Read The Submissive's Last Word (The Power to Please #4) Online

Authors: Deena Ward

Tags: #The Power to Please 4

The Submissive's Last Word (The Power to Please #4) (11 page)

BOOK: The Submissive's Last Word (The Power to Please #4)
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“I’m not saying I’m changing my mind. It’s just, now that I
know I don’t have to do any of this stuff, I’m curious to see what happens
next. That’s all. It’ll be furthering my education, a non-hands-on approach.”

He smiled. “Fine with me.”

I settled in beside him in a much better mood than before. I
watched the trainees being put through their posing paces for another few
minutes, then the instructors broke them into two groups, half of them
following Master Porter and the instructor trainee to one side of the room, and
the other half staying put with the female instructor, Mistress Jillian.

Mistress Jillian was younger than me, with striking looks
and a tall, leggy form showcased by shiny, thigh-high black boots. And it
appeared those boots would be playing a pivotal role in that evening’s lessons.

She called the subs forward, one at a time, and had them
each lick and kiss her boots, even the soles. She was demanding, and wasn’t
impressed with their efforts if the frequent crop whacking was anything to go

I tried not to comment on the situation, but when Mistress
Jillian made a man suck on the pointy heel of her boot immediately after a
woman had been licking it, I couldn’t hold back.

“That is SO unsanitary,” I whispered.

“I think that’s part of what they like about it.”

I shuddered. “Wow. You’re not into that, are you? Even if
you are, tell me you aren’t, because there’s no way I’m licking your shoes.”

“I’m not into it.”

“Really? Or are you just saying that because I told you to?”

“Really. It doesn’t do anything for me.”

“God, I still don’t know if you’re placating me or what. Why
did I tell you to lie to me?”

He stifled a chuckle. “I promise you I’m telling the truth.”

“Okay then, I guess I’ll believe you but, oh hell no. Look
at that. Two of them licking at once. Makes me want to get out my hand sanitizer
and step in to save them from themselves.”

“They wouldn’t thank you for it.”

“I could never do what they’re doing. What if one of those
trainees didn’t want to do it?”

“They’d use a safe word. Also, everyone fills out likes and
dislikes forms before class begins, so the instructors have an idea of what’s
what. The group was probably split with that in mind.”

“Oh. Well.” I looked over at Master Porter’s group. Master
Porter and the other instructor were seated in a pair of chairs while their
four subs practiced delivering items to them. It appeared to be a lesson in

The subs knelt before the teachers, then after they were
tapped on the shoulder, they rose to their feet and shuffled off to fetch
whatever item they’d been told to get, then returned to the teacher and assumed
the appropriate presentation position.

I only knew that this was a lesson in graceful movement by
watching Master Porter’s sub repeatedly show the trainees the best way to rise
from a kneeling position, and the best way to descend. The trainees were
awkward. I knew I would have been.

It looked like hard work to me, yet I would have preferred
it over boot worship lessons. Anyway, watching Master Porter’s pretty sub go
through her motions was fascinating. She seemed a vision of poise, her nubile
bare flesh, the easy flex of her muscles, the demure way she held her head, and
the elegance in her hands when she offered up the item her master requested.

Her lovely, humble inconspicuousness drew the eye more
surely than if she had jumped up and down demanding attention. She was
exquisite. I kept half an eye on Gibson to see if he was watching her. And he
was, from time to time, but he didn’t watch her more than the others. I didn’t
see how that was possible.

“Master Porter’s sub is amazing. What’s her name?” I asked.

“It’s Dorothy, but she likes to be called Doll.”

“She’s around my age, but she must have been doing this a
long time to be so good at it.”

“She has. She came to the scene early. Around ten years

I grew suspicious. “You know her well?”

“Fairly well.”



“Former sub?”


Well hell. “A long time ago, right? And you’re way over

“She was acting as my sub when I met you, actually. I’ve
been over her ever since. Not that I was ever into her. We had a mutually-beneficial

Whoa. That threw me back. I hadn’t a clue that he was with
someone when we met. I’d assumed we were both free. “When did you end it with

“Shortly after I met with you at the Frederick Hotel.”

I seriously needed to stop assuming things. I don’t know why
I ever imagined a man like Gibson would be without company, not if he wanted
it. And what man didn’t?

I wasn’t jealous of Doll. I was more intimidated than
anything. She was amazing, a vision of submissive perfection. All I could think
was that Gibson was nuts to throw her over for a clumsy newbie like me.

Master Porter gave Doll a command I couldn’t hear. She
instantly dropped into a pose in front of her master’s chair, on her hands and
knees, head lowered, back straight. Somehow, she polished even that position. I
watched in fascination as Master Porter lifted his booted feet and propped them
on Doll’s back.

Doll didn’t twitch a single refined muscle, her glow of
ideal supplication not dimming for a split second. I had no idea how she did

I thought it best to let Gibson in for a hard truth. Better
that he know now than later.

I lowered my voice as far as I could and still be heard by
him. “I hate to break it to you, but there’s no chance in hell that I’ll ever
be your meek little footstool.”

His bark of laughter rang out through the big room. He tried
to cover it up with a cough, but there was no hiding it. The other people on
the bleachers glanced briefly at us, then returned to watching the activities
on the floor.

“If you’re saying I’m going to have to settle for real
furniture,” Gibson whispered, “then I guess I’ll learn to cope.”

“Glad to hear it. And I probably won’t ever be graceful
about fetching your slippers or the newspaper and what not. I’ll try, but I wouldn’t
hold my breath if I were you.”

“I won’t. You did hear the part about how I dumped Doll for
you, didn’t you?”

“Yeah. What’s up with that? Look at her. She’s perfect.”

“I’m going to let you in on a secret, but you can’t breathe
a word of it to anyone, okay?”

Hmm. I liked the sound of that. I readily agreed.

His voice was soft and low. “I never wanted her ten percent
as much as I wanted you the first time I saw you. I didn’t even remember she
was with Porter and would be here tonight. She’s obviously not even close to
you in perfection.”

I smiled. “That’s a pretty awesome secret. I won’t tell

He gave me a long, steamy look up and down. “I’m ready to
leave and ravish you in the car on the way home. And then I’m going to carry
you to my bedroom and ravish you again. Probably all night long. Fair warning.”

My stomach made a happy flip and the temperature climbed a
few degrees. “I don’t know. The training session isn’t over yet. I don’t want
to be rude.”

“I’ll fill you in. They’re going to switch groups, and
Jillian’s lot is going to begin grace training with Porter. His group will go
with Jillian and get a lesson in pain management via the attachment of a
clothespin or ten.”

“Oh, so pretty boring stuff then. They can’t expect us to
hang around for that. Let’s go.”

He took my hand and we slipped out of the room as quietly
and unobtrusively as possible. He called Lawson while we walked down the hall.
When we were in the elevator, he pulled me into his arms and gave me a blazing
kiss that left me panting and trembly. I was so swept away that I didn’t think
about how we were leaving through the front of the club.

I didn’t think about it at all until we were already part of
the crowd, and the colored lights were flashing, the dance music thumping and
the smell of beer, sweat and perfume swirled around me. People greeted Gibson
as we made our way to the front door.

I smiled at everyone and stayed focused on Gibson and how
easily he parted the crowd. In no time, we sailed out the door, leaving the
clamor behind. Then we were in his car and before I knew it, my panties were
yanked off and Gibson made good on his ravish-promise.

I hoped Lawson took the long way home.






Chapter 10


The next day, after seeing Gibson off to work, I returned to
the cottage and slept until noon. I woke feeling delighted with the world in

After I showered and ate, I toted my sketchbook and other
supplies onto the rear deck. I quickly lost myself in the waterline of the
lake, the reach of the trees and the wisps of clouds in the sky. It was a
little chilly outside, proof that Indian summer was coming to a close.

When I went inside to grab a sweater, I noticed my cell
phone blinking. Funny, I’d forgotten to take it outside with me. There was a
time when I couldn’t have been apart from that phone for more than a few
seconds. These days, I might go on hours-long walks and not even take my phone
with me.

I checked my messages. One. From Isabel Vinson, simply
asking that I call her. Huh. I had only spoken with her once since the day I
quit work, and that had only been a brief call where she checked in to see if I
needed anything. I was embarrassed and hadn’t encouraged much conversation.

I dialed her up and she answered right away.

“There you are!” Isabel said, her voice brisk as usual.

“Hi. What’s up?”

“I wanted to tell you the big news. I’ve quit Linton
Cosmetics and I’m going to work for that tall drink of water at Roundtree

None of this was news to me, of course, but I put on my best
show. “Isabel, that’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you. You’ll love it there.”

“I get a good vibe from the place and from Reeves. Going to
make things happen there. And I want you to be a part of it. I’m calling to
offer you a job.”

“Me? Wow. Seriously?”

“I’ll be in charge of the whole kit and caboodle, finding
and analyzing potential acquisitions for the new cosmetics division. I’ll be
needing a right hand woman, someone I can trust. That’s you, girl.”

“I, wow, I —”

“Don’t see what you have to hmm and haw about. There
shouldn’t be anything holding you back from working at Roundtree, if you know
what I mean.”

She meant the videos, that no one there would have heard the
scandal about me. She was right, probably. But she didn’t know that I was
involved with Gibson. I wasn’t sure what I should say and what I shouldn’t.

“I do. You’re right. It’s an incredible opportunity.”

“It’ll mean a big raise, and a lot more hours and
responsibilities. I’ll be counting on you pretty heavily and you’ll have to
learn as you go. You can do it, though. You’ve got big things in you. I’ve
always believed that. What do you say you and I go take over Roundtree and let
Reeves retire on the rewards of our hard work?”

I laughed. It was a funnier image than she could know. “I’m
blown away that you’d consider me for this. Does Mr. Reeves know you’re
offering me the job?”

“No. He told me I could bring over whoever I wanted, though,
and you’re the only one I want to bring with me. Hope you realize how special
that makes you.”

I could almost see the twinkle in her eye when she said
that. “Oh, I do.”


“So, it’s an amazing opportunity. Can I think about it and
get back to you?”

“Sure you can. I appreciate you giving it thought before you

I grinned. “Well, you are the woman who always told me I
needed to think more before I acted.”

“True. Glad you paid attention. Anyway, take your time. I
start at Roundtree in a little less than two weeks. I’d like you there on the
first day if you’re going to accept. Let me know before then.”

“I will Isabel. Thank you. It means —”

“It would be a good deal for me, too. I’ll talk to you

“Okay. And Isabel, before you go ... the other day, I
finally went through the box of my things that you sent from the office and I
found your ‘Hang in there, baby’ figurine. Thank you so much. It was exactly
what I needed at the right time.”

“Funny how it can work out like that,” she said.
“Serendipity’s a wonderful thing. You never know when events will fall into
place, of a sudden, as if your life and everything about it was always meant to
be that way. You’re only left wondering why you hadn’t realized it all along.
Had some of that myself, of late.”

After I ended the call, I went for a stroll down to the lake
and considered what Isabel said about events falling into place. Perhaps that
was what was happening for me at last. When I was with Gibson, it felt so right
that I couldn’t doubt it. It was as if we’d been waiting for one another, and
now that we were together, it was easy to believe in its future, not question
it or worry over it.

I knew, intellectually, that our relationship was too new to
assume success, and yet, I couldn’t imagine what might stop us. I didn’t want
to imagine it. Yes, I had issues to work out, but I knew Gibson would be there
with me, helping. This relationship, our future, it was an understanding, a
belief that didn’t require tangible evidence to prove.

Everything was coming together. Serendipity.

I spotted Xavier sitting on the dock, fishing, and I headed
his way. He turned and smiled when he heard my footsteps on the wooden planks.

He patted the dock. “Join me. I don’t have a pole for you,
but I’ll let you clean my catches if you want.”

I sat down beside him. “Nice try. I’ll pass.”

“Ah, gone are the days when you were eager to learn
everything I had to teach. How sad.”

“You were too good a teacher. I’ve mastered Smelly Fish Guts
101 and don’t need any more practice.”

He smiled, adjusted his floppy fishing hat, the ends of his
salt and pepper hair poking out from underneath it. “If I can’t have your
labor, then I’ll happily settle for the pleasure of your company.”

I watched the red bobber on Xavier’s line bounce up and down
with the gentle motion of the lake’s waves. A heron waded near the far shore
and I heard the calling of the estate’s peacocks somewhere in the distance.

There was a crispness in the air that seemed to heighten the
native scents, the grasses, the trees, the cattails and the lake water itself.
The sun warmed my back but I pulled my sweater around me tighter in front
against the slight chill blowing gently across the lake.

Xavier reeled in his line, checked his bait, then tossed the
line to a different spot. “You’re thoughtful today.”

I nodded. “I just got offered a job.”

“That’s wonderful news. What kind of job is it?”

“For one thing, it’s at Roundtree.”

“Oh, I see. Then Gibson —”

“No, he isn’t the one.” I briefly explained to Xavier about

“That should make you feel good about yourself. She
obviously thinks highly of you,” he said.

“Yeah. It does. I’m not sure about it, though.”

“Because it’s at Roundtree?”

“Yeah. I don’t know that it’s a good idea to work with
Gibson if we’re going to be ...” I wasn’t entirely sure what to say about my
relationship with Gibson.

Xavier supplied the answer. “You think there could be
problems being involved with the owner of the company where you work.”

I didn’t know how he knew that Gibson and I were together
again, not that we’d been trying to hide it. “That’s it. Exactly.”

“I can see how you’d feel that way.”

“It could complicate things. And Gibson’s more important to
me than any job, even a great one like the one Isabel is offering.”

He gave me a long look. “What about the job? Is it something
you’d enjoy doing?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it.”

“You should. Only accept it if it’s a position you’d be
excited about, something that’s meaningful to you.”

“Oh, well. Xavier, where I’m from, we have jobs, not
callings. The most you hope is that you can put up with your job enough hours
every day to pay your bills. Meaningful is meaningless. You don’t turn down a
lucrative offer like Isabel’s simply because it might not fulfill you.”

He gave me a small, wistful smile. “I know you think we live
in a fantasy bubble on this estate. You believe we’re out of touch with

I glanced around the idyllic scenery and shrugged. “It’s not
a judgment. But look around. This isn’t real life. This is an impossibility for
people like me.”

“I haven’t always been this lucky, Nonnie. My parents were
blue collar and I got my first job when I was twelve, sweeping the floors at
the mill where my mother worked. When I came to work here, I felt like you do,
that this place was a fairyland and the people here had no idea what it was
like outside the gates.”

“Then you understand. I see this place and I’m overwhelmed
that it exists and at the same time it’s an illusion. As if the least puff of
outside air could scatter it into nothingness.”

Xavier shook his head. “That won’t happen. The place is
tougher than it looks. And anyway, it has a mighty protector. Gibson.”

I nodded. “That’s true. And you, too.”

“We’re aware that it can be an ugly world, no matter how it
might appear. We know what we’ve got, that it’s precious. I think you haven’t
realized that you’re part of this place, too, and are granted the privileges
that go along with it.”

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

“I mean, dear, that you’re with Gibson, in a relationship,
are you not?”


“You don’t have to take a job for the money. You can find
something you love to do without any consideration of salary. That’s the
reality of your new situation.”

I laughed. “You’d have me be a kept woman.”

“No, that would imply you’re trading sex for your material

“Exactly. And anyway, I’m not a gold digger. I don’t care
about things like clothes or cars or that stuff.”

He sighed. “Money. It’s difficult to explain to people who
have never had it. I know this because it took me a long time to understand it,
coming from nothing the way I did.”

“Gibson told me I don’t get it.”

“You don’t. Not yet. But you will. In the meanwhile, don’t
accept the job with Isabel right away. Think about it. Is there anything else
you would rather do, or is the business world your calling? I hope you give
some consideration to your artistic talent, explore what you might do with

“You can’t support yourself drawing pictures of the lake,

“You don’t need to support yourself.”

“Here we go again.”


We smiled at one another and gave up our friendly argument
as a lost cause.

I wondered about the job Isabel offered me and if it was
something I might enjoy doing. The only things I thought when she made the
offer was that it was timely and I needed a job, and that I hoped it wasn’t
charity from Gibson.

I’d be okay working for Isabel. I admired her and knew there
was much she could teach me. She was fair, reasonable, honest and intelligent,
not exactly common attributes in a boss, in my experience. Isabel would be the
best part of the job.

As for the work itself and what my day-to-day
responsibilities would include, I could only guess, since Isabel hadn’t
described them. Her right-hand woman. We would be researching cosmetic
companies, finding the right ones to recommend for purchase and development.
Did that sound exciting?

It apparently did to Isabel. Did it to me? I didn’t know. And
anyway, it didn’t sound bad. For all practical purposes, that wasn’t a terrible

The sun sparkled on the miniature whitecaps which had been
kicked up on the lake’s surface by the irregular gusts of wind. Lovely. There
was no reason to hurry my decision about Isabel’s offer. She said herself that
I should take my time.

I readily tabled my pondering and turned to Xavier, my
teacher. Onto other topics.

“I was wondering,” I said. “How does a BDSM five-some work?”

He pursed his lips and stared out over the lake. I thought I
saw a twitch in his cheek, but couldn’t be sure.

He responded with an air of finality which didn’t invite
further queries. “If you have to ask, you’re not ready for the answer.”

Damn. So much for the surprise attack. I sighed. It wasn’t
like I had expected it to be that easy anyway.

Sure would have been nice, though.




Gibson came home from work early that evening and we ate
dinner with the Martins at the main house. When we finished, Gibson headed off
to dress for our evening out and I returned to my cottage. I needed to find a
sexy outfit, what Gibson had requested I wear that evening.

It took a while, but I settled on a tight, knit wrap top and
a short, fitted skirt with a slit in the back. Gibson approved when he arrived,
but said the top would look better with no bra, and I pretended I thought so,
too. Who was I to argue? I lost the bra.

We headed out into the night in his trusty town car, good
old Lawson steady at the helm. I tried in vain to get Gibson to tell me where
we were going. He would only say that he hoped I would find it more exciting
than the training session.

I watched the road signs and saw we were traveling away from
the city, rather than into it.

We chatted about this and that. I told him of Isabel’s job
offer and he seemed to approve, or at least, he didn’t disapprove of the idea
of us working in the same complex. He said that he wouldn’t mind my company on
the long commutes.

In all, I thought he was noncommittal, and I suspected he
didn’t want to influence my decision. He certainly succeeded, if that was his
goal. I had no idea what he would prefer I do.

We were on the road for over an hour before we exited the
interstate and Lawson weaved his way through busy streets to eventually stop
outside a large, dark building.

“We’re here,” Gibson said. “I’ve got this for you, if you’d
like to wear it.”

He opened up a cubby under the cushion in the center of the
seat and pulled a pretty, silver mask. It was small, discreet, just covering
the area surrounding the eyes.

BOOK: The Submissive's Last Word (The Power to Please #4)
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