Read The Scientist and the Supermodel Online

Authors: Tara Lain

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Menage

The Scientist and the Supermodel (9 page)

BOOK: The Scientist and the Supermodel
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Jake looked amazed and completely pleased. “You didn’t have to do this. You should have stayed asleep.”

“Need I remind you that I got more sleep than you, workaholic? Sit down and eat, or you’ll fall asleep at your desk.”

“Yes, Mother.” Jake grinned from ear to ear.

Roan grabbed his own plate and coffee and sat across from the place he’d set for Jake. The scene was so domestic, he felt a little shy.

Between quick bites of egg, Jake said, “I’ve got to know. How did you get here last night? I never told you where I live, did I?”

Roan sipped and grinned. “You do recall texting me from your brother’s phone?”

Light dawned on Jake’s face. “Caleb, the informer.”

“Yep, he couldn’t have been more anxious to tell me how to find your place and where you kept the key. He offered to come pick me up if I needed a ride.”

“Yeah, well, he is a pretty hopeless fan of yours. That reminds me, I didn’t see a car. Did you take the train? Cab?”

Roan shrugged. “I have a driver I use sometimes. He brought me.”

“Man, I honestly forget that you’re a superstar.”

Jesus. “I’d just as soon you did forget it.”

Jake glanced at his watch. “Shit, I wish I didn’t have to go.” Grabbing one more sip of coffee, he rose and moved toward the front door. “This was so wonderful. I’ve never felt so spoiled in my life.”

This guy was easy to spoil. Roan moved up behind Jake, who turned and took him in his arms.

“I wish we’d had time for sex. Hard to believe after last night, but I am horny as hell.”

Ah, an opportunity. Roan batted his eyes. “Oh, baby, there’s always time for sex.” In one move, he slipped to his knees in front of his lover, taking Jake’s fly zipper down with him. He reached in, grabbed the man’s already half-hard cock, and had it in his mouth before his lover could protest. Mmm. Vacuum cleaner time.

Jake’s back was pressed to the front door, and his hips were pumping into Roan’s mouth after the first deep suck. “Shit! Oh baby, yes, yes.”

It didn’t take long. Both of them were so primed, Roan only had to deep throat that long red rod a few times before Jake was screaming he was going to come. Relentless, Roan sucked the head while his hands did a twister on the big phallus, and then, to his delight, he felt hot, sticky cum hit the back of his throat. He sucked hard, not losing a drop. When he’d drained the man, he pulled back and carefully licked every inch until the cock was clean. Then, with great care, he tucked the now relaxing penis back into Jake’s underwear and closed his fly. He looked up at his still-amazed lover and winked.

Jake grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up into a fast, bruising kiss, then pulled back. “Will you be here when I get home?”

“Do you want me to be?”

“Shit, yes.”

Roan felt like his heart would explode as he caressed Jake’s cheek. “Where would I go, my love? What I want is here.”

Jake kissed him on the nose. “I wish I could suck you right now. Or take you upstairs and fuck you till dinnertime.”

“How about you fuck me at dinnertime?”

“It’s a promise.” He gave his watch a quick glance. “Damn, gotta go.”

Jake opened the door and headed for his car in the driveway. Despite the fact he was freezing with his bare chest in the February morning air, Roan watched him go. He gave his best
Father Knows Best
wave. “Have a nice day, dear.”

Jake laughed all the way to his car.

Chapter Nine

What a difference a day made. Yesterday, Jake was miserable. Today? Not so much. Of course, the reason for his happiness was going to present a host of problems—like figuring out why the only lover who could thrill him was a man. He also had to figure out how this all fit in with his passion for Em, but shit, he would think about that later. He didn’t have to tell anybody about Roan. It could be his own private kinky little secret. He glanced around the lab, then stared at his computer. He knew he was wearing a shit-eating grin and glowing with sexual satisfaction. Obvious much? It was obscene how happy he was at the thought of Roan’s beautiful ass waiting for him when he got home.

“My, my, don’t we look happy this morning.”

He could feel a blush creep up his face. Sometimes having a blond’s complexion was a pain. He looked up at his boss. “Good morning, Dr. Sweetheart.”

“Good morning back, oh cat who ate the canary. So are you going to tell me what put the grin on your face this morning?”

His face got hotter. “Sometime, maybe.”

She raised an eyebrow. “I see. Well, whatever it is, save some for me, ’cause I want to feel as good as you look.”

He almost choked. Jesus, what a thought. “I will, promise.”

“Actually I came to remind you about your sister’s fundraiser. Don’t forget you need a tux and a date.”

He got a little chill up his spine. The event and his date with Laney—how exactly was he going to describe that to Roan? “It’s all handled. Well, except for the tux part, but I know a place I can rent one.”

“Good. I hope whoever put that smile on your face is going with you to the red carpet event. Clearly, she’s earned it.” Chuckling, she walked away.

Jake stared after her. What would she say if she knew that the one who earned it was a he? And how was he going to tell the “he” in question that one who didn’t earn it was going to be his date next Saturday night?

Jake worked diligently all day, not even stopping for lunch, and then left on time for once. He was so distracted by thoughts of Roan and the sex they’d have tonight that when he hit his driveway, he barely remembered driving. Hmm, not the ideal DMV attitude.

When he walked in the door of his place, there was music playing, a couple of candles lit, and the most delicious smells emanating from the kitchen. Holy shit. He couldn’t catch his breath. He was coming home to sex, but this was something else entirely. There was somebody making a home for him—and that somebody was a man. He barely made it to the couch to sit down, where he stared into space. Was this really happening? A great roll in the hay? Cool. But clearly, Roan wanted more. And that was not okay, was it? That sounded like…permanent. Shiiit.

The soft, low voice interrupted his catatonia. “Jake, are you okay?”

Jake shook his head and looked up at the model. Jeans, a T-shirt, and an apron. Double shit! He gestured around at his shiny, clean, and entirely welcoming apartment that hadn’t been that way this morning. “I’ve never let anyone take care of me except my mom.” His voice sounded breathless. “I’ve never let a
take care of me.”

Roan approached him slowly, like he didn’t want to freak out the tiger in his den. He knelt down in front of Jake and took his hands. “Well then, it’s a good thing I’m not a woman.”

Jake stared for another couple seconds into that gorgeous face and then burst out laughing. He grabbed his beautiful lover, pulling him half into his lap, and kissed him.

When they finally separated, Roan gave him a relieved look. “Thank God—I thought I was going to have to dump dinner and order pizza and beer to demonstrate my alpha male qualities.”

“Over my dead body. Dinner smells so good, I may have to eat it
I fuck you, and believe me, that takes some powerful motivation.”

“What?” Roan asked in mock horror. “Is domesticity already cutting into our sex life?”

Jake grabbed his face and stroked his tongue over Roan’s lips, making his lover moan. “Want me to fuck you right now? Right here?”

He got a shy smile in return. “I’ve gotta confess, I worked so hard on this dinner, I really do want you to eat it almost as much as I want you to eat me.”

Jake gave him a soft kiss. “And I’m starving, for both dinner and you. Thank you for doing all this.”

“You haven’t tasted it yet.”

“Doesn’t matter. I love that you did it for me.” He swatted Roan’s rock-hard ass, then tweaked his hard cock through the jeans. “Let me get cleaned up, ’cause clearly I’ve got serious eating to do tonight.”

Roan let him up, and he headed for the stairs, then turned. “Seriously, Roan. Thank you. I’m sorry I freaked.”

“It’s okay, baby. You never knew I was Martha Stewart in disguise.”

“Some disguise.” Jake headed upstairs. When he came back down dressed in his own jeans and T-shirt, he realized that if he wanted to freak out again, now was the time. His small dining-room table was not only decorated with flowers and candles but was set with beautiful dishes and flatware, none of which he owned. “Where did you get this?”

Roan looked up from his table setting and took a sudden interest in his hands. “I bought it. I thought you needed some new dishes and stuff.”

Jake faced his choices—take exception or appreciate it. “It’s beautiful.”

Roan beamed. Right choice.

Jake tried to help, but Roan wouldn’t have it, so he took a seat as his lover delivered serving plates of food. Jake inhaled deeply. “This is a feast. What’ve you made?”

Again, Roan beamed. Clearly he enjoyed being appreciated more for his cooking than his appearance. “It’s chicken cordon bleu, rice pilaf, and brussels sprouts ala Roan Black.” He poured some white wine that glistened in the long-stem glasses…that hadn’t been there this morning.

After Roan was seated, Jake dug in. The first bite took him well past divine. Jake was no gourmet, but he knew this food was extraordinary. The chicken managed to be both rich and light, with a tangy taste that just exploded in his mouth. After a sip of wine, he looked at Roan, whom he could tell was trying not to appear anxious. “Roan, I don’t know how to praise this food, it’s so amazing.”

“Like it?” He glowed.

“I love it.”

“Being a model and gourmet cook doesn’t really go together well. A lot of the time I hire a chef to make low-cal meals that are still healthy and decent-tasting. That way I don’t succumb to my own cooking.” He took another appreciative bite. “When I retire, I’ll open a restaurant and just get fat.”

“Really? Is that your plan?”

“Getting fat? Totally.” He struck a pose, sticking out his stomach that still looked flat as a board. “I hope you like men with meat on their bones.”

Jake got a little hitch in his breathing at the long-term sound of that but still smiled. “No, smart-ass, I mean do you plan to open a restaurant?”

“I’ve thought of it. Restaurants are tough business, but it might be fun. Angie keeps telling me I don’t need to think about it yet.”

After some quiet conversation and a lot of serious eating, Jake leaned back in his chair with hands clasped on his very full belly. “I could get used to this.” Cringe. Maybe not the best thing to say.

Roan began to grab up some dishes. “Don’t get too spoiled, Doc. I leave for Portugal tomorrow afternoon.”

What? Was that pain in his chest? “Portugal?”

“Yeah,” Roan called from the kitchen. “I’m shooting in the Algarve. Then I have an event to do, then I’m back.”

“When?” There was too much air in the question, and it came out a whisper.


“When do you get back?”

Roan came in for more dishes. “Next Sunday, I imagine.”

Shit. He didn’t seem really upset about being gone—
nine fucking days
! Jake tried to keep his voice level. “Yeah, well that’s a long trip.”

Roan stopped, his hands full of dishes. “Does that mean you’ll miss me?”

“Don’t be coy. You know I’ll fucking miss you.” Jake wasn’t sure where the angry edge in his voice came from or who it was directed at.

The answer was soft and low. “Do I?”

Shit. Jake came out of his chair. Roan got the dishes back on the table just in time to avoid their crashing to the floor as Jake grabbed him and pushed his tongue deep into his lover’s mouth. When he finally pulled back, he gazed intently into those green eyes. “How can you doubt I want you?”

Roan caressed his face gently. “I don’t doubt you want sex, Jake. But me? I think the jury’s still out on that one.”

Jake knew it was true. He shouldn’t deny it. A denial would just get him deeper into a situation he wasn’t sure he could handle. But the idea of hurting Roan, and even more, the idea of being without him, of never looking into that beautiful, loving face again, gave him pains in the chest. It hurt so bad, it felt like bile in his throat. He shook his head once, then again and again. “I don’t know what to say. I don’t know… Please, I don’t want to lose you. I can’t, Roan…”

Roan’s hands cradled his face. “Shhh, you’re not losing me, baby. It may be the dumbest thing I’ve ever done, but I’m hopelessly hooked. I’ll go to Portugal, and I’ll be back to fuck you and cook for you and keep on hoping you’re not going to rip my heart out.”

They just stared at each other for a few seconds, and then Jake grabbed Roan and dragged him the few steps into the living room. They tried to do everything at once—kiss, pull off clothes, rub their raging erections together. Somehow, Jake managed to get Roan’s jeans down and shoved him over the arm of the couch. “Don’t move.”

He took a couple steps over to an end table drawer where he’d stashed some lube and grabbed a small bottle. Squishing the cold gel into his hand, he pushed it into Roan’s beautiful ass with two fingers. Just the feel of his heat almost sent Jake over the edge. Obviously, his lover liked it too, because he moaned and shoved his butt back against Jake’s hand. Ripping down his own jeans, Jake pumped some gel onto his cock and slid the long, leaking rod into Roan. Oh shit, he felt so good.

Roan was chanting, “Fuck me, baby. Fuck me.” Jake did, pounding into him again and again, thinking he couldn’t ever get enough. He leaned over Roan’s back, whispering raggedly, “Every second you’re gone, I want you to think of this. Feel me in your ass and want me so bad you can’t breathe. Because that’s how bad I’m gonna want you.”

His hand wrapped around that lean body, and Jake grabbed the gorgeous cock. It was wet with precum, and Jake began to pump—hard. “Tell me. Tell me.”

“Only you, Jake. Fill me. God, fill me up. Come in me. Come in me.” Roan’s head flew back, black hair flying into Jake’s face as he howled, and he began to buck as his cum poured into Jake’s hand.

Jake felt like an animal, pumping and pounding doggy-style until his spine split in two with fire, and he screamed as his semen poured into that waiting ass. Roan, Roan, Roan.

* * *

The only good thing about Roan being gone was that Jake didn’t have to explain the coming event and his date. But he would have happily explained every date he’d ever had and every woman he’d ever fucked if he could just have Roan back sooner. He shook his head. Didn’t want to examine that feeling too closely.

“Here you go, Dr. Martin. I think it should fit perfectly.” The lady at the tux rental gave him a shy smile. “It was easy to fit you; you’re such a model size.” The words gave Jake a little clutch in the chest.

“Thanks so much.” He took the garment bag from her.

“I hope your sister’s event is a big success.”

“Yeah, I hope so too. Thank you again.”

He stepped out into the cold, gray Saturday morning with his garment bag and headed for his car. Once inside the old Volvo with his heater cranked, he grabbed his phone and texted Laney.
Riding with my mom and dad (to be sure they don’t chicken out). Pick u up about 7:00. J.

Then he hit the key for Roan’s number.
Is tomorrow really a month away? Feels like it. J.

BOOK: The Scientist and the Supermodel
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