The Vampire Diaries: Trust In Betrayal (Kindle Worlds) (In Time We Trust Trilogy Book 3) (31 page)

BOOK: The Vampire Diaries: Trust In Betrayal (Kindle Worlds) (In Time We Trust Trilogy Book 3)
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My fingers jerk convulsively. “And I guess you were too busy to call and say, ‘Hey I didn’t bite it after all, maybe we can grab coffee sometime now that we’re not undergoing major surgery twice a week?’ I mean, if you were really free, they should at least have allowed you a phone call, right? Even penitentiaries do that much.”


She reaches for me and I step back before she can touch me, because I can’t stand it right now.


“I couldn’t!” she protests. “Because I knew you’d react like this. You can’t see past the name Augustine to recognize all the good we’ve done since you escaped.”


My eyes flare furiously. “Give it to me straight, Lia, because we’ve never
lied to each other. If you
to rebuild this fucking society, if that is
freak show yoga studio outside this bank vault door, exactly how long have you been planning to end me?”


She rises slowly to standing, letting me box her into the corner. Careless of her, or carelessly trusting. I’ve killed things stronger than her, killed people I’ve known longer than her, and she damn well knows that.


“Did you give the order for them to murder Elena?” I whisper, because if I say it louder than that, I will absolutely lose my shit and I don’t know yet if it would hurt more to watch her die at my hands or to leave her alive.


I have no idea who she is anymore.


She catches both my wrists and holds on with an eerie strength when I try to shove her away from me.


“I would never hurt you,” she says, low and fervent. “I’m trying to help you. But I’m not the only one in charge, okay?”


“Answer the fucking question!” I roar, my voice slapping back into my own ears as it ricochets off the close-set walls of this room that pretends not to be a cell.


Lia steps closer, her breath tickling my chin when she says, “The walls are reinforced; difficult to hear through unless we shout. I know you’re angry but please try not to draw attention. They’re very protective of me and I don’t want you to get hurt.”


I glare down at her, filled to bursting with a feeling that staggers between rage and nausea. “Your pet scientist told Elena that the Augustines have a vampire all the others are sire bonded to. One loyal vampire, controlling all their other little puppets. Is
the kind of protective they are? Is that your trick to ‘help’ them control themselves?”


“It’s not a sire bond. It’s another process we’ve developed that can be used on new or existing vampires,” she corrects quickly, but I notice she doesn’t deny it, and I can’t take this. It can’t be her, can’t be
behind all of this.


I use a burst of strength to break her grip on me, and I refuse to rub my sore wrists when I stalk away. “What do you call it, Pussy Whipped to the Ninth Power? What the hell, Lia? You
being locked up. It made you sick to watch them try to brainwash all of us with their weird little propaganda videos, with all their lists of our crimes. Did that Nazi doctor screw the brain straight out of you while you were playing house together in his dungeon?”


I don’t even see her cross the room until after her hand cracks me across the face in a slap so hard that my teeth cut the inside of my cheek and I’m left swallowing down the bitter traces of my own blood.


“You don’t know anything,” she seethes, her temper as quick as mine has ever been. “You’ve been gone for half a century, Damon. Do you think I’d still be here if it was anything like you remember? Did you see vampires strapped to tables out there, smell any vervain in the air? The new Augustines are too strong. It’s not safe to make creatures that powerful if they can take off and wreak havok on the human world anytime they get moody. But I only turn volunteers, so sire bond or not, we’re here because we
to be. Because we believe there’s a better way to live as vampires.”


“There is,” I spit at her. “With your fangs buried arterially deep in the kind of people who would steal your free will. That’s how


She takes a deep breath. “Look. When Elena Gilbert wanted to join the society, they ran a routine background check on her and found that in her registration paperwork for Whitmore College, she listed you as her emergency contact. Your name rang every alarm bell this society has. Dr. Manning died in the early nineties, but everybody knows the story of how the Augustines were nearly wiped out. You’re—” She falters, gesturing apologetically. “You’re kind of the worst case scenario. The story they tell about what happened when the Augustines tried to do all this the hard way, with involuntary experimentation and forced bloodshares.” She winces. “They think you’re crazy, Damon.”


I take a dangerous step forward. “Maybe they’ve got a few brain cells left in the top rank brass after all.”


Her face is shadowed. “By the time I found out the other leaders had sent a group to your house in Mystic Falls, they were already on their way and I was terrified that they might hurt you. Once you escaped, I was left doing damage control back here, because you’re so high profile that not even
can declare you off limits.” She takes a step closer, her eyes pleading. “I demanded that they take you alive. I was going to fake your death once you got here, help you get a new identity so they wouldn’t look for you anymore.”


“Screw that,” I spit. “The Augustines took my name from me once, and I’ll kill every one of them before I let them take it again. And what about my family, Lia? Your goons had my
for a midnight snack.”


She flinches. “Stefan was with you? They told me you had friends over when the attack went down but I got the impression it was mostly you and your girlfriend who lived at that house and—”


“Fiancé,” I snap.


“Fiancé,” she echoes with delight, her face brightening for a minute before she takes a step closer, dropping her voice to an even more private pitch. “Look, I know you’re not really in the mood, but we need to talk about that. When I heard you had a girlfriend, I thought maybe you finally got Katherine out of the tomb, but then Katherine—
Katherine—showed up
with this crazy story about how she became a human and you were dating her doppelganger and she handed over the address of your last hotel like a piece of junk mail.” Lia raises an eyebrow at me. “Apparently your love life became a lot more dramatic while I’ve been busy.”


“You can cover a lot of ground if you don’t spend your time sire bonding an army of vampires to yourself,” I say acidly.


She sighs. “It’s a safeguard thing. It’s not like I use it that much. And I’d think you’d be thanking me considering you’ve made yourself Public Enemy #1 for our cause and the only reason you’re still alive is because I protected you. Anyway, you’ve got bigger problems than nitpicking my life choices, Salvatore. Katherine’s trying to take over the Augustine Society.”


I drop my head and groan. “Of course she is. She’s spent her whole life making enemies on every continent and now that she’s human, she needs a bodyguard. Or a sired vampire army of bodyguards.”


“Exactly,” Lia confirms, propping a shoulder against the wall and folding her arms. “She has five hundred years worth of knowledge of vampire hotspots and she’s using it to make herself very useful to the other leaders of the Society. She’s already trying to convince them that bonding some of the new vampires to her would be a smart backup plan in case something happens to me.”


I bite back a sound of frustration.


Katherine just painted a target directly on Lia’s chest. As soon as enough of the vampires belong to Katherine, Lia will have a convenient “accident” of some kind and I’ll have a vindictive ex-girlfriend running a very well-armed version of the Society for the Killing of Damon Salvatore.


“And you want me to do what about Katherine, exactly?” I ask. “Forgive me if I got a little confused about our relationship somewhere between the welcome-back-from-the-dead hug and the part where you escorted me to a guest room with a door that looks like it should be guarding the Hope Diamond.”


Lia’s chin lifts stubbornly. “I can handle Katherine,” she says. “I just didn’t want you to be upset if you saw her here.”


I just shake my head, huffing a breath of complete and utter disbelief at how messed up my life can get. As if it’s not enough to figure out how to escape this place, now I have to worry about internal Augustine politics, too?


“It was easier to keep the other leaders from going after you before, but you killed so many vampires in the raid on your house...”


She’s silent for a long moment, and I don’t say a word. I’m sure she knew the people we killed, and Hallmark’s not going to be conveying my condolences anytime soon. If her friends wanted to live another day, they never should have stepped foot in my home.


When she raises her head again, there’s a wistful smile touching her lips. “Does this mean you and Stefan are finally getting along? God, I’d kill to get to actually meet him.”


My eyebrow kicks upward and she winces.


“Ouch, poor word choice. Sorry.” She sighs when my expression doesn’t change. “Come on, Damon. You know me, better than anyone else ever has. Stop letting your temper run away with you and use that great big brain for something useful. We’re in a hell of a mess, you and I, and the security here has upgraded with the times. I know it’s not your style, but neither of us can get you out of here unless you play by the rules a little bit.”


I flare my eyes, letting the whites darken slightly. “Fat chance, but if you want to play appetizer in my all-you-can-eat buffet, I could be persuaded to eat like the natives all the way to the front door.”


Lia just gives me a half-fond, half-patient look that reminds me so much of Elena I look away, fighting back the angry prickle of my fangs.


“To become an Augustine, you go through three procedures. One of them makes you able to live on vampire blood instead of human.” Her eyes are kind as she watches for my reaction. “It takes away that edge we all have that craves violence, the submission inherent to death. Damon, it’s like magic, like breaking an addiction you never knew you could be free of.” She takes a step closer, exhaling as a soft smile takes her lips. “You have no idea how relaxing it can be, not having to fight the worst parts of yourself all the time.”


I refuse to give ground before her, but my muscles are so tight I can practically feel them crackle beneath my skin.


She swallows what looks like a sigh and goes on when I fail to react. “Another procedure bonds the vampires to me, for safety. And the last one increases their speed, their strength, so that they are more than a match for ordinary vampires.”


She turns and walks across the room.


There’s nowhere to go in here, nothing to look at but the mattress. But I think she just doesn’t want to see my face when she says, “They’ve given me an ultimatum, Damon. They can kill you, or you can submit to at least the first two procedures, all three if you want them.”


I laugh. Loud and hard. “If I want them. So nice that an organization built around brainwashing hasn’t lost their sense of false courtesy.”


Lia’s shoulders snap straight. “You think it’s about power, but it’s about
and it’s much bigger than you and your friends. There are enough of us now to begin the changeover, and when we’re done, there won’t be a single traditional vampire left in the world. Vampirism has never been fair to humans, because they are completely unmatched, but with our modifications vampires can choose their own path.”


She looks proud for the first time since she started talking, her eyes lit from within with the light of real passion.


“If our new breed of vampires wants to hunt, they can hunt their own kind, who are actually equipped to fight back. If they want to live without stealing or hurting anyone, it will finally be an option for them. And for those vampires like your brother, for whom bloodlust is a cruel joke played on the person they used to be...” She shrugs gently. “They’ll finally be free.”


“Don’t bring my brother into this,” I warn her in a low voice. “Your minions nearly killed him and I’d have to be about sixteen decades dumber to buy the idea that now the Augustines want to ‘help’ him.”

BOOK: The Vampire Diaries: Trust In Betrayal (Kindle Worlds) (In Time We Trust Trilogy Book 3)
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