Read The Last Princess Online

Authors: Stacey Espino

The Last Princess (8 page)

BOOK: The Last Princess
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Ulric caught her in his arms.  Her breath hitched as she hit
the hard length of his body.  He was so warm, so strong, and so familiar.  She
looked up at him, studying his strong jaw, full lips, and dark eyes.  Was it
the power of the moon in the darkened room or genuine feelings for the bear
shifter that stole her breath?  Why hadn't she fought to get away yet?  She
felt protected in his embrace—even though his job as a Royal Elite would be to
capture her, to bring her to the queen for punishment.  Ulric was her heart
from a childhood past, a window into happier times.

"No more running, Delia," he whispered. 

"What do you expect me to do, Ulric?  Fulfill a prophecy
that goes against my better judgment, one that alienates sisters from each
other?  I should be able to choose my mates or choose not to mate at all."

"You can't abandon your calling, princess," said Ulric.
"You'll condemn us all if you don't mate."

"My sisters will carry on the lines.  There's no need for

"Do you realize the hell I had to go through to get on
the suitor list—the tests, the challenges?  Then I had to sit back and wait for
my fickle bride to return while I was the laughing stock of the palace."

"This isn't about you, Alexander.  I never asked for you
to wait for me.  Until today, I didn't even know your name."

"Until today I didn't give a shit about the person my
bride would be.  Now, for the first time in a long time, I'm excited about what
tomorrow brings.  Your scent is calling to me, confirming we're the right

She scoffed. "It's just my royal blood.  You're no
different than any unmated male."

"Don't take me for a common wolf.  I can control my
needs, and I have for five long years."

There was a loud whine and then an abrupt bang that shook the
floors for a second.  The power to the castle and grounds shut off.  All lights
and electronics were put to rest, leaving them with only the glow of the moon
for illumination.  "They've shut down the power.  The Elites are on the
hunt now."

Her heartbeat increased.  She'd never get past all those
mercenaries now.  Ulric was her only hope. "Please, take me to my mother
before it's too late."

"Her room is the most guarded.  If you go in there you
won't be coming out a free woman."

She tried to struggle away from him, but he held her shoulders
and gave her a little shake. "I won't have you living a life you despise,
even if it means never seeing you again."  He removed one hand and
smoothed her hair back in a loving caress. "I became an Elite to be closer
to you, but the same rigid rules that entrap you also keep me from taking what
I want."

Delia swallowed hard. "What is it you want?"

He leaned down and kissed her, his mouth aggressive but tender
at once.  She accepted him, feeling as if she'd come home—in him. This was a
kiss she'd dreamt about, a forbidden act between childhood friends, but they
were both grown adults now. The energy of the night enriched her desire, her
needs. She'd only just learned the pleasures of the flesh and already she
craved more.





Ulric never wanted to let her go.  Now that he had Delia in
his grasp it was his ultimate wish fulfillment, and he couldn't give her up. 
He understood her plight now more than ever.  The queen didn't want another
bear shifter in the family, but he couldn't change the race he was born into. 
To be with her meant going against the rules, rebelling as Delia chose to do.

His best friend, Alexander, had been patiently waiting for
her.  As cocky as he came across at times, Ulric knew him to be a good man.  He
was a shifter of honor, strong family ties, and duty. If he had to share Delia,
he would choose his friend to join them.  Ulric wasn't so naïve to believe he'd
ever get the princess for himself, not when she was destined for a multiple
mating. He'd resigned to the fact, and didn't desire her any less because of

"I've dreamt of this day," he said against her
lips.  Her scent was so alive, surrounding them both in an erotic veil. 
"If you want to piss off your mother, there's no better way than allowing
an unapproved suitor to take your body."

"Tempting offer, bear.  Only I'm immune to the charms and
tactics of men."  Her hands smoothed up his bare chest, squeezing the
testing. She was playing games like when they were young, only now they were
adult games.

"She needs a wolf to tame her.  Let me have a go at my
future bride.  After tonight she'll have no doubts where she belongs." 
Alexander was in their midst now, tucking Delia's hair behind her ear—hair as
black as the shroud of night blanketing the palace. Her eyes were so green and
dominant of her face, beckoning him closer.

"Does her blood call to you as it does me?" asked Ulric,
mesmerized by the little wolf.

"More than I expected." The crazy shifter worked his
way into the front of Delia's leather pants.  He expected her to throttle the highly
sexual wolf, but she let out a strangled groan and tossed her head back.
"Tell me, princess.  Have you saved yourself for me?  Will I be the first
cock in this lovely little pussy?"

She shook her head.  There was a slight sting when Ulric heard
the truth, but he was far from innocent himself.  He still wanted her.

"Then we won't have to teach you anything, will
we?"  He prodded Alexander out of the way and scooped Delia up by the
backs of her thighs.  Once face to face they kissed again.  It was so easy to
get lost in her taste and the swirling energy of her lust. He laid her down on
the neatly made bed.  Alexander was anal about cleanliness after spending too
many years being pampered in the palace.  Ulric rented a shitty little bachelor
apartment above a store in town—far from glamorous.  He rarely spent time at
home since he was on duty for so many hours per day.

He unbuttoned her pants and tugged them down her hips.  She
wore whisper thin panties, and he couldn't help but bring his nose to her cunt
to breath in her royal scent. For a moment he swore he smelled the vile odor of
a fox shifter, but disregarded it.  The smell from the intruder probably still
lingered on him, or was he with Delia working as a team?  The questions could
wait, had to wait.  One way or another the princess would be his.  Even if he
had to live off the grid as she did for most of her adult life, it would be
worth it to finally have a mate he loved, the one he longed for these many

She arched up into his face, forcing his fangs to the
surface.  Alexander was removing her shirt, revealing plump, beautiful breasts.
The air reeked of sex, intoxicating.  Ulric slipped off her panties and parted
her legs.  He'd been fantasizing about this for far too long.  He delved into
her pussy, hungrier than he'd ever been.  She was already wet, her honey sweet-smelling,
her labia swollen. He indulged himself, fucking her with his tongue before
settling over her clit.  The princess would soon learn what she was missing if
she disregarded him as a mate. 

"Ulric," she cried out, music to his ears.

"Hush, little wolf.  Let him enjoy himself.  I can just imagine
how delectable you taste." 

He glanced up to see Alexander now stark naked.  The crazy
wolf.  He sat on the edge of the bed beside her, pawing and suckling her bare
tits.  She writhed from their joint ministrations, moaned, and pleaded.  Ulric
wanted to bring her to the edge, the place where she'd drop all inhibitions and
give in to the double-fucking he had planned for her.


Delia was floating in that peaceful realm of exquisite
pleasure, the calm before the storm.  Ulric's skilled mouth had her entire body
quivering, her pussy pulsing strong and demanding.  Then it all stopped as she
was transported into pre-orgasmic bliss.  Sounds were muffled, the world went
away.  All she could focus on was the feel of Alexander's mouth over her
sensitive nipples and Ulric's tongue practically vibrating over her swollen
clit.  She never expected to come to the castle and end up on her back, being
explored by two eager males.  What happened to her well laid plans to bring
mayhem and destruction?  She blamed the moon and her recent orgasm with Caleb
for her wanton desire.

"I'm burning," she cried out.  It seemed all the
heat in her body pulled in from her extremities and pooled deep in her cunt
where Ulric's tongue couldn’t reach. She needed more, needed to feel the bear
shifter filling her, settling the itch that drove her mad.

"That's good, Delia.  It means you're very close.  Let Ulric
finish eating your pussy.  Any minute now and you'll be glad you waited." 
Alexander was so keen on sharing her.  His confidence was a turn on. She'd
expect a royal suitor to be spoiled and snotty, not damn gorgeous and friends
with Ulric. Royal suitors usually thought themselves too good to befriend
guards or commoners, but she could feel the connection between the two men. "If
you need an outlet, I'm not adverse to you sucking my cock. Would you like

It's not something she was experienced in, but her inner
she-wolf demanded it. She parted her lips and turned her head.  Alexander was
already stripped of all clothing, his body lean muscled, tanned, and delicious
to look at.  The moonlight cast shadows over every ridge of muscle and the
outline of his prominent erection. He braced one knee on the mattress and held
the base of his dick with a firm fist, directing it to her mouth. 

As soon as she latched on, she sighed.  The vibration from the
sound made the alpha wolf groan and thread his hand through her hair.
"Suck it hard, princess. I've had blue balls for five years. You owe me
this."  She ignored his comment and suckled the thick meat, savoring the
musky taste of his wolf.  He must have shifted recently—she could taste his feral
essence. Without being told what to do she pressed the cock between her tongue
and palate, sucked on the head, and then accepted the length when he fed it
down her throat.  It was difficult to concentrate on two tasks.  She had to
anchor herself from the exquisite torture of her pussy while fully enjoying the
wolf's dick in her mouth. 

Then she came.  The orgasm snuck up on her, surprising her
with its strength.  Her hips bucked and body lurched as wave after wave of
heady pleasure washed through her veins. She released Alexander for fear of
biting off his member when she was so far gone.

Ulric climbed up from between her legs and lowered over her
body.  The roughness of his denim jeans teased her hypersensitive pussy. He
kissed her, offering her a taste of her own flavor. "You're ready for us
now, Delia."  She knew her eyes were glazed over as she could barely
focus.  The afterglow of her peak lingered on and on.

He rolled her to her stomach.  Every nerve was hotwired and
responsive.  Each touch brought her dangerously close to a new orgasm. She
wasn't sure how much she could take, never having had the chance to explore her
limits. When she glanced up, Alexander was stroking his erection, pumping it
back and forth like a piston.  She was mesmerized by his size, the beauty of
his male form, and the intensity in his eyes as he watched her.


Ulric bit her right on the ass.  A play bite, but it still
hurt.  "Should I stop?" he teased.

"Just behave," she said.

"It's a full moon, princess.  We're both alphas on the
verge of shifting.  You're naked on my bed, filling the room with your pungent
scent."  Alexander laughed, still stroking himself. "We will most
certainly not be behaving tonight."

She could feel the moisture seeping from between her legs.  Ulric
kissed her ass to make it better, trailing more kisses lower.  When he spread
her cheeks apart with his hands and kissed her puckered rosette, millions of
little sparks fired to life making her shudder.  She'd never realized so much
pleasure could be encased in such a small, forbidden area.

Delia thought of Caleb alone at the hotel, maybe worrying if
he'd woken up.  Her heart cried out to him, wishing he were here.  The fox was
so different from these males, more emotionally attentive, gentler. This
experience tested all her boundaries.

Ulric's tongue lapped at her nether hole, as he spread her
legs further apart.  Her breasts pressed against the bedspread, taunting her
pebbled nipples, increasing her needs.  She craved more attention.  She truly
must be a royal princess because she realized less than three males would never
do.  Without saying it aloud, she'd chosen of her own free will.  Delia would
bond with Caleb, Ulric and Alexander.  Perhaps having one royal suitor would
appease her mother, but it would still happen this way regardless.

It was as if everything orchestrated as it had for a reason. 
All her years of lonely suffering led her back home, into the welcoming arms of
three delicious and worthy males. Although she had yet to get to know
Alexander, Ulric would never have allowed him to get close to her if he thought
negatively of the wolf.  She always knew she'd take at least one wolf if she
chose mates—her she-wolf demanded it.

"I know you have a stockpile of toys, Alexander.  Pass me
the lube."

Delia turned her neck around. "For what?"

Ulric lapped at her ass cheek, flashing thick, white canines
at her when he grinned.  She gasped as the thrill of his dominant display sent
a thrill rushing through her womb. "For your cute little ass.  It will be
a snug fit for my cock, don't you think?"

What was she doing?  She tried to remind herself that Carna
and Freya had been down this road long before her and lived it every day of
their lives.  Carna had four alpha males and Freya three. Surely Delia could
handle a little double and triple action.  She was the eldest and supposed to
be the most experienced.  But in matters of sex she knew very little, only what
she'd experienced with Caleb earlier in the night.

BOOK: The Last Princess
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