Read The Dragon's Lair Online

Authors: Elizabeth Haydon

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Fantasy & Magic, #Action & Adventure, #General

The Dragon's Lair (37 page)

BOOK: The Dragon's Lair
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What truth does Ven realize about Scarnag's identity? What important gift does he offer the dragon? What does Ven receive from the dragon?

With what do the Nain entrust Ven and his friends? To whom does Ven deliver this object? What is the result of this delivery?

Why does Ven turn down the Lirin king's offer to visit the Enchanted Forest? What does this tell readers about the lesson he has learned from Scarnag? What important object does Clemency find in her pocket and what is the result of her discovery?

How does Ven tell Scarnag's tale to King Vandemere? Why does the dragon believe it is very important that stories be true? Do you agree? Who else does Ven know that also believes this?

Does everyone have a Great Truth? What might you consider to be your Great Truth?

When Ven returns Amariel to the sea, what does he realize might be the surprising meaning of Madame Sharra's ability to see his footprints for only a short distance in the future? What new adventure does he consider? Would you join him? Why or why not?

BOOK: The Dragon's Lair
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