Read The Master's Woman: (BBW Werewolf Erotica) (Smut-Shorties Book 5) Online

Authors: MIna Carter

Tags: #Paranormal Romantic Erotica

The Master's Woman: (BBW Werewolf Erotica) (Smut-Shorties Book 5) (3 page)

BOOK: The Master's Woman: (BBW Werewolf Erotica) (Smut-Shorties Book 5)
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Veyr lifted his head, his eyes glittering, and when he spoke, his voice was rough. Deeper than human. “Claiming Chases are public, little wolf. You know that. The council has to watch as I fuck you. As I claim you in front of them.”

The shiver of arousal hit her low down but spread out like a wildfire through her body. He didn’t wait for her nod. Instead, he bent his head and licked her nipple, a hot, rough brush of his tongue that made her body shiver and her pussy clench in need.

She closed her eyes, ignored the sounds and what they meant as he pulled the nipple into his mouth and sucked. A small cry left her lips, her back arching at the pleasure. His hand stroked up her leg, sliding around to her inner thigh. She opened for him without thinking, parting her legs at his unspoken command. The dress hadn’t come with panties, so she was naked beneath it.

“Good girl,” he whispered, leaving a soft nip against her tender flesh that made her jump then melt. His fingers brushed her pussy lips, already soaked with her arousal, and he chuckled. “Already hot for your Master, aren’t you? Good, because this is mine. This will
be mine.”

Without warning, he drove two fingers deep into her needy cunt, making her arch and moan in deep, dark need. Despite the night they’d had, she needed this. Needed him again already. Needed him driving deep inside her until she shattered apart with pleasure.

She rode it, and his fingers, keeping her eyes closed. If she did, she could pretend that this was just them. That there was no one else here. No one watching them. Veyr’s fingers stroked inside her, sliding and pumping in her slick channel.

“Concentrate on me, little wolf,” he demanded, adding his thumb to rub against her clit. Already aroused as she was, the added stimulation was almost too much. Almost. She was greedy. She wanted more. Always more. Biting her lip, she opened her eyes to meet his, and ground her hips against his hand. His cheeks were flushed; eyes narrowed to thin slits of burning amber as his fingers continued to work under her skirts. He fucked her with the two, thick digits, until she saw sparks beginning behind her eyes.

“Just me, no one else.” He pulled his fingers free of her pussy and slid his lean, muscled body down hers. Hard hands flipped her skirts up, and she sucked a breath in as the colder air invaded, licking over her skin like a lovers caress. Those same hands smoothed up her legs to push her knees further apart. Parting and exposing her to the gaze of the alpha werewolf between her legs.

He rumbled a mixture of approval and desire, but the sound of footsteps entering the clearing broke her concentration. She kept her eyes closed, knowing they could see her spread out under Veyr. Knew that they could see everything she had. Unbidden, her body reacted, trying to close her legs, but a growl stopped her. Then a hot tongue lashed her pussy lips, parting them to seek her clit, and she was lost.

A keen in her throat, she arched her back and rocked her hips. Veyr’s hard hands closed about her hips, holding her still for the attentions of his tongue. He nibbled and licked. Circled her clit until she was ready to beg, the suckled until sparks flew, and she cried out in pleasure. He wouldn’t let her come though. Each time she thought she was near enough to tumble over the edge, he changed tactics. Kept her arousal at a high simmer until she was ready to scream at him. Beg. Plead. Anything to be allowed release.

He used his hands again. One slid up her body to pinch and tease at a nipple as the fingers of the other slid deep into her wet pussy. She gasped and clenched hard around him as he rumbled a chuckle against her clit. The vibration made her toes curl. She gasped, clutching at the cushions as she opened her eyes.

They were all there. The alphas. Watching them. She stilled for a moment, but instead of the horror she thought she’d feel, the fact they were being watched sent a bolt of arousal through her. One so sharp that a liquid wave of arousal flooded her pussy, soaking Veyr’s fingers.

“That’s it, hot and wet. For me.” Veyr whispered. His hand moved, twisted and she jumped when his finger, wet with her juices, slid down to press against her ass. The dark heat sliding through her veins had nothing to do with the men watching them and everything to do with the wicked desires rolling through her mind. With his hand and mouth, Veyr pushed her to the edge.

Then pulled away.

She blinked, so close to the edge her body shook, and looked at him as he rose over her. Her words of complaint died on her lips at the hard, feral look on his face.

“Turn over,” he ordered. Before she could do his bidding though, he’d turned her onto her hands and knees in a casual display of strength that stole the rest of her will. A big hand smoothed over her ass, pushing her dress up so her ass was bare.

She bit her lip, her hands claw-like in the cushions and shoved her ass back against him in eagerness. The men around them were all but forgotten, the need for him to take her blotting out everything else. His fingers dipped into her again, testing the wetness there, testing how ready she was for him and then he moved to fit the broad head of his cock against her.

She whimpered, going still as his cock invaded. Even though he’d taken her before, she still wasn’t used to his girth. Still needed a pause as he slid within her to get used to his breath. But this time he didn’t give it to her. Didn’t give her a warning or a chance to get used to him. Instead, he gripped her hips and shoved inside her in one slick, fast, hard move.

She cried out, a sharp sound of pleasure as he filled her completely. His cock was huge, hard, stretching her cunt until she thought she’d split in two. But it felt good…so good. Pleasure washed over the slight burning and a whimper escaped her as she wriggled on his cock.

“Move,” she begged, her hand covering his where he cupped her breast.

“Your wish is my command, little wolf.” He tweaked her nipple and pulled back, slamming back into her before she could process the withdrawal. Then he did it again, his pace fast and hard. She moaned and gripped the cushions. This wasn’t lovemaking. It wasn’t even the passionate sex they’d had last night. This was hard and dirty fucking as the Master claimed his woman so that all could see.

Growls behind her accompanied the hard thrust of his cock, the slap of his balls against her as his hips slammed against hers. If their ‘bed’ weren't stone, the sheer force he took her would have broken it by now. She whimpered, arching against him. He dropped forward, his chest against her back to reach around her body. This time his fingers against her clit weren’t teasing. He stroked hard and fast, matching his movements within her and driving her upward toward the edge.

She gasped when she reached it. Time suspended for a moment as she felt the pleasure harden within her, tightening so much it would take just one more thing, one more stroke of his fingers, or thrust of his cock, to shatter her apart.

He leaned down and kissed her, right there on the side of the neck and the soft touch undid her. She cried out as pleasure exploded outward through her body with the force of a supernova. It invaded every cell of her body, washed through her and over her and under her. She half collapsed on the bed, but Veyr was there. His strong arm wrapped around her, across her breasts to cover her as he pulled her upright against him. His hips still pumped, but the movement was uncoordinated and jerky.

“I claim you, Cyan,” he rasped against her ear, his rough, stubble-covered cheek against her skin. “You’re mine and you always will be.”

And with that, he came, jerking and pulsing deep within her. Her breath came in rough pants, each jerk of his cock stretching the pleasure in her body out further. All around them, the hard gazes of the alphas, all bar her absent brother, watched them.

“Fuck, if I’d known she was such a hot piece…” Jacob took a step forward, and Cyan tensed. If the Master wished, he could share his woman with the council alphas. Would he…

Veyr lifted his head, a snarl on his lips.

“Take one more step, McCauley and I’ll fucking gut you where you stand. No one touches her but me. Ever.”

She turned her head and kissed his neck, contentment radiating through her. She was his, and he wouldn’t share her.

Being the Master’s woman wouldn’t be so bad after all.


The End


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Watch out for the next titles in the Smut-shorties series
Captain of the Guard
Mated to the Master.


Smut Shorties: A great on-the-go short to satisfy your craving for smut!


Master of the City: (BBW Werewolf Erotica) by Mina Carter

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Lords of the Hill: (BBW Werewolf Erotica) by Mina Carter

Hex Gone Wild (BBW Werewolf Erotica) by Milly Taiden



There is life after death, unfortunately for them, it's the same one...


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Project Rebellion: They're not heroes, they're something else... They're SARAs and they're about to kick ass.

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About the Author



Mina Carter is a USA Today bestselling author of romance in many genres. She lives in the UK with her husband, daughter and a bossy cat.


Connect with Mina online at:







BOOK: The Master's Woman: (BBW Werewolf Erotica) (Smut-Shorties Book 5)
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