Read The Master's Baby (BBW Werewolf Erotica) (Smut-Shorties Book 11) Online

Authors: Mina Carter

Tags: #Paranormal Romantic Erotica

The Master's Baby (BBW Werewolf Erotica) (Smut-Shorties Book 11) (3 page)

BOOK: The Master's Baby (BBW Werewolf Erotica) (Smut-Shorties Book 11)
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“You just had to say the word, little wolf,” he rumbled, his lips a hairsbreadth from hers.

But she didn’t want to talk. She wanted to touch him and have him touch her. Her body had been too long away from his, and now it wanted, burned with need. Her wolf yipped in delight as she nibbled along his jaw, her fingertips seeking his nipples. She rubbed them. Pinched them.

Veyr dropped his head back, eyes pressed closed. When he looked back down at her, his eyes were maxed out with amber, and the hard lines of his wolf showed in his cheekbones.

“You’re mine,” he promised, voice rough. “No rubbish about forsaken. You’re mine. Forever.”

She shivered at the possessive tone. There was no other way. She’d always belonged to him, right from that first moment they’d met in the palace ballroom. Only a fool would think otherwise.

Her nod seemed to be all he needed. Eyes dark with desire, he crowded her more, hands on her waist to boost her up onto the counter. His lips blazed a trail of fire down her throat to the gypsy neckline of her top, and he yanked it aside to continue across her shoulder. Another shiver hit her when his lips found her scar, the one he’d given her. When he licked across it, a bolt of heat arrowed through her body right down to her core.

“Mine, all mine,” he mumbled again splaying his hand over the back of her hips. A quick yank pulled her up hard against him, and she moaned at the feel of his cock pressing against her pussy. An answering quiver made her clench hard around nothing, and she moaned, rocking against him.

“Soon,” he whispered, as though reading her mind. So in tune with her, as though he could predict what she needed before she even knew it. Sliding a hand down her leg, he slid it under the long skirt she wore. Her ballerina pumps were long gone, lost on the floor when he’d lifted her, so she wrapped her foot around his calf. He teased her with his hand, stroking it over her thigh and up onto her hip as he claimed her lips again.

This time the kiss was no-holds-barred. Tongue dueling with hers, his fingertips found the edge of her panties. He broke away from her lips with a gasp. “Fuck…we have to stop. Or I won’t be able to.”

“Then don’t.”

He swore, a mixture of need and relief, and yanked her panties down with sharp, jagged pulls that betrayed the cracks in his control. Clutching his shoulders, she lifted her ass to help. A second later her underwear dropped to the floor. Reaching between them, he tore open the fly of his pants and pressed against the entrance to her body.

He paused, looking into her eyes, and she was lost. A wealth of emotion swirled in those amber depths; need, desire…love. Then he pushed forward, filling her in one hard thrust, and she cried out. He filled her completely, the rigid length of his cock stretching her and pressing against nerves she’d forgotten she had, but that desperately needed his touch. At that moment, she knew no other would ever match him.

Pleasure enveloped her as he pulled back and thrust again. He filled her with a need she’d never sensed in him before. The delicious friction of his cock sliding in and back out had her eyes fluttering closed as her higher thought processes were shorted out by the pressure tightening her body. That he wanted her so much, almost to the point of madness, blew her mind.

His arms wrapped around her, the fingers of one hand curling around the back of her neck to hold her in place, holding her safely.

“Moon’s tits, Cyan, I thought I’d lost you,” he muttered, kissing her feverishly. Each kiss was followed by a hard thrust of his cock. Branding her, claiming her…all over again. If she hadn’t known it before, in the weeks she’d been away from him, desperately missing him, she knew it now. She was his and always had been.

“I’m here. I’ll always be here,” she whispered, her words cut off as he claimed her lips again.

Then there was no more talking. The counters groaned as they were slammed time and time again with wolf-enhanced strength. It was all she could do to cling to him and enjoy the ride as he surged within her. Their lips clung to each other’s, hands smoothing over skin in a race to reacquaint, but no amount of time would be enough. A lifetime would not be enough.

Pleasure swirled, shimmering and sparkling as it tumbled through every part of her. It filled her from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. She felt full, like her skin was too tight, her pussy clenching around the invading thick shaft of his cock.

“Please,” she moaned, shifting against him. She needed more, needed everything…

He moved, sliding a hand between them, and his talented fingers found her clit. Her moan was soft, rushed and liquid as he stroked. Not teasing this time, but intent. He used the combination of his thrusts and the pressure of his fingers to drive her higher and higher until, with a gasp, time stopped.

One moment of pure anticipation. She opened her eyes to gaze into his and saw her future. Her life. Everything she ever needed wrapped up in a bundle of hot, sexy werewolf who would do anything for her.

“That’s it, little wolf,” he urged. “Let go. Come for me. Belong to me. Love me.”

“I’ve loved you since we first met,” she whispered, and let go.

Pleasure crashed over her, dragging her under in sensation-filled chaos. It slammed into her, lighting up every nerve center she had, and tightened her pussy around his cock all in one go. She gasped, surfacing to ride the waves.

Veyr growled and let loose his control. As her release washed through her, he upped his pace, slamming into her, taking her with a power and precision that was breathtakingly beautiful. She clung to him. Each thrust elongated the sensations coursing through her until, with a barked cry, he thrust into her one last time and stiffened.

His cock jerked and pulsed, filling her pussy with his seed, and she remembered they were near a mating moon. Her wolf snickered inside, but she ignored the beast in favor of stroking the back of Veyr’s neck and shoulders. He shuddered, his release holding him in thrall, then gathered her close.

“That…” He pressed a gentle kiss to her temple. “I have no words.”

Her sigh was one of contentment as she leaned against his chest. He was still buried deep inside her, and she wouldn’t have him any other way.

“No more secrets,” she whispered. “Ever. Promise.”

“Promise.” He pulled back to look at her, a gentle smile on his lips. “But in that case, I think you need to come clean with me, don’t you?”

She looked at him, confusion rolling through her until he reached down and spread his hand over her stomach. Instantly, the secret her wolf had been hiding from her surged to the fore, and she gasped.


“Carrying my pup,” Veyr whispered, his face hard with triumph. His eyes though, as amber as they were, softened. “You’re both mine, and I’ll protect you, care for you, and love you…as long as I live.”

She smiled, covering his hand over her stomach with her own, and reached up for his kiss.

“Why don’t you take me home then…mate of mine.”




The hall was packed. Cyan stood just outside the doorway; hand on her brother’s arm as she listened to the murmur of the crowd within. They were all waiting for the ceremony to start.

“There are so many of them,” she whispered, looking up at Nick. Her expression softened into a smile. He looked so handsome, all decked out in a sharp suit. She never thought she’d see the day when her baby brother was anything other than his usual, bohemian self.

“What do you expect?” he asked, covering her hand on his arm with his own. “Not only is the Master of the City lucky enough to be marrying my sister, but no one’s ever seen a revocation ceremony. Ever. The last one was almost a thousand years ago.”

He turned her to face him, hand on her shoulder. “Cyan. Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked, his face grave. “After everything that’s happened, no one would blame you for walking away. I spoke to the rest of the pack. We’ll leave the city if you want, strike out on our own.”

Cyan blinked in surprise, her heart swelling with emotion. She’d walked away from her pack to protect them from shame, yet here they were, prepared to leave the safety of the city for her. She smiled, shook her head, and gave his arm a quick squeeze for reassurance. His or her’s, she didn’t know.

“Thank you, and thank them all, but I want to do this. I need to do this…” She let her happiness show in her eyes and her smile. “I’ve always loved him. Since that first night when I slapped him. It’s fine, honestly. But thank you for caring.”

“Hmmm, as long as you’re sure,” Nick said, turning her to face the door as the music announced their arrival.

They walked through the door and the assembled wolves turned to look at them. Cyan ignored them, her head held high as her silken skirts swished with each step she took. Out of defiance, she’d picked gold for her wedding gown, and the murmurs around the room made her bite back her smile. She was Cyan Trevais, they should have expected her to do something different.

All that fell away though when she lifted her gaze to see her groom waiting for her. As handsome as ever, his stunned look was replaced with a smile that weakened her knees. Instead of waiting for her to reach him, he walked toward her, meeting her halfway.

“You look beautiful,” he whispered, taking her hand to lift it to his lips. His kiss and the look in his eyes made her shiver. “I love you. Are you ready to become a wolf again…and my mate?”

She smiled, her heart swelling with love as, deep within, her wolf murmured with happiness. “I am. Just as soon as you can say the words.”

Letting go of her brother’s arm, she slid her hand onto Veyr’s and walked up the aisle to where the minister waited to speak the words of the ceremony that would join them for life.



The End


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About the Author



Mina Carter is a USA Today bestselling author of romance in many genres. She lives in the UK with her husband, daughter and a bossy cat.


Connect with Mina online at:





BOOK: The Master's Baby (BBW Werewolf Erotica) (Smut-Shorties Book 11)
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