The Star (The Way in marked cards #2) (7 page)

BOOK: The Star (The Way in marked cards #2)
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The strength
a gift from the

you are just a

use it
in a manner

coherent and

Today is the last day ... and more interesting was that in the middle of the fight for our goals, and us do not forgoten to watch what the signs were telling us. "- Said Isadora.

"I have been noticing on this way how fragile we are , and ignore the human essence is to ignore yourself." - Fernanda said, as she packed her backpack.

"The craziness day to day makes us forget about what we have the most precious ... our soul, which is much larger than our bodies and is intimately connected for something much bigger than our minds can imagine. There are many mysteries between heavens and earth, and the mystery is no doubt ... amazing ! "- Isadora said, smiling.

"How are you feeling today?" - Fernanda said, looking worried for her friend.

"My body's aching, but I will not give importance for this ..." - Isadora said looking at her feet.

"I see that you as well excited! Me too! Finally the last day! "

"Today I feel myself renewed, strong, safe ... and without self-pity!"

"That's how I like to see ... you seem back to normal!"

"I feel back to life!" - Isadora said, her eyes shining.

While looking for a place to take one good food, they watched the simplicity of the people who lived in that region without major acquisitions or ambitions. Finally they found a coffee shop and a green area with tables outdoors. While they were eating, one lady who was the table beside seemed to pay much attention on the conversation of the two.

"You are enjoying the way?" - Asked the lady.

"Today is our last day of pilgrimage, and so far we are amazed with every minute ." - Said Mrs. Fernanda.

"You have seen the Milky Way yesterday?"

"Yes .. it was wonderful! You also saw yesterday? "- Said Isadora.

"Sorry for the intrusion, but it was inevitable listen the conversation, you were talking about a manner so joyful and spontaneous, that caught my attention ... and not be all the pilgrims who can have this experience."

"Okay ... Mrs. is coming from where?" - Fernanda asked.

"I come from the Pyrenees ... and this is the second time that I do the Way of Santiago." - Said the lady.

"We know that other people were doing the second time. It is an incredible experience, is not it? "- Fernanda said.

"Do you know why the way is called Way of Compostela?"

"Because is the course taken through the milky way ..." - Isadora said, recalling the experience of that night.

"Exactly! And Compostela means "constellation", the path composed of stars. "- Said the lady, looking at the sky.

Isadora and Fernanda looked at each other and smiled. . They understood exactly the language of woman.

"But you will only perceive the true sense of the way when coming back to their homes and living day to day. Will feel the weight of some things ... and will want to break free of them ... like they did with some things that were heavy in the backpack. - She continued -You will understand what is really important and what are the weights that are worth carrying. "

Isadora reminded of tennis that pressed her feet, and their history with Mark.

"Good way, girls! See you in Santiago of Compostela! "- Said the lady, smiling and saying goodbye with her hands.

"Good way!" - They said.

Isadora and Fernanda was left the road and continued peaceful, yet not forgetting the goal, and that they needed arrive in Santiago on that same day. They went A Rúa, crossed Labacolla city, always appreciating the beautiful landscapes. They wanted to protect in her mind each minute of the last day of pilgrimage. The sun was setting when they arrived at Mount of Gozo. They looked at the horizon and finally, saw the Cathedral of Santiago.

"We have arrived! Let's ask how much time remains until the cathedral. "- Fernanda said, stopped a man who was on the other side of the street.

"Please! ... Do you know how long time to arrive at Santiago?" - Asked Fernanda smiling.

"If you are walking, will arrive at least within three hours." - Said Mr..

"Three hours? But we have just see the cathedral from the top ... "- Fernanda said, startled.

"The Cathedral is so great that seems close ... but you will have to walk a lot ... so, good way!"

"Thank you!" - Fernanda said, disappointed.

They were exhausted ,and that information doing with them to became even more tired. But do not give up.

"We will arrive today! It is our goal! "- Said Isadora.

"No doubt! Can you take? I see that you is limping so much ... "- Fernanda said, worried about her friend.

"Let's move on! We have passed the 30kms ... but we need to arrive today! "

The steps were getting faster, and the Isadora's feet ached increasingly but wanted to accompany her friend. He was quiet and tired, but not stopped. Night was falling quickly, but it was not a hindrance.

The plates indicated the Cathedral of Santiago of Compostela ...bur did not reach the Cathedral yet. They climbed the hill, and the staff supported the Isadora's body , her pack was weighing on her body, and the feet were increasingly debilitated. Suddenly have heard a few applause from some direction. They looked around and perceived some people clapping her hands stops along the way for both, to congratulating the arrival at Santiago. The two looked at each other smiling and crying with emotion. They thanked all attention, and when they crossed a hill, saw two boys playing flute, sitting and waving to pilgrims that arriving. They played the hymn of the pilgrims. Turned left and finally saw the main entrance of the Cathedral of Santiago. Fell to his knees in front of the railing, thanking all the strength and experience in every way. If hugged each other, thrilled.

Now there was no more pain ... it was a quiet emotions of accomplished duty. The goal was reached, and she acquired a great spiritual content to recover the forces dedicated to the goal. The cathedral was closed, but would come back the next morning to receive a blessing at Mass for pilgrims.

On the way they found a restaurant and toasted the victory.

"For our effort ! Our determination! "- Fernanda said.

"At 30km a day! And others will that will come after this pilgrimage! "- Isadora said, raising the glass.

Celebrated the days that have passed together, the patience, tolerance, and what they shared on that trip. Every minute of pilgrimage would be part of their lives ... forever.

"It is from that moment which we will apply what we learned along the way ... we just need to open ourselves to the signals that we receive." - Fernanda said.

"In addition to being attentive to the signs, it is important to follow the voice of intuition ... with faith! Only then can we achieve our goals. "- Said Isadora.

"I'm sure of it! It is time for you back to painting. I want to go in your exposition immediately! "

"So as possible, I invite you when I get back to work for the exhibition. I am sure that this experience will help me so much. "

In the next morning, they attended the special ceremony for pilgrims and received the compostelanas. Isadora left her crook beside the Cathedral's chair, and when she returned, the staff does not be there. She looked around and saw no one.

"The crook really was an instrument of God to helping me along the way ..." - spoke softly,smiling.

In the afternoon they come back to Madrid. Now, they could walk on the road of their lives. Was time to grow up ... Was time to live!


The star represents light and the infinite expansion of universe.

A great guide that helps us explore unknown ways,

illuminating the darkness.

When the harmony is established in the spiritual world

the future looks hopeful, conducting the realization of our dreams and

the achievement of happiness.

When they arrived in Madrid, Isadora went to get her bag and went to the train station. Isadora and Fernanda parted, thrilled, knew that would see soon, and for friends, don't have goodbye, just a see you soon.

BOOK: The Star (The Way in marked cards #2)
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