Read The Doomsday Conspiracy Online

Authors: Sidney Sheldon

Tags: #Fiction, #Fiction - General, #General, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Literature & Fiction, #Thrillers, #Science Fiction, #History, #Espionage, #Fantasy, #Juvenile Fiction, #Body, #Mind & Spirit, #Romance, #Political Science, #Magic, #Military, #Drama, #Treaties, #International Relations, #Balloons, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Unidentified flying objects, #Security classification (Government documents), #Naval, #Navies

The Doomsday Conspiracy (11 page)

BOOK: The Doomsday Conspiracy
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One day, as a group was preparing to go into Richmond for a surveillance exercise, Robert's instructor said, "We're going to see how good you are, Robert. I'm going to send someone to tail you. I want you to lose him. Do you think you can do that?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good luck."

* * * Robert took the bus into Richmond and began strolling the streets. Page 61

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Within five minutes, he identified his trackers. There were two of them. One was on foot and one was in an automobile. Robert tried ducking into restaurants and shops and hurrying out back doors, but he was unable to shake them. They were too well trained. Finally, it was almost time to return to the Farm, and Robert still had not been able to get away from them. They were watching him too closely. Robert walked into a department store, and the two men took up positions where they could cover the entrances and exits. Robert took the escalator up to the Men's Clothing Department. Thirty minutes later when he came down, he was wearing a different suit, a coat and hat, and was talking to a woman and carrying a baby in his arms. He walked past his pursuers without being recognized.

He was the only one that day who had successfully eluded surveillance. The jargon taught at the Farm was a language unto itself.

"You probably won't use all these terms," the instruc'or told the class,

"but you had better know them. There are two different kinds of agents: an 'agent of influence' and an 'agent provocateur." The agent of influence tries to change opinion in the country where he operates. An agent provocateur is sent to stir up trouble and create chaos.

'Biographic leverage' is CIA code for blackmail. There are also

'black-bag jobs,' which can range from bribes to burglary. Watergate was a black-bag job."

He looked around to make sure that the class was paying attention. They were spellbound.

"From time to time some of you may need a 'cobbler'-that's a man who forges passports."

Robert wondered whether he would ever use a cobbler.

"The phrase to demote maximally is a nasty one. It means to purge by killing. So does the word terminate. If you hear someone talking about the Firm, it's the nickname we use to refer to the British Secret Service. If you're asked to 'fumigate' an office, you won't be looking for termites, you'll be looking for listening devices." The arcane expressions fascinated Robert.

"'Ladies' is a euphemism for females sent to compromise the opposition. A 'legend' is a biography of a spy that is faked to provide him with a cover. 'Going private' means leaving the service." The instructor scanned the class.

"Any of you know what a 'lion tamer' is?" He waited for an answer. Silence.

"When an agent is sacked, he sometimes gets upset and may make threats to reveal what he knows. A muscleman, or lion tamer, is called in to soften him up. I'm sure none of you will ever have to deal with one." That drew nervous laughter.

"Then, there's the term measles. If a target dies of measles, it means he was murdered so efficiently that death appeared to be accidental or due to natural causes. One method of inducing measles is to use

'Tabun." That's a colorless or brownish liquid compound that causes Page 62

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nerve paralysis when absorbed through the skin. If someone offers you a

'music box,' they're offering you a wireless transmitter. The transmitter operator is called a musician. In the future, some of you will be operating 'naked." Don't rush to take off your clothes; it simply means that you're alone and without any assistance.

"There's one more thing I want to discuss today. Coincidence. In our work, there is no such animal. It usually spells danger. If you keep running into the same person again ahd again, or you keep spotting the same automobile when you're on the move, cover your ass. You're probably in trouble.

"I think that's enough for today, gentlemen. We will take up where we left off' tomorrow."

From time to time, Colonel Johnson called Robert into his office "to have a chat," as he put it. The conversations were deceptively casual, but Robert was aware of an underlying probing being carried on.

"I understand you're happily married, Robert."

"That's right."

They spent the next half hour talking about marriage, fidelity, and trust.

Another time: "Admiral Whittaker thinks of you as a son, Robert. Did you know that?"

"Yes." The pain of Edward's death was something that would never go away.

They talked about loyalty and duty and death.

"You've faced death more than once, Robert. Are you afraid to die?"

"No." But to die for a good reason, Robert thought. Not senselessly. The meetings were frustrating to Robert because they were like looking into a trick mirror. Colonel Johnson could see him clearly, but the colonel remained invisible, an enigma cloaked in secrecy. The course lasted sixteen weeks, and during that time, none of the men was permitted to communicate with the outside world. Robert missed Susan desperately. It was the longest they had ever been apart. When the four months were up, Colonel Johnson called Robert into his office.

"This is goodbye. You've done an excellent job, Commander. I think you're going to find your future very interesting."

"Thank you, sir. I hope so-"

"Good luck."

Colonel Johnson watched Robert leave. He sat there for five minutes without moving, then reached a decision. He walked over to the door and locl::ed it. Then he picked up the telephone and made a call. Susan was waiting for him. She opened the door of their apartment, wearing a sheer negligee that concealed nothing. She flew into his arms and held him close.

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"Hi, sailor. Want to have a good time?"

"I'm having one," Robert said happily, 'yust holding you."

"God, I missed you so much!" Susan drew back and said fiercely, "If anything ever happened to you, I think I would die."

"Nothing is ever going to happen to me."



She studied him a moment, concerned.

"You look so tired."

"It was a pretty intensive course," Robert admitted. He was understating it. With all the texts and manuals to study, in addition to the practical, hands-on lessons, none of the recruits had been able to sleep more than a few hours a night. There was little grumbling for a very simpIe reason: They were well aware that what they were learning could one day save their lives.

"I know exactly what you need," Susan decided. Robert grinned.

"I'll say." He reached for her.

"Wait. Give me five minutes. Get undressed." He watched her walk away and thought, How damned lucky can a man get? He began to get undressed. Susan returned a few minutes later. She said softly, "Umm. I like you naked."

He heard his instructor's voice, saying, "Some of you will be operating naked. It means you're alone and without any assistance." What have I gotten into? What have I gotten Susan into?

She led him into the bathroom. The tub was filled with warm scented water, and the room was dark except for four candles flickering on the sink.

"Welcome home, darling." She slipped out of her negligee and stepped into the bathtub. He followed her.


"Don't talk. Lean back against me." He felt her hands gently caressing his back and shoulders, and he felt the soft curves of her body against him, and he forgot how tired he was. They made love in the warm water, and when they had dried themselves, Susan said, "So much for the foreplay. Now, let's get serious."

They made love again, and later, as Robert fell asleep, holding Susan in his arms, he thought, It will always be like this. Forever. The following Monday morning, Robert reported for his first day of duty at the 17th District Office of Naval Intelligence at the Pentagon. Admiral Whittaker said warmly, "Welcome home, Robert. Apparently you impressed the hell out of Colonel Johnson." Page 64

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Robert smiled.

"He's quite impressive himself." Over coffee, the admiral asked, "Are you ready to go to work?"


"Good. We have a situation in Rhodesia -.." Working in the Office of Naval Intelligence was even more exciting than Robert had anticipated. Each assignment was different, and Robert was given the ones classified extremely sensitive. He brought in a defector who revealed Noriega's drug-smuggling operation in Panama, exposed a mole working for Marcos in the American Consulate in Manila, and helped set up a secret listening post in Morocco. He was sent on missions to South America and to the East Indies. The only thing that disturbed him was the long separations from Susan. He hated to be away from her, and he missed her terribly. He had the excitement of his job to occupy him, but Susan had nothing. Robert's case load kept increasing. He spent less and less time at home, and that was when the problem with Susan became serious.

Whenever Robert came home, he and Susan would run hungrily into each other's arms and make passionate love. But those times began to be further and further apart. It seemed to Susan that no sooner did Robert return from one assignment than he was sent away on another. To make matters worse, Robert could not discuss his work with her. Susan had no idea where he went or what he was doing. She knew only that whatever he was involved in was dangerous, and she was terrified that one day he would leave and never return. She dared not ask him questions. She felt like a stranger, completely shut out of an important part of his life. Of their life.

I can't go on like this, Susan decided.

When Robert returned from a four-week assignment in Central America, Susan said, "Robert, I think we had better have a talk."

"What's the problem?"

Robert asked. He knew what the problem was.

"I'm frightened. We're slipping away from each other, and I don't want to lose us. I couldn't stand it."


"Wait. Let me finish. Do you know how much time we've spent together in the last four months? Less than two weeks. Whenever you come home, I feel as though you're a visitor instead of my husband." He took Susan in his arms and held her tightly.

"You know how much I love you."

She laid her head on his shoulder.

"Please don't let anything happen to us."

"I won't," he promised.

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"I'll have a talk with Admiral Whittaker."



"The admiral will see you now, Commander."

"Thank you."

Admiral Whittaker was seated behind his desk signing papers. He looked up as bellamy entered and smiled.

"Welcome home, Robert, and congradulations. That was an excellent job in El Salvador."

"Thank you, sir."

"Sit down. Can I offer you some coffee?"

"No, thank you, Admiral."

"You wanted to talk to me? My secretary said it was urgent. What can I do for you?"

It was difficult to begin.

"Well, sir, this is personal.

I've been married less than two years, and-"

"You made a wonderful choice, Robert. Susan's a fine woman."

"Yes, I agree. The problem is that I'm away most of the time, and she's unhappy about it." He added quickly, "And she has every right to be. It isn't a normal situation."

Admiral Whittaker leaned back in his chair and said thoughtfully, "Of course what you're doing isn't a normal situation. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made."

"I know," Robert said stubbornly, "but I'm not prepared to sacrifice my marriage. It means too much to me."

The admiral studied him reflectively.

"I see. What is it you're asking?"

"I was hoping that you could find some assignments for me where I'm not away from home so much. This is such a large operation, there must be a hundred things I could do closer to home."

"Closer to home."


The admiral said slowly, "You've certainly earned that. I don't see why something like that can't be arranged."

Robert smiled in relief.

"That's very good of you, Admiral. I would certainly appreciate it." Page 66

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"Yes, I think we can definitely arrange that. Tell Susan for me that the problem is solved." Robert stood up, beaming.

"I don't know how to thank you.

Admiral Whittaker waved a hand of dismissal.

"You're too valuable a piece of manpower for me to let anything happen to you. Now go home to your bride."

When Robert told Susan the news, she was thrilled. She threw her arms around him.

"Oh, darling, that's wonderful."

"I'm going to ask him for a couple of weeks off so we can take a trip somewhere. It will be a second honeymoon."

"I've forgotten what a honeymoon is like," Susan murmured.

"Show me."

Robert showed her.

* * Admiral Whittaker sent for Robert the following morning.

"I just wanted you to know I'm making some arrangements about the matter we discussed yesterday."

"Thank you, Admiral." Now was the time to mention taking a leave.

"Sir-" Admiral Whittaker said, "Something has come up, Robert." The admiral began to pace. When he spoke, there was a note of deep concern in his voice.

"I've just been informed that the CIA has been infiltrated. It seems that there has been a steady leak of top secret information. All they know about the spy is that his code name is the Fox. He's in Argentina right now. They need someone outside the agency to handle the operation. The director of the CIA has asked for you. They would like you to track the man down and bring him back. I told them the decision is up to you. Do you want to undertake it?" Robert hesitated.

"I'm afraid I'll have to pass on it, sir."

"I respect your decision, Robert. You've been traveling constantly and have never turned down an assignment. I know it hasn't been easy on your marriage."

"I'd like to take on this job, sir. It's just that"

BOOK: The Doomsday Conspiracy
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