Read The Firefighter and the Girl From the Coffee Shop Online

Authors: Terry Towers

Tags: #Contemporary, #alpha male, #Sex Toys, #contemporary erotic romance, #romantic comedy, #hero, #friends to lovers, #Firefighter, #fireman, #dual penetration

The Firefighter and the Girl From the Coffee Shop (3 page)

BOOK: The Firefighter and the Girl From the Coffee Shop
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He caught her
eyes with him, concern flashing in them. "What about friends."

Again she
shook her head, her amble unrestrained breasts swaying slightly
with the movement, which caught his eyes briefly before he pulled
them back up to meet hers again. "No one I'd ask. You've been
pretty much my closest friend since I moved here. Remember, I'm
also new to the area, got here just a month or so before you

Evan remained
silent for a moment, and then smiled over at her. "Then stay with
me. I have a three bedroom house and live alone so there is lots of
room for you." He looked down at her soiled teddy. "And I might
even be willing to lend you some clothing. It'll be big on you, but
it'll do until we can get you to a store tomorrow. Hell, we both
have the next couple of days off so we can take a day for it."

She was about
to protest and tell him she didn't want to intrude or impose, but
then it occurred to her that if ever there was a chance to be with
him, this was it. They could get to know each other on a day-to-day
basis and perhaps break through the invisible barrier that seemed
to be keeping them from moving the relationship from friendship to
something more.

She returned
his smile. "Well if I wouldn't be a bother..."


"So there's no
girlfriend to get angry."
Please say no, please say no
. She
was ninety-nine percent sure he didn't, but just wanted to make
sure she was clear - just in case.

He laughed,
his eyes lit up with the smile that followed. "Nah, no worries on

She thrust out
her hand to him. "Then you have yourself a roomie."

Laughing a
little harder, his eyes shining even more with amusement he
accepted her hand, giving it a firm shake. "Roomie it is."




With the fire
resistant blanket wrapped tightly around her, Alyssa followed Evan
into the quaint two-story house he owned on the outskirts of the
city. Her first impression was how neat and tidy it was, everything
in its place and not a speck of dust or clutter to be found. Evan
was certainly a man of simplicity and organization, something she
hadn't quite realized until that moment.

"The bedrooms
are upstairs. Come on up and I'll get you some clothes."

Removing the
blue slippers given to her by the fire department she left them at
the door and padded barefoot up the stairs after him to the second
floor. He stopped at the first door and waved her in.

"Boxers and a
t-shirt okay?" he asked as he brushed past her, making his way to
the large oak dresser across the room.

"That would be
great, thank you." Alyssa surveyed the room. As with the rest of
the house it was simple, yet cosy. The room and decor were all of
an eye catching burgundy colour. The bedroom set was made of
varnished oak, with the massive bed taking up a good chunk of the
room. "Everything is so... orderly."

Evan turned to
face her closing the dresser drawer with his hip, a pair of plain
boxers and white t-shirt in his hand. He gave a light chuckle and
his eyes swept the room. "Yeah, both of my parents are in the army.
Both officers. I lived in a house where tidiness and order were the
gospel," he shrugged as he strode over to her and started to pass
her the clothing and then stopped. "You know what? How about you
grab a shower. You can use the one here and I'll run downstairs and
use the main one."

Hmmmm, a
With the craziness of the night, it hadn't even
occurred to her that she must look and smell nasty. Taking a strand
of hair she brought it to her nose and cringed at the burnt smell.
Yes, a shower was definitely in order.

She smiled
warmly, heat rising to her cheeks thinking of how horrid her
appearance must be at that moment.

He tossed the
clothing to the bed, "When you're done and changed I'll give you an
official tour." Without waiting for a reply he brushed past her,
and left the room closing the door behind him.

Dropping the
blanket, she shed her soot covered teddy and panties as she made
her way to the bathroom off the master bedroom. Snatching the
filthy clothing from the floor she considered saving them and
having them washed, but upon taking a hard look at the blackened
material she decided against it and tossed them into the waste
basket next to the flush.

As with the
rest of the house, Alyssa found the bathroom to be bright and
sparkling clean, however, she couldn't help but snicker when she
noticed the shower curtain that was pastel blue in colour,
featuring a cartoon duck wearing a purple raincoat, boots and
holding an umbrella.

Pulling the
curtain aside she turned on the shower and stepped into the tub.
Alyssa sighed as she let the soft stream of warm water beat against
her back. She immediately began to relax, as the beads of water
caressed her skin. Looking down at her feet she was shocked to see
the water was near black from the soot and smoke.

"No wonder he
suggested the shower. I'm a damned mess," she grumbled grabbing a
facecloth, squeezing a dab of shower gel onto it and beginning to
scrub down her body, removing the black to reveal ivory skin
underneath. Her hair was a little harder to get clean; it took
several shampoos before she noticed the water running clear down
her body.

She could have
stayed in the shower for hours, but the sound of Evan moving around
below her made her realize he was already done and would be back up
to check on her soon. Rinsing the last of the conditioner from her
hair, she turned off the tap, grabbed a towel and stepped out of
the shower wrapping the blue towel around her body, and then
wrapping a second towel around her long, dark locks.

Quickly, she
made her way out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. She grabbed
the t-shirt he had given her and slipped it over her head and then
stepped into the boxers. Fisting the front of the shirt she closed
her eyes, brought it to her nose and inhaled. Damn it smelt good,
like him, a mixture of musk and spice. Just the smell of him on the
clothing caused a stirring with her.

She was
adjusting the drawstring to the boxers when her eye caught sight of
the dress uniform hanging from a hook over his closet door. She
immediately went over to the impressive looking uniform and was
inspecting it, when a knock came at the door and Evan cautiously
opened it a crack. "You dressed?"

"Sorry. Yes."
She glanced at him over her shoulder and then back to the uniform.
"You decided to go to the ball after all?" She heard him walk up
behind her and felt the warmth of breath against her neck, which
sent a pleasurable shiver through her.

"I'm still
thinking on it. As it is right now I'm without a date and not keen
on attending it alone."

She spun
around and took a moment to admire his naked broad, beautifully
toned chest. The lines from his six-pack abdominals and the way his
plaid flannel bottoms sat low on his hips, caused her eyes to dip
lower than they should have to the large bulge beneath is bottoms.
Her entire body seemed to ignite and she began to feel an
uncomfortable wetness between her legs.

"Haven't you
asked anyone?" She reluctantly pulled her eyes up from admiring his
stunning body and gave him a sly smile, catching her lower lip
between her teeth and nibbling nervously. "I'm sure there's a line
of women waiting for you to make a move." She was hoping to sound
as nonchalant as possible, but feared that she did a terrible job
at it.

He took a step
closer, closing the distance between them and leaving just a little
over an inch between their bodies. "Well, I had someone specific in
mind to take with me, but I've been getting the feeling that they
aren't all that interested."

Evan's green
eyes seemed to burrow into her, fuelling her yearning for him. She
wished she could get over her insecurities and just take a chance.
He wasn't attached; she knew one hundred percent now. He wanted
her, it was becoming painfully apparent. Why couldn't she just take
the step and bridge the small gap left between them?

"Well maybe
you need to be a little more aggressive about getting what you
want?" She swept her tongue along her lower lip, leaving it
shining, begging for him to kiss her. His eyes dropped to her
mouth, following her tongue as he looked down at them hungrily.
Gathering up her courage she continued, "Maybe she's had some bad
experiences in the past and perhaps she's a little timid about
assuming anything. Maybe she needs you to be more direct."

His eyes rose
back up to meet hers once more. "I would hope that this person
would have been able to see how crazy I am for her. If I hadn't
been told she was dating someone then perhaps I would have

Been told I
was dating someone? By who?
The question had just entered her
mind when the answer came directly after it.
pressed down the anger welling up within her. She'd have a chat
with Samantha when she went back to work. At the moment she had
more important things to contend with and that being Evan as he
closed the remaining distance between them, his lips lightly
grazing hers.

"Evan," she
managed to whisper as his lips came crashing down onto hers and his
still wet rock hard body pressed against her, pushing her back
against the closet door with a little more force than intended.






There were a
hundred different thoughts and emotions rushing through Evan as he
lowered his lips to Alyssa's and finally took the one thing that
he'd been wanting for nearly a month. His first thought was how
wonderful she smelt and how damned sexy she looked in his t-shirt
and boxers which were a couple of sizes too big on her.

And that
moan... She moaned softly against his lips as he claimed them. The
sound was so soft and sensual that it sent his cock into a frenzy
as it rose rapidly under the thin fabric of his pants. He braced a
palm flat on the wall beside her head and the other one snaked it
way to the back of her head and threaded itself into her hair,
pulling her lips up tighter to his.

He was
attempting to keep as much separation between their bodies as
possible, so he could keep himself under control, but Alyssa
slipped her hands around his waist and pulled him in, closer than
he had ever been to her. His stiff cock pressed against her stomach
and he groaned. He'd wanted her for so fucking long; he had
fantasized - hell, jacked off - to thoughts of what it would be
like to taste and feel her soft body against his. And now he knew,
and it was everything he imagined it to be.

She parted her
lips for him, allowing his tongue entry into her sweet mouth. He
eagerly accepted the invitation his tongue finding and caressing
hers. She pulled him tighter, her hips pressing against him,
taunting his cock, and turning his body into a tight bundle of
nerves. His fists clenched in her hair and against the wall as he
tore his lips from hers, and began to nibble his way along her

At that moment
he'd have given just about anything to tear his clothing from her
body and ram his dick hard into her. Her sweet little pussy would
take him in eagerly, clinging to his cock and enticing him to
remain there embedded in her moist heated core. He shuttered at the

"My God Evan!"
she gasped as she arched her back, and exposed her neck for his
hungry mouth and teasing tongue.

Evan began to
kiss his way down her neck, his tongue teasing, flicking at the
sensitive flesh as he worked his way lower. She pressed up against
him once more and in turn pushing the limits of his self-restraint.
He had gotten down to her collarbone and the collar of his t-shirt
when his home phone began to ring.

"Awww fuck! I
gotta answer that," he growled, before kissing her quickly on the
lips once more and pushing himself away from her. He didn't have
the luxury of ignoring the telephone, the station may need him,
someone may have gotten sick, perhaps another fire that needed more
men. He never knew.

"Okay." she
managed to squeak out, her chest heaving, eyes hooded.

"Give me a
quick second."

Alyssa nodded,
watching him as he turned his back to her and picked up the




Alyssa closed her eyes and leaned back against
the closet door, trying to steady her weak knees. Her body was
raging with need for him. She had known that they had chemistry,
but what she felt when their lips touched was unlike anything she'd
experienced before. She always took things slow with men, always
cautious both with her heart and body, but with Evan all she wanted
to do was jump in feet first and let the consequences sort
themselves out. If the phone hadn't interrupted them she would have
eagerly fallen to her knees, pulled down his pants and taken his
huge, erect cock in her mouth. She smiled at thought of his come
exploding in her waiting mouth.

Opening her
eyes, her gaze immediately caught his and she didn't like the look
in them - a look of dread.

"Yeah, I'll be
right there. Yeah. No problem," he said as he hung up the phone.
"Alyssa, I'm sorry."

"The station,"
she guessed pushing herself off the wall and slowly walking over to

He ran a hand
through his hair, let out a loud huff and rushed over to his closet
to grab his uniform. "Yeah. I'm sorry. Just for a few hours. Why
don't you get some sleep and I'll be home to take you shopping when
you get up."

Walking over
to his bed she flopped herself onto it, and rolled over to her
stomach watching him as he crossed the room grabbed a uniform from
his closet and began getting dressed. He turned his back to her as
he pulled down his bottoms revealing his tight naked ass to her.
She groaned inwardly, if it hadn't been for the blasted phone her
hands would have been caressing that tight ass right now. In less
than a minute he was turning back to face her, fully dressed and
looking as sexy as ever, more so now that she knew what was

BOOK: The Firefighter and the Girl From the Coffee Shop
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