The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats) (8 page)

BOOK: The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats)
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He left her there, wondering and turned on. It didn’t take long to wash off the plug and set it to dry by the bed, then he went back into the bathroom and turned off the tub’s faucet. Saya hadn’t moved a muscle, but she was shaking.

Ramsay stepped into the tub and pulled her in on top of him, cradling her in his arms.

“I had the urge to try to fuck your sweet little ass while you were draped so provocatively over the tub.” He’d placed her there, but there was no reason not to blame her.

“I’m sorry you found it difficult to resist me, Master. I didn’t mean to tempt you.”

“You always tempt me, bad girl.” His arms tightened around her and she sighed and burrowed into him.

“You got come and lube in my hair.” She sniffed.

“Yes, you were very messy.”

“Me!” With mock indignity, she struggled to get out of his embrace.

“Yes. You need to swallow faster.”

She glared up at him, her mouth opened in shocked outrage. “You tried to drown me. I’m only one girl.”

“Are you saying you need help?”

The grin she gave him was mischievous. “Maybe Winter or Mack could help me suck your cock. All three of us, maybe?”

A visual popped into his head and even though he wanted Mack out of that picture, the idea of forcing him there, the girls licking and sucking whatever Mack wasn’t able to reach had his cock prodding Saya’s backside.

“No, Saya. I don’t like him that way. Stop telling me your fantasies.”

“I wonder if he’d whine and squirm when you fucked his ass?” she mused. “I’d bet he could take you easier than I could.”

Ramsay shifted beneath her, trying to keep the idea out of his head to no avail. Mack was a guy. He wasn’t into guys. A mental image formed of having the other man helpless and pinned to the floor while he thrust mercilessly into his ass, Mack’s cock hard and desperate for attention. Winter moving in to try to help hold her boyfriend down, or suck his dick. Saya touching Winter. The orgy montage reeled through his mind.

So the girl wanted to be a little
brat and make him hot again? She could suffer the consequences. He pulled her up and shoved her over the edge of the tub. As she screeched and fought, he got to his knees and angled himself to ram into her cunt.

There was a loud noise. He paused, confused for a moment.

“The phone,” she said helpfully, giggling.

He grunted, debating whether to let it go to voicemail. At the moment, though, he didn’t feel very in control of himself, and if he wasn’t careful he’d hurt her. Besides, there was something really wrong with the idea of working off the sexual frustration he had from thinking about banging another dude. It wasn’t that he was homophobic, it’s just that he wasn’t gay. Or bi. Or...whatever.

Swearing, he lurched up and stepped out of the bath then grabbed a towel – half to dry himself off, and half to cover the boner that jutted straight out from his body. No hiding that. He’d explain to Saya that it was just from being naked in the tub with her, but it sounded like a lame excuse even in his head. Maybe he needed counseling to figure out what the fuck was going on with him, although he couldn’t imagine admitting to anyone else what was on his mind.

He got to the phone on the last ring, and picked up without checking the number.

Watch it be a telemarketer.

“Ram? It’s Bronwyn.”

His sister? Surprise. He rarely heard from her. Deciding this might be a long conversation, he wrapped the towel around his waist and slumped back onto the couch. They didn’t have the kind of relationship where he could tell her it was a bad time and to call back later.

“Hey, Bronwyn. What’s up?”

There was a pause. “That hurts. Why does something have to be up for me to call my only sibling? I can’t just call to chat?”

He chuckled. “Are we going to do lunch and go shopping together every Saturday from now on?”

“Shut up. Fine, I need a hand. Jeremy and I split up a few weeks ago and he fucked off to Florida to live with his new girl. I have no one to watch the baby for me, and my boss wants me to go to Tuscany with him on a business trip. It would be really good for my career, but between work and the baby and Jer, I don’t really have friends that I can leave him with.” Bronwyn was a few years older than him, and was some sort of business woman now. She’d fallen into the job backward, starting in the mailroom with only a high school education and working her way up. He hoped not on her back.

Ramsay groaned, not trying to hide it from his sister. “I told you that jackass was no good when you two hooked up. I’m sorry I was right
, though.”

She laughed. “I know. I remember. But you know me, I like the dangerous ones, even if I know I’m going to get
burned. But what about Spider, can you watch him?”

Spider. Who named their kid Spider, anyway? “Bron, I don’t even really know your kid, other than sending him presents for Christmas and his birthday. He’s going to flip out, isn’t he?”

“He’s not really a baby anymore. He’s almost four. Spider’s good. You’ll barely know he’s there.”

Really? A
three-year-old who was that quiet? If it was true, it was kind of sad. Ramsay frowned at the phone, as though his expression would get through to her. “What about preschool? And I have to work – I can’t get much time off.”

“I won’t be gone long. A week – two, tops. Maybe Uncle Donny can help watch him, or your girlfriend?”

“Let me talk it over with Saya. When would you bring him by?”

“I’d fly him out to you in a month. I’ll give you more details when I know for sure.”

Ramsay looked around the room. Where would they set up a bed for him? How was a man to keep up with Saya’s sexual needs with someone’s kid hanging around? Parents managed, somehow, but their own evenings were usually eaten up by sex and playing at Mack’s place. Now that they were starting to play gigs, it was no time to blow off practice.

But this was his nephew, even if they’d never met.

Family was family.

The wait while Bronwy
n fangirled about her boss was awkward. If they weren’t sexually involved or if that wasn’t his sister’s dearest wish, Ramsay would be surprised. It was how she used to talk about Jeremy and his band.

When she actually stopped to breathe, he butted in. “If I say no, what happens to the kid?”

“Well, I’m not sure. I was thinking of offering our neighbor some cash to watch him. She’s got a few kids, so she knows what she’s doing.”

“A stranger? You’re going to leave him with a stranger for two weeks?”

Her laugh was dismissive. “Kids are resilient. After I come back, in a couple of months he won’t remember I went anywhere. What other choice do I have?”

“Don’t go.”

“Seriously?” Her tone was nonplussed. “If I was a man looking to advance my career, you’d be encouraging me, not telling me to stay home and pretend I’m the mom from a Betty Crocker commercial.”

“No, as a single parent, I’d be telling you that your kid needed you at home, not going to Europe in an oh-so-noble quest to bang your boss.”

“Fuck off, Ramsay. You always think you know everything. You don’t even know what it’s like to be a parent, so don’t judge me.”

“You’re right. I don’t know what it’s like. I’m aware that I’m too irresponsible and selfish to be a parent, so I’ve gone out of my way to make sure I don’t knock anyone up.”

He could almost hear the line crackle with all the words she would have liked to sling back at him. They’d never gotten along well, and had little to no contact after they’d moved out of their mom’s. How she’d found his number was a mystery.

“I’m going whether you watch him or not,” she said quietly. “If you don’t want to help out that’s fine. I just thought it might be a good chance for him to spend some time with a guy that isn’t a complete asshole, and that you might have been interested in getting to know him.”

Two weeks. That wasn’t that long, right?

A sigh escaped him. “Fine. I’ll do it. If I mess him up though, I’m not paying for his therapy.”

“Yay! Thanks, Ramsay! If you ever have a kid, I’ll watch it for you sometime.”

He snorted. “Yeah, not going to happen.”


The name of this band had escaped him. They were the fourth group up, but they had a good sound compared to the three before. The others had sounded like toddlers banging on pots. Around Mack, Winter, Saya and himself, the crowd stirred and surged
– a milling, sweaty mass of humanity. He was glad he was taller than the girls. It meant he could protect them when guys around them started to flail, and he rarely ended up with his face in a sweaty stranger’s armpit.

In front of him, Winter and Mack were both
moshing and were slowly getting drawn into the pit. Ramsay edged back and pulled Saya out of the way. A mosh pit was no place for her. Saya wasn’t much smaller than Winter, but she wasn’t as tough.

Protective instincts always won out over the urge to join the
adrenaline-fueled horde.

“Go!” Saya shouted to him, giving his arm an encouraging shove. “You don’t have to stand around babysitting me. I’m a grown woman. If it starts getting too rough here I’ll go back and sit at our table.”

He debated it for a few minutes, but eventually the draw of the pit was too strong.

“Okay, I’ll go. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Stay out of the mob?”

She nodded up at him and he had a last-minute moment of anxiety as he watched her walk away alone. Unable to stop himself, he followed her for a few steps. Saya turned back and shooed him away with a flap of her hand.

For a strange moment he felt like a dog whose mistress had rejected his devotion. Her world might center around him, but it was a mutual obsession.

He glanced around, feeling even less certain. A bar full of half-drunk guys wasn’t a safe place for a little girl. He watched until she sat down at their table, which had miraculously remained vacant while they were in front of the stage. Jeff, one of the bouncers they’d gotten to know lately, walked over to her and spun a chair around and straddled it. He’d keep an eye on her for a few minutes.

As he reached the edge of the steadily expanding mosh pit, a drum solo caught hold of him and he became blissfully lost in the tide and the energy. Someone small ran into him from behind, and he turned to see Winter laughing crazily as she staggered back. Mack caught her and shoved her back at Ramsay, then crowded in on her. Around them people were jumping and yelling, oblivious to the fact that their own motion had
changed. As Ramsay pressed up against her, and Mack ground against her ass, Winter went from looking amused, to annoyed. She tried to slip out from between them, but they both grabbed hold of her and kept her there. The conversation he’d had with Saya about him and Mack sharing her came to mind, and gave him a visual of doing the same to Winter. She wouldn’t be so biddable. Would she safeword, though?

Staring down at her, eventually she dropped her gaze and looked cowed. Was she that easy to dominate? His stupid cock was getting hard again, as though they could share her here, in the midst of all these strangers. The
low heel of her industrial boots came down on his instep and pain shot up his leg. He stepped back, giving her space.

“I’m not yours to paw at, you overgrown fucktard.” She stalked off before he could apologi

There was just something about her that made him take liberties. Obviously, it wasn’t that she liked it and was giving him
come-hither signals. Maybe the fact that Saya wanted him to have her was the issue. It was giving him too many ideas. Or maybe it was that he was so used to domming Saya that he didn’t know how to act around other women he found attractive. It had been a long time since he’d used any of his girl-hunting tactics. He’d been a teenager at the time, and not exactly suave.

Mack laughed aloud and rammed into him,
which distracted him from feeling like a tool. After a few minutes, the song ended and there was a lull. Voices rose up around them as the guys on stage fiddled with equipment. Ramsay’s gaze strayed in the direction of the table and the crowd shifted intermittently to allow a brief glimpse of the women sitting together. Was Winter complaining to Saya? He needed to talk to her.

“Don’t worry about it, fuck.” Mack grabbed his shoulder to stop him from going, then let go of him like his skin was acid. “If you go running after her to apologi
ze, she’ll think you’re weak. Most girls like the sensitive type, but Winter has no use for a guy that tiptoes around and hopes she notices him. Just treat her like a friend and eventually she might look your way.”

Mack really talking to him about the best way to mess around with Winter? He should have had another beer before attempting this conversation. “So seriously, what is your plan? I know you and I have been joking about sharing them, just to see what it’s like, but are you serious?”

Mack’s dark gaze met his. His cheeks were still flushed from jumping around, and he had a bruise forming over his eye from an earlier collision in the mosh pit. For an awkward moment Ramsay noticed that his lashes were so dark it almost looked like he was wearing eyeliner, but he wasn’t. Were straight guys supposed to notice those things about other guys?

BOOK: The Dom with the Kink Monsters (Badass Brats)
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