Read The Triplets Mate Zoe Online

Authors: Cara Adams

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

The Triplets Mate Zoe (15 page)

BOOK: The Triplets Mate Zoe
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Everything in Diego wanted to run like hell, but he forced himself to put his hands in his pockets and walk at a normal pace beside his brother. He rubbed his hands on the insides of his pockets, trying to remove the gloves as he walked. He supposed they should be talking, but he couldn’t think of anything to say, so they walked in silence, turning away from the brownstone and down the block to where they’d left the minivan.

The sliding door was open a mere inch, and he and Vallen climbed in. Bram drove off without waiting for them to settle into seats or buckle up their seatbelts.

There was complete silence inside the van until Saxon’s cell phone beeped. “All clear. Our people said the police raided a house a block over from Lutterworth’s.”


“Hell, I think I lost a year off my life.”

“Me, too.”

“Well that was a total fucking waste of a night. Likely we’ll have to do it again in a day or two.”

Diego turned to Zoe. “You have to mate us. We have to be together. I couldn’t live if anything happened to keep us apart.”

Monty jumped out of his seat and pushed past everyone to pull Zoe into a hug. “I love you, woman. Mate us, please.”

Vallen leaned over from the back row. “It’s unanimous. We all want you, Zoe. Don’t make us wait a year. That’s too cruel.”

“I agree. After tonight, I don’t think I could wait any longer either,” said Zoe softly, blushing red.

Diego pulled Zoe to him for a kiss and pressed her to his chest, only to have the bag inside his shirt dig deep into his skin.

“What the fuck? What’s that?” she asked, rubbing her chest.

“I don’t know. I found it just as we were told to leave.”

Everyone in the van was clapping and cheering. Diego didn’t know whether it was because Zoe had finally agreed to mate them or because he’d actually found something. But he didn’t care. All he cared about was Zoe.

Monty lifted her out of her seat, and he and his brothers surrounded her.

“We love you so much.”

“I love you, too.”


* * * *


A week later Zoe was wrapped in the arms of her three wonderful men in the bed in the panther dungeon. Right now her breasts were thrust up into Diego and Vallen’s mouths as they removed her nipple clips and sucked her nipples back to their regular shape. She rested one hand on Monty’s head as he did the same for the clamp on her clit.

“Are you ready for the mating now?” asked Vallen.

“Hell yes. If I have to wait any longer I might explode.”

“No regrets about being a lemming?” asked Diego.

“No.” The official wedding wouldn’t be for a little while yet, but she’d agreed to mate them tonight. It wasn’t just what her sisters had told her or what the men wanted. She knew now it was her own choice as well. If that made her a lemming, well, she could live with the label.

Vallen rolled her over his body, rubbing his big hand over her red-hot ass. It was sore, yet she couldn’t imagine not having the heat on the outside that enhanced her inner heat. The punishment added so much depth to her relationship with these men. She craved the spankings as much as she craved their cocks. And, in a minute, their bites.

Vallen slammed his cock into her cunt at the same time as Diego jack-hammered his way into her ass. Monty pulled on her hair, aligning her mouth where he needed it to suck his cock, and Zoe lost her ability to think as they rammed into her faster, harder, and more powerfully than ever before.

This time the end would be fast. All four of them were so aroused with the knowledge that they would bite her and make her theirs, they had no hope of taking the sex slowly.

But Zoe didn’t care. She wanted them, wanted this, wanted to belong to her panthers forever.

Her body shattered into a million pieces as she climaxed, willingly throwing herself over the cliff into bliss. All three men groaned as her body convulsed around their cocks, and then her mouth, her cunt, and her ass, were filled with cum. Zoe sighed happily only to stiffen again as three mouths sucked up the flesh of her shoulders, and three sets of fangs sliced into her skin, sending her screaming into a second, harder orgasm, as they claimed her as their mate.

Fucking hell, I could get addicted to this so easily. But I already am addicted to it. To them.

Zoe wrapped her arms around all three men, and relaxed as they enveloped her in their arms, in their bodies, and in their love.









Cara Adams adores erotic romance, especially ménage, BDSM, and shape-shifters. One day, someone said to her, “Why don’t you put them all in one book?” So she did.



For all titles by Cara Adams, please visit











Siren Publishing, Inc.

BOOK: The Triplets Mate Zoe
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