Read The Guide to Classic Recorded Jazz Online

Authors: Tom Piazza

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The Guide to Classic Recorded Jazz (126 page)

BOOK: The Guide to Classic Recorded Jazz
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Wilen, Barney, 176
Williams, Buster, 274
Williams, Clarence, 18
Williams, Cootie, 24, 25, 36, 42, 49, 55, 56, 68-69, 83, 106, 138
Williams, Ernie, 283, 304
Williams, Leroy, 233, 288
Williams, Mary Lou, 34, 35, 90, 336, 338, 368
Williams, Richard, 231
Williams, Rubberlegs, 217
Williams, Rudy, 163
Williams, Tony, 182-185, 196, 199, 203, 204, 239, 245, 324, 326, 327, 375, 376
Wilson, Dick, 34
Wilson, Shadow, 69, 87, 88, 310, 369
BOOK: The Guide to Classic Recorded Jazz
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