Read The Heart of Fire Online

Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Fantasy

The Heart of Fire (7 page)

BOOK: The Heart of Fire
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You find your eyes drawn to the grisly trophies that adorn the wall. The centrepiece is a stag’s head, with enormous spiked antlers stretching across the ceiling. There
is also a grey wolf, a brown bear and a ghost lynx’s head. Each one has its mouth agape, teeth bared – their twisted visages as menacing in death as they must have been in life.

‘It’s an impressive collection,’ you remark, leaning closer to the brown bear. You could almost fit your head inside its fanged jaws. ‘Are you a hunter?’

‘I am, yeah,’ sniffs the shopkeeper. ‘I sold a few of my best, but those are for keeps.’

‘You sold this one?’ you ask, tapping your finger on an empty plaque where you assume a head had once rested.

‘That space is reserved,’ growls the hunter. ‘For the black shuck. A hellhound that stalks the western fens. I seen it only once – a terrible thing it was, the biggest
hound you ever saw, with eyes of fire and a hide black as midnight. I’d give my right hand to get close to that one again.’ He slams the point of his dagger into the counter, twisting
it round with a cruel sneer.

If you have the
hound’s head
turn to
. Otherwise, you may ask to see the shopkeeper’s wares (turn to
) or leave
the shop (turn to


(If you have the word
on your hero sheet then turn to

A rope ladder has been strung over the side of the well shaft, offering a route down into the smoky depths. Steeling yourself for what you might find at the bottom, you slide over the side and
start clambering down the ladder.

As you descend, the air grows thicker, reeking of brimstone and sulphur. When the ladder ends, you are forced to drop the last few feet, landing up to your waist in a sickening-looking sludge.
You assume that this was once the well water, before it became poisoned.

Through the putrid yellow smoke you spy a circular side-passage leading through into a larger chamber. From inside you can hear the sound of glass smashing, accompanied by a series of
dull-witted mutterings. Drawing your weapons you wade through the slime, cautiously emerging from the passage into the next room.

It appears to be a laboratory. Steps rise up out of the yellow sludge to a stone-paved platform. Here, a number of tables have been arranged in a semi-circle, covered with a complex array of
scientific apparatus. A large creature is currently shuffling around the space, knocking over bottles and vials. You can’t tell if it is human, undead or both – its body is swollen,
covered in vile blisters and pustules. From its back, yellow tentacles writhe back and forth, their lengths covered in dripping slime.

The creature appears to sense you, twisting its head around to reveal bulging bloodshot eyes. Around its wobbling neck is a metal dog tag, engraved with the number thirteen. The monster emits an
inhuman roar, then charges forward, flinging tables out of the way in its haste to clobber you. It is time to fight:


Special abilities

Unlucky for some: Each time you roll a
for your hero
in this combat, you are hit by the creature’s flailing tentacles. This automatically inflicts 2 damage, ignoring
. If you have an ability that lets you re-roll dice, then you
can use this to try and avoid the damage.

If you manage to defeat this grotesque creation, turn to


Quest: King of the hill

Ahead, dark shapes loom out of the mist: a series of earthen mounds, carpeted with moss and heather. In the distance a solitary wolf howls. It is a sad, mournful noise, which
seems perfectly in keeping with this drab and remote area of moorland.

The traveller had convinced you this was a good idea. ‘Yeah, the barrows, my friend. If you’re looking to get some fast treasure – get yourself suited and booted – then
those ancient graves are just offering it up.’

As you gaze upon the eerie collection of mounds, many ringed by standing tablets of stone, you start to wonder if the traveller had been a little crazy.

‘Well, I’ve come this far.’ Gritting your teeth you trudge onwards through the high grass, into the thick veil of fog. You haven’t gone far before the wind starts to pick
up speed, beating about your body and ripping at your cloak. As you stagger back, losing ground to the onslaught, you suddenly sense the windstorm shift direction.

The mist is now whirling and twisting on the powerful currents, turning faster and faster until it has become a huge rippling tornado. Black lightning crackles around the funnel-shaped cloud as
it spins furiously towards you. It is time to fight:


Special abilities

Celestial charge: Each time you deal damage to the raging storm, you are struck by the lightning and must lose 2

If you defeat this strange apparition, turn to


You take a gamble and push off from the tree, attempting to grab one of the thicker boughs further around the trunk. For a second you are free-falling through a frightening
emptiness, then your hands grab a hold on the wood. Skilfully, you swing yourself up onto the branch, twisting your body around to sit astride it. From here you are able to shuffle back to the
trunk, where you can now see a previously hidden set of handholds, carved to look like clumps of leaf mould. You clamber up this last distance in no time at all, flinging open the tree house door
and pulling yourself up onto its polished floor. Turn to


You make your apologies and move away, aware that a sudden hush has fallen over the room. ‘I asked yer a question,’ calls the woman, her gravelly voice cutting
through the silence. ‘I asked yer what yer gawping at!’

With a sigh, you turn back to the table. ‘That coat,’ you gesture with a nod of your head. ‘I knew its previous owner. I was just . . . curious.’

‘Curious, eh?’ With a snarl the woman kicks over the table, sending pots and mugs flying. ‘Come on boys, time to show this one what happens when yer bait the fish!’

There are screams and shrieks from the crowd as people scatter to a safe distance. ‘No fighting!’ bellows a voice from behind the bar. Unfortunately, you don’t have a choice
– the ruffians run at you as a pack. You must fight:


Special abilities

Motley crew: The ruffians add 3 to Bilhah’s damage score for the duration of this combat. If the ruffians are
defeated, this bonus no longer applies.

In this combat you roll against Bilhah’s speed. If you win a combat round, you may choose to strike against Bilhah or her ruffians. If Bilhah is defeated first then the
ruffians will immediately surrender, winning you the combat.

If you defeat this cruel band of mercenaries, turn to
. If you are defeated, turn to


(If you already have the word
written on your hero sheet, then turn to

BOOK: The Heart of Fire
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