Read The Moon and the Stars Online

Authors: Constance O'Banyon

The Moon and the Stars (36 page)

BOOK: The Moon and the Stars
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“It's the baby trying to get your attention.”

He had been happy about the baby, but until that moment it had not seemed entirely real. A feeling of fierce pride hit him hard, and he placed both hands on her stomach. If it was a son, Jonathan would have a younger brother. If it was a daughter—that thought rocked him even harder—a daughter with Caroline's sweetness. “You have brought me peace, Caroline.” He wondered if she knew just how much that peace
meant to him. “I thank God for the day you came into my life.”

She raised her brow and pursed her lips. “I didn't come into your life, Wade. You found me.”

“How did I get so lucky?”

She pressed her head against his shoulder. “I'm not sure about you, but as for me, I took a page out of Jonathan's book and wished upon the moon and the stars.”

BOOK: The Moon and the Stars
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