The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo [Masters of Submission 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (11 page)

BOOK: The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo [Masters of Submission 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Total silence then ensued for what seemed an eternity. He stood out of her line of vision, and she figured he studied her, forensically assessing his next move. When she heard the unmistakable sound of his zipper being lowered, she knew exactly what he’d decided to do.

As he roughly entered her from behind, her eyes flew wide open and she whimpered against the ball gag as his massive cock filled her pussy. Oh, God, dear God, it felt so good being stretched wide by her Master. His prick felt even larger than usual as he lunged athletically inside her, burying himself balls deep.

It hurt her lungs to breathe as he lay across her back, two hundred and twenty pounds of solid muscle, pinning her to his desk. His hands covered hers, holding them still as his warm breath feathered her neck. Out the corner of her eye she saw him watching her, assessing her response, as he ground himself deeper and deeper inside her.

He breathily whispered against her ear, “You enjoy me taking you, owning you. Don’t dare deny it.”

I don’t. He speaks the truth

His sheer weight and motion forced her clit against the edge of his desk, making her aware of every glorious inch of him, impaling her, thrusting inside her, filling her so exquisitely, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. A teardrop eventually slipped from the corner of her eye and dropped onto the mahogany desk, and as Tyler continued pounding inside her, her hair wiped it clean away.

Her legs shook uncontrollably as the orgasmic pressure inside her became unstoppable. Her climax when it came was so strong and overwhelming, she squeezed her eyes tightly shut and wailed almost silently against the gag, her teeth biting into the hard plastic ball, her fingers flexing and unflexing beneath his
. Dear God. He knows me better than I know myself
. As her ecstasy continued unabated, her pussy spasmed around his cock, desperately milking it for its contents. He duly obliged, by pumping even harder and biting her ear before finally rearing up, his perfect body arching majestically as he filled her with his life-giving seed.

His weight lay intimately spooned across her back for what seemed an age before he finally lifted from her. She immediately missed his warm breath against her ear and the scent of his expensive cologne as he stood upright.

She should be angry with him. After all, he’d taken advantage of her in his office.
I could have used my safe word.
He hunkered down and tenderly kissed each butt cheek in turn before hoisting up her panties and rearranging her skirt in a manner more appropriate for work. As she lay stunned across his desk, he unbuckled the leather strap and removed the ball gag from her mouth. Rebecca exercised her jaw several times, trying to restore some feeling.

“Better?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Does your butt sting?”

She reached behind and ran a hand over her reddened rump. “A little.”

He pulled her upright and smiled into her eyes. “It was for your own good.”

For some unknown reason she couldn’t be angry with him, no matter how hard she tried. “If you say so.”

“I do, and by the way, good work on Operation Fire Wall.”

His words were said so nonchalantly that she missed their meaning at first. “Thanks.” Her head suddenly snapped in his direction. “Hey…hold on a moment. How the hell did you—”

He laughed, interrupting her. “I know everything, honey. I have eyes and ears everywhere. What sort of boss would I be if I didn’t have a clue what was going on in my own company?”

Incredulous now, she stared at Tyler. “You bast—”

He wagged a finger at her. “Now, now. You’re just pissed because I’m your type of bastard.”

With mock anger she placed her hands on her hips. “You engineered the whole goddamned scene.”

“And you went along with it. I gave you every chance to use your safe word.”

“But.” She couldn’t really counter that argument because she’d thoroughly enjoyed every minute of her submission. Her burning hot butt and pussy were testament to that.

He held her in his arms and kissed her lips. “We make a great team, Becca. Forget about buying your own house, I want you to move in with me.”

She purred and snuggled in closer, idly playing with the lapel of his Savile Row suit, all the time avoiding his questioning gaze. “I’ll think about it,” she answered dreamily. However much she tried to hide it, Rebecca knew her face held a happy smile.

Tyler threaded his fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead. “Great, that’s settled then.”

Chapter Thirteen


Two weeks later


“Is that everything?” Tyler asked as he scooped the last cardboard box from the trunk of the Aston Martin and followed Rebecca back inside his house. That was the fourth trip they’d made to her rental property. Just how much stuff could one woman have?

“Yes, that’s everything. That’s the lot.” She dusted her hands together before wearily slumping in the easy chair conveniently positioned just inside the entrance. “Phew, that wasn’t too bad. Easy even.”

“Easy?” Tyler raised an eyebrow. There were still two bedrooms full of boxes that the removal guys had delivered the day before. They would need to be sorted out at a later date, but they could fucking wait for now.

His bemused expression must have given him away as he placed the final cardboard box on top of hers, because she laughed. “It’s easy for me, I haven’t unpacked since leaving Boston yet.”

Tyler nodded. “Yeah, I guess you’ve had a lot of upheaval recently, but this is your home now. You’ll soon settle in here.”

Rebecca looked around the place. “Hmm, I think I’ve made the right decision, although I’m still not sure if I should unpack.”

Unsettled by her words, he spun her around to face him. “Why the hell not, honey? Like I said, this is your home as much as mine.” He figured she was still a little unsure about their future together. Jesus, didn’t she know how he felt about her?

Rebecca smiled and then kissed his cheek. “Oh, just ignore me, Ty, I’ll be fine. I hear that after losing a loved one, moving house is the most stressful event in people’s lives. Since relocating from Boston and spending the last two months in a charmless rental property, I feel like my life’s been put on hold. I feel like I’ve been living in limbo.” Clearly frustrated, she gesticulated wildly with her hands. “Oh, you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, of course I do. I’ve done my fair share of moving around the country, too.”

He watched her wistfully look around the huge open-plan area. “Do you know, Ty, I’m not sure my personal possessions will fit in with yours.” She rummaged through a cardboard box and pulled out a Native American dream catcher. The sound of the beads rubbing together jingled across the room as she held it up. “Hey, what do you think of this taking center stage?”

He shrugged. “Whatever floats your boat.”

Rebecca smiled that sexy smile he’d come to love, and he realized she was teasing him. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of spoiling such a masculine environment with feminine trinkets.”

Tyler laughed. “I’m not a neat freak, and besides, when we have children of our own, there’s gonna be a shitload of disruption going on.”


“Yeah, plenty of them, too.”

Rebecca looked sad, almost defeated for some reason, and she turned from him and placed the dream catcher back in the cardboard box. Her voice was quiet and it trembled slightly. “Is that something you really want, something you really need?” she asked, as she absentmindedly rummaged through the contents. “Kids I mean.”

He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her slender waist, reveling in the way she smelled and the soft, compliant feel of her womanly body. His cock stirred, growing harder. That was the thing about Rebecca. He could never get enough of her.

“You bet. I want kids more than anything, don’t you? And besides…” He cupped her breasts together from behind, savoring their weight and warmth in his palms. “You have a body that is just perfect for producing lots of healthy children.” He sighed loudly. “Ah, I guess being adopted makes me think about starting a bloodline of my own. ‘The Tyler Stone dynasty’ has an enduring ring to it, don’t you think?” He affectionately nuzzled her neck. “As you know, I’ve absolutely no idea who my father was, or his father for that matter.” Tyler felt he was taking stock, and although he hadn’t told her, he now realized he loved Rebecca and wanted to share his life with her. Over the months they’d grown closer and closer, and he knew deep down that she loved him, too. He’d never uttered those three little words, yet he felt an incredible love for her permeating deep within him. Perhaps the time was now.

He whispered softly in her ear with genuine affection, “I love you, Becca. I’ll always love you.”

She turned quickly in his arms and stared up into his face, raw emotion etched on hers. “I love you, too, Ty. You’ll never know how much.”

“Why the tears then?” He gently dabbed away the salty water with his fingertips.

“Oh, God, there I go again. I’m just so happy, Ty.” Suddenly she became serious, and her fingers feathered against his jaw.

He made to play bite her hand. “I mean obviously I’m not looking to start a family right here and now. But I am nearly forty, and you’re getting toward your midthirties.”

“Tyler, there’s something you should—”

The doorbell rang, cutting her off midsentence. He leaned down and kissed her lips. “Hold that thought, honey. I’ll be right back.”

He felt as though he was walking on air. He’d finally told Becca he loved her, and she’d responded by saying she loved him, too. Life just didn’t get any better than this. He strode to the front door on an emotional high and yanked it open with a flourish. A guy in his late teens held a large box out in front of him. “Pizza delivery, sir.”

“Thanks.” Tyler was just about to close the door when he said, “Hey, hold on a minute, kid.” He reached inside his jean pocket and pulled out a fifty-dollar bill. Tyler thrust it into the pizza delivery boy’s hand. “You have a great day now.”

The young man checked his palm. “Jesus. Fifty bucks? Thanks, mister.”

“You’re welcome, kid.” With that he shut the door and turned back to Rebecca, who was having trouble carrying two large cardboard boxes up the stairs. He called after her, “Pizza’s arrived.”

“Would you mind putting it in the oven? I just need to sort something out, and then I’ll be right down.”

“Okay, then you can finish telling me what you were gonna say before the pizza kid turned up.”

“Oh, it’s nothing important. I guess it can wait.”

Chapter Fourteen


Rebecca placed the last two cardboard boxes on the floor in amongst her other possessions and then dragged a trembling hand through her hair.

This was the happiest and yet saddest day of her life. She nervously nibbled at her thumbnail, pulling off a torn snag with her teeth. “Damn nails, that’s the third one I’ve broken today.” She walked across to the bedroom window that overlooked Tyler’s impressive garden. The view out to the lake was spectacular, and the sun glistened enticingly on the softly undulating waters. Tyler was a successful self-made man and he lived very well indeed, and what’s more, he wanted to share his life with her. She should be blissfully happy, and she was, but…

Tyler had told her he loved her. How wonderful was that, but the fact that she wasn’t being entirely candid with the man she loved worried her. As the willing submissive in a D/s relationship, it was her duty to be open and honest with her Master. This was of paramount importance and underscored their mutual trust. So holding back any part of her, whether it be emotional or physical, felt like a betrayal of that trust. The knowledge that Tyler wanted children had cut her like a knife, because whatever else she could give the man she loved and adored, she couldn’t give him that.

She rested her forehead against the bedroom window in frustration. She’d give him every ounce of love she possessed, but she couldn’t give him a child. Rebecca figured he’d want a son first and probably call him Tyler Stone Junior and expect him to take over at Cerberus Technology when he was older. Tyler had been adopted, so she could see just how important having a family of his own was to him.

I need to tell him. I really need to tell him. But if I tell him the truth, what will he do?

Fuck, if the kid delivering that damned pepperoni hadn’t showed up when he had, Tyler would already know the truth.

She breathed in, closing her eyes.
And if I had told him, what then?
Would she see the same disappointment in Tyler’s eyes as she’d seen in Mitch’s? She’d told Mitch the truth from the very beginning, and look where that had gotten her—a one-way ticket to loneliness.

Tyler deserved the truth, but she deserved to be loved and cherished just like any woman. How would she react if Tyler rejected her because she was barren? Shit, why should she be made to feel like half a woman, just because she couldn’t have children? Why did she feel the need to run away and hide every time children were even mentioned? Goddamn her childhood leukemia. Goddamn it to hell.

So much negative introspection. She needed to think things through with a clear, objective head. After all, Tyler hadn’t asked to marry her, so maybe there was no need to tell him everything yet. Anyway, she was far too emotional at the moment. When she’d calmed down and was in control of her thoughts, then she’d tell him.

BOOK: The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo [Masters of Submission 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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