Read The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #General Fiction, #Romance MM, #erotic MM

The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx (3 page)

BOOK: The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx
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tore at him, but at the same time, questions filled his mind and his soul. Had Alexis’s seduction damaged him somehow? Was this why

he could no longer be close to his mate?

Tears flowed freely now, and he accelerated, just wanting to get to

the academy already. Perhaps he could even shift and swim for a bit.

It might make him feel better.

All of a sudden, a shadow appeared in front of the car. It was an

animal, and through the blur of his tears, Layton barely managed to identify it as a deer. Layton tried to avoid hitting it and veered away.

The speeding car wouldn’t obey him, and he lost control. Layton

screamed as the car flipped several times, crashing into the ravine.

Pain exploded over Layton’s body, and his mind was swallowed

in darkness. He must have lost consciousness for a few precious

moments because when he recovered, the car had come to a standstill.

The smell of gasoline reached his nostrils, forcing him to focus.

Modern gas might be more expensive, but it was still flammable as

fuck. If Layton didn’t get out of there soon, he’d be roasted seahorse.

With a groan, Layton undid his seat belt and forced the distorted

metal door open. It wasn’t easy, but thankfully, his shark father had
The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx


also given him a good amount of physical strength. His entire body

wracked with pain, he crawled out of the vehicle. He looked up,

trying to figure out where he was and what to do. The car had fallen against a heavy tree, which was the only thing that had stopped it

from fully collapsing into the ravine. If that had happened, Layton

would be dead by now. Still, the incline was steep, and in his

condition, Layton didn’t know if he could climb it. Well, he didn’t have much choice. If he stayed there, the inevitable explosion of the car would kill him.

Every breath he took was painful, and he thought that the shock of

the crash must have broken his ribs. Gritting his teeth, Layton

struggled to climb, using every piece of vegetation he could find,

roots, rocks. He slipped several times since, this time of year, the ground was particularly slippery and hostile.

At last, he reached the top, exhausted, his ribs aching like hell and his vision darkening more and more. Just in time, too. Below him, the car exploded with a resounding boom. Layton rolled away from the

edge of the ravine, managing not to get caught in the blast. Briefly, a familiar face flashed through his mind’s eye. It wasn’t Corbin, but

Layton’s exhausted mind couldn’t identify it. He tried to reach for the image, but it dissipated, and darkness took him. This time, he could not escape it.

* * * *

“And here’s your order, sir.” Preston handed the books to his

customer, forcing a smile. Business had been great today, even better than usual. One would think that in a small town like this, there

wouldn’t be too many people intent on buying print books, but

actually, shape-shifters were a nostalgic bunch. Many still preferred the feel of the paperbacks in their hands to the more widespread e-books on the computer. Around the holidays in particular, he got a lot of sales.


Scarlet Hyacinth

But today, he’d been anxious and unable to focus on anything.

There was something in his heart and in his mind that told him things were not right. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it. His chest ached, and his skin itched. A hidden instinct knew it was not his own

feelings he experienced, but someone else’s. His mate’s. Layton’s.

He’d barely managed to stop himself from contacting the

seahorse, knowing Layton had the support of people he loved more

than Preston. Preston had always been a friend and nothing more. So

Preston gritted his teeth and waited, vowing to himself that he would call tonight.

Preston rubbed his temple, a sudden feeling of familiarity

encroaching on his senses. Layton was closing in. Why would he

leave his family? Something was wrong.

Everything inside Preston screamed for him to track Layton down

and demand an explanation. Instead, he waited. He knew Layton had

not come for him. It was Corbin he sought, and Preston’s presence

would be unwanted.

At one point, two cars passed his shop, and instinctively, Preston

knew Layton had been inside. They didn’t stop, not that Preston

expected them to. Layton was probably hurrying to see Corbin.

There was nothing quite as painful as the knowledge that his mate

had chosen his brother over him. Sure, Preston had always known

Corbin was cooler, more rugged, and more “Alpha” than him. He’d

always gotten all the girls, as well as the boys, although he kept his same-sex meetings more under wraps for Layton’s sake. Cancel that.

There was something more painful, the knowledge that in spite of

Layton’s obvious affection, Corbin didn’t feel the same.

A secret part of Preston had guiltily been happy about it. How

could he not? After all, his beast instinctively knew Layton was his.

But as time passed, Preston was increasingly torn up inside about

Layton’s obvious disappointment and pain. At this point, his own

sorrow aside, Preston would have preferred it if Corbin accepted the seahorse, as long as Layton was happy.

The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx


Sighing to himself, Preston leaned against the counter, staring at

the door without really seeing it. Was it too much to wish that one

day, Layton would come into his shop and smile at him the way he

only smiled for Corbin? Probably. It was high time he got used to the idea that Layton would never love him.

Still, Layton’s affection for Corbin aside, the fact remained that

something was definitely not right. Preston fidgeted, both his human side and his animal one restless. Every second he spent away from his mate felt like wasted time. He should be comforting Layton right

now, not waiting here like an idiot.

For the moment, judging by the general feel of Layton’s presence,

Preston had to guess the seahorse had gone to the academy, probably

to unpack or something. He would return shortly, though, and Preston had every intention of intercepting him and finding out what had gone wrong.

Preston nodded to himself and started packing up. At the end of

each work day, he always checked inventory and noted the income

he’d earned that day. It gave him something to do until Layton


He finished just as his instincts started screaming at him that

Layton was close. Hastily, he set the notice of
on the door, left the shop, and locked up. With brisk steps, he headed in the direction of his brother’s business. There was no doubt that Layton would be


All of a sudden, an intense feeling of arousal struck him. Preston

went dizzy, choked, and had to lean against the wall of a building to keep himself from falling over. A brief image formed in his mind, so fleeting he almost thought he’d imagined it. Layton and Corbin


He could not believe it. He’d always been convinced Corbin

didn’t like Layton like that. Resentment, anger, and pain coursed

through him. He’d never told his brother the truth about how he felt about Layton, but still, he couldn’t help a feeling of betrayal.


Scarlet Hyacinth

And then, the sexual episode stopped. At first, it was replaced by

confusion, but then, an onslaught of agony and fury assaulted his

senses, this time, not his own.
. Corbin had messed up somehow.

Preston gathered his wits and started running. Unfortunately, his

brother’s shop was farther away from Preston’s than he’d have liked.

Truth be told, they were often at odds these days. They were still

brothers and still hung out, but Layton was always between them,

something Preston couldn’t let go of.

By the time he reached the auto shop, Layton was long gone.

Preston found his brother standing in the middle of the street, staring blindly at the road toward the academy. Preston grabbed Corbin’s

shoulder and forcibly turned him around.

“What happened?” he asked, his voice nearly a growl.

For a few moments, Corbin just stared at him. “I…I did something

stupid,” he finally admitted. “I told Cherise about him, that he

believes I’m his mate.”

Preston spotted Corbin’s current squeeze over his brother’s

shoulder. She was leaning against the wall of the auto shop, looking quite pissed but, at the same time, somewhat satisfied. Preston could only imagine what she must have told Layton. He took a few deep

breaths, forcing himself to remember that he couldn’t kill her, no

matter how much he wanted to.

“You’re an idiot,” he told his brother. “You don’t deserve

someone like him.”

At that, Corbin snapped out of his trance. “Fuck you, you self-

righteous prick. You’re only angry because you’d want him for

yourself, but he never gives you a second look.”

The words hurt, mostly because they were true, but also because it

was his brother who was saying them. “Christ, Corbin,” he said. “You know, you’re right. I do want him for myself.” He shook his head and gave Cherise a disgusted glance. “But this…Whatever disagreements

we have between us, you shouldn’t bring a random stranger between

The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx


us. I don’t recognize you at all. Snap out of it because the way you are, you’re not my brother.”

The words hung between them heavily, but Preston didn’t take

them back. It was the only way Corbin would understand just how

much he’d hurt both Preston and Layton. Pushing past his brother,

Preston raced toward the academy. His mate needed him.

He started running, feeling Layton’s anxiety increase by the

moment. And then, the anger and frustration changed into pure panic.

The emotional pain exploded into physical agony. Preston couldn’t

even bring himself to care about appearances anymore. He shifted

into his lynx form and ran as fast as he could, desperate to reach his mate.

Every second that passed increased his certainty that he might lose

Layton. He followed the instinct that led him to his mate, and he’d almost reached his destination when the sound of an explosion

reached his ears. Smoke rose in the distance, and Preston would have collapsed in despair had something inside him not told him Layton

was still alive.

He found Layton at the edge of a ravine, bruised, unconscious,

and bloody, but definitely still breathing. The relief almost crushed him. He took his mate in his arms, trying to judge where he should go.

The academy was still a good distance away, farther than the town.

The best bet was the hospital. Of course, that would imply that

Preston would have to run naked through the entire town, but he could stop by Corbin’s to borrow a car.

Layton’s injuries were clearly not life threatening, and by the time they reached the city limits, he was coming to. Preston stopped as he heard his mate moan. “What is it, lovely? Where are you hurt?”

At first, Layton didn’t reply, but then, he managed to gasp out.


Okay, so Layton’s ribs must be broken. Preston had realized the

possibility existed, and he’d paid close attention to carry Layton

gently, so as not to jostle his mate. The most dangerous thing about

Scarlet Hyacinth

these injuries was the possibility of lung puncturing, but given that they were shape-shifters, it wouldn’t get to that. Still, Preston’s concern for Layton didn’t diminish one bit. “Just don’t move, lovely.

I’ll take you to a hospital.”

Layton shook his head, now sounding a little more aware. “No

hospital. I don’t want anyone to know.”

Preston wanted to protest, but Layton’s pleading expression

stopped him. He nodded, mentally reevaluating his plan. He might not be a doctor, but he knew enough of medicine so as to be able to care for his mate.

In the end, he took an alternative route, using back alleys until he got to his brother’s shop. There really was no need to be embarrassed, since the town only had shape-shifter inhabitants. Still, Preston

preferred to be dressed in public if he could help it. Thankfully, he had no trouble getting to his destination, but when he reached the auto repair shop, he found Corbin had already left.
. It was just like him to leave to fuck that bitch Cherise when Preston most needed

him. Worst of all, the shop was locked. Unlike other inhabitants of the town, Corbin tended to be paranoid and used shape-shifter-proof

locks, so Preston couldn’t get inside. Once upon a time, he’d had a

key, and maybe he still did, but it was at home.

Well, there was nothing for it. He had to go to his own place

because he certainly didn’t trust other people with Layton and he

couldn’t exactly wait for Corbin to come back.

“It’s okay,” Layton told him. “I’m already feeling better. I’m

stronger than I look.”

Preston suppressed the urge to cry as he rushed toward his home.

By some miracle, he managed to reach the shop without being

stopped. He thought that he’d been spotted several times, but since he was going very fast—or, as fast as he could given the

circumstances—they didn’t manage to say anything to him or

interrupt his race.

The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx

BOOK: The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx
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