The Vincent Boys 1 [Extended & Uncut] (7 page)

BOOK: The Vincent Boys 1 [Extended & Uncut]
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He let out a frustrated sigh then turned me around to face the pool table.

“Now, back to business. Looks like the solids have the best set up, so you can be solids and I’ll take stripes. Your red ball is in the best spot. It’s almost at the corner pocket over there and your white ball is very close to it. So back in position.”

I managed to stay focused on what he was telling me until he once again moved in behind me to correct the way I was holding the stick.

“Slow and easy, Ash.”

I took a deep steadying breath and hit the white ball. It rolled straight for the red ball and the red ball sank into the hole.

“I did it,” I squealed and twirled around to throw my arms around Beau’s neck. It wasn’t until his arms wrapped around me and I got a very yummy whiff of his soap smell that I realized this hadn’t been a wise move.

“Yes, you did,” he said, chuckling, then kissed the top of my head. I forced myself to drop my hands and step back away from him.

“Okay, now which one do I hit?” I asked, smiling up at him like my heart wasn’t racing in my chest from having him hold me.

He studied the table and nodded. “The blue one is in a good spot.”

Two games later I managed to get the hang of it. Watching Beau play pool proved to be extremely entertaining. I’d never realized a guy leaning over a pool table could be sexy, but after watching Beau I’d decided this was a very sexy game. Other than bending his tall, muscular body over a table and a small frown line appearing between his eyes when he was concentrating making me want to kiss it, he also made leaning a hip on the table while waiting on me to take a shot appear as if he were modeling for a magazine.

“I can’t decide if I like the Ash who needed my assistance or the Ash who has it under control better. One way I get to touch you and get away with it. But the other way I get to watch you lean over the table and I’ve got to tell you that it’s one really hot look for you.” I kept my gaze on the table instead of meeting his eyes. Hearing him call me hot made me want to grin like an idiot. I didn’t want him to get a chance to see my reaction to his words.

“It’s getting late. You ready to head out?” Beau asked.

I walked over to him and handed him the pool stick. “Probably should go,” I replied.

He nodded and took the sticks and put them away. I stared down at the only beer he’d drank for the night and I realized he was being careful for my sake.

“I see you eyeing the beer and wanting to check it’s still half full.”

Smiling, I shook my head. “I believe you.”

He reached for my hand and led me toward the exit.

“See ya, Mom,” he called as we passed his mother, who was carrying a tray full of beer-filled mugs.

Her gaze flicked from him to me. She smirked, reminding me of Beau.

“Alright, y’all be careful on the way home,” she replied.

I hadn’t expected that sort of reply from Honey Vincent. She didn’t appear to be the type of mother who told you to be careful, especially since she served her son beer.

Beau’s hand slipped around my waist and pulled me up against him again.

“You’re getting checked out by some drunk men. I’m just keeping them away,” he said quietly as we walked outside. Telling him I didn’t mind being pressed up against his side didn’t seem like a good idea so I kept my mouth shut.

Once we were buckled in, I studied the run-down bar where I’d just spent the last couple of hours. It wasn’t nearly as scary as I’d thought a bar would be. After we’d started playing pool, I’d forgotten all about everyone else in the place. Beau pulled his truck out onto the two lane road that led back into town. The lights from the parking lot faded in the distance as we drove further away from the bar and closer to my house. I wasn’t ready to go home yet. Tonight had been the most fun I’d ever had on a date. Even if it wasn’t a date really. I laughed when I was with Beau much more than I ever did any other time. I’d forgotten how much fun he was. Maybe that was why I always chose him to sneak off with as a kid. Sawyer was always there keeping us in line and I loved him. But Beau always led to excitement.

“Thanks for tonight. I really had fun.”

“I could tell. I liked watching you have fun. You’re incredible when you let that wall down around yourself.”

“Wall?” I asked, turning to face him.

He didn’t say anything at first. But I kept my eyes fixed on him, waiting.

“Your perfect wall. The one you keep up for the world to see. The one you use to hide the girl I know underneath. The girl who wants to laugh and have fun. Perfect isn’t fun, Ash.”

I let the bad girl out with Beau because I knew he wouldn’t shun her or reprimand her. He knew a part of me I didn’t show anyone else. Sure, Grana always encouraged me to make my own decisions and embrace the real me, but I still kept the truly bad side of me hidden, even from her. I wanted to argue with him and throw my wall up to block out his seeing inside but I couldn’t. I needed him to let me be me. No one other than Grana ever let me stretch and spread my wings. Beau had always been the only other person to accept me as I am.

I nodded and fixed my eyes back to the road in front of us.

“I can’t be that girl all the time. My parents, Sawyer, the people in this town—they all expect the good girl. I can’t let them see this side of me. But it feels so good to let her loose. If only a little while. So, thank you.”

I didn’t glance back to see his reaction but I didn’t need to. His hand reached for mine and he held it. No words were needed, because he understood.

Chapter 6

I woke up to find my mother sitting on the edge of my bed. Even though my vision was still blurry from sleep, it was hard to miss her bloodshot eyes and the dark circles underneath them.

“Mom,” I asked, wanting to reach for her and comfort her. The little girl inside me was terrified to see my mom so obviously upset.

“Good morning, sweetheart. I’m sorry if I woke you but I wanted to talk to you before Dad got back home.”

Immediately my stomach dropped.

“Ashton honey, Grana has passed away.”

All other thoughts left my mind.


Mom let out a small sob and reached for one of my hands. Her gentle squeeze didn’t comfort me. Instead it terrified me. It felt real. She was real. Oh, God, no.

“Last night Grana went to sleep. When Dad got there this morning to fix her water heater, before he went to the church, he found her in bed. It was a heart attack.”

I shook my head, not believing what my mother was saying. I had to still be dreaming. This couldn’t be happening. We had plans, Grana and I. There were so many things we still had to do.

“Sweetie, I know you were close to your Grana. This is hard on all of us but I know it’s hardest on you. It’s okay to cry. I’m here and I’ll hold you.”

I’d never thought about my Grana dying. She was a fixture in my life. My escape from the world I lived in daily. She understood me in a way my parents never had. Grana never expected me to be perfect like my parents and Sawyer did. Being with her was freeing. It was like, like when I was with Beau. I could be myself and I knew she loved me. An emptiness settled inside me as tears rolled down my face. I still needed her. How could she be gone? I’d just been to see her. She’d just told me how no one could be as perfect with Beau without his shirt on. We’d laughed together. She’d just had a pedicure. How could she be dead? She wasn’t ready to die. Her toes had been hot pink. She was ready for some fun. We had arranged to go to shopping together.

“We have plans,” I choked out. I couldn’t think of anything else to say. Nothing made sense.

My mother’s arms came around me, pulling me into her embrace. All my life I’d found comfort in her arms but now I only felt numb. My Grana wouldn’t be there for my wedding day. We’d never take that cruise together or go scuba diving in the Bahamas. She wouldn’t be there to make sugar cookies for my kids one day. Where would I find an escape from the pressure of my life? How could I live without her?


Again sorry for the long delays in emails. After a full day of hiking I crash when we get back to the cabin. I’m fighting off exhaustion so I can write you. Today Cade and I took a special trail that my mom and sister didn’t want to try. So Dad stayed with them. It was pretty steep in areas. It was great. The view we finally came to was amazing and Cade got to see his first black bear. I think he took a dozen pictures of it.

Hang in there. Your boredom is almost half way over. I’ll be home in twenty days. Love ya,


Sawyer, hey . . .

I didn’t want to tell a computer screen that my Grana had died. I couldn’t tell him about washing the car with Beau and playing pool in a bar. My vision was blurred from crying and talking to a computer was the last thing I wanted to do. I erased my response and grabbed my purse then headed for my car. I could lie to myself and say I didn’t know where I was going, that I just needed to get away and drive. But I knew deep down exactly where I was headed.

I parked my Jetta out by Mr. Jackson’s barn. Beau hadn’t been home but his mother had taken one look at my stricken face and told me where I could find him.

I heard the tractor before I saw it. My feet started walking toward the sound. I needed someone to help me forget the awful truth. I didn’t need a stupid email telling me about waterfalls and bears. I needed someone here and the first person that came to mind was Beau. He wouldn’t tell me everything would be okay. He wouldn’t try to appease me like a child. I needed him.

The minute he saw me walking across the field, the tractor stopped. His eyes locked on me and I started to run. I could feel the wetness on my face from my tears as I ran toward him. He jumped down just before I reached him.

Beau caught me as I flung myself into his arms. The silent tears turned into loud sobs for the first time since my mother had told me Grana was gone. He didn’t ask. I’d known he wouldn’t. He would wait until I was ready.



I pulled Ashton into my lap as I sat down under an old oak tree. Her arms tightened around my neck as she sobbed pitifully against my chest. I was scared to ask what was wrong. Instead, I held her and waited. My chest ached so bad with each sob it was difficult to take deep breaths. Sitting here and waiting on her to calm down enough to tell me who I needed to go beat the shit out of for making her cry wasn’t easy. A sob shook her body and I cradled her tighter against me. My heart spasmed with each tremble of her body. Even when we were kids I didn’t like to see her upset. The one time a kid had hurt her feelings on the playground I’d reacted by shoving the kid’s face in the dirt. It had got me two days’ suspension but it’d been worth it. No one bothered her again. They knew better.

Her sobs slowly began to ease to soft little whimpers. I gazed down at her as she lifted her head from my sweaty chest. Her big green eyes stared up at me and the tightness in my chest throbbed. If someone had hurt her I would kill them. If Sawyer was the cause of this I would take him down. Cousin or not, no one was allowed to make Ashton cry.

“My Grana had a heart attack last night,” she whispered.

I hadn’t expected that.

“I’m sorry, baby.”

“Just hold me, please,” she replied.

I’d hold her forever if I could.

I gently moved the hair stuck to her tear-soaked face and tucked it behind her ears. She glanced down and tensed as she finally noticed my lack of a shirt. My chest was now soaked not only with sweat but her tears. I started to say something but the words stuck in my throat when her hand moved up to my chest and she began softly wiping the droplets of moisture off of me. I stopped breathing. I knew it was wrong to let her do this but I couldn’t bring myself to care. She shifted in my lap until she was straddling me. I let my hands fall to her waist as she continued touching my chest. My heart started slamming against my ribs so hard I knew she had to feel it. I needed to stop this.

“Beau,” she said.

I tore my eyes away from her hands on my chest and gazed up at her face. There was a question in her eyes. I could see it. Was this what she needed right now? Was it wrong to let her deal with her pain by doing something that would only cause us more pain later? The tears in her eyes had dried up. Her mouth was slightly open as she took deep, heavy breaths.
Ah, hell

“Yes,” I managed as a strangled reply.

Her hands left me and I started to take a deep breath to ease my burning oxygen-deprived lungs when I realized why she’d stopped driving me crazy with her innocent caresses. The deep breath lodged in my throat as her top came off. Without taking her eyes off me she dropped the little tank top onto the grass beside her. I had thought nothing could be sexier than Ashton in a bikini and I’d been so wrong. Ashton in a lacy white bra was by far the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

“Ash, baby, what’re you doing?” I asked in a hoarse whisper. I tried forcing myself to look up at her face to gauge what she was thinking but I couldn’t take my eyes off the soft tanned flesh pushed up over the top of her bra. I wanted to pull that lace down so bad and get my first look at her nipples.

“Touch me,” she whispered. The fact she was Sawyer’s girl no longer seemed to matter. I couldn’t tell her no. Hell, I couldn’t tell myself no.

I traced a line from her collar bone to the top of her cleavage. She gasped loudly and sank down in my lap applying pressure to my cock. She was going to send me into a crazed frenzy if she kept it up. As if she could read my thoughts and wanted to test me she wiggled her ass in my lap.

“Ah, damn,” I moaned before grabbing her face and pulling her mouth to mine.

The moment my mouth touched hers my world started spinning beneath me. I couldn’t get enough. I had her bra off and my hands full within moments. The loud moan of pleasure that escaped from her mouth almost sent me over the edge. Both hard nipples pressed against my palms and I wanted to taste them. I’d wanted to taste them for so very long.

I’d lost my virginity at the age of thirteen and there had been many girls since then, but nothing had prepared me for this feeling. Ashton wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her bare chest up against mine, causing me to shudder for the first time in my life. I kissed a trail from her mouth to her ear then down her neck. I’d crossed the line kissing her and touching her. I needed to stop this.

BOOK: The Vincent Boys 1 [Extended & Uncut]
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