The Super Spies and the Pied Piper (35 page)

BOOK: The Super Spies and the Pied Piper
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“Let's head for the road. There must be a restaurant or gas station where we can stop and call a taxi,” Scoop said.

“Sounds like a plan.” Sarah wiped her brow and glanced at Dottie. The older woman gasped for breath and her cheeks were flushed from the fast pace. “Are you all right, Dottie?”

She took a deep breath. “I just haven't moved that fast in quite a while.” She gave Sarah a tremulous smile.

“We can slow down if you want.”

Dottie shook her head vehemently. “No. I want to get as far away from those people as possible.”

Sarah gave her an understanding smile and then glanced around. She hadn't seen their captor since the stairwell. An uneasy feeling came over her; she wished she knew where he was.

An open field lay between the building and the road. There was no cover and Sarah knew they'd be vulnerable. She took a deep breath and stepped out into the open.

Dashing through the field, Sarah kept her eye out for Martin Savage. Her heart hammered against her chest. It was so loud it almost drowned out the sound of traffic in the road.
I'm wound tight like a spring
. She took a deep breath.
Just chill out.
Turning, she glanced at her companions.

They were right behind her, working their way through the weeds that pulled at their clothing and slowed them down.

Sarah searched for a trail. Within seconds, she found one winding its way through the long grass. It looked like a forgotten spaghetti noodle, long and skinny. It snaked its way through the field and disappeared over a small hill. Motioning for everyone to follow her, Sarah made her way to the trail.

“It'll be easier if we follow this,” she said over her shoulder.

There was no answer from her companions, but they did move to the path.

Once she reached the road, Sarah stopped and brushed the hair out of her eyes. There was no sidewalk so she stood a few feet back from the street. Cars whizzed past as if she wasn't there. Impatient, she glanced back to see how much longer she'd have to wait. The others were only twenty feet behind, but trailing them was Martin Savage and his sidekick.

Sarah's sharp intake of breath hit the back of her throat causing her to cough uncontrollably. Sweat broke out under her arms even though it was a cold day. “Hurry!” She shouted and flailed her arms.

Everyone reached the road. Sarah hopped from one foot to the other waiting for traffic to clear. As she moved she glanced back. Their captors were just entering the field. Sarah's heart pounded against her ribs and she patted the pocket where the flash drive was hidden.

During a lull in traffic, she sprinted across the street. All she could think about was getting away from Piper Drugs. When she reached the other side she spun around and checked on her friends. They were right behind her, gasping for breath.

Sarah didn't hesitate. She cast a furtive glance around looking for a public place to hide. About a football field away was a fast food restaurant, Billie Joe's. It was probably the same restaurant where their captor had gotten their lunch earlier. Taking a deep breath, Sarah called out, “Come on!” Turning, she broke into a sprint and ran toward the diner.

Her companions followed her lead and they made it to Billie Joe's in record time. They all scrambled inside, gasping for breath.

“We have to hide,” Sarah gasped.

Scoop's eyes widened and he gestured toward the rest rooms.

Without another word the group made their way to the women's bathroom. Scoop paused for a moment, but then entered when Sarah gave him a nudge.

“I shouldn't be in the women's bathroom,” Scoop whispered.

“They're less likely to look in the women's bathroom,” Sarah reasoned. “Now, get in a stall and be still.” She gave the retired reporter a push toward the closest stall. Turning, she grabbed Jackie's arm. “You and Dottie get in the next one. You guys will have to sit or stand on the toilet so your legs don't show if they come in and look for us.”

“Right,” Jackie said. She grabbed Dottie's arm and guided her toward the next stall.

Sarah glanced under the doors of the stalls. “Scoop, I can see your feet. Either stand on the toilet or sit on it and pull your feet off the floor.”

“Sure thing,” Scoop responded in a sarcastic tone.

Sarah smirked and then scrambled into the next stall. She stood on the toilet and prayed that Savage would be fooled. Taking a deep breath, Sarah allowed herself to relax.
We're almost home free
. Her heart slowed its frantic pace and she wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans.

“How long are we going to stay in here?” Jackie asked.

“Until we feel it's safe to go outside,” Sarah said. She rolled her eyes, glad that Jackie couldn't see her. “Now be quiet.”

The bathroom grew silent. Sarah couldn't even hear anyone taking a breath. She stifled a groan.
Just how long are we going to have to wait
? Sighing, she shifted her body and leaned against the north wall of the stall.

The soft, metallic click of a door opening and then a whoosh of air sent Sarah's heart racing. The air left her lungs just as if she'd been punched in the stomach. She froze. Praying everyone else heard the door open, Sarah stayed motionless.

Heavy boots scraped the tile floor and grated on Sarah's nerves. She gritted her teeth.

“Anybody here?” Martin Savage asked.

No one answered and Sarah's stomach fluttered and then clenched into a painful knot.

More scraping boots and then a hand came into view. Sarah cringed.
He's checking to see if we're hiding in the stalls
. She was sure they would be discovered.

“Martin?” A voice called from the door.


“Are they in here?”

“No.” The hand disappeared and Sarah heard more scraping sounds as he stood. “Let's go check the gas station on the corner.”

Sarah waited, holding her breath as the criminals left the bathroom. Her lungs ached from the need for air. When the door closed, she exhaled a big sigh of relief. Climbing down from the toilet, her legs wobbled. She grabbed the side of the stall and took a ragged breath.
We're going to make it

Opening the stall door, Sarah peeked out to make sure the bathroom was empty. When she didn't find her captor, she hustled out and whispered to her friends, “Guys, they're gone.”

The other doors opened and Sarah's companions spilled out.

Jackie gave Sarah a quick hug. “We made it.”

Sarah cracked a wide grin. “We sure did.”

“Let's go call a taxi,” Scoop said, before squeezing Sarah's shoulder.

Sarah flinched at the retired reporter's cold hand. She giggled and pulled away from him. Making her way to the door, Sarah called over her shoulder, “Come on. Let's go home.”

She led the way and walked down the narrow corridor to the dining area in the restaurant. It was empty except for two police officers who seemed to be on their lunch break. She spun back to speak to her companions and ran right into Martin Savage.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Sarah's breath caught in her throat. She couldn't believe it. Angry tears filled her eyes.

“Well, well, well… Who do we have here?” He asked, giving her a cold, triumphant smile.

Sarah's shoulder's slumped and with frantic eyes she searched the restaurant. Her eyes flitted across the cops.
No one here except the two cops.
She brushed her hair from her eyes with a trembling hand.
Without hesitating, Sarah dashed to the table and accosted the officers. “Please help me! That man is trying to kidnap me and my friends!”

The officers turned toward Sarah and put down their coffee cups at the same time.

“What's going on here, young lady?” The officer on the right asked. His voice was low and deep… smooth like the milk chocolate that also matched his dark skin. His brown eyes warned that she'd better not be a prankster. His hair was cut short, just a little bit of fuzz on top of his head. There were tufts of silver scattered in with his dark, kinky strands. She glanced at his name tag.
Officer Todd.

Sarah went limp with relief and grasped the table to stop herself from falling. “Those men kidnapped us and we escaped, and now they're trying to kidnap us again.” Tears welled in her eyes and she bit her lip to keep from crying. Her hand trembled when she pointed to Martin Savage and his sidekick, who had been hidden behind him until that moment.

The rest of Sarah's friends emerged from the safety of the hallway and joined Sarah at the cops' table.

The second cop stood. He was older, with graying blond hair. His blue eyes hardened when he stared at the criminals and he pulled his gun. Aiming it at Martin Savage, he said, “All right, you two. I want you to come down to the station with me.”

Martin Savage let out a nervous chuckle and said, “Look, officer. This young lady has stolen something from my company. I just want it back.” He cast an uneasy glance at the door.

His companion stepped forward and said, “That's right.”

Scoop came from behind Sarah and said, “There's no mistake. These men are criminals.”

Officer Todd stood and called for backup by speaking into his hand-held radio. He stepped between the two criminals and the door. His eyes narrowed into angry slits as he stared at them. “We'll all go down to the station and talk about this… all quiet and peaceful like.”

Martin Savage and his friend exchanged a look, but stayed silent.

Sarah's heart slowed its frantic pace and she took a deep breath. Grabbing the nearest chair, she sat down and leaned her elbows on her knees. She rested her face in her hands and took some deep breaths.
This is finally over

Within minutes three squad cars pulled up. Officer Todd motioned for his partner to meet the other officers. Sarah watched through the window. After a brief conference, the officers stepped out of the cruisers and followed the first officer back into the restaurant.

“Okay,” Officer Todd said. “We're all going down to the station. I'm Officer Todd and you will be riding with me.” He pointed to Martin Savage.

“Aren't you going to cuff him?” Sarah asked.

The officer kept his eyes on the criminal. “He's not under arrest, yet.”


“Relax, little missy. We're all going down to the station and we'll get this whole situation figured out.”

Frustrated, Sarah bit her lip.
What is wrong with this picture

“Officer, please let me explain. I'm Martin Savage. I'm head of security at Piper Drugs. You know the company that unselfishly donated the bullet proof vests to the police department… oh, about six months ago?”

Rage ignited low in Sarah's belly. It burned so hot her mouth dried up and she desperately wished for a cold drink. She glared at Martin Savage, willing him to die on the spot.

“What's your point?” Officer Todd asked. His tone had an edge to it, warning the criminal to back off.

”My point is you're certainly not going to take a squirrely teen's word over mine are you? I mean really? Is going down to the station necessary?” The head of security gave the officer a solicitous smile. He was pouring on the charm and Sarah had to look away, otherwise she'd puke.
Is this guy for real

coming down to the station. We don't take accusations of kidnapping lightly around these parts.” Officer Todd's tone was icy, contrasting with his blazing glare.

Martin Savage opened his mouth to argue, but was nudged by his partner telling him to shut up. The head of security seemed to get the message because he clamped his mouth closed with a jarring clench of his teeth.

Officer Todd grabbed his arm and guided him out the door. The second officer gestured toward the other criminal. “I'm Officer Rogers and you'll be coming with me.”

The second criminal scowled and followed his partner out the door. Officer Rogers trailed a few steps behind him.

A young, thin policeman addressed the group. “I'm Officer O'Bryan and I'll take two of you in my cruiser.”

“Why don't Dottie and I ride with him?” Scoop suggested.

Sarah glanced at the last officer. “I guess that means me and Jackie will be riding with you.” She studied him. He was younger than Officer Todd and had close-cropped blond hair. His dark brown eyes were kind but Sarah had the feeling they could blaze with anger just like Officer Todd's.

The cop gave her a curt nod. “I'm Officer Miller.” He tipped his hat and motioned for the girls to head out the door.

The ride to the station was uneventful and quiet. Sarah stared out the window and watched the landscape zoom past. She sighed and realized she wasn't seeing anything. Her thoughts were all jumbled together. Rubbing her eyes, she faced forward and glanced at the back of the officer's head. “I want to call my dad when we get to the station. Is that all right?”

“That's fine.”

Jackie reached over and squeezed her arm. “It's almost over.”

Sarah nodded and took a deep breath.

They reached the station and Officer Miller parked the cruiser. He ushered them into the police station and guided them to separate interrogation rooms.

Sarah caught Jackie's eye and gave her a quick grin before her door closed.

Sitting in the interrogation room, Sarah looked around.
just like the Harrisburg interrogation rooms
. She cracked a grin when she realized she wasn't nervous.
This is old hat
I'm just going to sit here and chill
. Sarah patted her pocket and felt the flash drive through the fabric. Sighing, she leaned back in her chair and reached into her other pocket and pulled out her cell phone. Punching in her father's number, she shifted her weight, trying to find a comfortable position on the folding chair.

BOOK: The Super Spies and the Pied Piper
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