Read The Prince's Resistant Lover Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

Tags: #Romance

The Prince's Resistant Lover (2 page)

BOOK: The Prince's Resistant Lover
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She stomped back to the kitchen, her mind reeling from his impact. What an arrogant, conceited, monumentally irritating jerk! She couldn’t believe the gall of the man! Yes, she might have felt guilty over her trick with the burger, but for him to suggest that she should go out to dinner with him? No way!

She walked over to her tables, still ignoring the one where the jerk had eaten, not wanting to deal with that area right now. The lunch rush was slowing down, the restaurant becoming quieter and still, she avoided that table.

“Wyndi! Get things cleaned up on table six!” her manager called out.

She looked over at the table, her anger and resentment growing exponentially as her feet dragged. And that’s when she saw it. The tip! She’d somewhat suspected that the man wouldn’t pay for his meal. She might not have if she’d been given something as inedible as that burger, but not only had he paid for the meal, he’d left a stack of twenties there underneath the plate!

She counted out the bills, almost choking when she realized that the man had left her two hundred dollars! What a jerk!

She took the money over to the cash register and cashed out his ticket. It only took one of the bills to cover his meal, and that still left him fifteen dollars that she would have to figure out how to return. With irritation, she slapped a five dollar bill down on the counter. “Here,” she said to Linda, her fellow waitress. “The jerk at table six left this and I don’t want it.”

Linda stared at the money and laughed before she pocketed the cash. “Honey, you really have your priorities out of whack.” She moved off after that and Wyndi grabbed an envelope to store the remaining one hundred and ninety dollars. She’d give it back to him if she could find him. Otherwise, she’d give it to a charity. She didn’t want his money, feeling dirty just storing it in her pocket.

The afternoon was busy and she was relieved when her shift ended at four o’clock. The dinner crowd hadn’t started to filter in, but that was usually a smaller rush. While most restaurants had a healthy dinner crowd, because of the diner’s location, their main meals were breakfast and lunch. They depended on the workers from the docks and construction jobs in the area.

By six o’clock, she unlocked the door to her one bedroom apartment, entered, and pushed it closed, feeling relief as the silence of her apartment surrounded her, soothing her nerves. It was a tiny apartment and not in the best neighborhood, but nor was it in the worst. And the money she saved on it allowed her to invest more of her income in computer equipment. She peeled off her grease covered jeans and tee-shirt and, after a quick shower, pulled on a pair of soft, warm leggings and a sweatshirt. She didn’t bother with the restriction of a bra; she was too tired tonight.

With a sigh of happiness, she opened the box of cereal and poured herself a bowl, taking a couple pieces and tossing them into her mouth. She looked into her fridge, but unfortunately, she hadn’t had the energy to hit the grocery store. So there was no milk to go on top of her cereal. With resignation, she picked up her bowl and carried it over to her computer, logging in and checking out the news. With her legs crossed and a pillow tucked behind her back, she checked her e-mail, hoping someone had responded to her latest inquiries. There were a few replies, but none that sounded promising. She sighed with frustration. Why was this so difficult? It shouldn’t be this hard to find someone!

Refusing to give up, she was just about to go into her bedroom to start her real search when there was a knock on the door. She carried her bowl of cereal with her as she padded barefoot to the door. Being careful, she peered through the peephole first, then looked again, too surprised by what she had seen to absorb the man standing on the other side of the doorway.

When he knocked again, she wasn’t sure what to do. Biting her lower lip, she looked around, trying to find an escape. But there was only a small window in her living room and bedroom, not even a balcony where she could jump, if she were brave enough to do that. She was seven floors up! She couldn’t escape that way and, even if she had the equipment, she wouldn’t use it to get down. She was too afraid of heights!

“Open the door, Wyndi,” the stranger’s deep voice said through the thin door.

She looked back, her eyes wide with fear. Why was he here? He’d said they would be going out to dinner, but she hadn’t agreed! And she definitely hadn’t given him her address! How had he found her?

“Wyndi. Now,” he commanded.

That did it! She had to deal with irritating men at work, but there was no way she was going to take it in the privacy of her own home. Whipping the door open, she glared at…his chest. When she looked up, she caught his amused look and glared at his face, which only made her more irritated than ever. “Who do you think you are?” she demanded, gripping her cereal bowl tightly, so angry she thought she might just take a swing at the man. “We aren’t at the diner, so I don’t have to be polite to you,” she burst out, poking him in the chest, then pulling her finger in because she’d hurt herself doing that.

Tamar almost burst out laughing, so stunned by this woman’s outburst. No one, male or female, had ever raised their voice to him.

She stood there with her hands on her fists, furious with both his intrusion and his amusement. “What’s so funny? I insult you and you think that’s hilarious?” Her eyes narrowed as she glared up at him. “Are you mentally disturbed?” she asked carefully, considering all possibilities.

That only increased his humor and he stepped into the small apartment, closing the doors on his body guards so she didn’t see them. “I assure you that I am in full control of my mental capacities, little one,” he came back.

She wasn’t sure if she was bristling more at his invasion or his endearment. “I’m not little,” she came right back, painfully aware that she hadn’t put on a bra since his eyes had just zeroed in on that omission. “And you have to leave,” she told him, crossing her arms over her breasts.

He moved closer to her, trapping her against the wall. “I don’t think I’m going to do that, Wyndi.”

She held her breath, not sure what game he was playing. “What are you doing here?” she whispered, trying to appear unbothered by the pressure of his hard body against hers. But all those interesting planes and fascinating bulges were making her hands itch to explore. Her mouth was dry but other parts of her…she realized she was embarrassingly…un-dry!

“I told you, we are going out to dinner.”

She stared up at him, trying to figure out what he was talking about. “I’m not going out to dinner with you.”

He stood up and started pulling off his jacket. “That’s also fine. I don’t mind dining in.” He looked down at her still-full bowl of cereal. “But I think we’re going to have to order in because that looks much less appetizing than the lunch you served me earlier.”

She glanced down at the bowl she’d been holding out to the side of her when he’d pressed her against the wall and wished she could hide it behind her, embarrassed by her meal. But then her stubbornness kicked in and her chin jutted out defiantly. “I’m not having dinner with you here either. And if you don’t like my meal, it is of no concern to me.” She set the bowl down on the counter, then glared up at him with her arms crossed over her chest.

After tossing his jacket on the back of one of her chairs, he leaned down again, the backs of his hands moving gently, sensuously down her cheek and jawline. “I don’t mind if we dispense with dinner plans completely. At least for now. I’d rather get down to what we both want,” and with that, he plucked the hair band out of her hair, setting it onto the counter, then turned back to face her. She was about to protest, seeing his intent in his eyes a split second before he pulled her into his arms. But she was too late. His mouth was already covering hers by the time her mind formed the protest so it never made it to her lips. In fact, no thought formed as soon as he was touching her.

The hands that had been about to brace against his shoulders were now wrapping around his neck and her body. She had been prepared to run away, to fight him, but now she was pressing against him, amazed at how her body fit so perfectly against his tall, hard frame. She was also astounded that his body was packed with muscles. He wasn’t the elegant, reserved businessman she’d originally thought. This man was buff! Her fingers skimmed across his shoulders, feeling the ropes of muscles underneath the expensive cotton of his tailored shirt.

She felt his hands move against her bottom, lifting her higher and she gasped out loud at the feeling. She’d never felt anything so…crazy! He lifted her higher, picking her up and setting her down on the back of the chair behind her. Wyndi definitely liked this position better. She was higher and everything fit so much better. Then he leaned her back and her body pressed harder against his. She shifted so subtly, she wasn’t sure he even noticed, but her eyes almost rolled into the back of her head as the pleasure shot through her entire body.

Wyndi wasn’t aware that he’d already lifted her sweatshirt higher but when it was whipped over her head, she had a moment of panic. The cold air caused her mind to start functioning and she looked up, only to see his black eyes looking down at her breasts. Never before had she ever felt so revered, so feminine. His eyes slowly lifted so he was looking into her blue ones while, at the same time, his hand moved higher, cupping her breasts. It felt like the weight of her breast fit perfectly in the palm of his hand. She held her breath, his eyes holding hers captive while his fingers molded her flesh, sending tingles in every direction.

Unfortunately, his thumb flicked against her already hardened nipple and she gasped, jerking backwards. She gritted her teeth at the feeling, closing her eyes to try and control the pleasure. “Open your eyes, little one,” he commanded harshly.

She tried, desperately hard she tried to ignore his command. But her body felt like a puppet, his to control and she opened her eyes, silently pleading with him to touch her again. “Do you like that?” he asked her, his voice gravelly and dangerously low.

She wanted to shake her head, to deny that this man could do anything that she liked, but her teeth captured her lip and she found herself nodding, desperately wanting him to touch her again. “And you want more, don’t you?” he asked, but it was more of a statement than a question.

“Yes. Please,” she begged, almost ashamed that she was so weak. But never before had anyone had this kind of an impact and she wasn’t sure how to handle it.

“My pleasure,” he said, his thumb moving over the hard nubbin again, watching with an almost painful need as her body tightened, bowed against his hand, begging him for more.

He tried to hold back, but he wanted her too desperately. “Hold onto me,” he growled and didn’t wait until she complied this time. It was too urgent, his need riding him hard. If she weren’t so perfect, didn’t fit so precisely in his arms, he might resent that she could do this to him, but he couldn’t even think about resentment. His whole body was primed to delve into hers and he needed her to be right there with him. So he pulled her arms up so they were wrapped around his neck then used both of his hands to slip the leggings off of her long, slender legs, taking the scrap of black cotton along with them.

He looked down at her, perfectly naked in his arms and he almost lost his control. He wanted this woman painfully. Bending her backwards, he forced her to balance in his arms, trusting him completely while his mouth covered her nipple. She gasped, her body shaking as his lips, teeth and tongue drove her almost completely mad with desire. She tried to pull away, but then pulled him back, begging for more. Her hips were pressing against his and he ripped his shirt off, tearing a few buttons in his desperate need to have her hands touch him.

“I want you,” he growled and lifted her into his arms, blindly seeking her bed and almost shouting when he found it through the only door in the apartment. He laid her down on the mattress and looked down at her, ripping his clothes off and grabbed protection. He slid it on quickly, seeing the confusion enter her lovely eyes that, only a moment ago, had been begging him to keep going. When he leaned over her, he was relieved when her hands automatically touched his shoulders, but there was still that aching drive to possess her, to have all of her. But she had to be right there with him or he couldn’t continue.

His hands skimmed along her body, heating her up, obliterating any questions about what he was about to do. He kissed her, demanding a response and when he got it, he slid easily into her heat.

Wyndi felt the invasion and tried to gasp, but he was kissing her and she had trouble focusing. Her hips lifted and she flinched ever so slightly, her nails digging into the taut muscles on his shoulders. But then the fleeting pain was gone and all she felt was…full. And it was right somehow even though a small bit uncomfortable.

She looked up into his eyes, saw the brief shock and knew what he was about to say but she didn’t want that right now. She didn’t want to answer questions or hear recriminations. This fullness was new and very interesting, but she couldn’t seem to stop shifting her hips, needing him to do….something. She knew what came next, but she wasn’t sure how to make this extremely large man move when he was too focused on being gentle with her. She didn’t want or need gentle. She needed…

“Yes!” she gasped when his shifted his hips. She lifted her own to meet his thrust and closed her eyes, arching into him so she could feel him more completely. “Please don’t stop,” she begged.

And he didn’t. With each thrust, she went higher. Not exactly feeling good, but these new sensations definitely weren’t bad. But she needed him to move faster! Harder!

Tamar watched as the slender woman thrashed underneath him, her body arching, begging him and he could barely control his own desire to slam into her, to take her fully with all the need surging through him. Never had any woman caused him to be this desperate for fulfillment, but he restrained his need with brutal control, driving into her, lifting her hips and shifting his own to give her maximum pleasure. He’d never suspected such a feisty, beautiful woman could be a virgin, but since this one was, or had been, he was determined to give her everything, show her how beautiful this act could be.

BOOK: The Prince's Resistant Lover
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