Read The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged Online

Authors: Marissa Honeycutt

Tags: #romance, #paranormal, #dark, #illuminati, #ending, #slave, #torture, #immortal, #immortal being, #slave and sex

The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged (12 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged
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Anna thought for a moment. “I don’t want you
to leave,” she whispered. “But I understand if you need to.” She
didn’t want him to be uncomfortable.

Hugo hesitated. “I don’t want to leave you
like this, Kittycat,” he said softly. “I’ll stay if you want me

Anna nodded. “I want you to.”

“All right. Let me tell Aaron,” he said
standing and helping her up. “And I’ll be right back.”

Anna sat on her bed. This wasn’t exactly how
she’d envisioned the night going, but she was glad he was willing
to stay. He’d been adamant about not staying with her for weeks.
Was it because he knew what she was now? No, he didn’t know what
she was. He just knew that she’d been abused by her guardian. He
wanted to take care of her and she was grateful for it.

He returned several minutes later, closing
the door softly behind him and held up a pair of sweats. “Aaron
lent me something to sleep in. Jeans aren’t very comfortable.”

“Oh! I hadn’t even thought about that.” She
smiled shyly. “What do you normally sleep in?”

He grinned. “My underwear or sweats.” He
wagged his eyebrows and she giggled. “What do you normally sleep

She looked down. “Something like this, I
guess. Or naked.”

His grin widened. “I can’t say I’m not
looking forward to the second.”

Anna blushed.

“I’ll go change, if that’s okay?”

She nodded. She changed into shorts while he
was in the bathroom. She realized she hadn’t even seen him with his
shirt off. That was so weird to her. She was used to seeing guys
naked first and then getting to know them.

The door opened and she turned, nervous for
some reason. Well, there was reason to be nervous, she supposed.
They were spending the night together, although she had a feeling
there would be no sex involved, which was fine with her. She was
still sore from Jack and really wanted to be able to enjoy their
first time together.

He smiled and walked to her bed, pulled down
the covers and looked at her. “You sleeping over there?”

Anna shook her head and walked across the
room and stood by the bed, looking at him. Hugo. Her boyfriend. She
smiled at the thought.

“What’s that smile for?” he asked sitting
down and patting the bed next to him.

“I was thinking about you being my

“I’m glad that made you smile.”

“Me too.” She was stretching out her legs
under the covers when she remembered the light. “Oh, the light!”
She moved to stand and he put his hand on hers.

“I’ll get it,” he said.

He turned the light off and then made his way
back to the bed slowly. “It’s dark in here,” he commented with a

Anna giggled. “It happens at night.”

“Mmm.” She felt the bed dip beside her and
him moving around, getting comfortable. He reached for her. “Come
here,” he said softly.

She moved under the blankets and stretched
out on her side next to him, head resting on his chest as he lay on
his back. He played with her hair. “I’m glad you’re okay, Katrina.
I was so worried about you. Especially when Aaron freaked out.”

“I’m sorry I worried you.”

“What matters is that you’re safe, Kittycat.
I can’t ask for anything more than that.” He tucked her in closer
to his side and she rested her hand on his bare stomach. When she
moved her hands she could feel the ridges between his abdominal
muscles. There was no chest hair to tickle her nose and he smelled
good. A spicy vanilla scent of some sort. She closed her eyes and
was sound asleep within minutes.


“You’re kidding, right?” Devin asked, pushing
away from his desk in shock.

“I wish I was, Dev.” Tom's voice was tense.
Devin could tell he was shaken even through the phone lines. “It
was...really a disturbing sight. His skull was caved in, his neck
was broken, and his dick.... I can’t imagine what happened. He must
have put up a fight, though. His room was all torn up and...God,
did he have mob connections or something?”

“With him, you never know.” Jack didn’t think
things through sometimes. Devin stood and paced over to the window,
gazing out at the downtown skyline.

“Why didn’t you tell me he was here? I
could’ve offered him a place to stay or something. Kept whoever
wanted him dead off of him.”

Devin sighed. “I wanted him to see if Anna
was there, and keep out of sight until he confirmed either

“I really don’t think she’s here, Dev. I’ve
looked. I don’t sense her here.”

“I can’t figure out where she went, though. I
should be able to sense something from her. The bond is still

“I’ll keep looking, Devin.”

“Thanks, Tom. Let me know if you find out
anything else about Jack’s death.”

“I will.”

Devin tossed his phone on his desk. Jack was
a smart man, but sometimes his passions got ahead of his brain. He
couldn’t imagine what trouble he could have gotten into to deserve
such a horrible death.

Shit. Now who would train his red girls?

Chapter Ten



Safe. Warm. Strong arms around her.

Anna stretched her arms and legs and Hugo
jumped slightly behind her. She turned over to face him and gave
him an adoring look. “Did I startle you?” she asked softly.

“No...well, maybe.” He grinned. “I’m not used
to sharing a bed with someone.” His voice was gravelly and lower
than usual.

She ran her hand over his rough cheek. “I’m
glad you stayed with me.”

“I have to say, I slept very well.”

“Me, too.”

“How are you feeling?”

Anna thought for a minute. She wiggled a
little bit. “Better.” She still felt a little achy, but knew she’d
be better after moving around a bit.

He moved closer and kissed her softly. “I’m
glad you’re feeling better.”

She felt his erection brush her thigh and bit
her lip, looking up into his eyes.

“Sorry. I’m a guy.” He shrugged sheepishly.
“It happens.”

Anna smiled. “I know.” She stopped herself
from offering to help. It just didn’t seem appropriate to say that
to him.

He kissed her cheek and then stood.
“Bathroom,” he said, turning away from the bed. She watched his
back muscles ripple as he stretched while walking across the

She stood and walked to the floor-to-ceiling
window that looked out across the city and the river. It was nice
being here. Even with what happened last night, she still felt
safe. She felt more and more like “Katrina” every day. And tonight,
she would debut as Katrina the dancer.

Butterflies invaded her stomach as she
thought about tonight’s performance:
The Firebird
. She
still had a hard time believing Vincent gave her that part. It was
so...demanding, but in a good way. He trusted her, she supposed.
She loved the part. It was fun, but it was still nerve wracking.
Her comfort was that she knew once she was on stage, she would lose
herself and become the character. Hugo was dancing tonight, too,
and she was thankful he would be backstage with her.

She felt his warmth before he put his arms
around her. “This is an incredible view,” he murmured, kissing her

“It is,” she agreed. “I like seeing it in the
mornings. It reminds me....” She paused. “That I’m not in
California. That I’m safe.”

He gave her a little squeeze. “I’m very glad
for both of those things.”

She smiled and they stood together, watching
the boats in the river.

“Do you want to come to my place tonight?” he
asked softly after a while.

Tingles shot through her body at his
question. “Yes,” she whispered. “If you want me to.”

“I do.”

She felt her nipples harden at the thought of
him touching her, kissing her everywhere, and making love to her.
She closed her eyes and her breaths came in little bursts.

His hands lifted to her upper arms and he
kissed her shoulder. “I should get home so I can get ready for the

“But...,” she began, turning around.

“Katrina, I can feel your desire. It matches
mine. But I don’t want to just throw you down on your bed and fuck
you.” He brushed her hair away from her face. “If I stay, I will. I
want to make love to you slowly tonight and then fall asleep
holding you close to me.”

Anna nodded, understanding. She gave him a
tentative smile. “You’re such a different type of man,” she
whispered, moving to her toes and kissing him gently on the

He smiled boyishly. “I try.”

“You succeed.”

He went into the bathroom to change back into
what he wore last night and then Anna walked him to the door. “I’ll
see you in a little while,” he said after kissing her goodbye.

After Hugo left, Anna went into the kitchen
and ate breakfast. Aaron came out a few minutes later and poured a
bowl of cereal.

“So, did you?” he asked with a grin.

“Did I what?”

“Did you guys fuck?”

“Aaron!” she exclaimed, hitting his arm, and
then rolled her eyes. “You would know the answer to that. I’m not
exactly quiet.”

“I didn’t hear any screaming, so I’m guessing
the answer is no.”

“Correct. We’re...I’m going over to his place
tonight.” She smiled. “Providing I’m not kidnapped again.”

Aaron shook his head and rolled his eyes.
“You shouldn’t even joke about that. You nearly gave me a heart
attack last night.”


Aaron chuckled. “I know you didn’t do it on
purpose and I’m glad you were able to defend yourself, however
freaky it may be.”

“I’m just glad that Devin won’t find out I’m


“So who was the hot guy you ran off with last

Anna looked up in surprise as Stefanie walked
up to her. “Hot guy?”

“Yeah, I told Aaron about it and he freaked

Anna swallowed. “That was my guardian.”

Stefanie looked at her doubtfully. “You let
your guardian feel you up?”

Anna blinked. “What?”

“I was sitting above you, Katrina. I saw his
hand go up your skirt. Does Hugo know?”

Anna looked down at the ground and then she
stood and looked Stefanie in the eye. “Yes, Hugo is aware that my
guardian has sexually abused me since I was twelve,” she said

Stefanie’s dark brown eyes widened and her
dark skin went ashen. “Oh. Oh, God, Katrina. I had no idea. Omigod!
I’m so sorry.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I’m so sorry,” she
whispered. “How did you...He took you...?”

Anna set her jaw and nodded.

“Aaron found you okay? Did your

“Yes, but I’m okay.” She found herself
softening under Stefanie’s remorse. Stefanie had treated Anna with
contempt since she’d arrived. At least the other dancer was showing
that she was human and Anna gave her a small smile. “He won't
bother me anymore.”

Stefanie let out a long breath and looked at
her nervously. “I thought the worst of you, Katrina. I’m so sorry.
Had I not...God, it might not have happened.”

“I’m okay, Stefanie. Really.”

Hugo walked up with a troubled expression on
his face. He knew she and Stefanie didn’t get along. “Everything

Anna nodded and gave Stefanie a kind smile.

Stefanie glanced up at Hugo and then walked
away with her head hanging in contrition.

“What happened?” Hugo asked.

Anna told him what had happened.

Hugo sighed. “I hope she didn’t go blathering
her mouth about it.”


Anna had butterflies in her stomach all
morning and afternoon. The dress rehearsal went very well.

Hugo beamed at her when they were done.
“You’ll be the talk of the ballet world after tonight,” he murmured
in her ear while Anna waited for Vincent to adjust some

Anna blushed and looked down.

He jumped back and laughed. “Your feathers

Anna giggled. Her elaborate red-feathered
headdress was always getting in the way. Dave said he got a
mouthful of feathers every time they danced together. Hugo wrinkled
his nose and Anna laughed. “Sorry.”

He rolled his eyes. “Poor Dave,” he

Dave was standing a few feet away.

“I just got a face full of feathers. I know
why you make the face now.”

Dave laughed and shrugged. “I’ll try not to

When Vincent was satisfied that they were
ready for tonight, he dismissed them so he could rehearse the other
ballets for tonight. Anna headed back to her apartment after
carefully hanging her costume in her dressing room.

After showering, she lay down in her bed and
stared out the window across the room. She could see the tops of
several buildings from her bed and was fascinated at the number of
tall buildings in the city. Her eyes slowly closed and she fell



Anna’s eyes opened at the sound of the
long-dead voice. Alex stood next to the window and she sat up
straight in her bed. “Alex!”

She shook her head. No. He was gone. He
had left her dreams. She looked at him watching her. Tall and
handsome as ever. Her heart pounded in her chest. “You left. You
were gone.”

He nodded. “I had to. But I’m here

She shook her head. “I’ve given you up.
I’ve moved on.”

The sadness in his eyes made her want to
cry. “Don’t give up on me, Anna. Please. We’ll be together

“How can we be together? You’re dead.”
She shook her head again. “No, Alex. It’s time to stop dreaming of
you. I have a wonderful man in my life. He’s alive and he cares for

“Do you love him? Does he love you like I
love you?” Anna could hear the angst in his voice.

“I...I don’t know if I love him. I might.
It’s all so...different now.
different.” She looked up at him. “I killed Jack,” she

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged
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