slow, gentle slide. With my legs hanging from the bedposts, Nicholas had full control of the movement. After gazing at me for several seconds, he set about a pounding rhythm of strokes that had me gripping the sheets as I tried desperately not to close my eyes.

Our flesh slapped together loudly as Nicholas drove himself into me relentlessly but after all his teasing, it didn’t take long before I exploded around him, my body pulsing exhaustedly. Pounding into me several more times, Nicholas buried himself deep as I felt him silently empty inside me before collapsing forward between my legs and falling onto my chest. He didn’t break eye contact once through the entire time, although I did notice his jaw was tense from his attempt at self-control.

Holy shit, so now I had met Dominant Nicholas. He certainly wasn’t a man I’d forget easily, that was for sure, especially at the beginning when he had been so angry and, if I’m honest, terrifying. I was either crazier than I’d ever believed possible or braver than I gave myself credit for, I decided with a deep breath. Or perhaps a little bit of both.

Somehow, I had managed to turn his anger around because by the end, he was much more like the Nicholas I knew. Well, it was official, I had survived my encounter with his dominant side; and apart from a slightly sore rear end and a very well exercised heart, I wasn’t any the worse for wear. Although I might walk a bit funny tomorrow after the three hard sessions he’d given me today. I’d never had so much sex in my life.

After several minutes, Nicholas wordlessly eased himself from inside me, uncuffed my ankles, and then scooped me into his arms before carrying me back to his bedroom where the first rays of the sun were seeping through the curtains. Gently, he laid me on the bed before crawling up beside me, dragging the covers over us and pulling me against him.

‘Are you OK?’ he asked against my ear, concern filling his voice as he practically burrowed into my neck.

Was I? I mulled it over; it had certainly been quite an experience … but yes, on the whole, I think I was OK. Apart from my behind, which still felt quite delicate, and was no doubt very pink at the moment.

Rolling onto my back, I looked up and saw his wary gaze, mixed with that weird, vulnerable look again. Dominant Nicholas Jackson looking vulnerable was not something I could ever imagine getting used to. ‘Yes,’ I said finally, which was probably a bit less wordy than he’d been hoping for, but I was still unsure how to vocalise the thoughts running through my head about what had just occurred between us.

‘You’re very quiet, Rebecca … you’re not going to leave, are you?’ he whispered and I almost laughed out loud because the difference between dominant, “stick this in your mouth and like it” Nicholas, and terrified, “please don’t leave me” Nicholas was unbelievable. What a frigging contrast!

‘No, I’m not leaving.’ I raised a hand to stroke along the stubble now darkening his cheek. ‘There’s no denying I was scared for a little bit,’ I admitted softly. ‘You were … so forceful, almost aggressive at times …’ I said weakly, shuddering as I remembered how he had reacted when I’d been sarcastic to him. Ugh, the gag.

Before I could continue, Nicholas sat himself up against the headboard, and then I found myself being dragged into his arms and cradled against his chest as if merely holding me in bed hadn’t been enough for him. He proceeded to bury his face in my hair and kiss my scalp over and over again, and for a second I thought he might actually cry.

‘I’m so sorry, Becky … I told you you wouldn’t like me like that … I tried to warn you …’

‘Is that as bad as it gets?’ I asked softly, and under my touch, I felt his entire body tighten.

He gave a harsh, dry laugh. ‘No.’ His voice was no more than a whisper. ‘That barely touches the surface of how I used to be …’ He grimaced. ‘I would be far stricter and the punishments were much more severe. But I didn’t want to do that to you …’ Well, that was good to hear at least. ‘If you’d been my submissive you would have worn the ball-gag for the whole session after being sarcastic to me, but I could see your fear of it so I removed it. You might not make a champion submissive, but you were so close, baby,’ he joked softly as he pulled me even closer against his chest, allowing me the space to wrap my arms around him.

‘Yeah, I don’t think I’m really cut out to be a full sub, and wearing the gag isn’t something I’m keen to repeat …’ I observed, trying to sound light and unruffled. ‘Did you use them often?’

‘I really don’t want to talk about it, Becky – I’m trying so hard to put that behind me … Things with you are so different. Normally I enjoy all that stuff … but tonight it was harder, so much more difficult …’ He swallowed loudly and I heard it rumble through his chest.

‘That’s why I said no eye contact,’ he admitted softly. ‘If you didn’t look at me I could pretend it wasn’t you I was doing those things to.’

‘That makes sense. I had wondered why you’d said that.’ Lifting my head, I looked into his eyes now, feeling guilty for making him do something that he had clearly been so uncomfortable doing. ‘I’m sorry if I forced you into that … I didn’t realise it would be so hard for you.’

‘Becky, these past few weeks … what we’ve had together –’ He shook his head, clearly bewildered. ‘I wouldn’t be lying if I said I’ve never felt a connection like this with anyone before. The idea of yelling at you, punishing you … it just feels wrong now,’ he murmured, stroking my cheek gently.

As he ran his hand across my face, I noticed the rough scar on his left wrist again and forgot about our discussion for a moment. ‘How did you get this?’ I asked, smoothing my fingers lightly across the bumpy skin.

A deep frown marred his forehead. ‘Childhood accident,’ he said, clearly not wanting to discuss it further. ‘I don’t want to take you in the spare room again,’ he stated suddenly, returning to our previous conversation.

‘Did you enjoy any of it?’ I asked tentatively, guilt eating at my insides until I finally felt him relax beneath me.

‘Well, making you come is always a delight, Becky, regardless of the situation,’ he murmured, and I could hear the smile in his tone. ‘Plus I enjoy using toys for added interest sometimes.’

‘Yes, the flogger was quite fun,’ I said shyly, surprised by my own admission. ‘When you used it for pleasure,’ I added. My arse wasn’t looking for a repeat performance any time soon; that was for sure. In fact, it still felt like it was glowing from his earlier treatment even after all the time that had now passed.

‘So are you satisfied now you’ve seen my darker side?’ he asked, a strange tone to his voice.

Not entirely, I wanted to tell him. I still wanted to know the story behind his dominant side; I was sure there was some deep-rooted reason that made him act that way, but now I had experienced it, I at least felt I could wait until he was comfortable enough to tell me the rest himself. ‘Yes. Thank you for sharing with me. I feel I know you better now, Nicholas.’

Snuggling closer to his warmth, a thought occurred to me. ‘I’m curious. Why did you bring me back in here when there is a bed in the other room?’

I saw his eyes darken again. ‘Because I associate that room with submissives, and you, Rebecca, are not my submissive,’ he said with a wry tweak of his eyebrows.

‘What am I, then?’ I asked automatically, the words out of my mouth before I could stop them, and I felt his body tense below me.

Damn my stupid runaway mouth, I thought, aware of how rigid he’d gone beneath me. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to ask that … It’s OK, I like what we have going … no pressure,’ I babbled, rubbing Nicholas’ chest and trying to soothe him again.

‘I told you earlier I want to see you more often, Rebecca. Now I’ve shared myself with you, will you stop questioning me and let me try this relationship thing properly?’ he asked in exasperation, his tone serious and quiet against my ear.

Surprised, I sat up and looked him in the eyes. ‘Is that what you want, a relationship?’ I said tentatively, excitement building in my stomach. When Nicholas had suggested seeing more of me, I had assumed he just wanted more sex … but an actual relationship, that was exactly what I craved, but more than I ever thought him capable of.

‘Yes, if you still do after what you’ve just been through?’ He sounded so unsure that, in response, I leant up and kissed him lingeringly on the lips.

Even after the highly unusual introduction to Nicholas’ lifestyle, there wasn’t any reason for me to hesitate. ‘Very much so,’ I murmured against his mouth.

Like a button had been pressed, I felt the tension leave Nicholas’ frame on a breath that rushed over my lips. ‘I’m warning you now, you will need to be patient; I’ve not done this type of thing before. I’m pretty sure I’m going to screw up and need you to set me back on track,’ he said as he skilfully returned my kiss for several more seconds until I felt his groin stirring below my thigh. God, he was insatiable.

BOOK: The Darkness Within Him: The Untwisted series
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