The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1) (12 page)

BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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Walking over to the chair Jonathan vacated, she sank into it. Burying her head in her hands, she took several deep breaths to calm herself. Once calmed, tears began to form and roll down her cheeks.

She could hear Jonathan’s feet hit the floor and then she felt him in front of her. “Hey, hey now. Don’t cry. What’s wrong cutie?” He stroked her hair.

“It’s not what you think. I’m not sad. I’m crying because I’m frustrated. Sexually.”

Jonathan chuckled. “Well, do you want me to help you out? Isn’t that why you’re here? For some kind of release.”

“That’s the thing, Jonathan.” She blinked. “Can I call you Jonathan?”

He shrugged. “Why not?”

“Because I’m here for a session.”

“We’re not on the clock yet, and besides you’re not in the right frame of mind at the moment. I won’t take you like this. So yes, call me Jonathan, for now anyway.”

“I am going to be blunt. I don’t think I have ever been this forthcoming, not even with myself. But with this whole confidentiality thing at the club, and I’ve been with you before, and we’ve had drinks together. I’m just gonna tell you. ’Cuz I gotta tell someone.” She shook her head, realizing she was rambling.

“Tell me what ails you, cutie.”

“I want someone I can’t have. All I do is think about him day and night. Hell, I think I even dream about him every second I’m asleep. Shit, now I’m jonesing for sex all because of him. I’m nothing but hormones with legs lately. I want sex, I want it now, and I want it hard, with him. God, never thought I’d say that, especially not out loud. It’s not just about the physical aspect of it either. I want a relationship too, the real thing. Forever. I must be out of my fucking mind.” It felt so good to get those words out. Unable to talk to Sherry about Jake, those thoughts had been bottled up in her brain for far too long.

She thought Jonathan would laugh, but he didn’t. He took her hand and stroked his thumb over her knuckles. “I understand, I do, and I don’t know why you don’t tell

“There are many reasons we shouldn’t be together. The biggest problem I have is our age difference. I can’t get past it.”

This time Jonathan did laugh. “That’s it? The big thing holding you back is age? Cutie, look at me.” He lifted her chin with a slight brush of his fingertips.

“Do you have any idea how old I am?” he asked.

She shook her head.

“Didn’t think so, or you would
be here.”

She felt her eyes widen. “How old are you? Shit, don’t tell me.” She pulled her hand away from his.

“I’m going to tell you for the simple fact that you’ll see how ridiculous it is. I know I look a lot older, but I’m one year younger than Jake. I’m twenty-four. We’re good friends, we grew up together, and we went to high school together. College was the only thing that parted us, and it didn’t keep us away from each other for long. So believe me when I tell you, age is not an issue for him.”

A thought popped into her head. “Does he talk about me to you?”

“Yes, he does. And no, I will not tell you anything, so don’t ask me to. Please?” He pleaded with her.

“But you said age isn’t an issue for him, how do you know this?”

“A couple of us guys went out one night to a strip club. The strippers were a lot older than us. It bothered a few guys, but not Jake. He said he had no age limit. Something about the human body being a beautiful thing no matter what age.”

Kristy felt a little stress leave her body. “Oh,” was all she could manage to say. Just then an alarm beeped from across the room.

“Session time,” Jonathan whispered. “Still interested?”

Kristy stood up and straightened her clothing. “Yes, Sir. Permission to speak freely first?”

“Granted.” He nodded and gave her a gentle smile.

“Can we go to Room Ten? And can I request what I want? Then, after that I’ll be quiet. I promise. I need this.”

“Topping from the bottom,” he murmured, and then chuckled. “Sure, why not? No other rooms are being used tonight. Stan called me in just for you.” He beamed. “You’re my first special request. So I guess I can play Service Top today instead of Dom.”

Kristy offered him a smile in return. “Why aren’t the rooms in use?”

“There’s a public showing tonight. They have one every couple weeks. Special invites only. Depends on your membership.” He shrugged.

“I signed up for the premium package tonight.”

“Then you will receive invites.” He grinned. “Can I ask you a question? You can say no, but how old

She didn’t hesitate. “I’ll be forty later this year.” He didn’t say anything and just looked at her expressionless. “Say something, please?” she begged.

“I wouldn’t have guessed over thirty. You look hot for an old lady.” His lips twitched.

“Jonathan!” She reached out and smacked him forcefully on his upper arm. He laughed out loud throwing his head back. She couldn’t help but join him.

“By the way, I do the smacking around here.” He spun her around and smacked her ass hard. Real hard.

“Ooh.” Her body responded immediately and she shuddered.

“Come. Playroom. Now.” Jonathan ordered.

They headed out of the room with her in the lead dragging him behind. Once inside she continued to drag him right over to the big wooden Saint Andrews cross in the corner. There were cuffs at the top and the bottom, for wrists and ankles. “This! I want this, and I want to be flogged…with the suede one.” She pointed in the direction of the floggers on display.

Jonathan stood for a moment, rubbing his chin, and considered her request. He tilted his head, looked toward the cross, and then at the floggers. Mind made up, he said, “Undress. Now, except your panties. Then kneel.”

She ripped off her clothing, leaving her thong on. Dropping into the kneeling position she knew Jonathan preferred, she could feel her persona switch over to sub.

“Beautiful,” he breathed. “You really are, and you comply so nicely. Same safewords apply. Red, yellow, and green. Got it?”

“Yes, Sir. Red, yellow, green.”

“I’m going to do something. If it bothers you, call out yellow and I will stop. You’ll be able to figure out what I mean in a minute.” He spoke softly, rubbing the top of her head.

Tendrils of suede washed over her body softly as she knelt on the floor. When the first one hit the skin on her upper back she wanted to cry out in joy, but she didn’t. She had to remain unmoving until she was told. She enjoyed this feeling of someone domineering over her. It was liberating not to have to think and to have someone do it for her, and she knew she’d be rewarded.

The flogger took a few good swipes at her. “Take it!” Jonathan yelled at her. “Take it hard, old lady.”

She gasped, not from the flogging, but the words he threw at her “old lady”. Before she could think about how it made her feel, the flogger connected over and over against her back and thighs. She moaned.

“Get up you old hag!” he demanded. She complied and jumped up. Her body still tingling from the flogger wanted more. Jonathan walked around her, tickling her skin with the strands skipping softly along her back. She had an involuntary chill.

“Old women only on Saint Andrews cross, are you an old woman?” He growled at her.

“Yes, Sir!” she cried.

“Yes, Sir what?” He wanted her to say it, he was debasing her and she knew it. In doing so, he would lower her character and open her up for a more trusting D/s relationship.

“Yes, Sir, I’m an old woman!” The words stung as they left her lips, and her chest ached for her youth.

“Very well, get your old ass up and over to the cross.”

She did as he requested. Not sure what to do when she got there, she knelt the way he liked and waited. And waited.

“Very nice. I might have to reward the old lady for a job well done. Does she want that?”

“Yes, sir, the old woman wants rewards.”

“Stand.” She did as told, and he shoved her back up against the cold wooden cross, and God that was sexy. Lifting one arm at a time, he secured the cuffs around her wrists. He pressed his mouth to her ear. “If this hurts or your arms become numb, tell me.” She nodded. He dropped to her feet and cuffed her ankles. He checked to be sure they weren’t too tight. His hands traveled up her shins to her knees and stopped at her lower thighs. He rose, and whispered in her ear, “I’m usually a little more hands on, but not today.”

The flogger came into view once again and he began a slow soft torturous trail from the top of her body to the bottom and back up again. He repeated the process and she let out a whine of frustration.

“You are beautiful no matter what your age, do you hear me Kristy?” He spoke softly. The use of her name sparked something inside of her. It empowered her.

“Yes, Sir.”

“You will not call yourself old ever again, that is my job. Whether in this room or outside, you may not degrade yourself in such a way. Do you understand?” She nodded. “You are a beautiful young woman. I can see her, Kristy. She’s in here.” He pointed to her sternum, and to her forehead. “And she’s in there.”

With the raise of the flogger, he started to hit her thighs with more force, and then introduced her breasts into the mix. The bites of the strands snapped down on her occasionally brushing the peak of her thighs. Her pussy throbbed uncontrollably. Her skin felt stinging pulses all over repeatedly until it stopped. “You are young and beautiful,” Jonathan muttered. He went back to the slow soft torture of the flogger all over her bare, exposed body. She thought she’d combust she was so worked up.

“Say it!” he demanded, and smacked the flogger do
wn on her gloriously wet folds.

“Sir, I am young and beautiful!” she cried out through a small orgasm.

He didn’t give up and continued the slow torment of soft flogging on her wetness. She had orgasm after orgasm and panted, “Sir, stop. No more. I can’t take anymore. It’s…it’s too much. Ahhhh!”

“Do you need to safeword?” He stopped the flogging and waited a moment. “Kristy? Safeword?”

She looked a little dazed and smiled. “No, Sir. No safeword. More, please. This young woman wants more. Green! Green!”

Jonathan continued snapping at her pussy and breasts relentlessly. The orgasm torture rocked her body with one release rolling into the next. It was a horrible yet wonderful. She felt light and airy and could no longer feel the restraints, no longer felt the bite of the flogger. It was almost like she was flying above the room.

Chapter Twelve


Kristy woke wrapped in the arms of Master Jonathan. Her eyes flickered up at him.

“Well, hello there, cutie.” He wiped a hair from her face. “I really should give you a new pet name. Cutie doesn’t cut it. You’re fucking beautiful. If your heart wasn’t elsewhere I would drag you back home to my dungeon and never let you go.”

Her soul soared at his words. He made her feel young and beautiful. “I still like cutie, and will I ever get to see your dungeon?”

“No, and there are two reasons. One, I don’t fraternize in that way with members outside of this club, and two, you are clearly meant for someone else.”

“Oh,” she said, with a little pang of sadness in her heart. “This session was like no other. Granted I haven’t been but two times before, but damn. That was…that was something I’ll never forget.”

He pulled her tight to his chest. “Me either. How are you feeling? You were pretty far gone when I brought you in here.”

Taking in her surroundings, she gasped. “How did I get in here?” They were back in Room Four. Jonathan sat with his back against the headboard and she was draped across his lap.

He chuckled. “You went into subspace, and I carried you here for your aftercare. I like this room better.”

“Wow, so that’s subspace…I think…I think I like it.” A saucy grin spread across her face.

you did. And it’s also the reason I won’t accept you for any more sessions.”

She sat up quickly, and her head spun. Jonathan gripped her shoulders until she settled.

“What do you mean? Why?” Her voice came out urgent.

“Kristy, after seeing how much trust you put in me, telling me about your feelings for Jake, and during our session, I—I can’t. It’s wrong, and I feel guilty. Jake is my best friend.”

“So? I’m a member, and if I want sessions with you, I don’t see the problem. It’s not like Jake and I have any sort of relationship other than him being my landlord and trainer.”

“What goes on in here is confidential as well as what we talk about. Nothing leaves this room. He won’t even know we were here unless you tell him. Despite being best friends, Jake and I go by the book. We never discuss the personal things we do here, or talk about our clientele. So, that being said, I won’t go back and tell him anything. You can count on it.”

“Still not following you, Jonathan.”

“For a submissive to get to subspace, they have to put total trust in the person they’re with. You gave up any claim of your body and mind to me It was something I’ll never forget, and beautiful to watch.” He reached down and stroked her hair. “Usually that doesn’t happen with new bottoms, especially not in a session with a stranger.” Jonathan paused and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Jake has had his eye out for a sub of his own, and it would be even better if she could maybe become his girlfriend. Even if he can’t admit that to himself, and I have to tell you, he likes you
a lot.

BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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