Read The O'Malley Brides Online

Authors: Stevie MacFarlane

The O'Malley Brides (39 page)

BOOK: The O'Malley Brides
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Tears fell like diamonds landing on the crest of Tess’s breasts as she promised to love, honor and obey her husband. 

Feeling Bridget twitch, Dell got ready to slip his hand over her mouth should she interrupt
but she j
ust looked at him with a
smile and shook her head.

Taking his handkerchief from his pocket, Rory softly wiped Tess’s tears before leaning in and whispering, “Babe, stop or you’re gonna make me cry and how will that look?”

Apparently he wasn’t as quiet as he thought because friends and family alike laughed quietly, which was alright with Rory
because it made his love smile.

Rory slipped the ring on her finger, promising to love, honor and cherish her forever and not a soul present doubted he meant every word.  When Father Donovan pronounced them husband and wife, he didn’t have to tell Rory to kiss his bride.  Tipping her back in his arms, his lips claimed her in a kiss so romantic
and passionate that
sighs could be heard around the room just before applause broke out. 

After quite a display of hugging, kissing and back slapping they made their way to the dining room, cutting the four tier cake decorated with ivory and red roses.  Breaking open the champagne the bride and groom were toasted, assuring their future happiness.

Maeve and Sean beamed every time someone tapped on their glass, encouraging another kiss from Tess and Rory. 

Dell raised his glass for each toast, but drank very little.  Bridget had managed to elude him in the moments after the ceremony, but that was coming to an end.  He would have her
answer tonight and his heart was heavy
thinking this might well be the last time he attended a gathering of the O’Malley’s. 

Spotting her slipping
from the room he hurried after her
firmly grasped her arm and pulled her into the study.  It was now or never.

Bridget turned and watched as Winston closed and locked the door.  His tall frame seemed even larger tonight and she backed up a couple of steps trying to avoid a crick in her neck as she looked up at him.

“How are you?” Dell asked solicitously.

I’m fine,” she replied feeling an annoying blush of warmth rise from her chest to her face.

“That’s good.  Have you given any thought to my proposal?” he asked swallowing with difficulty.

“Look Winston,” Bridget began, sidling up to him and walking her fingers up his chest.  “I’m crazy about you, and you know it.  I lov
…love yo
and I would even seriously consider marrying you
,” she whispered, standing on her tip toes and looking longingly at his lips. 

“I hear a ‘but’ coming
Bridget,” Dell stated firmly, taking her shoulders and planting her back on her feet.  “So let’s have it.”

“But I promised myself a long time ago that I would never, ever get involved with a man who would even remotely entertain the idea of spanking my ass,” she told him, her hands on her hips
, “a
nd I have kept that promise.  Then you come along with your soft voice and gentile manners and I thought finally, here is the man for me.  You made me fall in love with you
and that was really so unfair of you
and now I’m screwed.  Well not yet
but I will be if I marry you.  You should have told be you were a spanker right up front instead of letting me think you were…well, normal,” she accused, her pretty face red, her eyes angry.

“Bridget, I could not have told you I was a ‘spanker’ because I wasn’t.  I have never in my life even entertained the idea of putting a woman ov
er my knee, but until you I never
met a woman who needed it so desp
also never met a woman for whom I cared so deeply that I would go aga
inst every grain of justice
I hav
e built my life upon
physically put
my hands on her
intending to cause pain, and Bridget I intended to do exactly that to your bottom this morning.  I was not a Neanderthal until I met you, Bridget!” Dell shouted back.  Taking a deep breath, he continued slightly embarrassed.  “Nor have I ever yelled at a woman.”

“Well, I guess if you promised never to spank me again, I could m
arry you,” Bridget offered wide-
eyed and backing up at the tone in his voice.  Geeze, was she gonna get out of this room with her but

“I would never be able to agree to that Bridget, now that I have experienced the sublime pleasure of giving you your just desserts.  You have no idea how much I enjoyed spanking
bare butt after the months of hell you have put me through, worrying about you every waking hour and even dreaming about you.  I love you
with all my heart, but that is just asking too much,” Dell replied
shaking his head and advancing on her.

“Winston, I’m sorry to say I don’t think we’ll be able to have a meeting of the minds on this issue,” Bridget said sadly, slipping behind the sofa and giving herself a better maneuvering position.

“I have an excellent idea,” Dell grinned evilly.  “I think I will carry you out to the dining room, sit down in front of all your guests, flip you over my knee and spank your bare ass until you agree to marry me.  Then if you try
and back out
I will sue you for
breach of promise.  I’m a
lawyer, I can do it,” he stated as he paced in front of the sofa, keeping her from making a mad dash to the door.

“Isn’t that coercion?” she asked, judging the distance and wondering how fast her geek could run.

“It is,” Dell answered truthfully, grinning.  “However, I don’t believe there is one person out there who does not believe I’m the man for you.  I doubt yo
u would win in court without corroborating

“Father Donovan would never lie,” she insisted hiking up her dress and making a break for it.  Her hands never made it to the door knob before he swept her into his arms.

“Father Donovan left twenty minutes ago,” he told her smoothly. 

Now what’s it going to be?”

“Aw Winston, wouldn’t you rather just kiss me?” Bridget sighed
putting her arms around his n
eck.  “I can think of lots more fun things for you to do than spank me.”

“I can to
Bridge,” Dell agreed
striding to the sofa and sitting down, holding her on his lap.  “Unfortunately
I wo
uld not disrespect you father b
y taking advantage of his daughter in his own home, at least not unless she had agreed to become my wife,” he stated, his lips traveling down the side of her neck.

“Damn Winston,” she sighed as she tipped her head back giving him better access.  “You drive a hard bargain.”


Dell and Bridget exited the study just as a search was being organized by Colleen.  Dell had pink lipstick all over his face and Bridget
hair was tumbled around her shoulders.  The ring finger of her left hand was sporting a two karat emerald cut diamond in an antique setting. 

“It’s been in the family for generations,” she drawled in her best high tone voice.

“Bridget,” Dell scolded.

Winston,” she replied with a grin and a wink.


Maeve w
ent to Midnight Mass with a
light heart.  Bridget and Dell were curled up on the sofa watching the roaring fire and sipping champagne when they left.  Rory an
d Tess
to come
to M
but they must have gotten side-
, Maeve thought with a smile
.  Good for them. 

Slipping into the pew beside her husband of forty years she looked around at their family. 
Colleen, Noah
and their children
were there, the girls waiting impatiently for the time they would be able to light their candles.  Maggie, Nick and the children were finally together as a family. Molly
and Patrick were
with their boys, who were growing up so quickly.
Where had the time gone? Maeve wondered. 

The Church was beautifully adorned with poinsettias and
candlelight, the organ music sweet and poignant.  On this most Holy
ight, Rory had married his beautiful Tess.  By this time next year
Bridget would be married to Dell and the circle of love that she and Sean had created would be complete.  Of course, there would probably be more grandbabies, which would suit Maeve just fine, she thought with a smile.

Just before Mass started
she saw Rory and Tess slip into the pew
behind them
, followed by Bridget and Dell.  She thought her heart would burst with pride and Sean reached over and took her hand, giving is a squeeze. 

“You can relax, Darlin’,” he whispered grinning.  “They’re all here.”

Oh, Sean
, It’s
been a grand year hasn’t it?” she whispered back, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Sean turned to her and took her face gently in his big hands.  His thumb wiped away her tear as he leaned down and gave her a kiss that started their children smiling and the grandchildren giggling.

“Sean, we’re in Church,” Maeve scolded, blushing.

“Exactly,” he agreed, slipping his arm around her.  “What better place to kiss my bride.”

“You foolish Irishman, I’m far from a bride,” she giggled, pleased just the same.

“You’ll always be an O’Malley Bride, Darlin’ and don’t you be forgettin’ it.”

“Not in a million year
,” she assured him s
“Merry Christmas, Sean

“Merry Christmas, Darlin’.”






BOOK: The O'Malley Brides
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