The Modified (The Biotics Trilogy, #1) (24 page)

BOOK: The Modified (The Biotics Trilogy, #1)
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“Enter,” Galileo announces and the door opens revealing two Ada androids carrying various bags and boxes.

“We are here to help you get ready, Grayson, Kenley.” They both say in unison.

“Ready? What’s all this?” I ask, watching the two as they proceed to place everything in their hands on the bed.

“Your clothes, shoes, and makeup for the Magnus Ball of course. This is all a special gift to you from the Allied Federation,” the androids reply again in sync.

“Wow, look at that dress. It’s beautiful!” I say gushing at the long delicate purple creation being hung up on a hanger outside my closet. It’s a very simple gown with thin straps. The material feels soft as it slides over my hand. The identical duo begins to pull out beautiful dainty underwear and a pair of shoes from the bags that match the dress perfectly.

“We are ready to begin, Grayson, Kenley. Please take a seat in the chair,” the androids say, standing beside the only chair in the room, waiting patiently.

“That is my cue to leave, I will be back later,” Galileo states and fades into my bangle.

“Okay, ladies, do your best.” I giggle as they both look perplexed by my statement. “Oh, I mean, you can start.”


 “Done.” The duo’s monotone voices make me jump.

“Thank you,” I reply, hesitant to look in the full-length mirror. As if they can read my mind, each of them grab an arm and put me in front of the dreaded mirror. Standing there looking at my reflection, my mouth hangs open.
Is that me
? I ask myself. Blinking, I see the image doing the same. Wow, where’s the old Kenley?

“Kenley, are you okay? Your heart rate is high, and your body is trembling slightly.” Galileo’s image comes into view. “Kenley, you look very acceptable. Different may be a more appropriate word.”

“I know, Galileo. I feel like I’m a princess or something. You know, like Cinderella?”

“I do not know this Cinderella. Let me check my database. You two may leave,” I hear him say to the two Ada androids that are waiting to be dismissed. I barely notice them exit as I’m still fixated on my reflection.

“It’s a fairy tale, Galileo.”

 “A fairy tale? Ah, okay now I have found it. But you are not a servant, your father is alive, and you have a mother not a stepmother.”

Hearing poor Galileo’s confusion brings my full attention back to him. “No, I don’t mean it literally, silly. I just feel so different. Like how she must’ve felt dressed up to go to the ball.”

“I will have to take your word for it, as I still cannot see the similarities.”

“It’s okay, Galileo.”

I take one last look at my reflection. My blonde hair is pulled up into a bun and is wrapped in a purple metal spiral that matches the color of my dress. My makeup is stunning and goes perfectly with my skin tone. Tiny purple stars outline the sides of my eyes and follow down to the middle of my cheeks. They shimmer when the light hits them. And finally, my dress—it fits like it was made specifically for me. The material hugs my curves and then plunges like a purple waterfall to the tops of my feet. My shoes have a small heel, making a soft tapping noise as I make my way across the room to sit back in the chair.

“Kenley, it is time for you to attend the festivities. You do not want to be late,” Galileo speaks loudly as if I’m deaf.

“No need to yell, I’m going. I just need a minute.”

“I never yell, you did not respond the first time I informed you.”

“Sorry, Galileo. I’m just a little preoccupied…nervous, really. What will people say when they see me? I mean, I look so different.”

“You look fine.” Another knock comes at the door. “Now, who is that?” he asks.

“It’s probably Joey,” I reply moving to open it.

“Hey Jo-” I stop, surprised to see Landon standing there looking so…unbelievably handsome in his black tux.

“Sorry, but it’s not Joey. Just me. Is he taking you to the dance?” His smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

“No, I was kind of hoping-” I begin to say and then pause, gazing at him
He’s so gorgeous.

“May I?” Landon asks, returning my gaze.


“Take you?” He reaches out for my hand as he asks.

“Yes,” I reply quickly.

“You look amazing, by the way.” Landon’s sexy smile makes my knees start to quiver. Good thing I’m wearing a long dress.

“You clean up pretty well yourself,” I reply, looking him up and down.

“Well, Ms. Grayson, it’ll be my pleasure to be your escort for the evening. We’re civilians right now, and tonight we’ll pretend there’s no war. And we’ll just have fun.”

“Sounds like a plan, Mr. Shaw. By the way, do you know how to dance?”

“This may shock you, but I do dance. And even if I didn’t, I’d fake it so nobody would have the chance to take you away from me tonight.”

I’m thankful we’re walking down the corridor and not face-to-face because of the major blush I have going on. And what a time for my hair to be up. I guarantee it would hide my face perfectly right now if it were down.

When we reach the mess hall, both of us stop at the entrance. We’re in awe at the transformation our eating area has undergone. It looks so surreal. Our usual tables are missing, and instead, spread out around the outer edges of the room are intimate white stands which are topped with a solid surface of shimmering blue energy. They’re surrounded by highly polished white stools. But the most amazing sight in the room is the dance floor. The transparent floor has soft blue lights shining from below it, and when someone walks over the tiles the soft lights turn into a pulsating vivid blue.

“Kenley, look up,” Landon whispers in my ear. Following his lead I raise my eyes. My thought of the dance floor as being the most amazing thing quickly changes once I look up. The ceiling looks nonexistent. In its place, a beautiful starry night sky covers the span of the room as a huge bright moon shines in the opposite corner of where we’re standing.

“Wow, I wonder how they did that,” I say in total astonishment.

“I don’t know, but it’s pretty awesome.”

“Well, don’t just stand there blocking the entrance, move it, soldiers.” Sam’s quip is startling, and we quickly comply. “Where’s the grub?” she asks, looking around.

“Don’t you think this is amazing? Oh, Sam, you look so beautiful.” She pushes past us, ignoring my compliment.

“She cleans up well too,” Landon says, raising his voice and then chuckles as we see her back stiffen at his comment.

“Hey, this is cool. If I didn’t know better, I’d think this wasn’t the mess hall.” Joey’s teasing voice comes from behind us. “Is that Sam? Wow, that red dress and her dark hair, who knew she was such a hottie,” he adds.

“So, are you into girls now, Joey?” I ask jokingly, knowing very well the answer to my own question.

“No, but I can appreciate beauty, can’t I?” He pauses, turning to look at me. “Well, Landon’s quite the lucky guy, huh? Look at you, you’re stunning.” Joey’s grin is infectious as he takes my hand and spins me around to get a better look at my dress. “I only wish Dylan could be here to see his sister all grown up,” he says and kisses my cheek.

“Thanks, Joey. Me too,” I say with a slight smile.

“Treat her well, Landon. You’ve got precious cargo here,” Joey states, giving Landon a little slap to the side of his shoulder. He moves ahead and leaves us standing in the doorway.

“He’s g-?” Landon begins to ask as he turns to look at me.

“Yep. His parents practically disowned him when they found out he was gay. His father thought he could beat ‘the disease,’ as he called it, out of him. Joey came to our house late one night, beaten up pretty badly. We immediately took him in and let him stay with us for a while. His parents didn’t even seem to care that he didn’t come home for a week. Just like that he went from being a friend, to being a member of our family.”


“You don’t have an issue with that do you?” I ask, looking at Landon questioningly.

“No, not at all. I actually thought… I mean, you and him were-”

“Oh, no. Joey’s like a brother to me. When we lost Dylan, Joey became a rock for my little brother and me,” I say, trying to keep the tears at bay, but one escapes, sliding down my cheek where Landon’s finger catches it. “Hey,” I say taking in a deep breath, “you said you can dance, right? Well, I want to see.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll dance. Just waiting for the right moment,” he says wiggling his eyebrows and making me giggle. “I’m really glad I don’t have to fight Joey for you. I would’ve, but I’m glad I don’t have too.”

“You would have, huh?”

“In a heartbeat,” he replies with his mouth close to mine. I can feel every syllable that leaves lips.  

As if on cue a slow song begins to play and Landon grabs my hand, pulling me onto the dance floor. I feel like I’m in a dream that I definitely don’t want to wake up from. This evening is so perfect. Everyone seems to be having a good time and the only bad part is that tomorrow reality will set in again.

Looking around I notice Sam dancing with a tall hot guy from Russia. I think his name is Ivan. Geoffrey is smiling, sitting at one of the tables and eating the delicious food from the buffet with Mara, a fellow Tactical member. They seem to be having a deep conversation even though Geoffrey’s grinning constantly.

I scan the room and find Joey talking to Alex, a dark-haired Irish guy. Joey seems relaxed and laughs at something Alex is telling him. The one person I can’t find is Caleb, and wonder if he decided he’s too cool to be here.

Landon didn’t lie about being able to dance, and after about an hour, I’m dragging him off the floor toward the refreshments. My stomach is starting to protest at its lack of sustenance.

“I’m starved, Landon.”

“Me too,” he replies in a voice that makes me turn around and look at him. He licks his lips as he watches my mouth and I feel like he’s not talking about food.

“For food, silly,” I say poking his chest.

He grabs my hand and pulls me close, his eyes suddenly serious as his lips come close to mine. I shut my eyes anticipating the kiss and then nothing. I blink and open my eyes, realizing he’s let me go, and all I can see is his retreating back moving toward the buffet.
Oh, Mr. Shaw, you’re going to get it now
, I think to myself.

The tables are filled with such an array of mouthwatering food. I find it hard to choose. With my plate finally piled high, I make my way to a vacant table in the corner. I feel eyes staring at me and find Landon with two plates in his hands making his way toward me. I sit down and place my napkin on my lap and start to eat, not waiting for him.

BOOK: The Modified (The Biotics Trilogy, #1)
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