Read The Emperor's New Nightingale Online

Authors: Angela Castle

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Space Opera

The Emperor's New Nightingale (9 page)

BOOK: The Emperor's New Nightingale
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He pulled back,
a proud smile on his handsome face, and she sagged against the wall, knowing she already lost her heart.

I’ll send an escort for you this evening. Be ready, my sweet, I cannot wait to declare I’ve found my Empress.”

, Julie, look at where they have taken you so far; this is only one step more.

He left her standing there
and she watched his retreating back walking out of the courtyard. A cold chill suddenly swept up her arms and down her body. She shivered and hurried up the stairs to her room.

Be ready?
She doubted she would ever be ready for what Orin had in store.







Chapter Ten


Nerves made Erson sweat
. He glanced down for the millionth time at the bag he clutched, and then he glanced at the palace guards standing outside his home.

The task
he was given seemed simple enough. Create a diversion and swap the Krystal for the one given to him.

The promise
was clear, a promise he clung to with strong hope—when it was done, the emperor would lose his claim to her and Erson could swoop in and soothe her broken heart. She would be his.

“She will come wee
ping into your arms when she knows the Emperor can’t have her.”
The Shadow King’s boast was confident.

Yes, hold her in his arms, kiss her
and fuck her until she screamed.

“Where have you been?” Erson frowned at his
older brother, his face flushed, looking flustered. The guards eyed them both as he followed his brother into the house and into the auditorium they set up for the women to sing.

“Attending to business.”

“What business? Oh, never mind, it doesn’t matter. The Emperor’s men have come. We need to get these women through the process as quickly as possible.”

turned striding towards the holo suites.

Krystal was here, sitting just below the stage, flanked by two large Ario guards. No, they wouldn’t use Verkin guards for fear of frightening the ignorant, human women.

Erson paused, wondering
what would happen to them if the real Krystal never shone.

Don’t forget your vow.” He glanced down at the Shadow King’s minion, who came to make sure he did his job.

“I haven’t forgotten
.” Erson growled through clenched teeth. “I need to create a diversion.”

minion’s lips twisted up into an evil grin. “Allow me to arrange that.” He slunk away, disappearing behind a curtain at the back of the room.

“Are the femal
es ready?” one of the guards growled.

“Uh, yes
. My brother will bring the first one out directly. We have to be careful, you know, uh, since…”

“Yes, we were
given a report about how the females arrived on Ario.” The guard glared at him.

He clenched his fist and sat down in the row of seats
immediately behind the Krystal. What kind of diversion would the little creep create? Whatever it was, he would have to be ready.

creams pierced the air and several of the women bolted out on to the stage, glancing wildly about. The guards jumped up.

What the devil
was going on?

“Aliens! Oh
, my god, aliens!” Four, clearly hysterical women screamed and ran in different directions. From behind the curtain, Erson spied the shadow lord’s minion, a wide grin on his face.

, we’ve got to catch them before they hurt themselves,” Erson urged.

They glanced down at the box they guarded.
“We can’t leave the Krystal.”

ll guard it with my life; you’ll be quicker than I, please.” They glanced to each to each before nodding. “On your life, Seeker.” They dashed after two of the women.

With them out of sight, he moved quickly, pulling the fake Krystal from the bag
. The long, oval object sparkled with a myriad of colors. He lifted the box lid, seeing the identical Krystal laying there. With trembling hands, he quickly swapped them out, placing the real one into his bag. He stood waiting when two guards returned with combative women over their shoulders.

came running into the auditorium, quickly delivering a sedative to the screaming women.

That’s all four. Oh, what a mess! I knew I should have got out of the family business a long time ago. I’d better go check on the others.” Uric raced off.

Erson watched
, his gut dropping with dread when the guards placed the women carefully down on the floor and checked the box. Relief flooded through him when they nodded their thanks to Erson. He did it.

He turned to
the guards. “I’ll go set up the memory wiper for these four. The sooner this is over the better.” He hurried out, a smile spread over his face, knowing that Julie would soon be his for good.

* * * *

“You shouldn’t worry so much.” Julie glanced up at Trall’s voice while she paced outside the front of his tavern.

, you were in on this, too?”

“Not really
. Well, kind of. I had no idea the Emperor would be so taken with you. He’s been coming to my tavern for years to get away from the pressures of palace life.”

She paused, suddenly realizing the great responsibilities Orin would have to face daily
, and he wanted her to be a part of this. If Orin was right and she was the nightingale, would she be able to handle it, too?

She shook her head. “I suppose he ordered you not to tell me.”

Trall's lips curved up into a sheepish smile. “Yes, anyone who looks at you can see what a special woman you are. I did my best to warn him off, to protect you, but Orin can be very insistent.”

Julie snorted, knowing how bossy and
insistent Orin was, even within a day and a half of knowing him.

“Do you think I’m this nightingale person?”

“I can’t say yes or no. You have a wonderful talent which draws in anyone who listens. I must say, I wouldn’t be surprised if you are the Emperor’s new nightingale, but don’t worry, we won’t let you face this alone.”

Mik emerged from the tavern, pulling the door shut and locking it before placing a sign on the door.

“You’re closing?”

“First time since I’ve been here.” Mik smiled
, walking over to Julie and putting her arm around her shoulders.

“Trall and I will go to the palace with you
. No matter what happens, you’ve got friends to support you.”

Julie felt overwhelmed
and touched to her core she could have such great friends.

you. I don’t know what to say.”

“Naah.” Trall waved two of his four hands
dismissively. “Words aren’t necessary. It’s what friends do.” He glanced down the street. “Ah, look, your ride has arrived. It seems Orin sent his personal
Glider 650.
Very nice and expensive.”

sleek hover car came to a gliding stop immediately in front of the trio.

A driver scrambled out and e
yed them. “I am here to escort Miss Julie Beasley to the Palace.” His gaze fell on her.

“You’re taking us
, too,” Trall announced firmly to the driver who scrutinized him. “We’re Miss Beasley’s support team.”

The driver nodded. “Very well
. Do not keep the Emperor waiting.”

Trall held out two of his hands to help Mik and Julie onto the transport before climbing in behind them. They sat back in the soft, rich red
, padded seats.

The driver quickly and smoothly got back behind the controls.

Julie’s heart thumped and it felt like a hurricane of fluttering butterflies took up residence in her stomach.

Mik and Trall, seated either side of her
, took hold of a hand each.

It'll be okay, Julie, don’t you worry.”

She smiled and no
dded. She sure hoped so. If Orin was wrong, she feared it would truly break her heart.

* * * *

Joy spread through Orin when he spotted Julie walking down the long hall and Trall walked behind. He smiled, knowingly, just like his brother. The pull to run down and draw her into his arms was so strong, he didn’t know how he kept from doing it.

Trall was there to guard her. On her left was her friend
, the other serving girl, Mik.

He was glad
she found such good friends. He would have to remember to include them more in palace life when Julie became his Empress.

gaze moved in every direction. She was in awe as she took in the white, polished stone and decorated grandeur of Orin’s home.
No, their home.

He rose from his seat
and she looked up and paused, a frown of uncertainty falling over her face. Ignoring the startled stares from his advisors and servants, he walked down the steps, right up to her. Behind her, Trall bowed and Mik curtsied respectfully.

cheeks flushed a lovely, rosy pink while she stared at him. “Your… um, highness?” She dipped into a curtsy.

He chuckled, reaching down to capture her hand. “You
don’t need to ever bow to me, my love.”

“I kind of feel underdressed, compared to…well
, you.”

“This is just for show
. Come, the sooner you sing for the Krystal, the sooner I can announce you my Empress.” He nodded to Trall.

Thank you, Trall, and Mik, for bringing her here this evening. If you would go wait with the others until she has sung?”

“Of course
, your Majesty.” Trall bowed again and escorted Mik to the side where members of his court stood watching the proceedings.

Orin already heard several women sing this evening since the crystal returned from
the Weston home.

“Are you ready
, my Julie?”

saw the doubt in her eyes and she drew in a deep breath, letting it out slowly as if trying to gather some courage. She smiled and nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

He beamed at her and turned, still clutching her hand.

“Bring the Song Krystal—there is a new contender to be my nightingale,” he boomed at the gathering. He lowered his voice again as they walked towards his dais. “You’ll be happy to know all the other human women were tested and they failed. They are currently on their way back to Earth, none the wiser.”

Thanks for doing that.” Her bright smile made him thankful he was wearing his robes today as his groin tightened.
Yes, the sooner she’s announced, the sooner I can sweep her off to the royal chambers and make love to her, over and over.

planned to hand his duties over to his advisors for a long time, while he fully explored every inch of his new bride.

Buil, one of his personal
servants, came scurrying over, bowing low. “Your Majesty, I’ve discovered there is still one Earth female who wishes to sing.”

Orin frowned in confusion
. “All the Earth females, but Julie here, are on their way back to Earth.”

“One of them asked to remain on Ario
, if she would be permitted to sing as well as the other female. Erson Weston, the Seeker, brought her in, over there.”

His gaze sw
ung to where Buil pointed and he spotted the Flaxian. Standing by his side was a thin, willowy woman with black hair and dark eyes. She wore a slight smile on her red lips which was slightly off. He couldn’t quite place what it was about her which felt wrong. He shook it off and turned his attention back to Buil.

“Julie will sing first.”

Buil bowed again, turned and walked away. Orin stared after him. Again, his senses told him something was not quite right with his servant. Orin quickly dismissed it, feeling the weight of Julie’s stare.

Forgive me, my love. It is just a formality. Once you sing, no other will need to.”

She didn’t look convinced.
“If you say so.”

, I do.”

He drew her up the steps, turned and waited, receiving frowns from many of
his advisors. All the women were supposed to stay on the lower floor and sing. He narrowed his eyes, glaring at each one, daring them to challenge his actions. They all looked away.


Two heavily armed Verkin guards carried The Song Krystal between them.

“That’s the
Song Krystal?” Julie’s gaze riveted on the sparkling gem. The salvation and fate of the Galaxies depended on something you could hold in both hands.

“Yes, but it take
s a special voice to make it work to keep the balance, and ensure harmony throughout the Four Galaxies. Go ahead and sing for me, for the Krystal.”

He watched Julie’
s cheeks flush and squeezed her hand in reassurance before letting go and taking a step back. He needed to let her do this alone.

The whole assembly
held their breath when Julie drew in hers, closed her eyes and started to sing.

The soft melody rose into the air, wrapping around
the onlookers like a warm, soft blanket on a chilly day.

BOOK: The Emperor's New Nightingale
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